Arcade Games
5 videos
Updated 5 months ago
Japanese Arcade Games Translated to English, fully Uncensored!
Sonic the Hedgehog Arcade - English Dubbed
未訳・MiYaku GamingFully Translated to English. The Sega, Sonic the Hedgehog Arcade Game was and still available in Japan only featuring Sonic the Hedgehog, Ray the Flying Squirrel and Mighty the Armadillo, in a seemingly rat-race devised by Dr. Eggman himself. Controls were wonky with a track ball. All sound bites have been English Translated and matched to be as close to the original as possible. We left a few in so you could hear the original Japanese, but do not worry as it's already Translated. Due to accessibility, and we do not have the Arcade Machine ourselves, we have used a pre-recorded video for this Translation, so please give this creator the views rightfully theirs below. The original Video can be seen here, not in English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzsdBMg8eOA&t=172s239 views -
SEGA SONIC Popcorn Shop - English Dubbed
未訳・MiYaku GamingJoin us on Discord! https://discord.gg/ZVvgGGp Fully Translated to English. Sega Sonic Popcorn Shop was a Japan exclusive Popcorn themed Arcade Game, when inserting a Coin, you are given three Flavors to choose from, Curry, Salt and Butter which are later dispensed upon completion of the Game. All sound bites have been English Translated and matched to be as close to the original as possible. Due to accessibility, and I do not have the Arcade Machine, I have used a pre-recorded video for this Translation, so please give this creator the views rightfully theirs below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtUmYYcds74&pp=ygUw44K744Ks44K944OL44OD44Kv44Od44OD44OX44Kz44O844Oz44K344On44OD44OX Playing Sega Sonic Popcorn Shop in real life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9DgBO4SK0Y&t=23s&pp=ygUw44K744Ks44K944OL44OD44Kv44Od44OD44OX44Kz44O844Oz44K344On44OD44OX21 views -
Thrilling Sonic Patrol Car
未訳・MiYaku GamingJoin us on Discord! https://discord.gg/ZVvgGGp Fully Translated to English. Thrilling Sonic Patrol Car was a Japan exclusive Police themed Arcade Game, you sat in a vehicle and operated the Game with its own controls, this never left Japan but rumors say it was considered. All sound bites have been English Translated and matched to be as close to the original as possible. Due to accessibility, and I do not have the Arcade Machine, I have used a pre-recorded video for this Translation, so please give this creator the views rightfully theirs below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4FwtIaZHvo&t=93s&pp=ygUY44KP44GP44KP44GP44OR44OI44Kr44O8 Playing Thrilling Sonic Patrol Car in real life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPTUl6ITn7Y&pp=ygUY44KP44GP44KP44GP44OR44OI44Kr44O8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YStUR_icu9A&pp=ygUY44KP44GP44KP44GP44OR44OI44Kr44O8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMOcurOTiZg&pp=ygUY44KP44GP44KP44GP44OR44OI44Kr44O8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7fWGzEn4g8&pp=ygUY44KP44GP44KP44GP44OR44OI44Kr44O8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Fl7nA7l0M4&pp=ygUY44KP44GP44KP44GP44OR44OI44Kr44O812 views -
Sega Sonic Cosmo Fighter Galaxy Patrol
未訳・MiYaku GamingJoin us on Discord! https://discord.gg/ZVvgGGp Fully Translated to English. Sega Sonic Cosmo Fighter was a Japan exclusive Space themed Arcade Game but eventually an English version was available. All sound bites have been English Translated and matched to be as close to the original as possible. Due to accessibility, and I do not have the Arcade Machine, I have used a pre-recorded video for this Translation, so please give this creator the views rightfully theirs below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAD6N2lVmhw&t=127s&pp=ygUTc29uaWMgY29zbW8gZmlnaHRlcg%3D%3D Playing Sega Sonic Cosmo Fighter in real life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BILiFeUUyyc&t=17s74 views -
SegaSonic Brothers Dubbed
未訳・MiYaku GamingThis was an unreleased Arcade Game made by the same creator of Bubble Bobble! It may be like the PuyoPuyo series, but this is Sega's take on Sonic. #dubbedanime #letstranslate #english #sega #sonicthehedgehog #arcade The Intro has been Dubbed into English, it is not part of the actual Game, with some editing to account for lip-syncing, otherwise it is untouched. Ryan Drummond's Voice Clips were used to Generate the AI Voice, I am pretty sure many of you are fans of his work! The Game's Audio was lowered dramatically to make the Dubbing easier to hear. Enjoy the actual Game at the following link, not in English, but it's easily understandable. https://youtu.be/YliSRDiPL-M?si=taBJxnejR42RVTK013 views