STB (PODCAST) | BIBLE SCHOOL EDITION | Cultivate Relationships
37 videos
Updated 3 days ago
Bible School Edition (BSE) is a series on our podcast — Shoot the Breeze — that explores the Scriptures, Christianity, and the Church from a ministry leadership and pastoral perspective.
STB115 | BSE | Romans 5: Choices Matter | Cultivate Relationships
Cultivate RelationshipsBIBLE SCHOOL EDITION - Nathan and Pastor Scott Frerking discuss Romans 5 and how faith in Jesus requires risk, maturity, and endurance. We also share how sin is anything in opposition to our nature or design, that is, living as the image and likeness of God. — EPISODE CHAPTERS — (00:00) INTRODUCTION (21:42) ROMANS 5.1-11 (42:52) ROMANS 5.12-21 (1:01:26) ACTIVATION STEPS — EPISODE NOTES — ROMANS 5.1-11 - FAITH-FILLED SUFFER + RECONCILIATION WITH THE HEAVENLY FATHER = HOPE OF SALVATION In this section they discuss how faith in Jesus requires risk, maturity, and endurance — all brought about by suffering and opposition. They also discuss how Jesus sacrificed himself for our benefit before we wanted to benefit from him. The benefit was that through Jesus’ death reconciliation of relationship with the Father was made possible and that through his resurrection life restoration of our human design and our dependence upon the Holy Spirit was revealed. APPLICATION QUESTION(S): Think about the times you’ve shown love and forgiveness to someone you deemed undeserving or uninterested. What does this reveal about how you believe God loves and forgives you? ROMANS 5.12-21 - ADAM V. JESUS In this section they discuss how sin is not simply a list of rules (“the Law”). Sin is anything in opposition to our nature or design; that is, living as the image and likeness of God. The Law simply revealed how we were missing the mark. We accept the gift (Jesus) the same way we accept the transgression (Adam): 1) choose to believe → 2) trust in what we believe → 3) actions empowered by what we trust. However, the fruit of these choices is vastly different — either life (Jesus) or death (Adam). APPLICATION QUESTION(S): When do you find it easier to rely on your own thoughts and conclusions instead of seeking the Holy Spirit’s guidance and strength in a situation? ACTIVATION STEPS Take some time this week to prayerfully work through the following steps in light of Romans 5.1-21: STEP #1 - IDENTIFY THE SOURCE Take a moment to reflect on your daily choices. Are they rooted in an agreement with Adam’s self-reliance or in an agreement with Jesus’ righteousness? Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal where you might be operating out of fear, self-sufficiency, or wrong beliefs rather than trusting the Holy Spirit. STEP #2 - SHIFT YOUR TRUST Just as death entered through a belief in a lie, life comes through belief in the truth. Tell Jesus (out loud) about a specific circumstance where you are struggling. Ask Jesus what his perspective and truth is about that circumstance. STEP #3 - WALK IN ALIGNMENT Ask the Holy Spirit to give you one intentional action you can take that reflects the truth of what Jesus spoke over your circumstance. Whether it is extending grace to someone, surrendering control, or stepping out in faith, let your actions flow from the truth that you are live in Christ AND empowered by His Spirit. — EPISODE LINKS — • Romans Series: https://rumble.com/playlists/We4ZwUDQLuY • Galatians Series: https://rumble.com/playlists/LQ6jwwUgzjw • Forgiveness Series: https://rumble.com/playlists/fRimChMNK1M • Website & Resources: https://cultivaterelationships.com81 views -
STB106 | BSE | Christmas | Cultivate Relationships
Cultivate RelationshipsBIBLE SCHOOL EDITION — Nathan shoots the breeze with Pastor Scott Frerking about Christmas and its origins. They also discuss several Christmas traditions and why traditions are important to communities. CHAPTERS (Scripture passages, application questions, and activation steps in comments) Chapter 1 (00:00) Dad Jokes & Introduction Chapter 2 (4:58) Krumpus and Cultural Reflections of Truth Chapter 3 (23:15) X-Mas, December 25, & Christmas Trees Chapter 4 (44:17) Purpose of Traditions and Festivals Chapter 5 (59:26) Celebrating Christmas and Engaging Culture Chapter 6 (1:14:59) Mistletoe, Yule Logs, & Romans 14 SHOW LINKS • Top 10 Christmas Traditions (& their Origin Stories): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlEQW-NPqWI • Wikipedia - Christmas