Chlorine Dioxide Information
12 videos
Updated 25 days ago
This playlist is to gain more Chlorine Dioxide knowledge and the safe use of the universal antidote.
Genetics Condition G6PD Can Actually Be Treated With Chlorine Dioxide (Learn More In Description)
YouTubeTerminated: Providing Truthful Content For PatriotsFull video can be found on Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies on Telegram: https://t.me/ChlorineDioxideTestimonies/1/175906 Clipped from "CDT Live Stream: President Donald Trump’s swearing-in and inaugural address" Join Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies on Telegram to ask your questions live: https://t.me/ChlorineDioxideTestimonies Donate to Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies ⬇️ https://www.buymeacoffee.com/ChlorineDioxide Join CDT Live Audio Chat for free: https://t.me/ChlorineDioxideTestimonies?videochat Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies is now on Skool. Check out the free classroom: https://www.skool.com/chlorinedioxidetestimonies/about Learn about Chlorine Dioxide and other God given resources to detox your temple. Join Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies on Telegram to ask your questions live or just listen in on Rumble.782 views 3 comments -
Dr. Robert Young’s Response to Dr. Ana Mihalcea’s Criticism: Zeolites, Sea Plasma & Professionalism
DrRobertYoungDr. Robert Young returns to the program to dats Role in Health and Environmental Detox, at: https://drrobertyoung.com/in-defense-of-zeolite-detoxification-addressing-concerns-and-strengthening-the-case-for-its-role-in-health-and-environmental-detox/ and MasterPeace™ Zeolite Z™ Peer-Reviewed Published Research Study Found to be Safe and Effective in Removing Chemical & Radioactive Poisons! Updated! at: https://drrobertyoung.com/masterpeace-zeolite-z-peer-reviewed-published-research-study-found-to-be-safe-and-effective-in-removing-chemical-radioactive-poisons-updated/ To learn more about the work, research and findings of Dr. Robert O. Young go to: www.drrobertyoung.com To support the work and reserach of Dr. Robert O. Young go to: www.givesendgo.com/G2Z76 Message to my critics - https://drrobertyoung.com/message/2.87K views 42 comments -
Pet Protocol: Before Regretting A Vet Visit Do This Protocol & Then Share Your Pet Testimonies
YouTubeTerminated: Providing Truthful Content For PatriotsWhy not use The Universal Antidote for your pets as well? I have witnessed way too many testimonies of pets recovering when all hope was lost. You can let your pets dose themselves with Chlorine Dioxide without being around. See the Pet Protocol below: ⬇️ https://t.me/ChlorineDioxideTestimonies/286782/451198 One Pet Testimony of hundreds: https://rumble.com/v5bur4d-cdt-10-minute-testimonies-dog-owner-heals-dog-and-later-himself-with-chlori.html Join Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies on Telegram to ask your questions live: https://t.me/ChlorineDioxideTestimonies Donate to Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies ⬇️ https://www.buymeacoffee.com/ChlorineDioxide Join CDT Live Audio Chat for free: https://t.me/ChlorineDioxideTestimonies?videochat Learn about Chlorine Dioxide and other God given resources to detox your temple. Join Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies on Telegram to ask your questions live or just listen in on Rumble.1.48K views 18 comments -
Does Chlorine Dioxide Really Work, or Is It a Sham?
