Donald Trump Converts to Judaism
SacramentoTruthMovementTrump visits Rabbi's home in Ohel under heavy security and recites Talmudic prayers Trump visits Queens gravesite of Chabad rabbi to mark Oct. 7 The visit to the Ohel, as the grave of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson is known, served as a gesture to a Jewish constituency that is expected to support Trump in the election. “The first person to greet him was Ben Shapiro, the renowned conservative political pundit… Trump met with Rabbi Levi Shemtov, Executive Vice President of American Friends of Lubavitch-Chabad in Washington, DC.” (Donald Trump's Presbyterian New York Pastor Famous Freemason 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Shriner Author of "The Power of Positive Thinking" Dr. Norman Vincent Peale) (Jared Kushner Trump's Son In Law & His 666 Fifth Avenue New York Building) (TRUMP and The Way To The Top book mentions Qabbalah Kabbalah Teacher Eitan Yardenie) (Donald Trump Visits West Wall in Israel) • STM •846 views 10 comments -
DTL111TRUMP SHOULD BE ISRAEL'S PRESIDENT BECAUSE THAT'S WHO HE PUTS ABOVE ALL ELSE. HE IS 100% JEW OWNED. BOUGHT AND PAID FOR WITH BILLIONS. THEY SAID THEY KEPT HIM ALIVE SIMPLY BECAUSE HE'S WORTH MORE TO THEM ALIVE AS A SALESMAN THAN DEAD. THAT'S A DIRECT QUOTE NEAR THE BEGINNING. THEY MOLD HIM THE WAY THEY NEED TO & IF HE BECOMES UN-MOLDABLE THEY WILL GET RID OF HIM & HE KNOWS IT. SOURCE 👇 https://www.bitchute.com/channel/chasman/ ⚔️⚔️⚔️ REVELATION 9:11 And they had as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in HebrewisAbaddon, but in Greek he has the name Apollyon. ✝️✝️✝️ https://www.bitchute.com/channel/F8nnw2tnXp9t https://t.me/wideawaketruthseekers https://rumble.com/user/DTL111394 views