11 videos
Updated 8 months ago
Prophecies of coming (unelected) rise to the U.S. Presidency by VP Kamala Harris. The Lord revealed by dreams in Nov. 2020 that Joe Biden will be shockingly removed from power and Kamala Harris will take his place. It will be no accident, it is planned in advance. Please pay attention to these messages and also read them on The Master's Voice. www.the-masters-voice.com
[Prophetic Word Kamala Harris] "A Cockatrice Will Pursue Them" - Unexpected Changes In U.S. Office
The Master's Voice Prophecy BlogWelcome to The Master's Voice End Times Prophecy Blog: (Hear the words of the Lord). https://the-masters-voice.com Today's word: The Lord reveals that power will change hands without votes. He will show no more mercy to America; it is a defiant nation that refuses to repent but thinks it will go on being "great" forever. God alone dictates the future. The newly elected administration will experience sudden shifts in power and old familiar faces will be seen again as they were during the electoral process of 2020. Feminism will skyrocket in America. A deadly serpent will be released [spiritually] and poisonous times are coming to the U.S.A. Full prophecy can be seen on the TMV blog: https://the-masters-voice.com/2021/01/15/a-cockatrice-will-pursue-them-november-3-4-2020/ Related Prophetic words: NO MORE GRACE: https://the-masters-voice.com/2020/11/03/4323/ HEAR THE WORDS OF THE LORD. Follow this channel- click subscribe for updates. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: If you'd like to support this ministry it's appreciated. Kindly use Paypal or contact me at mastersvoice@mail.com. If using Paypal send gift ONLY as 'Friends & Family' not 'Goods and Services'. This is a freewill offering, I am not a seller. Thank you and God bless. Paypal ------- mastersvoice@mail.com SUPPORT & SUBSCRIBE TO MY OTHER CHANNELS: YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbcV-IwTyG5WjMdWN6mlFiw YOUTUBE (Spanish channel: "La Voz del Señor"): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeLTWSGwNTVMdXQV6oryQXg BRIGHTEON: Visit this link: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/themastersvoice OR SEARCH FOR: The Master's Voice Blog BITCHUTE: Visit this link: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/themastersvoice OR SEARCH FOR: The Masters Voice Blog2.77K views 2 comments -
[Prophecy Kamala Harris] "The Brick Breaker Game" - A Woman President in America
The Master's Voice Prophecy BlogWelcome to The Master's Voice End Times Prophecy Blog: (Hear the words of the Lord). https://the-masters-voice.com Today's word: Disruption that causes Succession- There will be a future power shift without votes. An unelected king, America will have a woman in office. God says Kamala Harris will be president but America will not benefit from such a presidency. Vision of the deliberate breakdown of America by an unelected administration. We wait on the times of the Lord. Full prophecy can be seen on the TMV blog: https://the-masters-voice.com/2021/01/16/the-brick-breaker-game-november-4-2020/ Related Prophetic words: NO MORE GRACE: https://the-masters-voice.com/2020/11/03/4323/ HEAR THE WORDS OF THE LORD. Follow this channel- click subscribe for updates. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: If you'd like to support this ministry it's appreciated. Kindly use Paypal or contact me at mastersvoice@mail.com. If using Paypal send gift ONLY as 'Friends & Family' not 'Goods and Services'. This is a freewill offering, I am not a seller. Thank you and God bless. Paypal ------- mastersvoice@mail.com SUPPORT & SUBSCRIBE TO MY OTHER CHANNELS: YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbcV-IwTyG5WjMdWN6mlFiw YOUTUBE (Spanish channel: "La Voz del Señor"): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeLTWSGwNTVMdXQV6oryQXg BRIGHTEON: Visit this link: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/themastersvoice OR SEARCH FOR: The Master's Voice Blog BITCHUTE: Visit this link: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/themastersvoice OR SEARCH FOR: The Masters Voice Blog2.23K views -
