Resonance, Crispr and DREADDS (Full Series Boxset)
6 videos
Updated 1 year ago
What does an old sound based technology demonstrated, at a now banned Tedtalk in 2011, developed to cure cancer, a DARPA developed technology, created to treat war veterans with severe PTSD and Crispr have to do with each other?
More to the point, what have they to do with the mRNA vaccines?
Resonance, Crispr and DREADDS: Epilogue
AlternativeResearch#mrna #resonance #crisprcas9 #crispr #dreadds #darpa Justia Patent: https://patents.justia.com/patent/20230407276#history mRNA reverse transcription, Telegram Document Drop: https://t.me/SamFisherDatadrops/21662?single Wired article on Crispr editing https://www.wired.com/story/theres-new-proof-crispr-can-edit-genes-inside-human-bodies/ Scitech article on sound directed bacteria https://scitechdaily.com/genetically-engineered-sound-controlled-bacteria-that-seek-and-destroy-cancer-cells/ Footage used: Brett Weinstein interview - Tucker Carlson: Dr. Been presentation on mRNA reverse transcription, into DNA through the liver: Link to my newest book,The Legion Saga: Prologue direct from the publisher https://www.austinmacauley.com/book/legion-saga-prologue My other book, coauthored with Daniel Dechamps 12 Steps to disaster: Gematria, Canaries and preprogramming https://www.amazon.co.uk/12-Steps-Disaster-Gematria-Pre-programming-ebook/dp/B09C58CC12 Sam Fisher Data Drops: https://t.me/SamFisherDatadrops Sam Fisher Data Chats: https://t.me/Samfishersdatachats TMSSP Music: https://t.me/TMSSPMUSIC Sam Fisher Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-773873 My other Social media links My other YouTube channel (home of, Epics, wars and maybe alien tech?) The Legion Saga YouTube channel https://youtube.com/@thelegionsaga2715?si=09pmbhUxJYCjyoDf My Substack https://substack.com/profile/115462655-sam-fisher?utm_source=user-menu My Telegram Music Page (for free mp3 downloads of my tunes) https://t.me/TMSSPMUSIC Soundcloud https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/K48kx TMSSP YouTube channel https://youtube.com/channel/UCUX8AZaCTmxH9PhGJkK-89w Sam Fisher YouTube https://youtube.com/@SamFisher6791 TMSSP BitChute https://bitchute.com/channel/twomenstandingstillproductions/ Sam Fisher BitChute channel https://bitchute.com/channel/the_real_sam_fisher/ Sam Fisher Odysee https://odysee.com/@SamuelNFisher126 views -
Resonance, Crispr and DREADDS (Chapter 4): Crispr
AlternativeResearchIn this penultimate Chapter, in my Resonance, Crispr and DREADDS miniseries, we will look at the Crispr side of my theory and attempt to answer these questions: What is it? How does it work? What does it do? How is it tied to DREADDS? In preparation for when we go full circle, for the final episode and with a better understanding of all the parts, tying it all together. Video clips used in this video RNA editing - Mandelab: https://youtu.be/S2GygqB4ghc?si=cBd8CERqb9FRGCr2 Understanding Crispr Cas-9 - Andrew Douch: https://youtu.be/cLMo6DYdJRE?si=SZUzGTZHQYhgYme8 What is Crispr? - Bozeman Science: https://youtu.be/MnYppmstxIs?si=8sWBn7FiKnzF7laY Genome Editing with Crispr Cas-9 - McGovern Institute: https://youtu.be/2pp17E4E-O8?si=jr5R0Cphgrx8adOX How Crispr let's you edit DNA?: Andrea M Hedle - TedEd: https://youtu.be/6tw_JVz_IEc?si=LLI2r1TJ_SiPt-HF Crispr Explained - Mayo Clinic: https://youtu.be/UKbrwPL3wXE?si=-P7c0j-2HESnaSZl Crispr Gene Editing and Beyond - Nature Video: https://youtu.be/4YKFw2KZA5o?si=PQRJTcj-TNE-GaHp Articles featured in and also used to research this video: How genetically engineered immune cells are beating some cancers - New Scientist Article https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg25734243-300-how-genetically-engineered-immune-cells-are-beating-some-cancers/ CRISPR’s Wild First Decade Only Scratches the Surface of Its Potential - Singularity Hub Article https://singularityhub.com/2023/01/25/crisprs-wild-first-decade-only-scratches-the-surface-of-its-potential/ Researchers discover a new function of CRISPR/Cas9 gene scissors - News-Medical.Net Article https://www.news-medical.net/news/20221125/Researchers-discover-a-new-function-of-CRISPRCas9-gene-scissors.aspx CRISPR tools found in thousands of viruses could boost gene editing - Nature