LET'S PLAY WAVE RACE 64 [ TEST VIDEO ] 1920'S MUSIC 2 to 2 Jazz Collection!
Bill Plays! ( My lost media found ) "Museum"https://archive.org/download/Free_20s_Jazz_Collection Free 20s Jazz Collection by Gathacol Radio Usage Public DomainCreative Commons Licensepublicdomain Topics free, jazz, old A expired Copyright collection of Music Files for Free_20s_Jazz_Collection Name Last modified Size Go to parent directory 2to2.mp3 26-Oct-2014 20:27 1.9M A Creative Commons license is one of several public copyright licenses that enable the free distribution of an otherwise copyrighted "work". A CC license is used when an author wants to give other people the right to share, use, and build upon a work that the author has created. CC provides an author flexibility and protects the people who use or redistribute an author's work from concerns of copyright infringement as long as they abide by the conditions that are specified in the license by which the author distributes the work. "Fair use is a legal doctrine that promotes freedom of expression by permitting the unlicensed use of copyright-protected works in certain circumstances. Section 107 of the Copyright Act provides the statutory framework for determining whether something is a fair use and identifies certain types of uses—such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research—as examples of activities that may qualify as fair use. - Copyright.gov11 views