Government Tales
6 videos
Updated 1 month ago
Join the @gandalph team as we discuss things like
#Government #treason #UNITEDSTATESCORP
Join the #gandalph as we discuss a range of topics.
#deadseascrolls #lostscripture #ascension with guests #mikepenny #drrobertyoung and other #truthers in the movement.
#WWG1WGA #NCSWIC #antiaging #medbeds #healing #health
Support team with grounding products from #redemptionshield
www.redemptionshield.com use code G1 for 10% discount
PURCHASE #masterpeace #detox serum with #zeolite
LINK - https://bit.ly/G1Gandalph
LOCALS channel - www.drunkengandalph.locals.com
WEBSITE www.drunkengandalph.com
More info on wellness technologies at www.medbedsco.com
Royal Crowne
Gandalphs LibraryA brief on the history of 'separation' from the #Crowne into a #soveriegn #Republic #AI Generated413 views -
Old Maps - New Orleans - Old Pics - Alaska & West Coast
Gandalphs LibraryGandalph & Brandy continue to discuss the way America has changed speaking about the Louisiana New Orleans area and other old Pics of Alaska & West Coast Area. A Live Show from Twitch.TV that was filmed using StreamYard. Look for other up and coming Gandalph content on Twitch.TV with announcements on Locals & Twitch134 views -
Declaration Of Independence
Gandalphs LibraryLearn how the Declaration of Independence told us what it would protect us from which could be the very things that we are going through in current times. Along with some additional information on maps a show that was filmed on StreamYard and shown Live on Twitch.TV - Look For Future Shows by Gandalph & Brandyfoot42 views -
Maricopa County Attorney General - Verdict In
Gandalphs LibraryDecember 24 2022 Maricopa County Voter Fraud Case. Disappointing to watch the "Good Guy" Atty crap his pants. -G36 views -
Maricopa County ATTY GENERAL Race. Day of Judgement Part 1
Gandalphs LibraryThe video feed from the ZOOM call. Maricopa County LawFare at its finest -G10 views -
Gandalphs LibraryGandalph and team reconnect and dig into #37th President Nixon and his 1968 campaign "Peace with Honor" for ending the Vietnam War1.9K views 5 comments