Tribute to our military and families
1 video
Updated 1 year ago
A moment of prayer and meditation sending peace, prosperity, healing , wisdom , protection to the military the keeps the citizens safe putting their own lives on the line for us. 🙏
QspecialForcesWE PRAY FOR YOU - SAVOR OF MANKIND YOU ARE THE REAL HERQS - THOSE WHO HAVE SACREFICED THEIR LIVES, WE PRAY FOR YOU AND WE HOPE GOD HAS CHOSEN YOU TO BE NOW ANGELS PROTECTING US FROM ABOVE - COME BACK HOME SAVE DEAR HEROS - 💫 ARCHANGELS SENT FROM GOD 💫 -->> https://rumble.com/v1n6hxo-archangels-sent-from-god.html - I✦I United Forces of Earth I✦I | EarthAlliance - MusicVideo -->> https://rumble.com/v229b3i-ii-united-forces-of-earth-ii-earthalliance.html - MODERN BATTLEFIELD THIS SONG IS: Dedicated to all brave soldiers freedom fighters and to all herQes who sacrificed their lives in the fight for freedom and against evil - you will always live on in our hearts and prayers - THANK YOU SO MUCH DEAR BRAVE SOLDIER HEROS 🤜🏻❤️🤛🏻 - A TRIBUTE THE THE BRAVE MILITARY FORCES FROM ALL OVER and UNDER THE WORLD -->> DUMBSand UNDERGROUND cleanout HERQS -->> https://rumble.com/v1jflqn-dumbsand-underground-cleanout-herqs.html - A Military Tribute 💫 - -->> https://rumble.com/v1j11b9-a-military-tribute-.html - 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord o my soul ) - Matt Redman (with Lyrics) -->> https://rumble.com/v20vnmg-10000-reasons-bless-the-lord-o-my-soul-matt-redman-with-lyrics.html - 💫✨DARK TO LIGHT💫✨ ⚔❤️⚔WWG1WGA ⚔❤️⚔ - ARCHANGELS SENT FROM GOD -->> https://rumble.com/v1n6hxo-archangels-sent-from-god.html - TRUST THE PLAN >>MILITARY IS THE ONLY WAY - WARP TROOPS FULL CLEANING OF UNDERGROUND AND SURFACE IN FULL COMBAT PROCESS ---->>> https://rumble.com/v1nft7c-a-tribute-the-the-brave-military-forces-arround-the-world.html - Military is the only way 🐸 #DDK --->>> https://rumble.com/v1mj1yx-military-is-the-only-way-ddk.html - ⚔️🔥⚔️ IF TODAY WOULD BE YOUR LAST DAY ---->>> https://t.me/SpecialQForces/26253 ->> https://rumble.com/v2vbjrv-earthalliance-military-tribute-if-today-was-your-last-day.html - SPECIAL OP TROOPS IN FULL CLEANING OF THE UNDERGROUND AND SURFACE IN FULL COMBAT PROCESS - CLEANOUT HERQS -->> https://rumble.com/v1ojpvh-cleanout-herqs.html - A Military Tribute 💫 - -->> https://rumble.com/v1j11b9-a-military-tribute-.html - NEVER EVER GIVE UP WHAT DOES NOT KILL YOU MAKES YOU STRONGER --->>> https://rumble.com/v1kb8hp-what-does-not-kill-you-makes-you-stronger.html - #FREEDOMFIGHTERSWW Z SPECIAL UNIT -->>> https://rumble.com/v1khf7f-z-special-unit.html - SPECIAL UNIT Z - WITCHES and TRAITORS NIGHTMARE -->> https://rumble.com/v1kmbkb-special-units-z-witches-and-traitors-hunters.html - SPECIAL UNIT Z - WITCHES and TRAITORS NIGHTMARE -->> https://rumble.com/v1khf7f-z-special-unit.html - 🇺🇲⚡️🇦🇺⚡️TIP OF THE SPEAR SPECIAL UNIT Z -->> https://rumble.com/v1irom3-tip-of-the-spear-special-unit-z.html - AUSTRALIA SPECIAL FORCES -->> https://rumble.com/v1ijsw7-australia-special-forces.html - 75th RANGER REGIMENT ‚Rangers lead the way' -->> https://rumble.com/v1ijnj7-75th-ranger-regiment-rangers-lead-the-way.html - TIP OF THE SPEAR -->> https://rumble.com/v1ijrgt-tip-of-the-spear.html - RESCUE ANGELS -->> https://rumble.com/v1ikfuv-september-4-2022.html - IN MY HEAD -->> https://rumble.com/v1ira97-in-my-head.html - IN IT TOGETHER - WWG1WGA -->> https://rumble.com/v1ir7mp-in-it-together-wwg1wga.html - ⚡DARK ⚔️ SIDE⚡ -->> https://rumble.com/v1ip2s7-dark-side.html - NIGHTS OF THE NIGHT⚡️ -->> https://rumble.com/v1inp0o-nights-of-the-night.html - WATCH YOUR BACK⚡️⚡️⚡️ -->> https://rumble.com/v1ioxm3-watch-your-back.html - "TO BELIEVE IT""⚡️⚡️⚡️ -->> https://rumble.com/v1ink8z-to-believe-it.html - MARSOC -->> https://rumble.com/v1ire7d-marsoc.html - 💫✨DARK TO LIGHT💫✨ ⚔❤️⚔WWG1WGA ⚔❤️⚔ TRUST THE PLAN >>MILITARY IS THE ONLY WAY Q #GalacticFederation #EarthAlliance WE STAND WITH THE GOOD SOULS OF ALL THE WORLDS2.03K views 8 comments