The Great Global Warming Swindle (Documentary) Lies, Bribery, Blackmail and Fake Science
TheWarAgainstYouThe Great Global Warming Swindle (Documentary) Lies, Bribery, Blackmail and Fake Science --- First published at 15:30 UTC on July 29th, 2018. --- # UNITED-NATIONS-AGENDA-21 --- #GLOBAL-WARMING-FARCE --- #TOTAL-GLOBAL-CONTROL --- This television documentary first aired on British TV channel 4 in March, 2007. Producer Martin Durkin argues against the massively promoted but virtually unchallenged assumption that global warming (now called 'climate change') is man-made. In a sense, it IS man-made because weather has been modified and controlled since at least the 1940shttp://www.newworldwar.org/weatherwar.htmThe ballyhoo surrounding the 'approved scientific' theory of anthropogenic global warming is in fact, the biggest scam of this era. --- (More on bogus science vs the real science @1000frolly PhD channel) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAR0Oi4L0 Om4F26uwpANgCg --- Another great resource - Watts Up With That (website)https://wattsupwiththat.com/ --- The climate change mantra is much more than a scam. It's been working in lockstep for years with the United Nations Agenda 21 plan aka The Millennium Projecthttp://www.millennium-project.org/Sustainable Developmenthttps://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/and other names, for the total enslavement of populations across the entire planet, mainly through economics via carbon taxes. --- The plan was hatched and written about by the wealthy elite eugenicists of their time and is now being implemented globally through force of lawhttps://www.bitchute.com/video/EUugo4OJuzZm/ --- The authors of 'The First Global Revolution' by The Club of Rome (th ink tank) let the cat out of the bag when they wrote the following: --- “In searching for the new enemy to unite us [THE THREAT FROM OUTER SPACE DIDN'T WORK], we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill [BLAME THE VICTIM, THEN IMPOVERISH AND ENSLAVE]. In their totality and in their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which demands the solidarity of all peoples. [GLOBAL GOVERNMENT AKA 'GOVERNANCE' IS JUSTIFIED ] --- All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changing attitudes and behaviors that they can be overcome [VIA A SCIENTIFIC SOCIALISTIC DICTATORSHIP]. --- The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.” [DEPOPULATE PEASANTS, CULL THE UNFIT] - Note: Interpretations are bracketed. --- PDF - 'The First Global Revolution' by Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider, 1991 (for The Club of Rome) https://archive.org/details/the-first-global-revolution-a-report-by-the-council-of-the-club-of-rome-alexande/mode/2up ======== Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. Also for entertainment and educational purposes. All rights to the original works go to those that hold them, no copyright infringement intended. All material used falls under fair use of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (1998). (for commentary, criticism, education and satire)1.16K views 3 comments