[Prophetic] "Biden + Harris Equals Two Minus One" - Joe Biden Will Be 'Retired From Public Life'
The Master's Voice Prophecy BlogWelcome to The Master's Voice End Times Prophecy Blog: (Hear the words of the Lord). https://the-masters-voice.com Today's word: Prophecy that Joe Biden will leave office before his term ends for medical reasons. He will "Retire from public life" and his VP Kamala Harris will be president in his place. God calls her 'an unelected king' who will bring about a strong feminist agenda that transforms the face of America and rebrands the nation. But this will edge out half the population [men]. We wait on the times of the Lord. Full prophecy can be seen on the TMV blog: https://the-masters-voice.com/2021/01/17/biden-harris-two-minus-one-november-7-12-2020/ Related Prophetic words: THE BRICK BREAKER GAME: https://the-masters-voice.com/2021/01/16/the-brick-breaker-game-november-4-2020/ NO MORE GRACE: https://the-masters-voice.com/2020/11/03/4323/ Check the channel listing for related videos. HEAR THE WORDS OF THE LORD. Follow this channel- click subscribe for updates. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: If you'd like to support this ministry it's appreciated. Kindly use Paypal or contact me at mastersvoice@mail.com. If using Paypal send gift ONLY as 'Friends & Family' not 'Goods and Services'. This is a freewill offering, I am not a seller. Thank you and God bless. Paypal ------- mastersvoice@mail.com SUPPORT & SUBSCRIBE TO MY OTHER CHANNELS: YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbcV-IwTyG5WjMdWN6mlFiw YOUTUBE (Spanish channel: "La Voz del Señor"): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeLTWSGwNTVMdXQV6oryQXg BRIGHTEON: Visit this link: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/themastersvoice OR SEARCH FOR: The Master's Voice Blog BITCHUTE: Visit this link: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/themastersvoice OR SEARCH FOR: The Masters Voice Blog2.53K views 1 comment -
"A Broken Rule Of Law" - U.S. Constitution CANCELLED, Kamala Harris, Executive Orders
The Master's Voice Prophecy BlogWelcome to The Master's Voice End Times Prophecy Blog: (Hear the words of the Lord). https://the-masters-voice.com Today's word: Continuing confirmation that Kamala Harris will hold office without election. The Constitution of the U.S.A. will suffer a graphic face lift as executive orders break it down to a helpless state. Civil liberties will be affected as the new administration changes the times and laws. In all this seek the face of God and prepare for the changes ahead. Full prophecy can be seen on the TMV blog: https://the-masters-voice.com/2021/01/18/a-broken-rule-of-law-november-18-2020/ Related Prophetic words: THE BRICK BREAKER GAME: https://the-masters-voice.com/2021/01/16/the-brick-breaker-game-november-4-2020/ REVELATION 13: https://the-masters-voice.com/2020/08/06/revelation-13-august-5-2020/ HOME INVASIONS IMMINENT: https://the-masters-voice.com/2020/08/19/home-invasions-imminent-august-17-2020/ EMERGENCY POWERS: https://the-masters-voice.com/2020/03/17/emergency-powers-february-9-2020/ Check the channel listing for related videos. HEAR THE WORDS OF THE LORD. Follow this channel- click subscribe for updates. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: If you'd like to support this ministry it's appreciated. Kindly use Paypal or contact me at mastersvoice@mail.com. If using Paypal send gift ONLY as 'Friends & Family' not 'Goods and Services'. This is a freewill offering, I am not a seller. Thank you and God bless. Paypal ------- mastersvoice@mail.com SUPPORT & SUBSCRIBE TO MY OTHER CHANNELS: YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbcV-IwTyG5WjMdWN6mlFiw YOUTUBE (Spanish channel: "La Voz del Señor"): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeLTWSGwNTVMdXQV6oryQXg BRIGHTEON: Visit this link: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/themastersvoice OR SEARCH FOR: The Master's Voice Blog BITCHUTE: Visit this link: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/themastersvoice OR SEARCH FOR: The Masters Voice Blog2.42K views -
