At The Table
3 videos
Updated 1 month ago
Welcome to At The Table.
What is God really like? Who is Jesus? How do I live an authentic Christian life?
Hit the play button and sit, listen and enjoy as Geoff speaks with Christian Pastors, Missionaries and Ministers from around the world as they tell stories about God and the amazing things HE's done.
Psalm 23:5 "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;”
When we gather and share stories of what God has done in our lives it feeds our spirit and encourages our faith; just like when we sit and eat food at the table it brings life to our bodies. It is through our testimony of who Jesus is, that we overcome the work and influence of the enemy in our lives.
Revelation 12:11a "And they have defeated him by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony.”
Psalm 96:2-3 "Each day proclaim the good news that he saves. Publish his glorious deeds among the nations. Tell everyone about the amazing things he does.”
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Ep 3: Encountering the Holy Spirit as Comforter and Overcoming Sin and Our Past
GeoMatWelcome to At The Table. In this episode Geoff hosts his sister, Amy. Strap in for this two hour long conversation where Amy shares about what it was like growing up as a believer after her mom died and feeling responsible for her younger sisters spiritual lives. You'll hear Amy talk about what led her to eventually give her life to the Lord on Feb 9, 2021, the deep questions she had and what happened the moment she felt the Holy Spirit hug her physically, just a few short days after she gave her life to God. If you would like to contact Geoff and be on the show, please head over to our website: www.geoffmatero.com *If you like the show please leave us a review on any of the platforms this show is available. 17 views -
Ep 2: Pastor Gene Short. Hearing God's Voice.
GeoMatWelcome to At The Table. Did you know God loves to speak to His people? Did you know you can be baptized in the Holy Spirit and hear Him lead you and guide you through situations in your life? God is not a silent God. He loves talking with His children. Geoff and Gene talk about hearing God's voice for the first time. They go on to share moments from their lives when God spoke to them in unique ways. He's always there and ready to meet with us. Just get into the Secret Place. He's waiting for you. Gene Short is a Christian Pastor from Ogden, Utah and Geoff's father in law. Years ago, the Lord lead Gene to Utah to pant houses of pray, worship centers and churches. Today, Gene leads prayer summits around the world with a focus in Mexico. If you'd like to contact Gene visit his website below: Gene Short: https://lightthewayministries.weebly.com/ If you would like to contact Geoff and be on the show, please head over to our website: www.geoffmatero.com *If you like the show please leave us a review on any of the platforms this show is available. 13 views -
Ep 1: Geoff and Britteny. How Geoff Got Saved and God Is Faithful to Show Up
GeoMatWelcome to At The Table. In this initial episode Geoff and Britteny talk about where the idea for "At The Table" came from. They go on to share moments from their lives when they needed God, cried out to Him and He was there. Sit, listen and enjoy as they discuss moments of hearing Him speak when the needed Him most. AT THE TABLE: Check us out on our Social Media to get updates on upcoming shows: https://www.facebook.com/groups/atthetablecommunity https://www.instagram.com/geoffmatero/ https://www.instagram.com/brittenymatero/ If you would like to contact Geoff and be on the show, please head over to our website: www.geoffmatero.com *If you like the show please leave us a review on any of the platforms this show is available. #gogod #atthetable #jesus #christianity #ywam #god #faith #missions #podcast #anchorandmoor #missionary #ywamkona12 views