Traditions: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christmas_traditions • Britannica - Christmas: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Christmas • History/Sky - The Pagan Roots of Christmas: https://www.history.co.uk/article/the-pagan-roots-of-christmas • The Star of Bethlehem: https://bethlehemstar.com/ • STB047 | Hell + Pastor Michael: https://rumble.com/v2iz8j4 • Folk Angel - O Holy Night: https://open.spotify.com/track/1dB4ImgHIrYUPIfbMZioyJ?si=a6bbce4424ca4752 • David Crowder Band - After All (Holy): https://open.spotify.com/track/3daAYqNEt5hzPtHycscQoM?si=6fd769cbe3bc4966 • Cultivate Relationships Christmas Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6YMfb0jLSoEOx1P5StIkmR?si=e0b6f46984cf4374 • Bible Study Tools: https://cultivaterelationships.com/bible-tools/ • Website & Resources: https://cultivaterelationships.com84 views 1 comment -
STB105 | BSE | Incarnation EP2 | Cultivate Relationships
Cultivate RelationshipsBIBLE SCHOOL EDITION — Nathan shoots the breeze with Pastor Scott Frerking about the incarnation of Jesus — God becoming real humanity. They discuss how the New Testament reveals the fulfilled Hebrew prophesies of a real flesh-and-blood human messiah. CHAPTERS (Scripture passages, application questions, and activation steps in comments) Chapter 1 (00:00) Dad Jokes & Introduction Chapter 2 (30:27) Jesus is Flesh & Blood Chapter 3 (1:08:53) Jesus Reveals Our Design (Flesh + Spirit) Chapter 4 (1:53:20) Activation Steps SHOW LINKS • The Bible Jesus Read (and How to Study the Bible) https://rumble.com/playlists/KQK4Atd6U-M • Revelation BSE Podcast Series: https://rumble.com/playlists/GJwogbVfYy0 • 1-3 John BSE Podcast Series: https://rumble.com/playlists/bzgsj_8mLHc • Bible Study Tools: https://cultivaterelationships.com/bible-tools/ • Website & Resources: https://cultivaterelationships.com89 views 1 comment -
STB102 | BSE | Incarnation EP1 | Cultivate Relationships
Cultivate RelationshipsBIBLE SCHOOL EDITION — Nathan shoots the breeze with Pastor Scott Frerking about the incarnation of Jesus — God becoming real humanity. They discuss how the Hebrew Scriptures prophesy a real flesh-and-blood human messiah and their future fulfillment revealed in Jesus. CHAPTERS (Scripture passages, application questions, and activation steps in comments) Chapter 1 (00:00) Dad Jokes & Introduction Chapter 2 (15:02) Who's Your Father? Chapter 3 (45:11) Who's Kingdom Are You Living In? Chapter 4 (1:00:58) Who's Your Redeemer? Chapter 5 (1:31:36) Activation Steps SHOW LINKS • Matthew Mini-Series: https://youtu.be/yf9jWonGL74?si=RpQ_oYjqY4hn8nQo • The Chosen: Little James - “Why haven’t you healed me?”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZDvcEkjthA • Bible Study Tools: https://cultivaterelationships.com/bible-tools/ • Website & Resources: https://cultivaterelationships.com100 views 4 comments -
STB099 | BSE | Messy EP3 | Cultivate Relationships
Cultivate RelationshipsBIBLE SCHOOL EDITION — Nathan shoots the breeze with Pastor Scott Frerking about the messiness of perfection. They discuss the Scriptural word for perfection and how it also means completeness or maturity. They also reveal that we are ever becoming perfect while God is perfect. APPLICATION QUESTIONS What might tiny choices (toward maturity, completeness, or perfection) look like in the following areas (not an exhaustive list): • Finances (e.g., savings, generous giving, etc.) • Ministry (e.g., volunteering, serving, etc.) • Relationships (e.g., friendships, marriage, parenting, etc.) • Employment/Career (e.g., boss, employee, employers, co-workers, etc.) • Education (e.g., future career, qualifications, degrees, location, etc.) • Reading Scripture (e.g., study, devotions, etc.) • Prayer (e.g., by yourself, with others, etc.) • Health (e.g., mental, physical, emotional, etc.) • … ACTIVATION STEPS Pray and ask the Holy Spirit: 1. “What is ONE area from the list above You want me to make a tiny change?” 2. What tiny change do You want me to make in this area? SHOW LINKS • Website & Resources: https://cultivaterelationships.com CHAPTERS (00:00) Dad Jokes / Introduction (27:09) Matthew 5.48 / Perfect, Complete, Mature (41:51) Exodus 23.30 / Israel's Process of Taking the Promised Land (59:35) 2 Corinthians 7.1 / Perfection is One Degree at a Time (1:14:31) Application Questions, & Activation Steps1.19K views 1 comment -
STB098 | BSE | Revelation 19-22 | Cultivate Relationships