"The Woman & The Bottomless Pit" - [PROPHECY] Kamala Harris, America Is Babylon, New World Order
The Master's Voice Prophecy BlogWelcome to The Master's Voice End Times Prophecy Blog: (Hear the words of the Lord). [READ FULL DESCRIPTION] https://the-masters-voice.com Today's word: A woman with blasphemous names rises from the bottomless pit, a woman covered with burning red scars and a curse on her forehead says "I am the Beast of Rev 16." God says the Beast has come to America and deceived them, living among them as one of them when he is not. The beast is Barack Obama. However a woman will take power in the USA- by sudden transition the current president J. R. Biden will be removed and Kamala Harris will take the seat of power. In the midst of all this America will be destroyed from within to give way to the New World Order- everything she represents will be stripped away and the Beast will rise in her place. These are grave judgements on the USA, let us pray to be counted worthy to escape these things in the grace and mercy of the Lord. Amen. Full prophecy can be seen on TMV Blog: https://the-masters-voice.com/2021/05/08/the-woman-and-the-bottomless-pit-april-15-2021/ RELATED PROPHECIES: THE MAN OF SIN: https://the-masters-voice.com/2020/05/24/the-iron-decree-part-2/ THE BLOOD OF THE MARTYRS: https://the-masters-voice.com/2019/10/10/the-blood-of-the-martyrs-september-5-2019/ PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: If you'd like to support this ministry it's appreciated. Kindly use Paypal or contact me at mastersvoice@mail.com. If using Paypal DO NOT send your gift with "Purchase Protection". This is a freewill offering, I am not selling goods or services. Thank you and God bless. Paypal ------- mastersvoice@mail.com HEAR THE WORDS OF THE LORD. Follow this channel- click subscribe for updates. SUPPORT & SUBSCRIBE TO MY OTHER CHANNELS: YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbcV-IwTyG5WjMdWN6mlFiw YOUTUBE (Spanish channel: "La Voz del Señor"): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeLTWSGwNTVMdXQV6oryQXg BRIGHTEON: Visit this link: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/themastersvoice OR SEARCH FOR: The Master's Voice Blog BITCHUTE: Visit this link: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/themastersvoice OR SEARCH FOR: The Masters Voice Blog2.36K views 2 comments -
"No More Grace"
The Master's Voice Prophecy BlogWelcome to The Master's Voice End Times Prophecy Blog: (Hear the words of the Lord). https://the-masters-voice.com Today's word: "I will give America No More Grace." Prophetic word received during voting on Nov. 3, 2020. No more mercy or delays for America's punishment, she will reap the full reward of her choices. Hard-heartedness and unbelief have caused this nation to hate godly counsel and discipline, therefore God will let the New World Order capture her, abuse her and discard her for their own gain. 2021 will not be what you think. [This message is linked to all the Kamala Harris messages- please be sure to watch and read those]. Full prophecy can be seen on the TMV blog: https://the-masters-voice.com/2020/11/03/4323/ Related Prophetic words: A COCKATRICE WILL PURSUE THEM: https://the-masters-voice.com/2021/01/15/a-cockatrice-will-pursue-them-november-3-4-2020/ HEAR THE WORDS OF THE LORD. Follow this channel- click subscribe for updates. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: If you'd like to support this ministry it's appreciated. Kindly use Paypal or contact me at mastersvoice@mail.com. If using Paypal send gift ONLY as 'Friends & Family' not 'Goods and Services'. This is a freewill offering, I am not a seller. Thank you and God bless. Paypal ------- mastersvoice@mail.com SUPPORT & SUBSCRIBE TO MY OTHER CHANNELS: YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbcV-IwTyG5WjMdWN6mlFiw YOUTUBE (Spanish channel: "La Voz del Señor"): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeLTWSGwNTVMdXQV6oryQXg BRIGHTEON: Visit this link: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/themastersvoice OR SEARCH FOR: The Master's Voice Blog BITCHUTE: Visit this link: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/themastersvoice OR SEARCH FOR: The Masters Voice Blog2.12K views 2 comments -
