Sunday Sermons, Bible study
26 videos
Updated 6 months ago
Bible study , Christian sermons,
Sunday Sermon :The Lord of All Worlds: Understanding the Otherworldly in the Light of Scripture
Free HumanityIn this thought-provoking sermon, we delve into the Geneva Bible's unique insights on the existence of other worlds and beings beyond our earthly realm. Using passages from ** Colossians 1:16-17** and **Ezekiel 1:19-21**, we explore the vastness of God's creation, both visible and invisible, as well as the mysterious encounters with celestial beings. We examine the intriguing references to the "sons of God" in **Genesis 6:1-2** and the actions of the angels who "kept not their first estate" in **Jude 1:6**, which hint at a second creation influenced by divine beings. Through these scriptures, we reflect on the sovereignty of God over all realms and the cosmic mysteries that challenge our understanding, reminding us of the omnipotence of the Lord of all worlds. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis%201&version=GNV Colossians 1:16-17, Ezekiel 1:19-2, Genesis 6:1-2, Jude 1:6, sons of God, angels, demons, other realms, multiverse, dimensions, the universe, dominions, Ephesians 6, Sunday Sermon, 25/09/2024, omar samson, free humanity, geneva bible 1599, geneva bible 1511, apocrypha, scripture, bible141 views -
Sunday Sermon 04/08/2024, God’s covenant extends to all of Humanity, not the jews
Free HumanitySunday Sermon 04/08/2024, God’s covenant extends to all of Humanity, not the jews, this sermon aims to convey the theological transition from the old covenant to the new and the universal nature of God’s salvation, jeremiah 31:33, romans 11:25, the geneva bible 1560, Omar Samson , Free Humanity https://freehumanity.locals.com/ https://media3.locals.com/content/documents/2024-08-04/3674588/3674588_172276268866af45c056e40.pdf?signToken=st=1722763496~exp=3445699792~acl=/content/documents/2024-08-04/3674588/3674588_172276268866af45c056e40.pdf*~hmac=2ac7571768041dc09a4b0b81ea32a0dd1c83bfdb13b13eb7927f9f68bf244d5f134 views -
The Forbidden book 📚, Documentaire , history of the English Bible
Free HumanityThe Forbidden Book Full Movie, is directed by Brian Barkley and features Craig Lampe, Jim Birdsall. The Forbidden Book is unlike anything you have ever seen before. Hosted by Dr. Craig Lampe, this one-hour documentary takes you on a fascinating journey through time. Follow our film crew across Europe as we SHOW YOU all the important places of Christian history. Learn how God’s Word was originally scribed in Hebrew and Greek. Walk with Dr. Lampe among the ruins of the very first Christian Church ever built above ground… not in Israel, but in England! Discover how the Word was preserved through the 1,000 year period of the Dark and Middle Ages, when possession of scripture in any language other than Latin meant certain death at the hands of the organized church. Uncover the truth about the misunderstood books called “Apocrypha” that were printed in every Protestant Christian’s Bible until 1885. Meet John Wycliffe, the first person to translate the Bible into English… and see his church, which is still offering Sunday services today, as it has since the 1300’s. Look at the door where Martin Luther, the first person to print the Bible in German, nailed his 95 Theses, starting the Protestant Reformation. See William Tyndale’s illegal printing shop, which is a book store today, and find out why Tyndale was executed for being the first person to print the scriptures in English. Find out about the 1535 first complete printed English Bible of Myles Coverdale, the 1537 Matthews Bible, and King Henry the Eighth’s 1539 “Great Bible” …the first legal English Bible. Learn why the Bible of the Protestant Reformation, the 1560 English Geneva Bible, had to be printed in Switzerland due to the reign of Queen “Bloody” Mary. See how the 1568 Bishops Bible was revised to become the 1611 King James Bible, and how the King James version slowly replaced the much more popular Geneva Bible among early American Colonists. “The Forbidden Book” is simply the most captivating and informative video ever produced on the subject of how we got the Bible, and how God has preserved His Word for thousands of years to countless generations. Director: Brian Barkley Writer: Craig Lampe Starring: Craig Lampe, Jim Birdsall https://archive.org/details/TheGenevaBible1560 https://www.biblegateway.com/192 views -
King James banned Geneva Bible and altered original translation for his benefit.
