Quirky Game Night - Jackbox w/ Quirks of Creation
Quirks Of CreationTonight is now game night! Because we like to keep things quirky and quacky around here, we are making last minute adjustments to compensate for bad tech. So gear up for games, laughs, and all sorts of ridiculousness as we laugh our troubles away! Join Jess and Elise in all their goofy goodness on this special 1st edition of Quirky Games Night! Ready to play? Support the Show and get bonus QUACKY content Locals: https://quirksofcreation.locals.com Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/QuirksOfCreation New Merch!: www.hawkhoundmedia.com/qoc Discord: https://discord.gg/7kssE96xrY Links: https://solo.to/quirksofcreation Follow the Hosts Jess: https://twitter.com/realtruthcactus Elise: https://twitter.com/curlEq8 SPONSORS Use coupon code QUIRKS10 at checkout to get 10% off your order: https://northarrowcoffee.co/ #gamenight, #jackbox, #letsplay Use our referral code! https://rumble.com/register/RealTruthCactus/843 views -
Let's Play Jackbox Party Packs - Community Game Night
Quirks Of CreationJoin PJ, Jess, Abby, and Elise for some Jackbox games! Get out your phone and be ready to join in. HAWKHOUND MEDIA is sponsored by NORTH ARROW COFFEE Use Code HAWKHOUND for 10% off https://northarrowcoffee.co/hawkhound ----FOLLOW THE HOSTS---- PJ Williams & Abby Libby - https://solo.to/conspiracypilled Jess Holmes & Elise Maylone - https://solo.to/quirksofcreation SIGN UP FOR RUMBLE - https://rumble.com/register/hawkhoundmedia/ SIGN UP FOR ODYSEE - https://odysee.com/$/invite/@hawkhoundmedia:e #jackbox #videogames #gamenight797 views 2 comments -
Prophecy of a Savior - Quirks of Creation Ep. 33
Quirks Of CreationHappy Advent season friends! In this time of expectation and anticipation, we will visit a past in which the Jewish people were hanging onto the promises of the forth coming Messiah. What is the evidence for the accuracy of the old testament? And what are the odds that Jesus truly fulfilled all 108 prophecies made about his coming and ministry? Join your favorite quirky girls for another exploration of Biblical history, prophecy, science, and hope. Support the Show and get bonus QUACKY content Join our Community: www.quirksofcreation.com Locals: https://quirksofcreation.locals.com/ https://rumble.com/c/QuirksOfCreation Discord: https://discord.gg/7kssE96xrY Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/QuirksOfCreation Follow the Hosts Jess: https://twitter.com/realtruthcactus Elise: https://twitter.com/curlEq8 SPONSORS Use coupon code QUIRKS10 at checkout to get 10% off your order: https://northarrowcoffee.co/ #prophecy #advent #Jesus Use our referral code! https://rumble.com/register/RealTruthCactus/764 views 3 comments -
Girls' Game Night: Stardew Valley Let's Play - Ep. 1
Quirks Of CreationDust off your overalls, grab your watering cans, and get ready to inherit your destiny in Stardew Valley! In this first installment of girls' night Let's Play, your favorite hosts from Quirks of Creation and Finding the Faith, Freda, Elise, and Jess are taking over their grandfather's neglected farm, armed with nothing but hand-me-down tools and a spark of determination. Can the girls revive these overgrown fields, befriend the quirky townsfolk, and restore the community center to its former glory? Joja Corporation might have rolled into town, but BigCorp is nothing in the face of these homesteaders! ✊✨ Join the squad as we till the soil, woo the locals, and build our dream farms, one harvest at a time. Laughter, farming fails, and maybe even a little friendly competition await! So grab your snacks, hit subscribe, and let's get this Stardew Valley revival started! Support the Show and get bonus QUACKY content Join our Community: www.quirksofcreation.com Locals: https://quirksofcreation.locals.com/ Discord: https://discord.gg/7kssE96xrY Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/QuirksOfCreation Follow the Hosts Jess: https://twitter.com/realtruthcactus Elise: https://twitter.com/curlEq8 Follow the Guests Freda: https://twitter.com/realtruthcactus Finding the Faith: https://twitter.com/curlEq8 SPONSORS Use coupon code QUIRKS10 at checkout to get 10% off your order: https://northarrowcoffee.co/ #StardewValley #Gameplay #Gaming Use our referral code! https://rumble.com/register/RealTruthCactus/852 views 3 comments