59 videos
Updated 7 days ago
All of your favorite Jewgrass songs!
Sons of Your Father, The Devil (Yelling Crucify Him)
Christ The KingLyrics: The Synagogue of Satan Christ calls them cursed fake jews Always doing the work of the devil Because they have nothing left to lose They called for His deicide Yelling crucify Him Calling upon themselves a blood curse They murdered their I Am Sons of your father, the devil Have you no hearts at all? You’re constantly rejecting Him And bringing sin to all Yelling crucify Him, crucify His blood be upon us and our children You murdered your Messiah like you murdered your own prophets They called for His deicide Like you murdered your own prophets They called for His deicide Yelling crucify Him, crucify Him, crucify Him Calling upon themselves a blood curse They murdered their I Am Sons of your father, the devil, have you no hearts? Sons of your father, the devil Have you no hearts at all? You’re constantly rejecting Him And bringing sin to all You say you have no king but Caesar But that Jesus is your King You scoffed at Pilate’s efforts And he washed his hands clean Yelling crucify Him, crucify Him His blood be upon us and our children You murdered your Messiah like you murdered your own prophets Sons of your father, the devil Have you no hearts at all? You’re constantly rejecting Him And bringing sin to all1.28K views 3 comments -
Christ Is Risen Alleluia
Christ The KingLyrics: Christ is risen! He is risen! Alleluia! The perfidious jews murdered Him But He conquered death! Alleluia! He went to Hell to save the prophets And the faithful patriarchs Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen! Alleluia! He blew open the door to Heaven To save the many who believe in Him Alleluia! The Jews had the Romans guard His tomb But He threw open the door and left Alleluia! The women went to anoint Him But the angel said He is risen! Alleluia! The Jews shuddered in fear As Christ’s followers grew in number Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen! Alleluia! The Jews shuddered in fear As Christ’s followers grew in number Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen! Alleluia!2.15K views 1 comment -
They Were Turned Into Matzo Balls
Christ The KingLyrics: Have you heard of Saint Simon of Trent? Or Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln? What about Saint William of Norwich? Or Saint Andreas of Rinn? They were just little kids Turned to bread by the yids Fed into the fire of Moloch’s jaws They were turned into matzo balls Have you heard of Saint Harold of Gloucester? Or Saint Dominguito del Val? What about Saint Robert of Bury? Or Saint Werner of Oberwesel? They were just little kids Turned to bread by the yids Fed into the fire of Moloch’s jaws They were turned into matzo balls When it’s passover season Don’t let your kids outta sight The Jews are on the prowl Looking for their next sacrifice They were just little kids Turned to bread by the yids Fed into the fire of Moloch’s jaws They were turned into matzo balls What about Saint William of Norwich? Or Saint Andreas of Rinn? They were just little kids Turned to bread by the yids Fed into the fire of Moloch’s jaws They were turned into matzo balls4.56K views 1 comment -
Have You Heard Of The Talmud
Christ The KingLyrics: Have you heard of the Talmud? It was written by the Jude It contains several blasphemies And is a form of anti-Christian hate speech It says that Mary had relations With a soldier named Pandera And that Jesus is ben Stada Which means Son of an adulteress Have you heard of the Talmud? It was written by the Jude It contains several blasphemies And is a form of anti-Christian hate speech It says that Jesus sinned in Egypt And that His rabbi rejected Him So in anger, Jesus worshipped a rock And then He led Israel to sin Have you heard of the Talmud? It was written by the Jude It contains several blasphemies And is a form of anti-Christian hate speech It says that the Judes hung him to death And that the Romans couldn’t protect Him And then a man raised Him from death Then said Jesus is in Hell in boiling excrement The Judes deny these blasphemies But the facts are crystal clear It’s obvious that they hate Our Lord And lie to us in fear Have you heard of the Talmud? It was written by the Jude It contains several blasphemies And is a form of anti-Christian hate speech2.52K views -
Christ Is King
Christ The KingLyrics: The Jews say it’s antisemitic To say Christ is King What they refuse to tell you Is that Satan is their king Christ is King And He will reign in His kingdom forever and ever Christ is King And those who deny Him will lose their souls forever and ever The world sides with the Jews Who reject Christ the King They remove His crown from society To make the Antichrist their king Christ is King And He will reign in His kingdom forever and ever Christ is King And those who deny Him will lose their souls forever and ever The Jews accuse us of hate speech While they openly hate Christ the king They dechristianize our countries And make themselves our antichrist kings Christ is King And He will reign in His kingdom forever and ever Christ is King And those who deny Him will lose their souls forever and ever6.04K views 2 comments -
St Vincent Ferrer Convert The Jews