Magazine Article https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-03837-8 Ready Or Not, New Gene-Editing Drugs May Be Coming Soon - Investors.com Article https://www.investors.com/news/technology/crispr-stocks-biggest-names-gene-editing-grappling-with-risks-behind-their-cures/ There’s New Proof Crispr Can Edit Genes Inside Human Bodies - Wired.com Article https://www.wired.com/story/theres-new-proof-crispr-can-edit-genes-inside-human-bodies/ Neuroscientists expand CRISPR toolkit with new, compact Cas7-11 enzyme - Phys.org Article https://phys.org/news/2022-05-neuroscientists-crispr-toolkit-compact-cas7-.html Links to Telegram Document Drops relevant to this video: Crispr (Telegram Document Drop): https://t.me/SamFisherDatadrops/16754?single Crispr related books (Telegram Document Drop): https://t.me/SamFisherDatadrops/3416 Other links of interest and my other social media links: Link to my newest book,The Legion Saga: Prologue direct from the publisher https://www.austinmacauley.com/book/legion-saga-prologue My other book, coauthored with Daniel Dechamps 12 Steps to disaster: Gematria, Canaries and preprogramming https://www.amazon.co.uk/12-Steps-Disaster-Gematria-Pre-programming-ebook/dp/B09C58CC12 Good Telegram groups to join: Sam Fisher Data Drops https://t.me/Samfisherdatadrops Unvaccinated Lives Matter (ULM) https://t.me/unvaxedlivesmatter No New Normal https://t.me/NoNewNormalChat M Seeker of Truth https://t.me/MSeekerOfTruthChat My other Social media links My other YouTube channel (home of, Epics, wars and maybe alien tech?) The Legion Saga YouTube channel https://youtube.com/@thelegionsaga2715?si=09pmbhUxJYCjyoDf My Substack https://substack.com/profile/115462655-sam-fisher?utm_source=user-menu My Telegram Music Page (for free mp3 downloads of my tunes) https://t.me/TMSSPMUSIC Soundcloud https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/K48kx TMSSP YouTube channel https://youtube.com/channel/UCUX8AZaCTmxH9PhGJkK-89w Sam Fisher YouTube https://youtube.com/@SamFisher6791 TMSSP BitChute https://bitchute.com/channel/twomenstandingstillproductions/ Sam Fisher BitChute channel https://bitchute.com/channel/the_real_sam_fisher/ Sam Fisher Odysee https://odysee.com/@SamuelNFisher #crispr #geneediting #mrna #crisprcas9 #crisprtherapeutics #DARPA #dreadds #resonance #soundtech143 views -
Resonance, Crispr and DREADDS: Chapter 3: DREADDS and Optogenetics
AlternativeResearch#optogenetics #crispr #dreadds In this episode of ' Resonance, Crispr and DREADDS, we'll take a brief look through the historical progression of the DREADDS programme and it's split into 2 programmes, one headed by Dr. Charles Morgan through DARPA and the other for commercial enterprises. Seeing as I've already covered the DARPA programme extensively over my numerous series (links below, if you've not seen them?) in this episode, we'll take a quick look at the commercial applications DREADDS are being used for? DREADDS (DARPA led programme research) Dr. Charles Morgan (2017) west point military academy lecture: Psycho-Neurobiology and warfare: https://www.bitchute.com/embed/X37Gd2K573cp/ DREADDS Research papers Telegram Document Drop: https://t.me/SamFisherDatadrops/674?single https://t.me/SamFisherDatadrops/685?single Acoustic Manipulation patents Telegram Drops: https://t.me/SamFisherDatadrops/10395?single https://t.me/SamFisherDatadrops/10408?single https://t.me/SamFisherDatadrops/10519?single https://t.me/SamFisherDatadrops/10539?single https://t.me/SamFisherDatadrops/10590?single https://t.me/SamFisherDatadrops/10621?single https://t.me/SamFisherDatadrops/10632?single https://t.me/SamFisherDatadrops/10759?single Wired magazine's Crispr Article: https://www.wired.com/story/theres-new-proof-crispr-can-edit-genes-inside-human-bodies/ Science direct, sound manipulated bacteria article: https://scitechdaily.com/genetically-engineered-sound-controlled-bacteria-that-seek-and-destroy-cancer-cells/ Link to my newest book, The Legion Saga: Prologue direct from the publisher https://www.austinmacauley.com/book/legion-saga-prologue My other book, coauthored with Daniel Dechamps 12 Steps to disaster: Gematria, Canaries and preprogramming https://www.amazon.co.uk/12-Steps-Disaster-Gematria-Pre-programming-ebook/dp/B09C58CC12 