Trump Truth
24 videos
Updated 2 months ago
videos that chronicle the history of DJT
Ryan James Girdusky: The Biggest Problem in American Education & How To Fix It
The Charlie Kirk ShowFor more exclusive interviews, insight, and analysis like this, SUBSCRIBE to The Charlie Kirk Show TODAY: https://apple.co/2VCxGsh And for EVEN MORE—tune in to The Charlie Kirk Show LIVE on Salem Radio Network affiliates across the country, 5 days a week from 12—3 PM ET To listen live, turn on post notifications on YouTube, check your local affiliates, or head to https://charliekirk.com For Exclusive Charlie Kirk content, head to members.charliekirk.com TODAY to sign up!32.8K views 26 comments -
How Covid woke her and thousands up
PepeLivesMatterListen to how COVID woke her and thousands up from their political malaise. Once she began thinking for herself, the domino effect led her to realize the mainstream media was actively working against the people and they were lying about everything. This is why they are petrified of a free-thinking people. They cannot be controlled. There is no going back once you go down the rabbit hole. "The BLM protest starts. And now all of a sudden you can go out as long as you are protesting to end racial injustice or something like that. So that hypocrisy didn't make any sense to me. Either COVID is deadly or it's not. Either we stay home or we don't. We don't get to pick and choose. And once again I brought up the question. What does stealing a sclickbaiteventy-inch TV have to deal with ending police brutality? So then I started going down a rabbit hole and I started literally researching... That process got me to start really considering all the things I used to believe. One of the things was about Trump and then I realized that oh wow The media is lying about him. They're taking these clips and they're using click bait and distorting it taking it totally out of context. I just came to realize that the media is not on our side. They're they're not there to tell us the news. They're not there to keep us informed. They're there to get us emotionally riled up so that they can use that to get us marching to the ballot box."1.43K views 6 comments -
What are we doing differently
RedpillUSAPatriotsWhat are we doing differently3.91K views 7 comments -
JIMMY HENDRIX - All Along The Watchtower
RedpillUSAPatriotsJIMMY HENDRIX - All Along The Watchtower3.82K views 2 comments -
DSS | Bye Bye Bye Flynn Bros! D Booma San is on the case. 🥷🏼
D Mind of Booma SanD Booma San Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/DBoomaSan Painfully Beautiful Truths Telegram & Chat: https://t.me/DMindofBoomaSan https://t.me/DMindofBoomaSanChat D Booma San Donation Options: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=7MMPK9CDA4KRQ https://www.givesendgo.com/dboomasanmission All the amazing Painfully Beautiful Productions LLC & D Booma San logos done by the brilliant and talented, Kasey! --- DSS | Grifters. Learn how they work. Avoid at all costs. https://rumble.com/v5m8578-dss-grifters.-learn-how-they-work.-avoid-at-all-costs..html PAYtriot vs PAYtriot | Scott McKay dances with Mad Mady over Miki Klann: https://rumble.com/v50roow-paytriot-vs-paytriot-scott-mckay-dances-with-mad-mady-over-miki-klann.html PAYtriot vs PAYtriot Part Deux | Scott McKay vs Mad Mady over Tactical Civics: https://rumble.com/v53wdey-paytriot-vs-paytriot-part-deux-scott-mckay-vs-mad-mady-over-tactical-civics.html7.77K views 188 comments -
Scorpions - Wind Of Change
Scotty mar10Music by: Scorpions - Wind Of Change60.6K views 533 comments -
Jonas Conner - Father in a Bible
Scotty mar10Music by: Jonas Conner - Father in a Bible45.3K views 284 comments