All Aboard The Trump Train
KevinsCornerThis video shows the overwhelming support of former President Donald Trump, in spite of the obvious persecution from the liberal media, Democrats, and Alvin Bragg. Not only are stereotypical Americans Trumps supporters defend him, but many unlikely supporters are featured in this video pledging their support to Donald Trump672 views 22 comments -
Jason Whitlock drops an amazing comparison while calling out Bill Maher
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I got a fever, and the only cure is more Trumpster!
KevinsCornerProtect Your Retirement with Precious Metals! https://noblegoldinvestments.com/gold... Noble Gold is Who I Trust ^^ Stay safe with an emergency food supply! http://www.preparewithkevinscorner.com https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-kevins-corner-97772869/?cmp=android_share&sc=android_social_share&pr=false https://app.studeo.fm/podcasts/120 https://open.spotify.com/show/6j45MVnknzsF6tSX915zhw?si=iZ07AyPeQl-C0HNDToLMgg&utm_source=copy-link https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/kevins-corner/id1627312171 https://rumble.com/vie12h-joe-reid-go... https://cash.app/$kevinellerbe paypal.me/kevinscorner https://xtremeteez.com Email kevinellerbecorner1@gmail.com Twitter https://twitter.com/kevinellerbe32... https://www.facebook.com/senseoutofnonsense/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/13615.....109 views 5 comments -
Truly a breed apart! Might have to move to AZ. Kari Lake Lights it up again!
KevinsCornerProtect Your Retirement with Precious Metals! https://noblegoldinvestments.com/gold... Noble Gold is Who I Trust ^^ Stay safe with an emergency food supply! http://www.preparewithkevinscorner.com https://rumble.com/vie12h-joe-reid-go... http://tobtr.com/s/10976635... To donate to Kevin's Corner just Download the cash app1 https://cash.me Then text donations to 513-200-2553 Or use PayPal paypal.me/kevinscorner https://xtremeteez.com Email: For Speaking Engagements kevinellerbecorner1@gmail.com Follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/kevinellerbe32... Minorities for Trump https://www.facebook.com/groups/13615.....118 views 7 comments -
Do you think Biden included the minorities as MAGA Extremist?
KevinsCornerCall to Action: 🇺🇸 United We Stand - Divided We Fall 🇺🇸 Get Your FREE Coin! http://www.unitedwestandcoin.com Proudly Show Off Your Support America! Click Here^^ Protect Your Retirement with Precious Metals! https://noblegoldinvestments.com/gold... Noble Gold is Who I Trust ^^ Stay safe with an emergency food supply! http://www.preparewithkevinscorner.com Videos used Bryson Gray and Remix Bros https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2AYi7zLoHE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30hmCcs4nZI&t=59s https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-kevins-corner-97772869/?cmp=android_share&sc=android_social_share&pr=false https://app.studeo.fm/podcasts/120 https://open.spotify.com/show/6j45MVnknzsF6tSX915zhw?si=iZ07AyPeQl-C0HNDToLMgg&utm_source=copy-link https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/kevins-corner/id1627312171 https://rumble.com/vie12h-joe-reid-go... http://tobtr.com/s/10976635... To donate to Kevin's Corner just Download the cash app1 https://cash.me192 views 5 comments -
Not racist, hateful, violent, angry, evil, terrorist or extreme, we are MAGA!
KevinsCornerProtect Your Retirement with Precious Metals! https://noblegoldinvestments.com/gold... Noble Gold is Who I Trust ^^ Stay safe with an emergency food supply! http://www.preparewithkevinscorner.com https://rumble.com/vie12h-joe-reid-go... http://tobtr.com/s/10976635... To donate to Kevin's Corner just Download the cash app1 https://cash.me Then text donations to 513-200-2553 Or use PayPal paypal.me/kevinscorner https://xtremeteez.com Email: For Speaking Engagements kevinellerbecorner1@gmail.com Follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/kevinellerbe32... Minorities for Trump https://www.facebook.com/groups/13615.....86 views 5 comments