TESLA KNEW The Secret of the Great Pyramid: Unlimited Energy to Power the World
The Why FilesTESLA KNEW The Secret of the Great Pyramid of Giza: A Power Plant to Generate Unlimited Free Energy for the World Nikola Tesla believed that he could harness the energy from inside the earth and transmit that power *wirelessly* around the world. His early experiments were successful. But his research mysteriously vanished after his death. There is no evidence left of Tesla's wireless power technology. Or is there? For years we were taught that the Great Pyramid of Giza was a tomb for a king. It wasn't. It had a different purpose. Tesla didn't invent wireless power. It's been here for 5,000 years. And probably a lot longer than that. Let's find out why. ---- SOURCES & LINKS Christopher Dunn, recent lecture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bn0nfqn9lYs Christopher Dunn, early lecture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6SEMpxDS-g http://www.gizapower.com Electromagnetism study: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/fall-equinox-secret-pyramids-near-perfect-alignment-180968223/ World wireless system: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/World_Wireless_System https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Nikola_Tesla https://www.wikiwand.com/en/J._P._Morgan Robert Schoch lecture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsYZhuz3wD0 #Tesla #Mystery #Pyramids 〰 🙏 SUPPORT THE WHY FILES 🙏 https://www.patreon.com/thewhyfiles (Fun, Free Perks!) 👽 BUY WHY FILES MERCH 👽 https://shop.thewhyfiles.com (Code: LIZZIDPEEPLE for 10% off first order) 💬 CHAT WITH US ON DISCORD 💬 https://thewhyfiles.com/discord 〰 🌐 OFFICIAL WEB SITE: https://thewhyfiles.com 🕵️ Submit a topic, suggestion or just say hi: 🕵️ https://thewhyfiles.com/tips 🎨 Have a product suggestion or want to design artwork for TWF? 🎨 https://thewhyfiles.com/merch 📸 BE A WHY FILES MODEL (and get free stuff!) 📸 Send a photo of you/family/friends watching TWF, 📸 wearing TWF gear, using TWF merchandise: 📸 https://thewhyfiles.com/wild 〰 🎧 THE PODCAST VERSION 🎧 https://thewhyfiles.com/podcast 〰 ⁍ TWF on SOCIAL (in order of importance) ⁍ https://www.reddit.com/r/TheWhyFiles/ ⁍ https://twitter.com/OMGTheWhyFiles ⁍ https://www.instagram.com/OMGTheWhyFiles ⁍ https://www.tiktok.com/@thewhyfiles ⁍ https://www.facebook.com/OMGTheWhyFiles 〰 🐠 BETTER CHANNELS TO WATCH: 🐠 https://www.youtube.com/c/HecklefishMoriarty 🤓 https://www.youtube.com/c/TheWhyFilesBackstage THANK YOU MODS: Daniel_Van_Auken Diamond Dust jengen13 OriginalJim pratty505 VictoriaY7.56K views 16 comments -
Conspiracy of Silence | Full Banned Documentary (1994)
D Mind of Booma SanLinks: (Source Link) Conspiracy of Silence – Full Banned Documentary (1994) | OccultAgenda: https://youtu.be/vBSIDQt5Dwc?si=euvmNeHDaHKeZ5QJ The Franklin Scandal | A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse & Betrayal website: https://franklinscandal.com/ The Franklin child abuse scandal – accusations spread about the stunning cover-up of a child prostitution ring for wealthy elitists and political leaders. Then silence. by Geekslop on August 26, 2011: https://www.geekslop.com/life/strange/bizarre-crimes/2011/franklin-child-abuse-scandal-child-prostitution-ring-wealthy-elitists-political-leaders --- Conspiracy of Silence is a powerful, disturbing documentary revealing a U.S. child sex abuse and pedophilia ring that leads to the highest levels of government. Featuring intrepid investigator John DeCamp, a highly decorated Vietnam war veteran and 16-year Nebraska state senator, Conspiracy of Silence reveals how rogue elements at all levels of government have been involved in systematic child sex abuse and pedophilia to feed the base desires of key politicians.5.52K views 54 comments -
US DOT online step by step (w/ Felisha Beverly)
JoeLusticaIn this video I walk Felisha through the online DOT step in order to secure your right to travel. Yes this does protect you from unlawful stops on the road. If you are not in commerce you don't need registration or a driver's license. Getting this number stopped the threats by my local legal "authorities" for towing my car for no registration. The US government is protecting your right to travel, similar to changing your status to a National by way of the passport application. https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/ https://calendly.com/jlustica247/60min Telegram: https://t.me/+nfvBqEzQqDA2ZjEx https://t.me/thefreedomfighter_1776 This is for Educational and Entertainment purposes only. I am not giving any legal advice nor am I telling you what to do. Anything you do is done under your own determination and I have no liability to what you or another decides to do with this information. If you'd like to donate you can here: cashapp: https://cash.app/$joeguitar1 venmo: https://venmo.com/code?user_id=1690745157189632408&created=1674743333 paypal or zelle: jlustica247@gmail.com22.8K views 86 comments -
Exposing the Illuminati/Knights Templar Killswitch with Mary Beaver - TSP #852