Good Telegram groups to join: Sam Fisher Data Drops https://t.me/Samfisherdatadrops Unvaccinated Lives Matter (ULM) https://t.me/unvaxedlivesmatter No New Normal https://t.me/NoNewNormalChat M Seeker of Truth https://t.me/MSeekerOfTruthChat My other Social media links My Telegram Music Page (for free mp3 downloads of my tunes) https://t.me/TMSSPMUSIC Soundcloud https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/K48kx TMSSP YouTube channel https://youtube.com/channel/UCUX8AZaCTmxH9PhGJkK-89w Sam Fisher YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/SamFisher6791 TMSSP BitChute https://bitchute.com/channel/twomenstandingstillproductions/ Sam Fisher BitChute channel https://bitchute.com/channel/the_real_sam_fisher/ Sam Fisher Odysee https://odysee.com/@SamuelNFisher:d_259 views -
Resonance, Crispr and DREADDS (Chapter 3): Tuum in manibus
AlternativeResearch#crispr #astroworld #frequency Tuum in manibus Latin meaning - Your ife in their hands The Jason's documents (drop 6): https://t.me/SamFisherDatadrops/11309?single mRNA reverse transcribed into DNA document drop: https://t.me/SamFisherDatadrops/12943?single Resonance, Crispr and DREADDS (Boxset) https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMc6H08TFAUvZxH8kRhvd560kwMIY7aMe Link to my newest book, The Legion Saga: Prologue direct from the publisher https://www.austinmacauley.com/book/legion-saga-prologue My other book, coauthored with Daniel Dechamps 12 Steps to disaster: Gematria, Canaries and preprogramming https://www.amazon.co.uk/12-Steps-Disaster-Gematria-Pre-programming-ebook/dp/B09C58CC12 Good Telegram groups to join: Sam Fisher Data Drops https://t.me/Samfisherdatadrops Unvaccinated Lives Matter (ULM) https://t.me/unvaxedlivesmatter No New Normal https://t.me/NoNewNormalChat M Seeker of Truth https://t.me/MSeekerOfTruthChat My other Social media links My Telegram Music Page (for free mp3 downloads of my tunes) https://t.me/TMSSPMUSIC Soundcloud https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/K48kx TMSSP YouTube channel https://youtube.com/channel/@tmssp Sam Fisher YouTube https://youtube.com/@SamFisher6791 TMSSP BitChute https://bitchute.com/channel/twomenstandingstillproductions/ Sam Fisher BitChute channel https://bitchute.com/channel/the_real_sam_fisher/ Sam Fisher Odysee https://odysee.com/@SamuelNFisher:225 views -
Resonance, Crispr and DREADDS (Chapter 1): Astroworld Concert 2022
AlternativeResearchWARNING BEFORE VIEWING THIS VIDEO, IF YOU HAVE BEEN VACCINATED WITH THE MRNA VACCINES, I STRONGLY RECOMMEND YOU NOT VIEW THIS VIDEO. FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY, THERE ARE SEGMENTS OF THIS VIDEO THAT CONTAINS RESONANT FREQUENCIES THAT COULD ADVERSELY AFFECT YOUR HEALTH DUE TO THAT FREQUENCY'S, POTENTIAL INTERACTION WITH THE VACCINE INSIDE YOUR BODY. WE CANNOT BE COMPLETELY CERTAIN, THAT THE EVENTS DEPICTED IN THIS VIDEO AND THE ENHANCEMENTS MADE TO THE FREQUENCIES IN ORDER TO MAKE THEM AUDIBLE WILL NOT AFFECT YOU IN SOME WAY? SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE SAM FISHER. PARAPSYKE TV YouTube Channel: https://youtube.com/@PARASYKETV Resonance, Crispr and DREADDS: Prologue video https://youtu.be/M72CPZ0umks Suggested timestamps to avoid segments with frequencies (05:10) and please stop watching at the 08:40 Mark, if vaccinated but insisted on watching anyway? You weird death wish, summoner you? #crispr #astroworld #resonance Research material for this series: Skidmore College Tedx talk on sound frequencies curing cancer: https://youtu.be/sDBy59rJ3lE Dr. Charles Morgan (2017) west point military academy lecture: Psycho-Neurobiology and warfare: https://www.bitchute.com/embed/X37Gd2K573cp/ DREADDS Research papers Telegram Document Drop: https://t.me/SamFisherDatadrops/674?single https://t.me/SamFisherDatadrops/685?single Acoustic Manipulation patents Telegram Drops: https://t.me/SamFisherDatadrops/10395?single https://t.me/SamFisherDatadrops/10408?single https://t.me/SamFisherDatadrops/10519?single https://t.me/SamFisherDatadrops/10539?single https://t.me/SamFisherDatadrops/10590?single https://t.me/SamFisherDatadrops/10621?single https://t.me/SamFisherDatadrops/10632?single https://t.me/SamFisherDatadrops/10759?single Wired magazine's Crispr