Alternative holidays for Christians.
8 videos
Updated 4 months ago
Celebration of Biblical events according to when Zacharias would have been serving in the temple.
Elizabeth's miracle pregnancy = early summer.
GodBlessing = Gabriel visited Mary (2 weeks, early winter) = end of week 2, Mary visited Elizabeth.
Tabernacling = Early Autumn birth of Jesus Christ.
ChristLight = Wiseman visited Jesus at a house ( late spring or early summer)
Gave gifts of: gold, frankincense and myrrh.
John the Baptist born early spring and Jesus Christ was 6 months younger, born early Fall/Autumn.
Every child deserves a holiday.
Happy Tabernacling
craftyclefty1Early Autumn birth of Jesus Christ. Alternative holidays for Christians. Is A belief system of Zachariah priesthood. When he would have been serving in the temple. Gabriel visited Zacharias then he went home and his wife Elizabeth conceived a miracle pregnancy in early summer. Angel Gabriel visited Mary early winter (GodBlessing). Jesus was born early Autumn (Tabernacling). Many Christians don't celebrate holidays because of unbiblical traditions and beliefs that makes these wonderful biblical events look like a fairy tale. Alternative holidays for Christians was made so that every Christian child could have a holiday and celebrate in truth.24 views -
Diy Jesus King crown craft 7/13/2023
ccrafty cleftyDiy Jesus king crown craft 7/13/2023. Great for decorating. Great for holidays ( Tabernacling-fall birth of Jesus Christ) Birth of Christ celebrations or birth of Yeshua observance. Biblical XMas. #craftyclefty #holidaycraft #Fallbirthofjesuscraft #Yeshuabirthcraft #Kingcrowncraft #diylightedcrow26 views -
Diy Nazareth sign craft 7/16/2023
ccrafty cleftyDiy Nazareth sign craft posted 7/16/2023 This craft project honors the Wiseman that followed the star to a house where the young child Jesus was living (Matthew 9 to 13). When the unknown number of Wiseman were traveling, the distance from Bethlehem to Nazareth was 58 miles (according to the computer search). Not having pictures or figureings of Wiseman or camels or treasures, I decided to make a sign. You will need: long sign with hanger (your choice) piece of wood to make a house (or use sticker or picture) black paint for night time paint brush, 1 wide and 1 tiny glitter for stars 2 or 3 sizes of very tiny foil stars 3 gift boxes sticker or stickers. ( to represent gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh glue hot glue modgpoge flowers or vines for Spring or Summer foliage. #craftyclefty #diygift #diywallhanging #holidaycraft29 views -
Motivational talk to Christians 8/30/2023
ccrafty cleftyA motivational talk to Christians 8/30/2023, concerning holidays. A belief system around the Zachariah Priesthood, When Zachariah came home and his wife Elizabeth conceived John, early summer. 6 months later the Angel visited Mary (early winter) and tells her that her cousin Elizabeth was in her 6th month of pregnancy. 9 months later Jesus was born in early Fall (Autumn). Every child should have a holiday (gathering day). I gave certain parts of this belief system names. GodBlessing---early winter, Angel visiting Mary. About 2 weeks later, the observance of Mary and Elizabeth together rejoicing. Blessed among women. John the fetus leaps for joy in the presence of Jesus the new embryo. Yes, this is a prolife event. Tabernacling----early Fall (Autumn) Birth of Jesus. 8 day observance. ChristLight-----late spring or summer. Wiseman followed the star to a house in Nazareth. Gave gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to king Jesus a young tiny child age 2 or younger. visit Facebook group: Alternative Holidays for Christians. #craftyclefty #holidaytalk #Alternativeholidaysforchristians #Tabernacling #GodBlessing26 views -
Diy marbles king crown craft
ccrafty cleftyDiy king crown craft made from marbles, 9/5/2023. Happy Tabernacling holiday Fall birth of Jesus Christ/Yeshua. You will need: about 35 marbles (depending upon the size circle) hot glue e6000 if going to be permanent circle guide (lid) plate to turn the crown over. #craftyclefty #holidaycraft #easycraft #diycraft #holidaycraft #tabernaclingcraft21 views -
Diy 3 level King Crown hanging craft
ccrafty cleftyDiy 3 tair king crown hanging craft posted 9/8/2023. Dangling project crafts can be very pretty. Great for decorating for holidays. Happy Tabernacling (Autumn birth of Jesus Christ) You will need: 6 bulletin board edging cardstock ( all the same ) school glue hot glue sizzers decorative bling wrap ( rope or twine) #craftyclefty #holidaycraft #kingcrowncraft #diycraft #tabernaclingcraft22 views -
Undoing a temporary diy King Crown craft
ccrafty cleftyUndoing a temporary King crown diy craft posted 10/21/2023. Made with hot glue, this crown of marbles was easy to take apart. You will need: your craft your hands water towel container #craftyclefty #takeapartcraft16 views