Exiled Brain Surgeon: DARPA Mind Control, Quantum Biology & Sunlight Medicine | Dr. Jack Kruse
The White Rabbit NetworkNO WONDER BILL GATES WANTS TO BLOCK OUT THE SUN! Dr. Jack Kruse @DrJackKruse explains the origins of the polio vaccine, and how it became tainted with #SV40 - a cancer-causing virus. Wow, great vid; a lot of dots connected: >Kennedy >Dallas >Ruby >Castro >Military industrial complex >CIA >BioWeapons >Polio >SV-40 >Died Suddenly >Cutter Pharma 1951 >DNA discovery 1953 >Cancer was extremely rare >Oschner >Oliver Stone >Virginia Garrison >NIH/FDA >Polio Jab goes out to 300 million people with SV40 contamination; creates the cancer epidemic >Bernice Eddy blows the whistle in 1955, gets canceled >Why does a community hospital have extremely expensive nuclear equipment when it can't afford many other essentials… Fair Use Disclaimer: The following news content may contain copyrighted material. In accordance with the principles of fair use, this material is distributed without profit for educational and informational purposes. The use of copyrighted material is done solely for the purpose of commentary, criticism, reporting, and teaching. Such use is believed to be transformative and in good faith, and it adheres to the limitations set forth in copyright law. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes that exceed fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.22.2K views 42 comments