Article: https://www.wired.com/story/theres-new-proof-crispr-can-edit-genes-inside-human-bodies/ Science direct, sound manipulated bacteria article: https://scitechdaily.com/genetically-engineered-sound-controlled-bacteria-that-seek-and-destroy-cancer-cells/ Good Telegram groups to join: Sam Fisher Data Drops https://t.me/Samfisherdatadrops Unvaccinated Lives Matter (ULM) https://t.me/unvaxedlivesmatter No New Normal https://t.me/NoNewNormalChat M Seeker of Truth https://t.me/MSeekerOfTruthChat Link to my newest book, The Legion Saga: Prologue direct from the publisher https://www.austinmacauley.com/book/legion-saga-prologue My other book, coauthored with Daniel Dechamps 12 Steps to disaster: Gematria, Canaries and preprogramming https://www.amazon.co.uk/12-Steps-Disaster-Gematria-Pre-programming-ebook/dp/B09C58CC12 My other Social media links My Telegram Music Page (for free mp3 downloads of my tunes) https://t.me/TMSSPMUSIC Soundcloud https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/K48kx TMSSP YouTube channel https://youtube.com/channel/UCUX8AZaCTmxH9PhGJkK-89w Sam Fisher YouTube https://youtube.com/@SamFisher6791 TMSSP BitChute https://bitchute.com/channel/twomenstandingstillproductions/ Sam Fisher BitChute channel https://bitchute.com/channel/the_real_sam_fisher/ Sam Fisher Odysee https://odysee.com/@SamuelNFisher:2106 views -
Resonance, Crispr and DREADDS
AlternativeResearch#crispr #patents #accoustic You don't need graphene and you don't need any organism of any kind in the vaccines, in order to achieve everything that we're seeing, that's been associated with / attributed to them. All you need Crispr, Sound and DREADDS. In this series I will prove to you that this is the case. But first you need to know how they're doing this, what technology they're using to do it and is the technology in existence and in use today? In this prologue episode, I'll show you the technologies that're being used and for how long they've been in existence for? (All documents articles and videos featured, are linked below) Skidmore College Tedx talk: https://youtu.be/sDBy59rJ3lE Dr. Charles Morgan (2017) west point military academy lecture: Psycho-Neurobiology and warfare: https://www.bitchute.com/embed/X37Gd2K573cp/ DREADDS Research papers Telegram Document Drop: https://t.me/SamFisherDatadrops/674?single https://t.me/SamFisherDatadrops/685?single Acoustic Manipulation patents Telegram Drops: https://t.me/SamFisherDatadrops/10395?single https://t.me/SamFisherDatadrops/10408?single https://t.me/SamFisherDatadrops/10519?single https://t.me/SamFisherDatadrops/10539?single https://t.me/SamFisherDatadrops/10590?single https://t.me/SamFisherDatadrops/10621?single https://t.me/SamFisherDatadrops/10632?single https://t.me/SamFisherDatadrops/10759?single Wired magazine's Crispr Article: https://www.wired.com/story/theres-new-proof-crispr-can-edit-genes-inside-human-bodies/ Science direct, sound manipulated bacteria article: https://scitechdaily.com/genetically-engineered-sound-controlled-bacteria-that-seek-and-destroy-cancer-cells/ Music: Immune By TMSSP (from the album: Demonstrations of Power) Good Telegram groups to join: Sam Fisher Data Drops https://t.me/Samfisherdatadrops Unvaccinated Lives Matter (ULM) https://t.me/unvaxedlivesmatter No New Normal https://t.me/NoNewNormalChat M Seeker of Truth https://t.me/MSeekerOfTruthChat Link to my newest book, The Legion Saga: Prologue direct from the publisher https://www.austinmacauley.com/book/legion-saga-prologue My other book, coauthored with Daniel Dechamps 12 Steps to disaster: Gematria, Canaries and preprogramming https://www.amazon.co.uk/12-Steps-Disaster-Gematria-Pre-programming-ebook/dp/B09C58CC12 My other Social media links My Telegram Music Page (for free mp3 downloads of my tunes) https://t.me/TMSSPMUSIC Soundcloud https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/K48kx TMSSP YouTube channel https://youtube.com/channel/UCUX8AZaCTmxH9PhGJkK-89w Sam Fisher YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/SamFisher6791 TMSSP BitChute https://bitchute.com/channel/twomenstandingstillproductions/ Sam Fisher BitChute channel https://bitchute.com/channel/the_real_sam_fisher/ Sam Fisher Odysee https://odysee.com/@SamuelNFisher:267 views