They Lied to You About Hitler (Tear-Jerker)
Mike King / RealNewsandHistory.comAfter a former British Prime Minister met Hitler in Berlin, he described him as a "national hero" and "the greatest man." Banned Books & PDFS: https://realnewsandhistory.com/bookspdfs/ Support my videos: https://realnewsandhistory.com/donate/48.6K views 469 comments -
Hitler's "Suicide Note" - His Historic Final Testament
Mike King / RealNewsandHistory.comThere's no history like original source history. / April 29, 1945 World War 2 Truth: https://www.realnewsandhistory.com/bad-war/ Become a sustaining $5 patron: https://www.subscribestar.com/the-great-tomato-bubble15.6K views 105 comments