LAST UPDATE BEFORE the ELECTION - Condensed 10/24/24
Patriots BaseLAST UPDATE BEFORE the ELECTION - Condensed 10/24/243.56K views 10 comments -
Chris Sky: How 15-Minute Cities, Carbon Allowance, UBI, Digital IDs, CBDCs Lead To Enslavement
Sunfellow On COVID-19Chris Sky explains how the incoming personal carbon allowance ties in with 15-minute cities, universal basic income, digital ID and CBDCs, to exert absolute control over every minute detail of your life under the guise of "saving the planet". Original Video: https://twitter.com/wideawake_media/status/1638538086693969922 See Also: Governor Ron DeSantis: No Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) In The Free State Of Florida! https://rumble.com/v2e0ft2-governor-ron-desantis-no-central-bank-digital-currency-cbdc-in-the-free-sta.html Ed Dowd: Banks Set Up To Collapse, It's Just A Matter Of Time https://rumble.com/v2dxl0i-ed-dowd-banks-set-up-to-collapse-its-just-a-matter-of-time.html Ed Dowd: The Financial Meltdown Is Upon Us. It Is Going To Spread. It Is Beyond Everyone’s Control. https://rumble.com/v2do6q6-ed-dowd-the-financial-meltdown-is-upon-us.-it-is-going-to-spread.-it-is-bey.html Senator Lankford Grills Janet Yellen: FDIC Encouraging Big Depositors To Abandon Community Banks https://rumble.com/v2dl2oi-senator-lankford-grills-janet-yellen-fdic-encouraging-big-depositors-to-aba.html Bank Seizures Were An Attack On Crypto To Pave The Way For Central Bank Digital Currency! https://rumble.com/v2d7kf2-kim-iversen-bank-seizures-were-an-attack-on-crypto.html President Biden Offers Reassurances On Banking Crisis, But Leaves Room Before Answering Questions https://rumble.com/v2cyhmk-president-biden-offers-reassurances-on-banking-crisis-but-leaves-room-befor.html Y Combinator CEO On Silicon Valley Bank Collapse: This Is An Extinction Level Event For Startups https://rumble.com/v2cobdu-y-combinator-ceo-on-silicon-valley-bank-collapse-this-is-an-extinction-leve.html South Dakota's Governor Vetoes Bill That Would Have Paved The Way For Central Bank Digital Currency https://rumble.com/v2cl50u-south-dakotas-governor-vetoes-bill-that-would-have-paved-the-way-for-centra.html Videos on this channel that discuss Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC): https://rumble.com/search/all?q=sunfellow%20-%20Central%20Bank%20Digital%20Currency Ed Dowd: The Stock Market Is Going To Fall Apart In The Next Week Or Two (Excerpt) https://rumble.com/v2ad854-ed-dowd-the-stock-market-is-going-to-fall-apart-in-the-next-week-or-two.html Edward Dowd: The Global Economic Collapse Is Unfolding Before Our Eyes https://rumble.com/v1iyzw1-edward-dowd-the-global-economic-collapse-is-unfolding-before-our-eyes.html Related Comment from Michael Krieger @LibertyBlitz: "Three things are needed to facilitate the rollout of the CBDC [Central Bank Digital Currency] system. "1) Make holding money in banks feel completely unsafe. "2) Destroy competitors or make them unattractive as viable alternatives (bitcoin, etc) "3) Economic collapse then tie welfare to CBDC. "All are in play."3.1K views 18 comments -
MICHAEL JACO and DR. ARDIS: How BIG PHARMA and the medical "system" give us CANCER!
GrassRootsWarriorNetworkMichael Jaco interviews Dr. Ardis who clearly shows everyone how big pharma and the medical system and community are giving us cancer through poison medicine and practices. The studies, data and "proof" are confirming and out there for anyone to look up. How many doctors and nurses don't know or even worse... how many KNOW? Who is ready to be a grass roots WARRIOR? If YOU would like to join the colony and support our effort, here's how you can help- SHARES HELP too! #PatriotsWanted https://donorbox.org/become-a-truth-warrior-supporter or find us on Give Send Go: https://www.givesendgo.com/GrassRootsWarriorNetwork Follow Michael Jaco at https://rumble.com/user/michaelj5326 Follow Dr. Ardis: https://rumble.com/c/TheDrArdisShow Modern Spartan Systems: Healthy, safe, natural and non-toxic products that WORK BETTER. Helping people and the planet - TELL YOUR FIREMEN AND FIRE CHIEFS! https://modernspartansystems.com/ PROMO CODE: Kevin10 saves you 10% Wav Watch: new frequency heal technologies: AMAZING Save $100 off each watch with promo Code Kevin100 https://www.wavwatch.com/ COLD & FLU STOP: natural, SAFE and effective medicine; BIG PHARMA alternative: For more info, lab tests, witness testimony or to order Cold & Flu stop please visit: https://www.coldandflustop.com/ PROMO CODE "KEVIN" for more savings! SMALL BUSINESS ERC REFUND link: https://www.gov2bizrefunds.com/10.8K views 10 comments