(mirror) The Untold Story of Danzig-Bromberg Massacre --- Andkon's Reich
KievanRushttps://www.bitchute.com/video/JYZRYJjZrDtz/ https://www.bitchute.com/video/V3wvfAnE60bW/ https://www.bitchute.com/video/OhGlcJ6LmRhu/273 views -
Asbestos Head (Full Audiobook)
EricDubayJoin Asbestos and the other 12 Heads in their spiritual and philosophical journey through life and death. Meet Pin Head the hyper-active, hyper-critical, hypocrite, Figure Head the mystic mathematician, Pot Head the shamanistic high school teacher, Dead Head the politically-active radical environmentalist, and a host of other unique personalities in this humorous and thought-provoking philosophical fiction novella. To download free or purchase a hard copy of Asbestos Head or my other published works please visit: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/ericdubay Note: Asbestos Head was published in 2008 before I became the full-blown conspiracy realist I am today, so you will notice the "taking for granted" of certain things like the holocaust, the globe, or dinosaurs which I no longer believe to be real things, and the work is fiction anyway, so calm down trolls. http://www.EricDubay.com http://www.AtlanteanConspiracy.com http://www.IFERS.123.st1.74K views 3 comments -
Watchman's DutyTHE UNTOLD STORY OF THE BOLSHEVIKS, THE ROMANOVS, THE KULAKS & HOLODOMOR & THE GREATEST MASSACRE OF INNOCENT LIVES IN HUMAN HISTORY THE WAR IS ON! APPENDIX 6: RETURN OF THE BOLSHEVIKS https://rumble.com/v2arz9g-the-war-is-on-appendix-6-return-of-the-bolsheviks.html "THE FINAL DAYS OF THE ROMANOVS —MURDERED BY THE ZIONISTS KHAZARIAN" https://rumble.com/v2as0yk-the-final-days-of-the-romanovs-murdered-by-the-zionists-khazarian.html New World Order: Communism by the Backdoor (2014) https://rumble.com/v2af7l0-new-world-order-communism-by-the-backdoor-2014.html original found on FUCKtheNAZIworldORDER https://rumble.com/v1jhzux--the-bolshevik-revolution-darkness-descends.html15K views 22 comments -
Syncretism, Geocentrism & Tropical Astrology #1
santosbonacciBecome a part of The Syncretism Society Virtual Academy. Today is the day to reclaim your life and your sovereignty! Take back the Truth! Join us now and relearn with many other like-minded Syncretists. https://www.syncretismsociety.com/become-a-member https://www.syncretismsociety.com/ We greatly appreciate your donations! To continue to support the Grand Rise of the Syncretism Academy please use our new PayPal, https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/SyncretismSociety If possible when making your donation please send it via “Friends and Family” not “Goods and Services”. Join us on Instagram for daily updates on Syncretism Academy's Grand Launch at https://www.instagram.com/syncretismsociety/ as well as our YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpDrSOtQ552LXmdRVYvTLyQ Feel free to reupload my videos on your youtube account but please always link to me. Subscribe to Santos on YouTube at MrAstrotheology for more works on syncretism: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfhYKxfb_JaIz2aNT-2ZdaQ To keep up to date visit and follow Santos on: Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/MrAstrotheology FaceBook - http://www.facebook.com/santos.bonacci Visit the Universal Truth School website for more information and syncretism writings: http://www.universaltruthschool.com/ Help support my work - please make a donation: https://www.paypal.me/santosbonacci Book an astrology reading with Santos: https://universaltruthschool.com/consultations/astrology-charts/ Ways to support syncretism: https://universaltruthschool.com/ways-support-syncretism/ My website: http://www.universaltruthschool.com/ Get my music albums for your home: http://www.santos.net.au/buy.php My music website: http://www.santos.net.au/1.31K views -
Veritas Radio - Santos Bonacci 1 of 2 Flat Earth Geocentrism vs Heliocentrism
santosbonacciBecome a part of The Syncretism Society Virtual Academy. Today is the day to reclaim your life and your sovereignty! Take back the Truth! Join us now and relearn with many other like-minded Syncretists. https://www.syncretismsociety.com/become-a-member https://www.syncretismsociety.com/ We greatly appreciate your donations! To continue to support the Grand Rise of the Syncretism Academy please use our new PayPal, https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/SyncretismSociety If possible when making your donation please send it via “Friends and Family” not “Goods and Services”. Join us on Instagram for daily updates on Syncretism Academy's Grand Launch at https://www.instagram.com/syncretismsociety/ as well as our YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpDrSOtQ552LXmdRVYvTLyQ Feel free to reupload my videos on your youtube account but please always link to me. Subscribe to Santos on YouTube at MrAstrotheology for more works on syncretism: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfhYKxfb_JaIz2aNT-2ZdaQ To keep up to date visit and follow Santos on: Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/MrAstrotheology FaceBook - http://www.facebook.com/santos.bonacci Visit the Universal Truth School website for more information and syncretism writings: http://www.universaltruthschool.com/ Help support my work - please make a donation: https://www.paypal.me/santosbonacci Book an astrology reading with Santos: https://universaltruthschool.com/consultations/astrology-charts/ Ways to support syncretism: https://universaltruthschool.com/ways-support-syncretism/ My website: http://www.universaltruthschool.com/ Get my music albums for your home: http://www.santos.net.au/buy.php My music website: http://www.santos.net.au/2.45K views 2 comments