Pituitary, TSH, Brain Tumors & Detox & Heal Your Thyroid Book!
Shaman11Pituitary cysts, nodules and tumors are very common today! Signs and symptoms present in a great many of our people but we are doing nothing about it? What could we be doing? What role does copper play in an important neurotransmitter like Dopamine? What is the TSH and why is the trinity, the 3 glands in the head, Hypothalamus, PItuitary and Pineal produce an "anointed" effect? Giving us heightened intuitive and innate experiences in life as well as direct guidance! Come joint me, I ask for you to subscribe if you like what I have to offer as once we get over 1000 subscribers, I can live stream directly on YouTube for you which makes a difference in your questions in real time. DETOX & HEAL YOUR THYROID BOOK ORDER HERE: https://www.naturallywithkaren.com/product-page/detox-heal-your-thyroid-e-book Hair Testing Order here: https://www.naturallywithkaren.com/product-page/hair-tissue-mineral-analysis-profile-2-and-30-minute-consultation My Website: http://www.naturallywithkaren.com/ Follow me on: https://twitter.com/NaturallyWKaren https://www.facebook.com/naturallywithkaren/ https://www.instagram.com/naturallywithkaren/ https://www.quora.com/profile/Karen-L-Pringle Sign up for my email list!: http://eepurl.com/cKAPjv100 views