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Gene Decode & Juan O Savin - This is SHOCKING and is now being COVERED UP
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WARNING - Everyone Needs to Pay Attention to This
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“The H-1B Program Is A Total And Complete Scam.” Steve Bannon On Tech Oligarchs Hatred For America
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You Are Being Watched?!
PATRIOT.TVIn this episode of Patriot Radio, Matt Shea uncovers the chilling realities of modern surveillance, spiritual warfare, and the forces shaping our world without our consent.4.02K views -
The Reason Why Democrats Caused The Open Border Crisis
RealAmericasVoiceFormer Border Patrol Agent, J.J. Carrell, joins Aubrey Shines to discuss why the Democrats allowed the country to experience a border and immigrant crisis, to fundamentally change America. To learn more about JJ's work, visit ThisIsTreason.com, and don't forget to check out his new documentary film, "This Is Treason".3.87K views 6 comments -
An Overdue Wake-Up Call For Chicago Politicians
RealAmericasVoiceFormer Border Patrol Agent, J.J. Carrell, joins Aubrey Shines to discuss the immigration disaster in Chicago, Illinois. To learn more about JJ's work, visit ThisIsTreason.com and don't forget to check out his new Documentary "This Is Treason".4.24K views 2 comments -