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Red Hats Blow Up "Evil" Undersea Dome that Spawned a 3.8 Earthquake Off the Coast of Maine
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Philadelphia Plane Crash 911: The Prophetic Warning You Need To Hear
Ark of Grace MinistriesPhiladelphia Plane Crash 911: The Prophetic Warning You Need To Hear Amanda discloses the prophetic connections between the recent plane crashes, the reoccurring appearance of 911, and current events taking place. Tune in February 1, 2025 at 6pm ET. NEW! Prayer Lines now available Mon - Fri 9am-5pm EST. CALL 845-743-6500 or 845-743-2583 BOOK: Amanda Grace is thrilled to announce the release of her debut book, The Revelationary War. Pre-order your copy here: https://buff.ly/4fnuDd7 Music Copyright References: -131615741-Awards Inspirational Cinematic Music (Short 3) [Upbeat Nomination Epic Orchestra] Stock Media provided by JadSound / Pond5 -21981893-Corporate And Inspirational Cinematic Background Music (1.00 Minutes Version) Stock Media provided by StockAudios / Pond5 -151471022-Uplifting Inspirational Corporate Stock Media provided by Patrick_Schlebes / Pond5 -154756307-Magic Fireflies Loop Version2(Modern And Relaxing Background) Stock Media provided by Lesya_NZ / Pond5 -123859534-Successful Product Presentation 60S - P5 Stock Media provided by Wolfgangwoehrle / Pond5 -105166597-Believe in You (Inspirational And Uplifting)- P5 Stock Media provided by DivaProductionMusic / Pond5 Music License: https://www.pond5.com/legal/license/20230221 Purchase ID/Date: 7365245 / 9-29-2023 Website: https://arkofgrace.org Prayer Requests: https://arkofgrace.org/prayer-requests Donate: https://arkofgrace.org/donate Partners: https://arkofgrace.org/ministry-partners 🖥 Follow Amanda Grace: 👇 YOUTUBE @ArkOfGraceMinistries Rumble @ArkOfGraceMinistries X/Twitter @AmandaGrace_AOG Facebook @ArkOfGraceMinistry Instagram @ArkOfGrace88 TIK TOK @arkofgraceministries TELEGRAM @arkofgraceministries Truth @ArkOfGraceMinistries64.2K views 184 comments -
Trump Clues from the Golden Age Week 2! Sunday 2-2-25 11 AM CST
RedpillTheWorldMelly's website https://FreedomForce.LIVE Here are the study guide links: End Times For Beginners https://www.amazon.com/Times-1000-Years-Peace-Beginners/dp/B0DJHF4GXR Answer Key https://www.amazon.com/Times-Years-Peace-Study-Guide/dp/B0DJ7JBMC6? NO CENSOR TV! https://freedomforce.mycuestreaming.com/ Health links https://freedomforce.live/health/ Zeolite detox https://freedomforce.thegoodinside.com/ftmz60-trial-offer-688733-lp REVELATION DECODE BOOKS https://www.amazon.com/Redpill-The-World/e/B07STYS19W REVELATION DECODE AUDIOBOOK https://FreedomForce.LIVE/catalog Jubilees https://godrules.net/TheBookofJubilees.pdf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3xksnj8DRU GREAT PATRIOT PRODUCTS Hemp CBD at https://bit.ly/3y9RhCN https://MyPillow.com/Melly (Promo Code: MELLY) Boycott the Beast! https://FreedomForce.LIVE/Boycott Cleanse voter records with IV3 on https://truethevote.org/ Volunteer for Trump https://trumpforce47.com/ SOCIAL MEDIA Join us on Telegram https://t.me/FreedomForceBattalion Join us on Truth https://truthsocial.com/@1000YearsOfPeace Join us on https://GETTR.com/user/FreedomForce Rumble https://rumble.com/user/RedpillTheWorld/ BitChute Videos https://www.bitchute.com/channel/L9CivRU6QvgQ/ Frank Speech https://frankspeech.com/shows/freedom-force-battalion-tv-show Neural Therapy at https://PrescribingLife.com 713.352.8249 Please Support the Children's Recovery here https://skippydeedoodah.com/ Seized Assets https://www.treasury.gov/ofac/downloads/sdnlist.pdf Durham Report at https://www.justice.gov/storage/durhamreport.pdf35.5K views 112 comments -
🏛️💰 Jekyll Island: The Truth Behind the Federal Reserve | William T. Still