Free HumanityYep. :/ the Geneva Bible has 80 books and translated original scriptures first. King James banned Geneva Bible and made his version with 66 books only authorized version allowed in churches only. The Pilgrims and Puritans escaped King James religious persecution and fled to new land which became America for religious freedom. Tiktok video by jontruth. King james, bible, kjv, geneva bible, mis translation, adaptation and altering of the bible, satanism, witchcraft , demons, jinn, king james totally satanic pig, not an attack on your faith , but a education out of love of faith, truth, sermon, rome, england, banks, jews, omar samson, free humanity https://archive.org/details/TheGenevaBible1560110 views -
Prophecy of the Lion of Ishmael 🧬 🦁 , part 1 🔥
Free HumanityProphecy ,Lion of Ishmael 🦁 , part 1 🔥 , Brothers and sisters! Today, we gather to reflect upon a profound and ancient narrative, one that bridges the vast expanse of time and unites diverse cultures under the umbrella of faith and destiny. This is the story of Ishmael, the lion from the lineage of Abraham, and his descendants, the Arabs. It is a tale that resonates deeply within the sacred texts of the Bible and finds its echoes in the corridors of history. In the Book of Genesis, we encounter Ishmael, the firstborn son of Abraham, born to Hagar, the Egyptian handmaiden. Ishmael, a name meaning "God hears," was destined to become a great nation. As we delve into his legacy, we see that God's promise to Abraham extended not only to Isaac but also to Ishmael. "I will make him a great nation," God proclaimed, and so it came to pass. The lion of Ishmael roared across the deserts, his descendants growing into a formidable people, the Arabs. Their story is one of resilience, strength, and divine purpose. The Arab nations, children of Ishmael, played a pivotal role in the unfolding of God's grand design, as prophesied in the Scriptures. Deuteronomy 18:18 states, "I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their fellow Israelites, and I will put my words in his mouth. He will tell them everything I command him." This passage is often interpreted within the Judeo-Christian tradition as foretelling the coming of a prophet from among the Israelites. However, there is another perspective that merits our attention. Many scholars and believers see this prophecy extending beyond the confines of Israel, anticipating a messenger from the lineage of Ishmael, signifying a covenantal shift towards the Gentiles of Arabia. The Arab people, as the heirs of Ishmael, have a profound connection to this prophecy. The rise of Islam in the 7th century CE, under the prophethood of Muhammad, has been seen by many as a fulfillment of this divine promise. Muhammad, born in the heart of Arabia, brought forth a revelation that emphasized monotheism, justice, and compassion, values deeply rooted in the Abrahamic tradition. His message, the Quran, is viewed by Muslims as a continuation and culmination of the earlier scriptures, affirming the shared heritage of Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Throughout history, we witness the impact of this covenantal transition. The Islamic Golden Age, a period of remarkable scientific, cultural, and intellectual flourishing, stands as a testament to the profound contributions of the Arab people to human civilization. The preservation and enhancement of knowledge during this era owe much to the legacy of Ishmael and the divine promise fulfilled through his descendants. Yet, this narrative is not without its complexities. The scriptures have undergone numerous translations, interpretations, and, at times, alterations. Prophecies have been added and removed, leading to diverse understandings and sometimes, misunderstandings. It is imperative that we approach these texts with a spirit of reverence and a commitment to uncovering the truth. By doing so, we honor the profound legacy of Abraham, Isaac, and Ishmael, and the interconnected destinies of their progeny. In conclusion, the story of the lion of Ishmael and his children, the Arabs, is one of divine promise, prophetic fulfillment, and enduring legacy. It calls upon us to recognize the shared heritage of the Abrahamic faiths and to seek unity in our common origins. As we reflect on Deuteronomy 18:18 and the broader scriptural narratives, let us embrace a vision of inclusivity, understanding, and respect for all peoples. May we continue to seek wisdom and guidance from these ancient texts, fostering a world where the roar of the lion of Ishmael echoes in harmony with the voices of all God's children. Thank you. Omar Samson, Free Humanity, Deuteronomy , genesis, Isaac ,pbuh, Ishmael, pbuh, Jesus, pbuh, Mohammed pbuh, great nations , israel, evil , cursed, covenant change, God is the greatest, scripture, evidence , legend , myth , truth, mystery , conspiracy, war on humanity , war on God, war on descendents of the prophets, satanism , Muslim , jews, Christians, the holy land, Egypt , Hajar of Egypt, Hagar, handmaiden, Abraham pbuh, genetics, heritage, pride, warriors, poets, monks, prophets, artists, traders, humans, Free Palestine , free humanity, semites, Arab, Arabic, Ishmaels mother was Egyptian!164 views -
