"Search the chest in the Duke of lumbridge's bedroom" EASY CLUE SCROLL STEP (MEM)(MOBILE)(OSRS)
Starky_RShello there guys my name is Starky and in todays video we will be doing the Easy clue scroll step "Search the Chest in the Duke of lumbridge's bedroom" you will need to go to the North bedroom on the second floor of lumbridge Castle and search the chest on the south wall! please consider leaving a like and a follow! also go check out my YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@starkyrs?si=rQjGvux1SbgmUx39 also if you are interested in getting some cool artwork for touraelf for any and all of tour need please go check out my friend ladyunknown her link is: https://beacons.ai/ladyunknown Thankyou all! I hope you are doing well and looking after yourself's much love, see you all in the next video15 views 1 comment -
"Talk to the Mother of a basement dwelling son" EASY CLUE SCROLL STEP (MEM)(MOBILE)(OSRS)
Starky_RSHello there guys my name is Starky and in todays video we will be doing the Easy clue scroll step "Talk to the mother of a basement dwelling son" you will need to go to the western house from the bank at edgeville and speak with Doris in the house with the cooker, Well guys that will be another easy clue scroll step done for the channel! I do hope you have been enjoying my content! please consider leaving a like and a follow for more oldschool runescape content in the future! if you are interested in getting some artwork for any of your needs speak to my friend ladyunknown who will create you a one off piece of art! her link is: https://beacons.ai/ladyunknown16 views -
"I'd like to hear some music, on the shore EASY CLUE SCROLL STEP (MOBILE) (MEMBERSHIP)
Starky_RShello there guys, my name is starky and in todays video we will be completing the easy clue scroll step "I'd like to hear some music, come see me at falador Park and play on the shore" clue step requirements: completion of the corsair curse (F2P) You will have to come speak to cecilia on the bridge in falador Park and play the song "on the shore" congratulations we have completed another easy clue scroll step for the channel! if you are interested in getting some artwork done for yourself please see my friend ladyunknown She is a talented individual who will customise your likes and interests into a one off customised piece of art for you, her link is: https://beacons.ai/ladyunknown Also please consider leaving a like, a follow for more oldschool runescape content in the future! MUCH LOVE GUYS! 🫶18 views -
"Bow outside the Legends guild equip IP, AN EA AND AN OL" EASY CLUE SCROLL STEP (MEM,MOBILE,OSRS)
Starky_RShello everybody, in this video I show you all how to complete the easy clue scroll step "Bow outside the Legends guild equip iron platelegs, an emerald amulet and an oak longbow" The fairy ring code to the Legends guild is "BLR" if you haven't unlocked fairy rings then go to seers village and run south or from ardougne its east out of the town and then it will be north east of the Eastern exit of ardougne, There is a STASH UNIT just east of the Legends guild entrance, remember STASH UNITS take 2 normal planks around 50 nails to be sure and a hammer and saw. If you have enjoyed my content please consider leaving a like and a follow it really helps the channel! also if you do like my new artwork for both my channels gp check out my friend ladyunknown She is an awesome artist who will take your likes and interests and makes it fit to you specifically and personally her link is: https://beacons.ai/ladyunknown THANKYOU ALL AND TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOURSELVES!! 🫶16 views -
"Wave along the south fence of the lumber yard equip a HLB, LC, LC AND A BA" (MEM,OSRS,MOBILE)
Starky_RSIn this video I show you all how to complete the easy clue scroll step "Wave along the south fence of the lumber yard equip a HARD LEATHER BODY, LEATHER CHAPS AND A BRONZE AXE" go to the lumber yard north east of varrock there is a STASH UNIT just west of the lumber yard operator! the Wave emote is on the second row and is the second in, if you like my artwork and would like some for yourself, please consider checking out my friend ladyunknown for any and all of your artistic designs she can work wonders honestly I told her what it was for and within that day she had loads of different designs for my needs! her link is: https://beacons.ai/ladyunknown also consider leaving a like and if this kind of content is up your street please don't be shy and follow me! :) much love guys thankyou for your support!!31 views -
"Search the boxes in the house near the south entrance to varrock" EASY CLUE SCROLL STEP (MEM)
Starky_RShello guys in this video I show you all how to complete the easy clue scroll step "search the boxes in the house near the southern entrance to varrock" you will need to go to the southern varrock entrance and it is the weird circle house directly to you west as walking into varrock from the south! Well guys that's another easy clue scroll step for the channel! I am keen for people to leave comments and likes I don't bite hahaha but if you guys have enjoyed my new artwork for my channel considering going to my friend and having a discussion about her making tou your very own artwork! her link is: https://beacons.ai/ladyunknown I do thank you all for the encouragement to continue posting content!46 views -
"Search the crates in the shed just north of East Ardougne" (MEM,OSRS,MOBILE,OLDSCHOOL-RUNESCAPE)
Starky_RSIn this video I show you all how to complete the easy clue scroll step "Search the crates in the shed just north of east ardougne" for this step you will need to come to east ardougnes north bank and just north outside the city limits is a shed you will need to enter and search the crates in the north corner of the shed Well that is yet another easy clue scroll step done for the channel I do hope you've enjoyed if you are interested in getting some custom artwork like my own please go and check out my friend lady unknown at her link: https://beacons.ai/ladyunknown81 views 1 comment -
Starky_RSIn this short video I show you all how to complete the easy clue scroll step "Speek to Erwin" you will need to go south of the tree gnome stronghold agility coursebook up into the furtherst west tree house directly south of the agility course If anyone likes my artwork and would like your own speek to my friend lady unknown and she will create you a one of piece of work custom designed by your likes and interests! her link is: https://beacons.ai/ladyunknown I have been getting the clues by mining and thieving of of h.a.m members in lumbridge if anyone wanted wanted to know96 views -
search the crate in rommik's crafting shop in rimmington EASY CLUE SCROLL STEP (MEM) (MOBILE) (OSRS)
Starky_RSIn this short video I show you all how to complete the easy clue scroll step "search the crate j. rommik's crafting shop in rimmington" you want to search the crate behind the table on the western Wall! CONGRATULATIONS That will be another easy clue scroll step for the channel done! if you enjoy my content consider leaving a like and follow also my friend lady is an amazing artist who will make you a one off piece of artwork customised to your likes and interests it doesn't have to be runescape designs! please go and check her link out: https://beacons.ai/ladyunknown159 views 2 comments -
Search the Eastern bookcase in father urhney's House EASY CLUE SCROLL STEP (MEM) (OSRS) (MOBILE)
Starky_RSin this video I show you all how to complete the easy clue scroll step "search the Eastern bookcase In father urhneys house" father urhneys house is located in lumbridge swamp just east of the wizard tower near draynor village! and you will need to go in and search the Eastern bookcase like in the video ^^ I've gotten new artwork for the occasions so you might see a remake with my new artwork for the ones I have already done if any if you have enjoyed my video's it would be greatly appreciated if you could hit like and follow for more runescape vids again if anyone is interested in getting some artwork for home or tour office hit my friend lady uo on her link and she will aim to please I guarantee it! her link: https://beacons.ai/ladyunknown please give her a check, she cab do much more than just runescape! you let her know your likes and that and she will make you a one off piece of custom artwork!143 views 1 comment