Real Truth Real News✅ Please Click the THUMBS UP Button 👍 and SUBSCRIBE! 💚 . Unless we get rid of the disease known as the Federal Reserve, no amount of change within government will fix anything. It's just putting a bandaid on the wound as Americans slave away. . ⚔️ Everything You Need To Know About the Deep State Globalist Cabal, CIA, FBI, UN, WEF, WHO, The Great Reset, Agenda2030, NWO, SOGI, The Covid SCAMdemic, Killer Vaccines, Climate Change Scam, Cancer Cures and More: www.DeepStateTruth.com . ༻❁✿❀༺ ˎˊ 🔴 ˋˏ ༻❁✿❀༺ . 💊 Covid Vaccine Detox: www.DiamondzDetox.com 💜 Order Ivermectin/Mebendazole/Hydroxychloroquine/Z-Pack and More: www.BodywisePharmacy.com 🇨🇦 Email For Canadian Ivermectin/HCQ Order Instructions: realtruthrealnews@gmail.com 💜 Wellness Contagion Kits Contain Ivermectin, HCQ, Z-Pak, Budesonide and More: http://tinyurl.com/4nyb5evz ☀️ Purchase Fenbendazole: https://tinyurl.com/4r368rnv 🪱 ParaGon (Parasite Cleanse) Contains Both Ivermectin and Fenbendazole Together: https://tinyurl.com/bde8v443 ✅ If I Had Cancer or Knew Someone Who Did I Would Check This Out: https://tinyurl.com/mpzepraz 🎗️ Anti-Cancer/Anti-Aging Skin Cream and Supplements: https://tinyurl.com/4jpzdy3z 📋 Dr. Makis: Ivermectin, Febendazole, Mebendazole Now Peer-Reviewed For Cancer Treatment! https://tinyurl.com/bdhmm5m3 🧬 The Joe Tippens Cancer Protocol 🎗️ Fenbendazole/Ivermectin For Cancer Treatment: https://tinyurl.com/3w48er2u . ༻❁✿❀༺ ˎˊ Detox Your Body At a Cellular Level ˋˏ ༻❁✿❀༺ . ☮️ MasterPeace Nutraceutical With Zeolite Removes Graphene, Heavy Metals, Plastics: http://tinyurl.com/y67rc4bk ✅ Detox Nanotech, Graphine, Heavy Metals: https://tinyurl.com/36f559ne 💜 Dr. Peter McCullough Recommends "Spike Support" With Nattokinase to Dissolve the Spike Proteins: https://tinyurl.com/5n99uvjv 💦 ASEA Redox For Cellular Detox/Chelation. Article and Purchase Link: https://tinyurl.com/mvzxxsm6 🦋 ROOT Brands Products Detox Heavy Metals, Toxins, Parasites and More: https://therootbrands.com/bodywisecbd 🧬 Protandim For Optimal Mitochondrial/Cellular Health: https://amzn.to/44rd7jr 💦 Chlorine Dioxide Toothpaste, Mouthwash, Nasal Sprays, Skin Care: https://tinyurl.com/29b4j3c9 🧬 Chlorine Dioxide Drops For Drinking Water: https://tinyurl.com/43kdtmr3 ⏱️ WAVwatch Frequency Healing - Even Has a Detox Setting! https://tinyurl.com/2auhz27p Use Code "Bodywise: for $100 Off ... Article: https://tinyurl.com/y58ja48p . 🍉🍓🍌🍑 Visit My New Alternative Health Store For More Amazing Products! www.DiamondzHealth.com . ▶️ Alternative Health Blog: www.DiamondzUltimateHealth.com ▶️ RealTruthRealNews Website: www.RealTruthRealNews.com ▶️ Follow Me on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/Diamondz ▶️ Follow Me on Telegram For World and Health News: https://t.me/RealTruthRealNews7.02K views 5 comments -
Gates Must Answer For The Deaths, Injuries & Unethical Experiments He Has Unleashed On The World
Sunfellow On COVID-19On January 29, 2025, Deborah Murtagh @DeborahMurtagh4 writes: The Vaccine Scandal You Were NEVER Supposed to Know What if I told you a vaccine linked to infertility was given to hundreds of thousands of women -- without their knowledge? What if I told you a vaccine banned in the West due to safety concerns is STILL being pushed on African children -- despite studies showing severe health risks? And what if I told you Bill Gates -- who funds these programs -- just had his legal immunity revoked in Kenya? This isn’t speculation. It happened. And the evidence is real. The WHO’s Tetanus Vaccine Scandal In 2013, WHO launched a tetanus vaccine campaign in Kenya. But doctors noticed something alarming -- women who received the shot couldn’t carry a pregnancy to term. Independent lab