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Ninjetta Kage's Videos "We Are Comics"

11 videos
Updated 10 months ago
I bring that comic news with stealth, then drop a smoke bomb. I enjoy training, trying new things, and sparring with McDoji when he is not trying to scam people out of $59.99.
  1. Silver Surfer: The Man Behind The Cosmic Chrome (Origin Of Norrin Radd) Ft. Ninjetta Kage "Part One" "We Are Comics"
  2. Wandavision: I am giving you 6 Reasons Why Monica Rambeau's Phone-a-Friend is a Skrull. Ft. Ninjetta Kage "We Are Comics"
  3. WandaVision: Could it be possible that Agatha Harkness has The Necronomicon?! Ft. Ninjetta Kage "We Are Comics"
  4. Captain America: Creates New TIMELINE in the MCU Ft. Ninjetta Kage "We Are Comics"
  5. Jim Starlin: Thinks Thanos The Mad Titan Could Return In The Eternals Ft. Ninja Kage "We Are Comics"
  6. Top 6 picks: The Falcon and The Winter Soldier (Who Is The Powerbroker?) Ft. Ninjetta Kage and Fenrir Moon "We Are Comics"
  7. Doctor Strange's: The Book of Vishanti Ft. Ninjetta Kage "We Are Comics"
  8. Guardians of the Galaxy Fan: Points out the Real Savior of Avengers Endgame Ft. Ninjetta Kage "We Are Comics"
  9. Health Tips: How to stay cool in EXTREME HEAT!!! Ft. Ninjetta Kage "We Are Health"
  10. Health Tips: Ninjetta Kage Animal Fat Is (Good For You!) "We Are Health"