The Occupation of The American Mind: The Propaganda of Israel vs Palestine - Documentary
NewsTreasonDespite receiving an overwhelmingly positive response from those who have actually seen it, The Occupation of the American Mind has been repeatedly attacked and misrepresented by right-wing pressure groups and outright ignored by virtually all mainstream media outlets and North American film festivals. To bypass this campaign of misrepresentation and suppression, we’ve decided to make the film available for FREE online so that people can make up their own minds about its analysis of U.S. media coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Please watch and share widely! ALL CREDIT: https://www.occupationmovie.org/ Buy Me A Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/newstreason Reverse debilitating effects of vaccines, water contaminant & heavy metal toxicity. 🛒 Shop ROOT Brands here: www.BuyRootBrands.com More Truth: www.NewsTreason.com Telegram: https://t.me/newstreasonupdates Truth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@NewsTreason Store: www.NewsTreason.Shop138K views 144 comments