INTRThe medical establishment, the media, and the FDA have all come out against the personal home use of ClO2 [chlorine dioxide] as a cure for a vast number of ailments. How safe is it, and does it really work? Tamar Yonah speaks with Dr. Andreas Kalcker, a biophysical researcher, regarding 'CDS', a chlorine dioxide solution that is pH neutral, nontoxic, and which he says, has saved thousands of lives from Coronavirus and many other illnesses. In fact, some claim that ClO2 can cure everything from Autism to Baldness, from cancer to diabetes. What is the truth? You can follow Dr. Kalcker through his website at: https://andreaskalcker.com/en Share this video! 🙂 Please like and subscribe so our hearts and voices are not silenced. Rumble: www.Rumble.com/user/intr Youtube: https://tinyurl.com/INTRyoutube12.4K views 55 comments -
Right Side Broadcasting NetworkWatch the assassination attempt on President Trump at his rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. This is an ongoing situation and RSBN will continue to provide updates on rsbnetwork.com. Stay tuned. Watch LIVE on RSBN starting at 11:30 a.m. ET. The Birch Gold Group: Get your free Gold IRA information kit simply by going to https://birchgold.com/rsbn today! The Wellness Company Emergency Medical Kit, Go to https://makecaregreatagain.com and grab your Medical Emergency Kit right now. Free Trump Book: Get your free Trump book! Just pay a small shipping and handling fee! Go to http://freetrumpbook.com/ Tax Network USA: Be sure you are ready for the IRS, go to https://taxnetworkusa.com/rsbn to get started! Sticker Mule Is packed with awesome RSBN merch including stickers, t-shirts, keychains, and more. Go to https://stickermule.com/rsbn1.19M views 668 comments -
How To Get Started With Chlorine Dioxide: Simple Solutions For The Detox Win
YouTubeTerminated: Providing Truthful Content For PatriotsIn this Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies video chat I wanted to talk about common Chlorine Dioxide detox challenges. Many new people can experience some new challenges, but the good new a few simple changes or methods can make a world of difference to win I pray the time invested turns into a blessing for you! Join Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies to follow these amazing health journeys. It just may motivate you to learn how to detox yourself and to witness healing in a toxic world. Join Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies: https://t.me/ChlorineDioxideTestimonies Join Chlorine Dioxide Live Audio Chat: https://t.me/ChlorineDioxideTestimonies?videochat2.2K views 6 comments -
Mark Grenon: The Government Targeted Me & My Sons
sonsoflibertyradioliveIn this episode, missionary Mark Grenon, who along with his sons was arrested by the Colombian government at the behest of the US government, using more than $1 million to arrest and imprison them in a Colombian jail before moving them to the States for trial, which trampled upon their rights. Mark is not in a halfway house, while his sons are still in prison. He joins me live to set the record straight on what happened. Subscribe on Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/sonsoflibertyradiolive Follow us on Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/sonsoflibertyra Grab our feed on Locals: https://thesonsoflibertyradio.locals.com/ Join us on Telegram: https://t.me/sonsoflibertymedia https://sonsoflibertyradio.com https://sonsoflibertymedia.com Sons of Liberty Store: https://thesonsofliberty.squarespace.com/ Support us through a donation: https://thesonsofliberty.squarespace.com/donate Partner with us as a Son or Daughter of Liberty: https://thesonsofliberty.squarespace.com/membership/50.3K views 6 comments -
Veteran David Oates With Stew Peters: Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies For The Win
YouTubeTerminated: Providing Truthful Content For PatriotsRetired Veteran David Oates, who served for nearly 25 years, cured his asthma, acid reflux, ringing ears, and COVID – 19 using small doses of chlorine dioxide. Oates’ mother contracted the bioweapon, and her body began shutting down rapidly until Oates gave her small amounts of the chlorine dioxide – within days, she sprung back to health. David Oates joined the Stew Peters Show Monday to discuss this alternative treatment and its effectiveness against the bioweapon COVID-19. “Well, we learned about this early on,” Stew Peters told Oates. “We had a doctor from Mexico who credited chlorine dioxide with saving thousands of lives. Christopher Key over at the Vaccine-Police.com has been a big advocate of that since Dr. Aparicio came on this program.” Once Oates began using the chlorine dioxide prophylactically, he was amazed at the results – he had recovered from the symptoms of COVID within 4 hours. Oates’ mother recovered miraculously with just chlorine dioxide, as she was high risk and in the process of failing, bound for the E.R. “All doors were closed to me – that’s all I had to give her,” Oates told Stew Peters. “The doctors said ‘no, you have to go to the emergency room, we can’t give her anything.” “So that door was the only door left open, and she said yes to it, and I got to see her I-and-R go from 1.0 up to normal,” Oates told Stew. “Everything started to go in the right direction, her blood pressure, 70 over 50, everything started normalizing.” David Oates said chlorine dioxide should be coined the “universal antidote,” as its ability to disinfect the body works for a multitude of illnesses and complications. Learn how to save your life from weapons of War https://t.me/ChlorineDioxideTestimonies We also have a live chlorine dioxide testimonies audio chat at 6pm CST with expert volunteers so you can learn more and to hear more beautiful chlorine dioxide testimonies. https://t.me/ChlorineDioxideTestimonies?videochat Great documentary produced by Jeff https://theuniversalantidote.com/ Another great documentary produced by Mark Grenon https://www.bitchute.com/video/GVDStmSb6uhI/ Special thanks to Stew Peters and his team for being unafraid to cover this important live saving substance called Chlorine Dioxide also know as Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) and Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS). Follow Stew on Gab: https://gab.com/RealStewPeters See all of Stew's content at https://StewPeters.TV Watch full episodes here: https://redvoicemedia.net/stew-full-shows Check out Stew's store: http://StewPeters.shop10.1K views -
Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies Live Video Chat With Dr. Lee Merritt
YouTubeTerminated: Providing Truthful Content For PatriotsSpecial guest Dr. Lee Merritt joins Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies to discuss how to cleanse the body of parasites for the win. The healthcare system does not talk about parasites because they are not out to cure anything. In fact good luck with any help from your controlled Doctor with wanting help you to remove parasites. This means it is up to you to learn how to detox yourself. We are witnessing so many people detoxing parasites on Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies and we wanted to hear what Dr. Lee Merritt had to say based on her years if experience. We are learning we have Parasites and don’t even know it. Left unchecked by not detoxing leads to so many chronic painful symptoms and they have so many named diseases for and so many named big pharma drugs that only creates more toxins, diseases and more prescriptions for the win for the globalist. Many people on Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies are successfully detoxing these parasites, poisons and toxins for the win. Once the temple is cleansed the body is amazing at healing. You can detox your Doctor as well. Join Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies to follow these amazing health journeys. It just may motivate you to detox yourself to witness healing in a toxic world. Join Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies: https://t.me/ChlorineDioxideTestimonies Join Chlorine Dioxide Live Audio Chat: https://t.me/ChlorineDioxideTestimonies?videochat Follow Dr. Lee Merritt: https://www.drleemerritt.com/ https://rumble.com/c/c-1646615 https://rumble.com/user/CriticallyThinking https://www.brighteon.com/new-search?query=Dr%20lee%20merrit&page=1&uploaded=all&duration=all&sort=best_result&type=all&quality=all&channelPage=1 https://t.me/FreedomDoc119.8K views 58 comments -
Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies 1st Annual Conference with Dr. Andreas Kalcker
YouTubeTerminated: Providing Truthful Content For PatriotsAt Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies on Telegram we invited Andreas Kalcker to help educate the group members on how to detox the body of toxics, pathogens, heavy metals, parasites and so much more. We are experiencing testimonies that once the body is able to remove these types of these toxins that body has amazing ability to heal. Learn more by joining Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies on Telegram: https://t.me/ChlorineDioxideTestimonies In this conference you will quickly learn how chlorine dioxide works in the body and how the medical establishment does not address the root cause of disease. In fact you will learn how these toxins drug and vaccines contribute to all sorts of dis-eases and how to take action for you can detox this beast system. Join us June 23, 2023 at 3PM CST for our 2nd Annual Live Conference with Dr. Andreas Kalcker to learn more. Andreas Kalcker is a biophysical researcher of German origin who has lived most of his life in Spain and for many years has been living in Switzerland where he has investigated and registered several international patents that deal with the therapeutic use of chlorine dioxide for both hypoxia and for inflammation, infection, sepsis and Sars -Cov 2 -Coronavirus. His thesis and experience later became the basis treated extensively in his first book "CDS health is possible." Years later the publication of his second book "Forbidden Health" shows us how the recovery of diseases from A to Z considered impossible to cure in the past, obtains a remarkable success, but opens a wide controversy in the world of conventional science of the "Establishment". The unfair controversy created by some media outlets confused Chlorine Dioxide (CLO2) with Bleach or sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) which is another substance and reached such a point that its sale was censored by Amazon without explanation despite its excellent reception. by the public that continues to ask said company to return the book to the virtual shelves. The Forum of Banned health has more than 80.000 registered and 3.000 registered members of the SVNB using the CDS successfully without harmful effects claimed by some health agencies and where you can read and exchange real experiences and questions regarding the use of CDS. After 15 years of research, Andreas Kalcker maintains that his magisterial formula of Chlorine Dioxide in aqueous form or CDS is also the definitive solution for Coronavirus since it has no negative side effects, something that has been fully demonstrated in international multicenter clinical trials and by the 3000 Doctors of the international organization COMUSAV with a presence in more than 24 countries with more than 20.000 registered in the Forum, and of which Kalcker is also an honorary member and co-founder. In 2021 he was awarded the Doctor honoris causa for his work from the Executive University of the State of Mexico. Join Chlorine Dioxide Testimonies: https://t.me/ChlorineDioxideTestimonies Join Chlorine Dioxide Live Audio Chat: https://t.me/ChlorineDioxideTestimonies?videochat15.6K views 18 comments