tests found HCG hormones -- bonded to the vaccine. When injected, HCG triggers an immune response against pregnancy itself -- a covert form of sterilization. Kenyan doctors exposed this in a published study. The DTP Vaccine Scandal. The DTP vaccine was withdrawn in the U.S. & Europe -- but still given to African & Asian children. A 30-year study in West Africa found: Girls vaccinated with DTP were 10x more likely to die than unvaccinated children. They weren’t dying from tetanus or diphtheria. They were dying from pneumonia, anemia, dysentery. Who’s Behind This? Bill Gates. His foundation is one of WHO’s largest funders. Gates pushed the DTP vaccine & Kenyan tetanus campaign. Now, Kenya has STRIPPED his legal immunity. Why does he need immunity in the first place? Question the narrative. Demand transparency. Hold those in power accountable. SHARE this video. The world must know the truth. Source: https://x.com/DeborahMurtagh4/status/1884734210658934855 See also: Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda (2022 Wakefield-Kennedy-CHD Documentary) https://rumble.com/v184bw8-infertility-a-diabolical-agenda-2022-wakefield-kennedy-chd-documentary.html Sunfellow Vaccination Resource Page https://sunfellow.com/vaccination-resource-page/ COVID-19 Vaccines For Children (& Childhood Vaccines In General) Rumble Playlist https://rumble.com/playlists/A87UF7Dy_Qc A Common-Sense Approach To Childhood Vaccines Is Now Needed (World Council For Health) https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/news/statements/childhood-vaccines/ Vaccination Horror Stories: Why We Don’t Vaccinate https://rumble.com/c/vaxnot Vaccination Horror Stories: Children’s Health Defense Bus Stories https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/browse-all/chd-bus-collection/ Children's Health Defense https://childrenshealthdefense.org/too-many-sick-children/ ICAN https://icandecide.org/ National Vaccine Information Center https://www.nvic.org/ Become A Certified Vaccine Education Specialist https://www.energetichealthinstitute.org/vax101-vaccine-education-specialist/ Resources For Parents Who Will Not Vaccinate Their Children https://www.stopmandatoryvaccination.com/take-action/resources/ Autism Parenting Secrets Website https://autismparentingsecrets.com/ Autism Parenting Secrets Podcasts https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/autism-parenting-secrets/id1515341022 2M Foundation http://2mfoundation.org The Vaccine Injury Treatment, Recovery And Resource Starter Guide https://www.stopmandatoryvaccination.com/vaccine-dangers/the-vaccine-injury-treatment-recovery-and-resource-starter-guide/ How To Find A Vaccine-Free Doctor https://www.stopmandatoryvaccination.com/personal-choice/find-a-vaccine-free-doctor/ Vaccine Documentaries Throughout The Years https://rumble.com/c/VaccineDocumentaries Two Verifiable Anecdotes Are The Mathematical Proof That Vaccines Cause Sids And Autism https://canadahealthalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Two-verifiable-anecdotes-are-the-mathematical-proof-that-vaccines-cause-SIDS-and-autism.pdf .................. Recommended Vaccine Books: Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History (Book) https://amzn.to/4dIn14h Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak (Book) https://amzn.to/3QYPRos Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science And Myth (Book) https://amzn.to/3FvVymr Vax Facts: What To Consider Before Vaccinating At All Ages & Stages Of Life (Book) https://amzn.to/3VXgdsI Grok summarizes the four books mentioned above: https://x.com/i/grok/share/lsI8jCJWd74KncCmlwZDdjrXx The Unvaccinated Child: A Treatment Guide for Parents and Caregivers (Book) https://amzn.to/3ZUrquC New Children's Book: 'I'm Unvaccinated And That's OK!' (Book) https://rumble.com/v33o3sy-new-childrens-book-im-unvaccinated-and-thats-ok-del-bigtree-and-dr.