TBPITU Reboot: Fat Brain
TheDickShowDick and Vito reboot The Biggest Problem in the Universe and talk about the "Fat Brain." From Episode 261 Vote on the problems: https://www.patreon.com/posts/51967843 Problems: The War on Blackface, Kid-Friendly Pride, Lack of Bidets, and Fat Brain. #TheDickShow #BiggestProblem #FatBrain54 views -
Tess Holiday says photographs were taken 'through Fat Phobic Lens'
TheDickShowTess Holiday says the photos of her at Disney world were taken through a fat phobic lens, catching her at her worst moments, and showing her eating AFTER she 'walked MILES' at the park. From Episode 279 For the full episode (video) and bonus episodes, go to http://patreon.com/thedickshow and https://thedickshow.com/ Want to hear Dick and Sean discuss your rage? Leave a Voicemail! (857) 342-5746 #TheDickShow #TessHoliday #FatWatch164 views -
"They Didn't Have A Blood Pressure Cuff That Fit My Arm"
TheDickShowThis week on Fat Watch: A woman named FatFabFeminist complained on TikTok about pervasive "Medical Fatphobia" AKA the medical equipment being "too small" for her to use, and Lizzo wore a see-through dress to Cardi B's birthday party. Featuring guest Brandon Buckingham. From Episode 280 For the full episode (video) and bonus episodes, go to http://patreon.com/thedickshow and https://thedickshow.com/ Want to hear Dick and Sean discuss your rage? Leave a Voicemail! (857) 342-5746 #TheDickShow #Lizzo #FatWatch61 views -
Tess Holliday Protests the Historical Erasure of Fat Bodies
TheDickShowThis week on Fat Watch, a segment dedicated to documenting Fat History: Lizzo celebrates Halloween as a massive Baby Yoda and Tess Holliday says "I don't post photos like this to be like, 'look how hot I am (but also plz look away)' I post pics like this because I refuse to let them write us out of the story." From Episode 283 For the full episode (video) and bonus episodes, go to http://patreon.com/thedickshow and https://thedickshow.com/ Want to hear Dick and Sean discuss your rage? Leave a Voicemail! (857) 342-5746 #TheDickShow #TessHolliday #FatWatch111 views -
The Future of Hooters
TheDickShowThis week on Fat Watch, a segment dedicated to documenting Fat History: A group of "buxom beauties" cosplaying shows us the hell we are heading towards. From Episode 284 For the full episode (video) and bonus episodes, go to http://patreon.com/thedickshow and https://thedickshow.com/ Want to hear Dick and Sean discuss your rage? Leave a Voicemail! (857) 342-5746 #TheDickShow #Hooters #FatWatch97 views -
What is Fatphobia?
TheDickShowThis week in Fat News! W/ Ryan Long and Danny Polishchuk From Episode 285 For the full episode (video) and bonus episodes, go to http://patreon.com/thedickshow and https://thedickshow.com/ Want to hear Dick and Sean discuss your rage? Leave a Voicemail! (857) 342-5746 #TheDickShow #Fatphobia #FatWatch69 views -
"Can you believe that COVID did this to her?"
TheDickShowFat Watch: This week in fat news we visit the first case of "Wide Covid" and learn about the internalized fatphobia of men who have sex with fat women- but only in secret. From Episode 287 For the full episode (video) and bonus episodes, go to http://patreon.com/thedickshow and https://thedickshow.com/ Want to hear Dick and Sean discuss your rage? Leave a Voicemail! (857) 342-5746 #TheDickShow #FatWatch #Fatphobia77 views -
"How Does This Bikini Work Exactly!?"
TheDickShowFat Watch: This week in fat news we visit a dancing "model" Thighs Carla (who copy-struck this clip for using her tiktok "song") From Episode 288 For the full episode (video) and bonus episodes, go to http://patreon.com/thedickshow and https://thedickshow.com/ Want to hear Dick and Sean discuss your rage? Leave a Voicemail! (857) 342-5746 #TheDickShow #FatWatch #ThaisCarla67 views -
"They redid Beauty & The Beast as Beast & The Beast"
TheDickShowFat Watch: This week in fat news we consider the medical necessity of being weighed by doctors at appointments, an article warns of anorexic tik tok diets, and we meet a fat Beauty and the Beast. From Episode 289 For the full episode (video) and bonus episodes, go to http://patreon.com/thedickshow and https://thedickshow.com/ Want to hear Dick and Sean discuss your rage? Leave a Voicemail! (857) 342-5746 #TheDickShow #FatWatch #BeautyAndTheBeast #TikTok96 views -
The Rise of the “Mom Bod”
TheDickShowFat Watch: This week in fat news we look at mom bods and the average undesired weight gains reported since they start of the pandemic. From Episode 291 For the full episode (video) and bonus episodes, go to http://patreon.com/thedickshow and https://thedickshow.com/ Want to hear Dick and Sean discuss your rage? Leave a Voicemail! (857) 342-5746 #TheDickShow #FatWatch #Mombod98 views