5D TACTICAL ROUTER JIG: Complete the 80% AR15 lower using the 5D Tactical Jig
The Rogue BansheeThis 5D Tactical router jig video will show you what comes with the 5D Tactical Multiplatform jig, as well as how to complete the 80% AR15 lower. This video has been altered from the original so that it fits YouTube Guidelines, if you would like to see the full video visit our website at www.trb.fyi. If you have ever wondered how to use the 5D Tactical Router Jig Pro, this video will show you. We have an article that we put the 80 Percent Arms Jig against the 5D Tactical Jig. Visit that article at https://trb.fyi/ar-jig-shootout-5d-tactical-vs-80-percent-arms The cheapest advertised price that we found on the Internet is from JSD Supply. Check out the 5D Tactical Jig here https://bit.ly/373D8aL If you like the work that we do here at The Rogue Banshee, please consider supporting us for free by clicking on our affiliate links at www.trb.fyi before purchasing gear, parts and tools or donating to us on Patreon. Your support allows us to continue to produce the quality content that you expect from us. Don't forget to spread the word on your favorite Social Media platform by clicking the sharing buttons below. Visit our channel for more content on gear and firearms. Also, remember to subscribe while you are there. Visit us at : http://www.trb.fyi http://www.facebook.com/TheRogueBanshee/ http://www.twitter.com/TheRogueBanshee http://www.patreon.com/TheRogueBanshee Video Index: Intro - 0:00 What comes with the 5D Tactical Jig Pro - 0:33 Step 1: How to install the 5D Tactical Jig buffer adapter - 2:23 Step 2: How to mount the AR lower to the How to install the 5D Tactical jig - 3:26 Step 3: Installing the 5D Tactical Jig side plates - 5:16 Step 4: Installing the drill guide onto the 5D Tactical jig - 6:30 Step 5: Router setup for the 5D Tactical Jig - 7:12 Step 6: Drilling the pilot hole using the 5D Tactical Jig - 9:17 Step 7: Milling the lower with the 5D Tactical Router Jig Pro- 10:24 Step 8: Drilling the safety, hammer and trigger pin holes using the 5D Tactical Jig side plates - 12:43 Step 9: Removing the receiver from the 5D Tactical Jig - 13:25 Does it work - 14:139.42K views 6 comments