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Shin Keough: Your Health. Your Story. [Ep 37]

8 videos
Updated 8 months ago
What do you get when you combine UV light, sound therapy, magnetism, crystals, scalar waves, and adjustable frequencies? A very advanced piece of healing tech that can help people with a variety of issues such as anxiety, inflammation, migraines, sleeplessness, dizziness, fatigue, and many other chronic issues. A self-taught engineer and entrepreneur, Shin Keough formed the company Quantum Resonance which develops the multi-modal crystal bed. His primary focus with the system is for the improved health of his clients. This is the Story of Quantum Resonance Crystal Beds with Shin Keough.
  1. The Story of the Quantum Resonance Crystal Bed with Shin Keough
  2. The Role of Sound, Light, Magnetism, and Vibration in Healing
  3. Balancing Your Chakras to Heal Your Body
  4. The Quantum Resonance Crystal Bed in Action
  5. How to Uplevel Your Thoughts to Reach a Healing State
  6. How Intention Can Impact Your Ability to Heal
  7. Do Most Diseases Start in the Mind?
  8. Why Setting An Intention Is Essential for Healing