Typical Skeptic PodcastMary Beaver comes from a multi-generational US Army family where her father and grandfather served in the Army and were involved in classified programs that led to Mary being identified at a young age as a person of interest. Mary's great uncle (her grandmother's brother) was General Walter Bedell Smith, General Eisenhower's deputy during WWII and a former CIA Director (1950-1953). Mary possessed unique abilities such as being able to speak, write and understand ancient languages such as Phoenician. She was subsequently handed off by her father/grandparents to classified programs where she claims to being age progressed and regressed up to five times from age four to seven, for service in secret space programs. Mary subsequently served for eight years in the US Army where her involvement in classified projects continued due to her detailed knowledge of the ancient Phoenician language.She was given access to secure vaults where ancient artifacts were stored and also saw a captured giant being tortured to death. After completing her Army service, Mary was "ghosted" as she knew too much. Nevertheless she possesses several documents and pictures supporting her claim of military service. Mary's Website: https://www.adonnaofsol.us/about 🛸👻🤷♂️Typical skeptic Podcast Tip Jar: ✅Paypal.me/typicalskepticmedia 👽✔ Cashapp $Kalil1121 😎✔ Venmo @Robert-Kalil ✅buymeacoffee.com/typicalskeptic ✅Follow typical skeptic podcast everywhere: youtube.com /@typicalskeptic https://www.spreaker.com/show/typical... www.rokfin.com/typicalskeptic www.rumble.com/typicalskeptic ✅Im on typical skeptic telegram as well https://t.me/+_exBOfNVb0dlNTY5 ✅join our discord group for free and stay in touch with what im up to https://discord.gg/W9QHxmm ✅Like, Comment, Share and subscribe, and leave a tip if you feel obliged ✅Or maybe Join the Patreon for bonus content New Unreleased shows every week for less than a cup of coffee: Help me keep making videos! patreon.com/typicalskeptic Affiliates --Happy Hippo Kratom Use code skeptic for 15 percent off -- https://happyhippo.com/r?id=00tjf5 --Tachyon Living- tachyonliving.com/rob.html and use code skeptic free gift for a free gift -Book a reading with Debra Moffit Intuitive readings:Use Code TSP2023 https://www.debramoffitt.com?cc=STP2023 --Natural Shilajit and Monoatomic Gold from Healthy Nutrition LLC.use code: ROB https://naturalshilajit.com/discount/ROB -Starseed Activators - https://www.indigoangel222.com/starse... And my affiliate code for Gerald Clarks site geraldclark77.com and artisticvegan.com Is Typical Skeptic -Amanita Mushrooms are legal and they are said to enhance creativity, widen the color spectrum, and give who takes them a euphoric feeling, so i partnered up with Minnesota Nice Botanicals. They are a new affilate, use this Link: https://mn-nice-ethnobotanicals.com/?... Not only do they have amanita mushrooms but they also have reishi and healing mushrooms as well. Use Code TYPICALSKEPTICP for 10% off every time and also i make a commission off each sale so it supports the podcast. So check out Mn Nice Botanicals Amanita Muscaria today and enchance your creative abilites!3.78K views 27 comments -
Super Soldier Talk – Mary Beaver – MKDelta Super Soldier and Cryptologic Linguist
supersoldiertalkOriginal Upload Date: February 22, 2022 Mary Beaver served in the U.S. Army as a human intelligence analyst with cryptologic linguist abilities. She has the unique ability of real time memory or click coding intelligence which allows her to learn ancient languages such Phoenician. She has memories of being a super soldier, missions on space crafts, as well as living on Mars as a civilian. She recalls military briefings in which she trained young soldiers on how to kill Draco aliens. She also has memories of soldiers with thick metal masks and uniforms while she was in some med tube in order to salvage her body and to leave the rest of the soldiers behind. She recalls being referred to as one of Dr. Government Frankenstein’s monsters. Her SSP records are heavily sealed by the government and even galactic space command is not forthcoming on information about her origins. She comes from a long line of Majestic Masons. Her grandfather served in WWII and infiltrated one of Hitlers strong bases which possibly contained alien technology. Forty years ago, her father worked in an underground facility below Area 51 which contained dark secrets resulting in him building a resistance movement against the government. It appears her father, was a victim of Mklutra delta programing, which activated, causing him to nearly killed Mary when she was a child. Mary has received claw marks, needle marks, bruises, and scars from malevolent beings who also seem to be targeting her children. Mary will be speaking more about her experiences in the MKDelta /Cosmic-Majestic Great Skills Program, as well as some of the technology and beings she encountered in her service for the military and the ssp. Get your tickets to hear James Rink present about the SSP May 2-5 at: https://www.secretspaceconference.info/ Mary’s contact email is: mary@igysix.org James Rink will be speaking at the https://sedonaascensionretreats.com Get your ticket 10% off price using coupon code: JamesRink10 Be sure to subscribe to this channel. If you like to learn more about super soldiers and milabs please visit: http://www.supersoldiertalk.com Support us by purchasing a book or meditation device at: http://www.neologicaltech.com Consider purchasing a Super Soldier Talk Herosquad T-Shirt: https://teespring.com/stores/super-soldier-talk YouTube has demonetized us please support us with your tax-deductible donations: http://www.healingsoulsurvivors.org Super Soldier Talk, James Rink, and Neological Tech does not necessarily vouch for the validity of any of the views expressed in this video and shall be held harmless by all third parties. Information provided here is offered to treat for entertainment purposes only. Discernment is always required.39.3K views 142 comments