Paranormal phenomena, unexplained, UFOHUGE UFO cigar shaped metallic ufo object caught on camera in Denton, Manchester UK 2011. object was just visible to the naked eye. Was in the sky for around 40 minutes before raising so high that it could not be seen at all. UFO means unidentified flying object so I'm not saying it was little green men, but still... Interesting to watch. The camera is so shaky because it was at full zoom, and knowing how high it appeared in the sky (higher than planes) I'm guessing its size was massive. tHE BEST UFO EVER RECORDED Please comment on HUGE UFO FOOTAGE1.43K views -
UFO caught on tape! UFO sightings 2017
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13 UFO Orbs Chased Fishermen in 1994 And Reported in 2017 To MUFON Strange sighting @ufonews1
UFO Sightings Footage bringing you regional UFO and UAP newsUnexplained Encounter: 13 UFO Orbs Chase Fishermen off Florida Coast in 1994 In this captivating video, we take a closer look at an extraordinary incident that occurred in 1994 off the coast of Florida. A group of fishermen found themselves at the center of an otherworldly chase when thirteen unidentified flying objects, resembling luminous orbs, began pursuing their boat in rapid succession. Witnessing their every move, the mysterious orbs showcased remarkable speed and agility, leaving the fishermen awe-struck and puzzled. This unexplained encounter continues to baffle experts, inviting speculation about the true nature and origin of these mesmerizing UFO orbs. Watch as we unravel the secrets behind this intriguing event and delve into the mysteries that unfolded on that fateful day. Send your UFO reports to me through WhatsApp here: https://wa.me/447889234350 https://www.ufosightingsfootage.uk https://www.ufosfootage.uk https://www.ufosightings.uk I design a small number of UFO related products each year - catalogue: https://wa.me/c/447889234350 UFO Sightings Footage Keywords: #ufosfootage #ufosightingsfootage #ufosighting #ufosightings #ufonews #orbs #ufofootage #extraterrestrial #aliens #ufo361 #disclosure 1. UFO 2. Aliens 3. Extraterrestrial 4. Abduction 5. Disclosure 6. Roswell 7. Area 51 8. Ancient Aliens 9. Close Encounters 10. Men in Black Edited by UFO News and UFO Sightings Footage. Music: 🎶 Factory on Mercury. "Factory on Mercury" by Eric Matyas Soundimage.org763 views -
Bell Shaped Craft Under Humans Control - Listen Carefully @ufonews1
UFO Sightings Footage bringing you regional UFO and UAP newsIn this fascinating video from not long after the World War II, witness the extraordinary silver bell-shaped craft defying the laws of physics. This mysterious flying machine harnesses the power of enigmatic energy spheres to nullify gravity, allowing it to traverse interdimensional realms effortlessly. Delve into the enigmatic history of this incredible piece of technology from a time when scientific advancements pushed the boundaries of possibility. Brace yourself for a mind-bending journey as this captivating video unveils the secrets of the silver bell-shaped craft and its extraordinary interdimensional travels. Send your UFO reports to me through WhatsApp here: https://wa.me/447889234350 https://www.ufosightingsfootage.uk https://www.ufosfootage.uk https://www.ufosightings.uk https://ufomadness.uk I design a small number of UFO related products each year - catalogue: https://wa.me/c/447889234350 UFO Sightings Footage Keywords: #ufosfootage #ufosightingsfootage #ufosighting #ufosightings #ufonews #orbs #ufofootage #extraterrestrial #aliens #ufoキャッチャー #strange 1. UFO 2. Aliens 3. Extraterrestrial 4. Abduction 5. Disclosure 6. Roswell 7. Area 51 8. Ancient Aliens 9. Close Encounters 10. Men in Black 11. UFO Madness 12. ufosfootage Edited by UFO News and UFO Sightings Footage.1.48K views 1 comment