Cultivate RelationshipsBIBLE SCHOOL EDITION: Nathan shoots the breeze with Phil Reeves about Revelation chapters 19-22. They also discuss Matthew 23-25 and what the Red Sea Beast and the Land Lamb Beast represent. SHOW LINKS • Cultivate Relationships: Revelation Study Booklet https://cultivaterelationships.com/resource-media/class-booklets/CultivateRelationshipsLLC-Class-Revelation-20230517-1319.pdf • Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes https://a.co/d/eVZUa9Z • Hans Rosling's 200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbkSRLYSojo • Wild At Heart https://a.co/d/gp5GXOI • Cultivate Relationships Bible Tools https://cultivaterelationships.com/bible-tools • Website & Resources: https://cultivaterelationships.com CHAPTERS (00:00) Introduction / Matthew 23-25 / Meanings of the Beasts (13:53) Revelation 19 - The Wedding of the Lamb & Bride (1:08:10) Revelation 20 - "1000 Year" Reign (the Millennial Reign) / Judgement of Satan / Final Judgement ("Hell") (2:08:34) Revelation 21 - New Jerusalem / New Heaven / New Earth (2:47:37) Revelation 22 - The Re-Created Garden Paradise / Epilogue119 views -
STB097 | BSE | Revelation 15-18 | Cultivate Relationships
Cultivate RelationshipsBIBLE SCHOOL EDITION: Nathan shoots the breeze with Phil Reeves about Revelation chapters 15-18. They also discuss the "rapture", Jesus' second coming, the antichrist(s), the abomination of desolation, and Daniel's 70 weeks. SHOW LINKS • Cultivate Relationships: Revelation Study Booklet https://cultivaterelationships.com/resource-media/class-booklets/CultivateRelationshipsLLC-Class-Revelation-20230517-1319.pdf • Cultivate Relationships Bible Tools https://cultivaterelationships.com/bible-tools • Website & Resources: https://cultivaterelationships.com CHAPTERS (00:00) Introduction / The "Rapture" / Jesus' Second Coming / AntiChrist / Abomination of Desolation / Daniel's 70 weeks. (58:36) Revelation 15 - The Preamble to the 7 Bowls (1:12:33) Revelation 16 - The 7 Bowls of Wrath (1:36:03) Revelation 17 - The Adulterer & The Red Sea Beast (2:08:02) Revelation 18 - The World Mourns the Fall of Jerusalem112 views -
STB096 | BSE | Revelation 12-14 | Cultivate Relationships
Cultivate RelationshipsBIBLE SCHOOL EDITION: Nathan shoots the breeze with Phil Reeves about Revelation chapters 12-14. They also discuss how John laid out his visions in Revelation, either in linear movements through the destruction of Jerusalem or cyclical movements that reveal different perspectives of Jerusalem's destruction. SHOW LINKS • Cultivate Relationships: Revelation Study Booklet https://cultivaterelationships.com/resource-media/class-booklets/CultivateRelationshipsLLC-Class-Revelation-20230517-1319.pdf • The Star of Bethlehem Documentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9exnD6MiCg • Righteous Anger https://rumble.com/v2jopm8 • Cultivate Relationships Bible Tools https://cultivaterelationships.com/bible-tools • Website & Resources: https://cultivaterelationships.com CHAPTERS (00:00) Introduction / Matthew 23-24 / Spiritual Reality of Revelation (10:07) Revelation 12 - The Woman & The Dragon (1:10:54) Revelation 13 - The Red Sea Beast & The Land Beast (1:44:16) Revelation 14 - The Kingdom of Heaven & God's People118 views -
STB095 | BSE | Revelation 8-11 | Cultivate Relationships
Cultivate RelationshipsBIBLE SCHOOL EDITION: Nathan shoots the breeze with Phil Reeves about Revelation chapters 8-11. They also discuss how some modern authors and teachers have created empires around selling fear-based modern geopolitical content of Revelation. SHOW LINKS • Cultivate Relationships: Revelation Study Booklet https://cultivaterelationships.com/resource-media/class-booklets/CultivateRelationshipsLLC-Class-Revelation-20230517-1319.pdf • Siege of Jerusalem 70 AD - Great Jewish Revolt by Kings and Generals https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KE4hmrvZLIQ • The Siege of Jerusalem (70 AD) - Great Jewish Revolt by Invicta https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y741QbT1YEo • Cultivate Relationships Bible Tools https://cultivaterelationships.com/bible-tools • Website & Resources: https://cultivaterelationships.com CHAPTERS (00:00) Introduction / Matthew 23-24 / Spiritual Reality of Revelation (10:37) Revelation 8 - The 7th Seal and the 1st Four Trumpets (47:16) Revelation 9 - The 5th and 6th Trumpet (1:25:20) Revelation 10 - The Angel & Little Scroll (1:33:52) Revelation 11 - The Two Witnesses123 views