-shannon.html .................. How Vaccines Alter Intimate Relationships & Gender Identity https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/how-vaccines-alter-intimate-relationships How Much Damage Have Vaccines Done To Society? https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/how-much-damage-have-vaccines-done .................... Rumble Videos: Del Bigtree's Message To Senator Bill Cassidy, Who Headed The Second RFK Jr. HHS Hearing https://rumble.com/v6fhl9d-del-bigtrees-message-to-senator-bill-cassidy-who-headed-the-second-rfk-jr.-.html Tucker Carlson Interviews Attorney Aaron Siri https://rumble.com/v63thba-tucker-carlson-interviews-attorney-aaron-siri.html The Facts About Vax (Children's Health Defense) https://rumble.com/v63pej4-the-facts-about-vax-childrens-health-defense.html Finding The Words: How To Heal Children Of Autism (A Heavily Censored 2004 Documentary) https://rumble.com/v63f952-finding-the-words-how-to-heal-children-of-autism-a-heavily-censored-2004-do.html The Tide Is Turning Big Time: CNN Reveals American Trust In Vaccines Is Plummeting! https://rumble.com/v61k4wh-the-tide-is-turning-big-time-cnn-reveals-american-trust-in-vaccines-is-plum.html What Happens When Parents Discover They Have Systematically Poisoned Their Children With Vaccines? https://rumble.com/v5zpkle-what-happens-when-parents-discover-they-have-systematically-poisoned-their-.html Queensland Supreme Court Rules Australia's Anti-Vaccine Doctors & Nurses Are Now Free To Speak! https://rumble.com/v5z68fq-queensland-supreme-court-rules-australias-anti-vaccine-doctors-and-nurses-a.html Tucker Carlson Apologizes To Anti-Vaxxers For Being 'Unthinking, Stupid And Reactionary' https://rumble.com/v5kp5al-tucker-carlson-apologizes-to-anti-vaxxers-for-being-unthinking-stupid-and-r.html Nicole Shanahan: The Struggle She Faced After A Childhood Vaccine Made Her Healthy Baby Girl Autistic https://rumble.com/v5flkpx-nicole-shanahan-the-struggle-she-faced-after-childhood-vaccine-made-her-hea.html Shanahan, Bowden, Kruse Interview Dr. Andrew Wakefield About His New Movie, Protocol7 https://rumble.com/v5f6jvv-shanahan-bowden-kruse-interview-dr.-andrew-wakefield-about-his-new-movie-pr.html Joe Rogan & Bret Weinstein: The Dark History Of How Vaccine Makers Got Immunity From Liability https://rumble.com/v5dukgt-joe-rogan-and-bret-weinstein-the-dark-history-of-how-vaccine-makers-got-imm.html RFK Jr. Schools Reporter John Stossel On Chronic Health Issues, Including Childhood Vaccines https://rumble.com/v5djqzx-rfk-jr.-schools-reporter-john-stossel-on-chronic-health-issues-including-ch.html MUST WATCH! Dr. Peter McCullough Interviews Roman Bystrianyk: The Forgotten History Of Vaccines https://rumble.com/v5d0gut-must-watch-dr.-peter-mccullough-interviews-roman-bystrianyk-the-forgotten-h.html RFK Jr. Debates One Of Today's Most Controversial Topics: Vaccines (Both Childhood & COVID-19) https://rumble.com/v52k9sh-rfk-jr.-debates-one-of-todays-most-controversial-topics-vaccines-both-child.html Protocol 7 (Andy Wakefield's New Film Is 'Bold, Ambitious, And Dramatic' - Review In Description) https://rumble.com/v50rwuo-protocol-7-andy-wakefields-new-film-is-bold-ambitious-and-dramatic-review-i.html Mother Describes How Biomedical Treatment Reversed Vaccine-Induced Autism In Her Child https://rumble.com/v4zoviz-mother-describes-how-biomedical-treatment-reversed-vaccine-induced-autism-i.html Explosive Report Torpedoes The Entire Childhood Vaccine Schedule! https://rumble.com/v4y0bb3-explosive-report-torpedoes-the-entire-childhood-vaccine-schedule.html What If SADS & SIDS Are Both Caused By Vaccines?! (Actually, They Are!) https://rumble.com/v4xgjok-what-if-sads-and-sids-are-both-caused-by-vaccines-actually-they-are.html Dr. Peter McCullough: Autism, Childhood Vaccines & The Plague Of Transgenderism (Excerpt) https://rumble.com/v4w9rd9-dr.