The Master's Voice Prophecy Blog#KAMALAHARRIS #OBAMA #PROPHECY (Like & Share for a wider reach!) 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽 [READ FULL DESCRIPTION] Welcome to The Master's Voice End Times Prophecy Blog: (Hear the words of the Lord). Today's word: Kamala Harris will hold presidency in the United States. She is the protégée of a former leader, under his guidance she will experience a powerful political change that will deceive America. She will be guided in everything she does, and under her America will lose her freedoms. After she rules a while Barack Obama will reemerge in power to replace her. The New World order is in effect, pay attention to moving pieces on the board. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: If you'd like to support this work it's appreciated. Kindly use Paypal or email me for other options at mastersvoice@mail.com. If using Paypal DO NOT send your gift with "Purchase Protection", and kindly mention somewhere that it is a gift. This is a freewill offering, I am not selling goods or services. Thank you and God bless. Paypal ------- mastersvoice@mail.com. Please do not use Cashapp. Thank you. Follow this channel- click subscribe. SUPPORT & SUBSCRIBE TO MY OTHER CHANNELS: YOUTUBE: https://youtube.com/channel/UCbcV-IwTyG5WjMdWN6mlFiw YOUTUBE (Spanish channel: "La Voz del Señor"): https://youtube.com/channel/UCeLTWSGwNTVMdXQV6oryQXg BRIGHTEON: Visit this link: https://brighteon.com/channels/themastersvoice OR SEARCH FOR: The Master's Voice Blog BITCHUTE: Visit this link: https://bitchute.com/channel/themastersvoice OR SEARCH FOR: The Masters Voice Blog government president presidency female feminist new world order one world order beast system Barack Obama Michelle Obama Kamala Harris Joe Biden Donald Trump executive office Oval Office politics political Washington DC4.76K views 13 comments -
The Master's Voice Prophecy Blog#BIBLE #TEACHING #CHURCH (Like & Share for a wider reach!) 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽 [READ FULL DESCRIPTION] Welcome to The Master's Voice End Times Prophecy Blog: (Hear the words of the Lord). Today's word: This is Yah's word and revelation: Two more good years left for America. Be very wise with the time you have, strengthen what is weak and capitalize on what you're good at. Live as unto God and BUILD YOUR FAITH. This is Kamala Harris time says the Lord, a woman will be in the White House. Deception abounds among the secret players of the One World Beast System, in the end the chess-board will be empty as Satan accepts no rivals. Africa will experience fast modernization, not because her helpers love her but because they have plans to track, monitor, control and deplete her population. WAR IS COMING, to the nations and to America. Brutal war everyone sees, as Americans and immigrants alike flee for safer pastures and watch the downfall of a world power at her own hand. If you have ears, go to Jesus NOW to begin building an ark for your family. RELATED PROPHECIES: CHANGES AHEAD: https://youtube.com/watch?v=gTx2lLzCBRs A SWORD COMING TO THE NATIONS: https://youtube.com/watch?v=KkucvzJTgmY PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: If you'd like to support this work it's appreciated. Kindly use Paypal or email me for other options at mastersvoice@mail.com. If using Paypal DO NOT send your gift with "Purchase Protection", and kindly mention somewhere that it is a gift. This is a freewill offering, I am not selling goods or services. Thank you and God bless. Paypal ------- mastersvoice@mail.com. Please do not use Cashapp. Thank you. Follow this channel- click subscribe. SUPPORT & SUBSCRIBE TO MY OTHER CHANNELS: YOUTUBE: https://youtube.com/channel/UCbcV-IwTyG5WjMdWN6mlFiw