Cowboy Logic - 02/01/25: Dr. Lee Merritt
Cowboy LogicCowboy Logic - 02/01/25: Dr. Lee Merritt joins us for an in depth discussion on COVID, The Bio-Weapon Vaccine, Fauci and your health! For more information: https://drleemerritt.com/4.22K views 3 comments -
The Shocking Truth About Nicotine and Its Bizarre NWO Connection w/ Dr. Ardis
HEALTH and DETOXVideo Credit #ManInAmerica Dr. Ardis website: thedrardisshow.com Nicotine presentation: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fxxbcfj8kvP0dM3IbtiI8Csrv4iblqqV/view ———————————————— 💫 Our core offer on the Omega-6:3 balance explained in easy-to-follow infographics in the Video --->>> https://rumble.com/v4xpudh-balanceoil-premium-with-test-balance-concept-video.html ———————————————— GET YOUR Balance Oil Premium KIT with Test HERE --->>> http://tiny.cc/kitBalanceOilwithTest ———————————————— PROTECT YOU and YOUR LOVED ONES and ORDER YOUR ORGONE / SHUNGITE and other AMAZING EMF PROTECTION PRODUCTS TODAY! ✨💫 http://tiny.cc/getYourOrgoneEnergy ✨💫 ———————————————— The Truth About SHUNGITE - Why You Should Have One --->>> https://rumble.com/v3n4fy1-the-truth-about-shungite-why-you-should-have-one.html ———————————————— ✨ OrgonEnergyTV http://tiny.cc/OrgonEnergyTV - FREQUENCY > IS ENERGY >> IS VIBRATION >>> IS LOVE ❤️ ———————————————— JOIN US on TELEGRAM ✨💫 https://t.me/OrgonEnergy RUMBLE https://rumble.com/c/OrgonEnergyTV - HEALTH & DETOX --->>> https://t.me/HEALTHandDETOX https://rumble.com/c/HEALTHandDETOX2.09K views 4 comments