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Ted Gunderson Tried

10 videos
Updated 1 day ago
All Ted Gunderson Facts of his decades of investigations after retirement march 1979 orver 700 agents under his command. Ted is a highly creditable source of Facts against the Cabal. Ted provides the documentation to back up everything he uncovered. Gunderson CONNECTED the DOTS from 1776 up until the current yr 2025. IF your looking for Unbaised Factual information that was put together by one of the Good Guys. You won't be disappointed if you Give Ted the time to present the Evidence that could've & should've been used in court proceedings.
  1. FBI Whistleblower Ted Gunderson Exposes Mind Control, Satanism, Pedophilia, CIA FINDERS and Drugs
  2. Ted Gunderson HEAD OF FBI Tells ALL "Illuminati, Satanism, Pedophile Rings"
  3. MK Ultra - FBI Whistleblower Ted Gunderson Reveals What Happens to Missing People
  4. FBI Agent Ted Gunderson held a lecture on Human Trafficking
  5. Ted Gunderson about underground tunnels beneath the McMartin Preschool in Los Angeles, California
  6. TRU REPORTING SECRET SHOW! ep.33 "Ted Gunderson: Former FBI Chief and Whistle Blower
  7. "Their" Oath - Ted Gunderson
  8. MK Ultra - FBI Whistleblower Ted Gunderson Reveals What Happens to Missing People - ODD TV
  9. Ted Gunderson The Great Conspiracy
  10. Ted Gunderson under U.S. National Security Government Surveillance & Investigation.