Aliens and Deamons
16 videos
Updated 6 months ago
Study and research into the alien and paranormal
King Solomonﷺ - Angels & Demons - The Rings of Power - part 1
Free HumanityProverbs 9:10 — The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. King solomon, angels ,demons, seals of solomon, black magic, temple of solomon, templar knights, zion, Palestine, portals, jinn, angels, kaballah, greater seal, lesser seal, ars Goetia, 72 demons, talmud, jews, temple mount, omar samson, free humanity, history, mystery , conspiracy, freemasonry249 views -
Alien V.S. Predator = Reptillians V.S. Annunaki - History of the predators
Free HumanityAlien V.S. Predator , Reptillians V.S. Annunaki ,History of the predators, aliens amd demons, star gates, technology, antartica, ancient aliens, annunaki , reptilians , coming up , omar samson, new video coming up on aliens , demons and startgates, free humanity320 views -
Deep state whistle blower, Congress hearing , Non-human/alien aggressive activity
Free HumanityDeep state whistle blower, Congress hearing , Non-human/alien aggressive activity, aliens, are real, truth, conspiracy, more races, overlords, annunaki, grey, reptillian, demon , jinn, omar samson, free humanity296 views -
Nacht waffen - Dark fleet - German split of society , the battle for the solar system, part 1
Free HumanityThe first video explores a controversial theory that, towards the end of World War II, the Germans forged an alliance with Reptilian extraterrestrials, granting them access to advanced alien technology. This collaboration enabled the German elite to create a secret space program known as the "Dark Fleet." Hidden bases were established in remote locations on Earth, such as Antarctica, and on the far side of the Moon. The video also delves into the existence of ancient underground Reptilian bases and reveals that not all Reptilians are malevolent; some factions are benevolent. It is suggested that human-like Anunnaki and the short Greys also exist on Earth, interacting with the Hermans and Reptilians. These hidden alliances have significantly influenced global events and continue to shape humanity’s future from the shadows. Nacht waffen , Dark fleet , German split of society , the battle for the solar system, part 1, history , mystery , adolf hitler, ww2 , moon , mars, v2 rocket, nasa, moon landing, space, iron sky, underground military bases, reptilian’s , annunaki, grey’s, cosmic conflict, extraterrestrial, aliens, demon , jinn, technology, ancient aliens, wonder weapons, Antarctica, omar samson, free humanity, bolshevik , communists, jews279 views -
1561 celestial phenomenon over Nuremberg - Ufo battle over Nuremberg 400 years ago
Free Humanity1561 celestial phenomenon over Nuremberg ,Ufo battle over Nuremberg 400 years ago, extraterrestrial, alien, ufo, war , battle,aerial aussault, germany, history, mystery, conspiracy, omar samson, free humanity206 views -
Aliens and demons, part 4 , Iron Sky battles 🛸 1561 celestial phenomenon over Nuremberg
Free Humanity1561 celestial phenomenon over Nuremberg ,Aliens and demons, part 4 , Iron Sky battles ,blimps, saucers ,v wing craft, rev 11 ,rev 12 , cuniform tablets, order of the jed, reptillians, lizard people, annunaki, elohim, fallen angels, demons, djinn, technology, stargates, dimensions, holy grail, genetics,space ships, sci-fi,history-fylosofy,mystery,facts,truth, OMarSam,Free Humanity, surah, Quran , medievil, germany , nuremberg, draco, ufo battles285 views -
U.S. congress hearing , we found non human pilots at u.f.o. crash sites 🛸 👽
Free HumanityU.S. congress, disclosure , U.S. millitary retrieved non human biological matereal (alien bodies) from u.a.p./u.f.o. Crash site, omar samson, free humanity, Colossians 1:15-17) In summation: God is the creator of all life on this planet, as well as any that potentially lies beyond it. And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and of whatever living creatures He has spread forth in both. And He has the power to gather them together whenever he pleases.” (Holy Quran, 42:30) We literally live in an age where Aliens get declassified , but people believe they are all demons and the earth is flat, idiocrazy , lunatic, mass state of trance, global brain outage , Aliens are physical beings , demons are non physical, jinn are made from 🔥 and are non physical, ancient Aliens is spot on, best way to keep a secret is hide it in plain sight, earth is not flat, Extraterrestrial live is out there, we are not alone, moon bases, mars bases, recovered aircraft, recovered biological matereal, recovered bodies, reverse engineered technology, eb-1, u.f.o. , not all is fake , not all is real, not everything we do not know is demonic, Omar Samson, Free Humanity The seven heavens and the earth and those that are in them extol His glory…” (Holy Quran, 17:45)133 views -
Parasites are demons, presentation , lecture
Free HumanityParasites are demons, presentation , lecture, desease, big pharma, church , Politics, control , insects , infiltration , leeching, demons, parasites, Parasites are Demons!,omar samson , free humanity This may come as a shock to many, but we feel that we have a responsibility in sharing this information. Anyone is qualified to assist in the journey of healing the human race, something that doctors RARELY do. Don't get me wrong the medical establishment is great when it comes to emergency situations, but DOCTORS DO NOT HEAL. How can we ever Unveil the Mind if we have toxic waste and parasites within us? Get out of denial and do your homework.254 views 4 comments -
Demonic Parasitic Oppression
Free HumanityDemonic Parasitic Oppression, Parasites are demons, presentation , lecture, desease, big pharma, church , Politics, control , insects , infiltration , leeching, demons, parasites, Parasites are Demons!,omar samson , free humanity This may come as a shock to many, but we feel that we have a responsibility in sharing this information. Anyone is qualified to assist in the journey of healing the human race, something that doctors RARELY do. Don't get me wrong the medical establishment is great when it comes to emergency situations, but DOCTORS DO NOT HEAL. How can we ever Unveil the Mind if we have toxic waste and parasites within us? Get out of denial and do your homework.109 views -
John Lear 1987, full interview, Aliens are real, they are here, and 90% of them are hostile
Free Humanity(Colossians 1:15-17) In summation: God is the creator of all life on this planet, as well as any that potentially lies beyond it. And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and of whatever living creatures He has spread forth in both. And He has the power to gather them together whenever he pleases.” (Holy Quran, 42:30) We literally live in an age where Aliens get declassified , but people believe they are all demons and the earth is flat, idiocrazy , lunatic, mass state of trance, global brain outage , Aliens are physical beings , demons are non physical, jinn are made from 🔥 and are non physical, ancient Aliens is spot on, best way to keep a secret is hide it in plain sight, earth is not flat, Extraterrestrial live is out there, we are not alone, moon bases, mars bases, recovered aircraft, recovered biological matereal, recovered bodies, reverse engineered technology, eb-1, u.f.o. , not all is fake , not all is real, not everything we do not know is demonic, Omar Samson, Free Humanity The seven heavens and the earth and those that are in them extol His glory…” (Holy Quran, 17:45)181 views