-peter-mccullough-autism-childhood-vaccines-and-the-plague-of-transgende.html Survey Indicates Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, And Gender Dysphoria Are All Primarily Caused By Vaccination https://kirschsubstack.com/p/survey-indicates-sexual-orientation Vaccines Can't Cause Autism, But... https://rumble.com/v4rmzrx-vaccines-cant-cause-autism-but....html Dr. Peter McCullough: Excessive Childhood Vaccination, Febrile Seizures, Risk Of Autism https://rumble.com/v4rg45i-dr.-peter-mccullough-excessive-childhood-vaccination-febrile-seizures-risk-.html Do Vaccines Make Us Healthier? (2024 Update Reviews The Data) https://rumble.com/v4qkg8u-do-vaccines-make-us-healthier-2024-update-reviews-the-data.html Sara Gonzales Interviews Dr. Andrew Wakefield About His New Film 'Protocol 7' https://rumble.com/v4q54hq-sara-gonzales-interviews-dr.-andrew-wakefield-about-his-new-film-protocol-7.html Dr. Peter McCullough @P_McCulloughMD On Childhood Vaccines https://rumble.com/v4om7pk-dr.-peter-mccullough-on-childhood-vaccines.html Get Educated & You Will Discover Childhood Vaccines Are Crimes Against Humanity https://rumble.com/v4kyb19-get-educated-and-you-will-discover-childhood-vaccines-are-crimes-against-hu.html RFK Jr. - How His Epic Battle With Big Pharma & Childhood Vaccines Causing Autism Began https://rumble.com/v4elnql-rfk-jr.-how-his-epic-battle-with-big-pharma-and-childhood-vaccines-causing-.html 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act: MYTH vs. FACT (Barbara Loe Fisher) https://www.nvic.org/newsletter/jan-2024/1986-myths-vs-facts The 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act: The Untold Story (Del Bigtree & Barbara Loe Fisher) https://rumble.com/v45y80i-the-1986-national-childhood-vaccine-injury-act-the-untold-story-del-bigtree.html DPT: Vaccine Roulette (Lea Thompson's 1982 Emmy Award Winning NBC-TV Documentary) https://rumble.com/v461kxi-dpt-vaccine-roulette-lea-thompsons-1982-emmy-award-winning-nbc-tv-documenta.html Dr. McCullough: Studies Show Taking No Vaccinations During Childhood Produce Healthier Children! https://rumble.com/v3x6g18-dr.-mccullough-studies-show-taking-no-vaccinations-during-childhood-produce.html Del Bigtree Interviews Dr. Peter McCullough: Stop COVID-19 Vaccines, Pause Childhood Vaccines https://rumble.com/v3qozjk-del-bigtree-interviews-dr.-peter-mccullough-stop-covid-19-vaccines-pause-ch.html There Has Actually Been A Crossover Event (Educated People No Longer Believe In Vaccines!) https://rumble.com/v3paxt1-there-has-actually-been-a-crossover-event-educated-people-no-longer-believe.html Del Bigtree & Jan Jekielek: One Of The Biggest Lies Ever Told (The Highwire) https://rumble.com/v3md6ai-del-bigtree-and-jan-jekielek-one-of-the-biggest-lies-ever-told-the-highwire.html RFK Jr. On Defunding The World Health Organization & DTP Vaccine-Induced Deaths In African Babies https://rumble.com/v3kqd1e-rfk-jr.-on-defunding-the-world-health-organization-and-dtp-vaccine-induced-.html Dr. Ahmad Malik & Attorney Aaron Siri (After Listening To This, You'll Be Done With Vaccines) https://rumble.com/v3hjy2i-dr.-ahmad-malik-and-attorney-aaron-siri-after-listening-to-this-youll-be-do.html Brian Hooker & Steve Kirsch: What Science Says About Vaccinated & Unvaccinated Children https://rumble.com/v3g623d-brian-hooker-and-steve-kirsch-what-science-says-about-vaccinated-and-unvacc.html Kim Iversen Interviews Brian Hooker About New Book: Vax-Unvax, Let The Science Speak https://rumble.com/v3dwemw-kim-iversen-interviews-brian-hooker-about-new-book-vax-unvax-let-the-scienc.html Dr. Peter McCullough Interviews Dr. Sherri Tenpenny (Includes Seasoned Advice On Childhood Vaccines) https://rumble.com/v39fejq-dr.