Christ The KingLyrics: Saint Vincent What a great Christian preacher He went straight to the Jews To the synagogue to teach Saint Vincent got upon the pulpit Started preaching, saying: “One who dies a Jew will be damned!” And your synagogue is a harlot And if you want to all be saved You’d all best become Christians He consecrated those synagogues Turning them all into churches Converting 25,000 Jews Taking their souls away from Satan Saint Vincent got upon the pulpit Started preaching, saying: “One who dies a Jew will be damned!” And your synagogue is a harlot And if you want to all be saved You’d all best become Christians Saint Vincent we need you now The Jews are persecuting us Christians They’re Judaizing our societies Saint Vincent pray that God converts them Saint Vincent got upon the pulpit Started preaching, saying: “One who dies a Jew will be damned!” And your synagogue is a harlot And if you want to all be saved You’d all best become Christians2.04K views -
Tiny Hats And Excessive Usury
Christ The KingLyrics: Nobody ever likes compound interest It’s confusing tiny hat nonsense When you think you’re caught up on bills You have more debt than what you started with Have you heard of the Fourth Lateran Council? It was convened by Pope Innocent III He criticized the perfidious greedy judes And condemned their excessive usury It’s a shame that our federal reserve Has virtually always been run by judes And who do you think runs those hedge funds? Well they’re run by the you-know-whos Have you heard of the Fourth Lateran Council? It was convened by Pope Innocent III He criticized the perfidious greedy judes And condemned their excessive usury Which religious group makes the most money? If you’d guess the tiny hats you’d be correct They run almost all investment banks The ones in 2008 left our economy wrecked Pope Innocent III you were so wise Why didn’t we listen to you? Now we’re all debt slaves Owing all our money to the judes Have you heard of the Fourth Lateran Council? It was convened by Pope Innocent III He criticized the perfidious greedy judes And condemned their excessive usury1.89K views -
Abortion Is A Jewish Sacrament
Christ The KingLyrics: Sons of Moloch are still among us Fighting for their child murder Abortion is their main business And they will fight us with all fervor Abortion is a Jewish sacrament Fighting Christians to have it realized In order to protect them doing it They want it to stay legalized Child murder makes Satan stronger The devil is their father after all And if they can legalize abortion longer They think they’ll receive more favors from Baal Abortion is a Jewish sacrament Fighting Christians to have it realized In order to protect them doing it They want it to stay legalized Sons of Moloch won’t you repent? Why can’t you desire unborn babies to live? The Messiah you reject is calling for you And if you repent He is willing to forgive Abortion is a Jewish sacrament Fighting Christians to have it realized In order to protect them doing it They want it to stay legalized Sons of Moloch won’t you repent? Why can’t you desire unborn babies to live? The Messiah you reject is calling for you And if you repent He is willing to forgive Abortion is a Jewish sacrament Fighting Christians to have it realized In order to protect them doing it They want it to stay legalized2.16K views -
Candace Owens Ain’t No Shabbos Goy
Christ The KingLyrics: Candace Owens Ain’t No Shabbos Goy Unlike Matt Walsh and Michael Knowles She’s got more balls than both those boys Candace Owens Ain’t No Shabbos Goy She was a rising voice of the right Who got a big gig at the Daily Wire But the Jews say she is an anti-semite So jew Ben Shapiro up and fired her Candace Owens Ain’t No Shabbos Goy Unlike Matt Walsh and Michael Knowles She’s got more balls than both those boys Candace Owens Ain’t No Shabbos Goy Andrew Klavan is a cryptojew Who says “Christ is King” is antisemitic Jew Ben Shapiro shills for Israel And Candace Owens just won’t have it Candace Owens just won’t have it Candace when you going to be one of us? The Catholic Church needs more like you You have more guts than most Catholics And you refuse to be bullied by the jews Candace Owens Ain’t No Shabbos Goy Unlike Matt Walsh and Michael Knowles She’s got more balls than both those boys Candace Owens Ain’t No Shabbos Goy2.25K views 2 comments -
Merchants of Sin
Christ The KingLyrics: Jew Samuel Roth sold pornography It was illegal to do so at the time Then the jews took it to the Supreme Court And they ruled that selling porn was fine Merchants of sin peddling their wares again They want to rule us through impure sin Creating a porn epidemic, then Profiting off of our sin After that the floodgates opened Jews started pushing more obscenity They used porn to control us Turning us into slaves of impurity Merchants of sin peddling their wares again They want to rule us through impure sin Creating a porn epidemic, then Profiting off of our sin Why do you push porn so much? Only preying on the weakness of man Turn away from your ways of sin And believe in Christ, the Son of Man Merchants of sin peddling their wares again They want to rule us through impure sin Creating a porn epidemic, then Profiting off of our sin After you push porn so much Only preying on the weakness of man Turn away from your ways of sin And believe in Christ, the Son of Man Ooo-ooo-ooo Te-te-te! Merchants of sin peddling their wares again They want to rule us through impure sin1.42K views