YOUTUBE (Spanish channel: "La Voz del Señor"): https://youtube.com/channel/UCeLTWSGwNTVMdXQV6oryQXg BRIGHTEON: https://brighteon.com/channels/themastersvoice BITCHUTE: https://bitchute.com/channel/themastersvoice kamala Harris change of power america power play power moves endgame new world order beast system end times government senate house of representatives voter crisis voting free fair elections failure fiscal financial federal reserve war revelation 6 red horse guerrilla warfare refugee crisis displaced persons mass movement United Nations Unicef open borders flee dispersed displacement Africa Liberia5.7K views 9 comments -
The Master's Voice Prophecy Blog#AMERICA #KAMALAHARRIS #WORLD (Like & Share for a wider reach!) 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽 [READ FULL DESCRIPTION] Welcome to The Master's Voice End Times Prophecy Blog: (Hear the words of the Lord). Today's word: Prophecy of coming political shifts and a future presidency that completely changes the face of America. This country will be a repressive, centralized state of highly uniform laws, all its territories will be part of the One World government of Revelation 13. READ THIS PROPHECY ON TMV BLOG: https://the-masters-voice.com/2022/10/29/kamala-harris-the-beast-october-8-2022/ PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: If you'd like to support this work it's appreciated. Kindly use PayPal, or email me for options at mastersvoice@mail.com and mention somewhere that it is a gift. This is a freewill offering, I am not selling goods or services. Thank you and God bless. Please do not use Cashapp. Thank you. SUPPORT & SUBSCRIBE TO MY OTHER CHANNELS: YOUTUBE: https://youtube.com/channel/UCbcV-IwTyG5WjMdWN6mlFiw YOUTUBE (Spanish channel: "La Voz del Señor"): https://youtube.com/channel/UCeLTWSGwNTVMdXQV6oryQXg BITCHUTE: https://bitchute.com/channel/themastersvoice BRIGHTEON: https://brighteon.com/channels/themastersvoice Kamala Harris Joe biden Donald Trump Tamil india foreign language dark sentences son of perdition beast system revelation 13 Daniel 7 end times prophecy deception regime state pogroms control 1984 Harlot of Revelation Mystery Babylon6.1K views 10 comments -
The Master's Voice Prophecy Blog#AMERICA #KAMALAHARRIS #WORLD (Like & Share for a wider reach!) 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽 [READ FULL DESCRIPTION] Welcome to The Master's Voice End Times Prophecy Blog: (Hear the words of the Lord). Today's word: Communism will be a way of life in America. Freedoms will be massively eroded by a strict authoritarian government until they are done away with ALTOGETHER. There will be nothing left of the America we know, widening clashes between government and "We the People" will result in crushing measures taken to rule. Kamala Harris does not represent U.S. interests, she is the first visible face of the Beast. READ THIS PROPHECY ON TMV BLOG: https://the-masters-voice.com/2022/10/31/17085/ PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: If you'd like to support this work it's appreciated. Kindly use PayPal, or email me for options at mastersvoice@mail.com and mention somewhere that it is a gift. This is a freewill offering, I am not selling goods or services. Thank you and God bless. Please do not use Cashapp. Thank you. SUPPORT & SUBSCRIBE TO MY OTHER CHANNELS: YOUTUBE: https://youtube.com/channel/UCbcV-IwTyG5WjMdWN6mlFiw YOUTUBE (Spanish channel: "La Voz del Señor"): https://youtube.com/channel/UCeLTWSGwNTVMdXQV6oryQXg BITCHUTE: https://bitchute.com/channel/themastersvoice BRIGHTEON: https://brighteon.com/channels/themastersvoice Kamala Harris Joe Biden Obama end times politics political upheaval regime government Cambodia war Vietnam Khmer Rouge extermination kill order execute mandates fist of power Lenin Stalin Hitler Mussolini Communist Communism Socialist Socialism Pergamum throne of satan beast system Revelation 13 Daniel 7 end times prophecy deception regime state pogroms control 1984 Harlot of Revelation Mystery Babylon6K views 15 comments