TrustChristORGoToHellhttps://gab.com/Redpilled_AF/posts/1126886657733494386 views -
Interview with Christian Activist Bill Whatcott
FFundingthefightBill was charged criminally with Hate Speech by handing out a gospel flier that included medical information about STD's at the Toronto Pride Parade. He was acquitted, but the Court of Appeal sent it back for a retrial, wasting Bill's time and money. Bill is from Alberta but must relocate to Ontario for the trial. Help with Bill's trial and moving expenses by donating here: https://www.fundingthefight.ca/donate994 views 7 comments -
Child Rape Victim Testifies 'Michelle Obama Raped Me When She Was a Man'
The People's Voice- For sponsorship opportunities please email: sponsor@thepeoplesvoice.tv - Claim your ownership stake in The People's Voice: https://collective.thepeoplesvoice.tv A child rape victim has blown the whistle and testified about the cult of pedophilia operating in the White House during the Obama years, alleging that both Obama and Biden raped her during their time in office. Multiple powerful pedophiles stalked the halls of the White House during Obama’s presidency, according to Ally Carter, none more shameless than then Vice President Biden whose secret security staff have long been aware of his sick predilections. But the culture of pederasty did not stop at the top during the Obama years. It permeated the entire system and goes much deeper than you might expect. According to …. alleges she was also raped by Michelle Obama and this is where things get really disturbing. Presidents. Vice Presidents. Art collectors. Hollywood executives. Climate czars and pizza shop owners. Let’s face it, it’s one big depraved cult and thank god you ain’t in it.1.06M views 8 comments -
SUCKER PUNCH To The Face Goes BAD For Transgender Person As Billboard Chris CONFRONTS Assaulter!!!
PressForTruthSUBSCRIBESTAR ➜ https://www.subscribestar.com/pressfortruth DONATE ➜ https://pressfortruth.ca/donate/ Yesterday while walking across an intersection in Vancouver BC Chris Elston (aka Billboard Chris) was sucker punched in the face by a violent transgender person who attempted to flee the scene after committing the assault. Chris immediately followed his assailant onto a bus in an attempt to identify his attacker at which point the bus driver and fellow passengers took the side of the attacker without knowing any details. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the escalating attacks that are coming from the LGBTQ community on anyone who thinks rationally and speaks out about the abuse of children at the hands of these trans activists. If you appreciate my efforts please consider making a contribution here: DONATE ➜ https://pressfortruth.ca/donate/ SUBSCRIBESTAR ➜ https://www.subscribestar.com/pressfortruth DONATE via Paypal ➜ https://www.paypal.me/PressforTruth GoGetFunding ➜ https://goget.fund/2UBhENH Bitcoin ➜ 19pNb9m5NyeDNXqTEAgZ5pyAXJwNroPKwq Other Cryptocurrencies ➜ https://pressfortruth.ca/donate-crypto/ Or you can send an e-transfer to dan@pressfortruth.ca If you’re old fashioned like we are and prefer to keep it old school, we also accept cash, cheques, equipment and words of encouragement! You can send us those things here: Dan Dicks P.O. Box 1521 Squamish BC V8B 0B1 SUBSCRIBE: BITCHUTE ➜ https://www.bitchute.com/pressfortruth/ ODYSEE ➜ https://lbry.tv/@PressForTruth BAYSTON➜ https://bastyon.com/dandickspft MINDS ➜ https://www.minds.com/pressfortruth RUMBLE➜ https://rumble.com/user/PressForTruth HIVE ➜ https://hive.blog/@pressfortruth/posts BANNED ➜ https://banned.video/channel/press-for-truth YouTube (meh) ➜ https://www.youtube.com/@pressfortruthdandickspft Sources: https://twitter.com/DanDicksPFT/status/1753686266292699310 https://twitter.com/BillboardChris/status/1753526514912768507 https://twitter.com/BillboardChris/status/1753527435952640260 https://twitter.com/BillboardChris/status/1753673928529326491 https://twitter.com/BillboardChris/status/1753676592642171386 https://twitter.com/BillboardChris/status/1753830702523859184 https://twitter.com/BillboardChris/status/1753683448718631009 EXCLUSIVE: When Unhinged Transgender People Attack On #InternationalDayOfTransVisibilty https://pressfortruth.ca/exclusive-when-unhinged-transgender-people-attack-on-internationaldayoftransvisibilty/ Huge Win: Alberta Changes Student Gender Identity, Surgery And Parental Consent Policies!!! https://pressfortruth.ca/huge-win-alberta-changes-student-gender-identity-surgery-and-parental-consent-policies/9.18K views 69 comments