The Sobh Show: Scientist-turned anti-hegemonic filmmaker
Press TVWhat gets a film deleted from video-sharing platforms? What are the criteria for censoring a film production? From studying engineering at 16 to becoming a documentary filmmaker, today’s guest will talk about his experience in the film industry and working with film giants such as Oliver Stone.673 views 1 comment -
The Sobh Show: With Eduardo Artés on struggle for independence, sovereignty
Press TVEduardo Artés is a versatile politician from Chile, a long, narrow country stretching along South America's western edge with a dynamic political history. Today, I will talk to a Chilean educator who is critical of the traditional Chilean left, calling himself a Marxist-Leninist. He has publicly manifested his admiration and support for North Korea, saying North Korea is a fully popular democracy. And he advocates the Re-foundation of Chile, calling for a workers' state.391 views -
The Sobh Show: One-man-band journalism with Civili
Press TVMax Civili is an independent producer and journalist with extensive experience in international broadcast media. He holds a Master’s Degree in geopolitics and global security. Max also has a law degree specializing in the Anglo-Saxon interpretation of human rights. He has lived in Australia and briefly in the United States and Argentina.907 views 1 comment -
The Sobh Show: Documenting the Truth about Haiti with Kim Ives
Press TVDocumenting the Truth about Haiti with Kim Ives. Haiti is on the island of Hispaniola in the Caribbean Sea, east of Cuba and Jamaica and south of the Bahamas. With a population of about 11.5 million, was a victim of colonialism, whose dark legacy can still be felt across the country. Today, we will speak to a journalist and filmmaker who has dedicated almost his entire career to Haiti. He has produced several documentary films about Haiti and has led numerous delegations to Haiti since 1986 to investigate human rights violations and union struggles.982 views 1 comment -
The Sobh Show: Sean Murray, a freedom filmmaker
Press TVThe Troubles – a three-decade conflict in the north of Ireland – a period which saw the death of 3,500 people and thousands more injured. The Troubles ended in 1998 with the Good Friday Agreement. But more than a quarter of a century later, has the conflict really subsided? Well, one can understand this if they’ve only lived their lives through it and have been involved in cross-community peace-building for over twenty years. This is Sobh, and we are hosting a renowned Irish documentary filmmaker, Sean Murray.653 views -
The Sobh Show: Denijal Jegić on good communication
Press TVCommunication is an art in itself, which, if performed properly, will make life much easier. Lack of communication leads to conflict. The world could be a better place if we communicated more efficiently. Today, I talk to an assistant professor of communication in the Department of Communication, Arts and Languages at the Lebanese American University. In his prize-winning doctoral dissertation, he analyzes articulations of resistance in the Global South in poetry, prose, spoken word, and other forms of media.471 views -
The Sobh Show: Anti-US hegemony scholar Sabahudin Šarić
Press TVAnti-US hegemony scholar and sociologist Sabahudin Šarić talks about history, the Srebrenica massacre, the Gaza genocide, and others.386 views 1 comment -
The Sobh Show: With Tadhg Hickey on comedy coating bitter truths
Press TVComedy: what is it? And does it even have a place in today's world that's been afflicted with the pains of death and destruction as a result of war? Can this genre of dramatic literature that deals with the serious in a satirical manner tickle the mind and wake us up from political slumber? This week Sobh program hosts Tadhg Hickey, the Irish comedian.837 views 1 comment -
The Sobh Show: Art serving social justice with Suhad Khatib
Press TVSince time immemorial, art has been a means of expression -- to express love, joy, and sadness, document history, and, most importantly, tell a story. Every work of art is a story to be told, and every artist has a unique way of telling their story. In today’s program, we talk to a multimedia artist who is one of the leading designers of social justice campaigns in the world. She will help us understand the powerful stories behind her one-of-a-kind artwork.297 views -
The Sobh Show: Dan Cohen’s camera in solidarity with Gaza
Press TVNowadays, in order to document reality and preserve history for future generations, visual documentaries play an important role in educating people. In today's program, I'll be talking to an American journalist and filmmaker, whose powerful documentaries seem to be ever more relevant today, as they furthermore reveal the true nature of apartheid regimes.806 views 5 comments