-peter-mccullough-interviews-dr.-sherri-tenpenny-includes-seasoned-advic.html Former Police Officer Reveals Staggering Number Of SIDS Cases Happen Within 1 Week Of A Vaccine! https://rumble.com/v3897he-former-police-officer-reveals-staggering-number-of-sids-cases-happen-within.html Must Watch & Share: Aaron Siri’s Debate With Paul Offit (The Highwire) https://rumble.com/v36vacq-must-watch-and-share-aaron-siris-debate-with-paul-offit-the-highwire.html Steve Kirsch Survey: "The More Vaccines We Give Our Kids, The Worse The Chronic Diseases!" https://rumble.com/v33o015-steve-kirsch-survey-the-more-vaccines-we-give-our-kids-the-worse-the-chroni.html Zero Amish Children Diagnosed With Cancer, Diabetes Or Autism https://slaynews.com/news/zero-amish-children-diagnosed-cancer-diabetes-autism/ Dr. Peter McCullough: Andy Wakefield Was Right: Hyper-Vaccination Is A Determinant Of Autism! https://rumble.com/v30hq8i-dr.-peter-mccullough-andy-wakefield-was-right-hyper-vaccination-is-a-determ.html Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Summarizes his Views On Childhood Vaccines In 3 Minutes https://rumble.com/v2samua-robert-f.-kennedy-jr.-summarizes-his-views-on-childhood-vaccines-in-3-minut.html Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Answers Tough Questions On Childhood Vaccines https://rumble.com/v2wz2ph-robert-f.-kennedy-jr.-answers-tough-questions-on-childhood-vaccines.html Steve Kirsch Testifies In Pennsylvania Senate: The Truth About All Vaccines https://rumble.com/v2to8sg-steve-kirsch-testifies-in-pennsylvania-senate-the-truth-about-all-vaccines.html Attorney Aaron Siri: How Vaccine Companies Received Immunity From Liability https://rumble.com/v2a181k-attorney-aaron-siri-how-vaccine-companies-received-immunity-from-liability.html Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Testifies In Congress: No Childhood Vaccine Has Ever Been Fully Tested! https://rumble.com/v3181he-robert-f.-kennedy-jr.-testifies-in-congress-no-childhood-vaccine-has-ever-b.html McCullough, Malone, Cole, Thomas, Wakefield, Tapper, Lawrie, Kirsch, Owens, Nawaz Childhood Vaccines https://rumble.com/v1see0u-mccullough-malone-cole-thomas-wakefield-tapper-lawrie-kirsch-owens-nawaz-ch.html Peer-Reviewed Study: Vaccination WITH ALL VACCINES Drives Chronic Illness In The United States https://rumble.com/v270spu-peer-reviewed-study-vaccination-with-all-vaccines-drives-chronic-illness-in.html Three Independent Studies Answer This Question: Do Vaccines Make Us Healthier? https://rumble.com/v10m6o7-three-independent-studies-answer-this-question-do-vaccines-make-us-healthie.html VAXXED VS UNVAXXED: Dr. Paul Thomas & Dr. James Lyons-Weiler Put CDC Vaccine Schedule To The Test https://rumble.com/v23e5lw-vaxxed-vs-unvaxxed-dr.-paul-thomas-and-dr.-james-lyons-weiler-put-cdc-vacci.html Peer-Reviewed, Ten-Year Study: Are Vaccinated Kids Healthier Than The Unvaccinated? https://rumble.com/v10m6zb-peer-reviewed-ten-year-study-are-vaccinated-kids-healthier-than-the-unvacci.html ‘Vaccine Secrets’: What Parents Should Know Before They Vaccinate Their Kids https://rumble.com/v10m7rn-vaccine-secrets-what-parents-should-know-before-they-vaccinate-their-kids.html Studies Outside the U.S. Show Unvaccinated Children Healthier than Vaccinated Children http://healthimpactnews.com/2014/studies-outside-the-u-s-show-unvaccinated-children-healthier-than-vaccinated-children/ Studies Prove Without Doubt That Unvaccinated Children Are Far Healthier Than Their Vaccinated Peers http://vactruth.com/2014/02/26/unvaccinated-children-healthier/ Joe Rogan Interviews Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (The Complete, Unedited Interview - Episode #1999) https://rumble.com/v2ujfts-joe-rogan-interviews-robert-f.-kennedy-jr.-the-complete-unedited-interview-.html Steve Kirsch Interviews Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. https://rumble.com/v248udk-steve-kirsch-interviews-robert-f.-kennedy-jr..html Childhood Vaccines Cause Sudden Death Infant Syndrome, Autism & Chronic Illnesses In Children https://rumble.com/v29qk2i-childhood-vaccines-cause-sudden-death-infant-syndrome-autism-and-chronic-il.html Dr. Paul Thomas: Childhood Vaccines Cause Sudden Infant Death Syndrome https://rumble.com/v29qgja-dr.-paul-thomas-childhood-vaccines-cause-sudden-infant-death-syndrome.html Dr. Peter McCullough Calls For Manhattan-Style Project To Investigate Childhood Autism https://rumble.com/v2nv6na-dr.-peter-mccullough-calls-for-manhattan-style-project-to-investigate-child.html Dr. Peter McCullough: Most Childhood Vaccines Are UNNECESSARY & Potentially Harmful! https://rumble.com/v2pgaoo-dr.-peter-mccullough-most-childhood-vaccines-are-unnecessary-and-potentiall.html Dr. Peter McCullough: Childhood Vaccines Cause Autism Which, In Turn, May Cause Transgenderism! https://rumble.com/v2pjogg-dr.-peter-mccullough-childhood-vaccines-cause-autism-which-in-turn-may-caus.html Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - The CDC Knows Childhood Vaccines Cause Autism! https://rumble.com/v29pbaa-robert-f.-kennedy-jr.-the-cdc-knows-childhood-vaccines-cause-autism.html Candace Owens & Dr. Robert Malone Discuss Childhood Vaccines https://rumble.com/v10mccn-candace-owens-and-dr.-robert-malone-discuss-childhood-vaccines.html Dr. Robert Malone: If There's Anybody That Deserves The Nobel Peace Prize, It's Bobby Kennedy Jr. https://rumble.com/v24h3mo-dr.-robert-malone-if-theres-anybody-that-deserves-the-nobel-peace-prize-its.html Steve Kirsch & Dr. Ryan Cole Discuss Childhood Vaccines https://rumble.com/v1fx1kt-steve-kirsch-and-dr.-ryan-cole-discuss-childhood-vaccines.html Dr. Tess Lawrie: "I Would Caution Against Taking Childhood Vaccines!" https://rumble.com/v1jqs7p-dr.-tess-lawrie-i-would-caution-against-taking-childhood-vaccines.html Dr. Mike Yeadon: "I'm Ashamed That I Was Pro-Vaccine. I Didn't Do My Homework." https://rumble.com/v1wqfgc-dr.-mike-yeadon-im-ashamed-that-i-was-pro-vaccine.-i-didnt-do-my-homework..html Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: The Extraordinarily Dangerous Ingredients In Childhood Vaccines https://rumble.com/v2s5yvm-dr.-sherri-tenpenny-the-extraordinarily-dangerous-ingredients-in-childhood-.html Dr. Pierre Kory Discovers "Really Uncomfortable Facts" After Investigating Childhood Vaccines https://rumble.com/v2y4yai-dr.-pierre-kory-discovers-really-uncomfortable-facts-after-investigating-ch.html Bill Gates Told President Trump NOT To Look Into The Harmful Side Effects Of Childhood Vaccines https://rumble.com/v32iazy-bill-gates-told-president-trump-not-to-look-into-the-harmful-side-effects-o.html Kennedy Explains What Happened When President Trump Asked Him To Lead A Commission On Vaccine Safety https://rumble.com/v2jc7mo-kennedy-explains-what-happened-when-president-trump-asked-him-to-lead-a-com.html Roman Bystrianyk: Dissolving Vaccine Illusions https://rumble.com/v1phi7j-roman-bystrianyk-dissolving-vaccine-illusions.html Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda (2022 Wakefield-Kennedy-CHD Documentary) https://rumble.com/v184bw8-infertility-a-diabolical-agenda-2022-wakefield-kennedy-chd-documentary.html Sunfellow Health & Healing Resource Page https://sunfellow.com/sunfellow-health-healing-resource-page/ Sunfellow Health & Healing On Rumble https://rumble.com/c/c-1547414 COVID-19 Healing Resources https://sunfellow.com/covid-19-healing-resources/ .................... "What I learned from the Covid Vaccine debacle is that regulators approving COVID vaccines, and childhood vaccines, are crooks, and the same people approve all those vaccines. They are approving COVID vaccine applications that any serious regulator, who cares about infants, would have laughed out of the room. This is all I need to know about them. If these crooks are approving 'Covid Vaxx' for infants, I cannot believe their assurances about other childhood vaccines. I will not believe that 'they are safe', or that 'they are effective' unless it is proven without the involvement of these people or the greedy companies financing fake research." -- Igor Chudov Crooks Who Approved "Covid Vaxx" Approved Other "Childhood Vaccines" Also https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/crooks-who-approved-covid-vaxx-approved .................... VACCINE QUESTIONS FOR GROK: GROK, currently, which vaccine books are selling the most copies? Provide a list of the top 20 best-selling books, listing the top-selling books (whether pro or anti vaccine) in order of their sales. GROK, how many of these best-selling books are anti-vaccine books and/or challenge the safety and effectiveness of vaccines? It appears to me that most of these best-selling books challenge the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. Based on this breakdown, at least 16 of these 20 books either challenge the safety and effectiveness of vaccines or lean towards an anti-vaccine stance, confirming your observation that there's a significant number of best-selling books questioning mainstream vaccine narratives... On X, how do pro-vaccine comments compare to anti-vaccine comments? Please identify and report any trends you notice in the past 5 years versus last year? Are there more or less anti-vaccine comments? Also please provide the percentages of pro-vaccine versus anti-vaccine comments for the past 5 years and one year. Percentages of Pro-Vaccine vs. Anti-Vaccine Comments: Past 5 Years: Pro-Vaccine: Around 75% to 80% of comments have generally supported vaccines, focusing on their benefits, safety, and necessity for public health. Anti-Vaccine: Approximately 20% to 25% of comments have been critical or skeptical of vaccines, often highlighting perceived risks, side effects, or questioning the science behind them. Last Year: Pro-Vaccine: The percentage of pro-vaccine comments might have slightly decreased, hovering around 70% to 75%. This shift could be attributed to the intense debate and increased visibility of anti-vaccine arguments during the height of the vaccine rollout and mandate discussions. Anti-Vaccine: There's been an uptick in anti-vaccine comments, with estimates suggesting they now make up about 25% to 30% of the vaccine-related discourse on X. This increase could reflect both a genuine growth in anti-vaccine sentiment or a louder presence due to the controversial nature of the topic. COMPLETE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: https://x.com/i/grok/share/0HSMq6KhU3IqzO7QGibrQM14k See also: GROK summarizes four best-selling anti-vaccine books: https://x.com/i/grok/share/lsI8jCJWd74KncCmlwZDdjrXx Sunfellow Vaccination Resource Page https://sunfellow.com/vaccination-resource-page/ COVID-19 Vaccines For Children (& Childhood Vaccines In General) Rumble Playlist https://rumble.com/playlists/A87UF7Dy_Qc Sunfellow Health & Healing Resource Page https://sunfellow.com/sunfellow-health-healing-resource-page/ Holistic Health Playlist https://rumble.com/playlists/SFPvKSMoiM8 Sunfellow Health & Healing On Rumble https://rumble.com/c/sunfellowhealthhealing9.84K views 18 comments