Sunday Sermon 07/28/2024
Free HumanityMatthew 5:9 , dueteronomy 18:15, Galatians 3:28-29, dueteronomy 28:64-65, Matthew 22:39, Romans 12:18, A call to true christian values, zionist, occupation , Bible , Jesus pbuh, Marry pbuh, teachings, peace , love , harmony, zionist, fallacy , idolworshippers, fake jews, rev 3:9, rev 2:9 , fake christians, Palestine, semetic, prophets, humans, equality in faith, God is not a rasist, Omar Samson, Free Humanity129 views -
Christian Zionism: The Tragedy & The Turning
Free HumanityChristian Zionism: The Tragedy & The Turning, Part I We Hold These Truths Jul 29, 2014 We Hold These Truths has released our, 29 minute, award winning documentary for free viewing. Out of 700 international films submitted to the 4th Ammar Popular Film Festival in Tehran, Iran, in January, 2014, our film, Christian Zionism: The Tragedy & The Turning, Part 1, has been given a special award along with two other documentaries. This film exposes what should be three, obvious truths: 1. The US has a war based economy that is dependent upon the support for its many wars by Christians under the influence of Christian Zionism. 2. Christian Zionism is a corruption of traditional Christianity that has been promoted for just over 100 years, through the Scofield Reference Bible. 3. The Palestinians have been under a brutal military occupation by Israel since 1967. An example of this brutality was an Israeli attack on Gaza that killed four and wounded 40 in 2002, that was witnessed, videoed and reported by Charles E. Carlson, the Writer/Director of this documentary. This attack was four years before Hamas came to power and 12 years before Israel's current attack on Gaza, "Operation Protective Edge." This planned operation has turned into a genocidal assault on Gaza with the Israelis bombing hospitals and schools, and civilian casualties hovering around 75%, while destroying the infrastructure of the world's largest, open air prison (Bob Simon of CBS News described Gaza this way in 2009 in an interview with Charlie Rose). Key moments 6:03 How Does One Tell Who Christian Zionist 9:56 Present-Day Israel 10:21 The Scofield Reference Bible 12:55 What Exactly Scofield Reference Bible Reading List *Against Our Better Judgment How U.S. *Christian Zionism Armageddon? *Conspiracy of the Six-Pointed Star Texe *Controversy of Zion by Douglas Reed *Culture of Critique Kevin Macdonald *The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine Pappe *Expulsion Palestinians Concept Transfer *From Yahweh to Zion by Laurent Guyenot *Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom *The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom *Holy Serpent of the Jews by Texe Marrs *International Jew World’s Foremost *Invention of the Jewish People Shlomo *Israel Lobby U.S. Foreign Policy John J *Israel: Our Duty...Our Dilemma T W Pike *Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews *The Jewish Encyclopedia *Jewish History, Jewish Religion Shahak *The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today *Jewish Revolutionary Spirit E M Jones *Judaism Discovered Michael A Hoffman *Judaism’s Strange Gods Michael A *Life American Jew Israel Jack Bernstein *Secret Relationship Blacks Jews *Shabtai Tzvi Labor Zionism Holocaust *Synagogue of Satan Updated Expanded *Temples that Jerusalem Forgot E Martin *The Thirteenth Tribe by Arthur Koestler *To Eliminate the Opiate Volumes One & *Transfer Agreement by Edwin Black *Two Hundred Years Together Aleksandr *Ugly Truth Anti-Defamation League *Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin? Chamish *You Gentiles by Maurice Samuel 40 beheaded babies (14:03) https://rumble.com/v3pdkpy-40-beheaded-babies.html 1948 Creation Catastrophe (1:25:14) https://rumble.com/v3szbyt-1948-creation-and-catastrophe.html Britain Started Arab Israeli Conflict (52:35) https://rumble.com/v3pnd0b-how-britain-started-the-arab-israeli-conflict.html Christian Zionism Tragedy Turning (28:59) https://rumble.com/v27oodw-christian-zionism-the-tragedy-and-the-turning-part-i.html Day Israel Attacked America (8:02) https://rumble.com/v2swjm6-the-day-israel-attacked-america-reallygraceful.html Gaza Bombardment (9:19) https://rumble.com/v3pcpnv-gaza-bombardment.html Gaza Concentration Camp (7:34) https://rumble.com/v3pcrik-gaza-concentration-camp.html How Israel Helped Create Hamas (6:11) https://rumble.com/v3pdor8-how-israel-helped-create-hamas.html Mystery of Israel Solved (1:03:22) https://rumble.com/v3pr62s-must-see-the-mystery-of-israel-solved.html What Christians Aren't Taught Zionism (16:40) https://rumble.com/v3q4gis-what-christians-arent-taught-about-zionism.html What the Media Won't Tell You Israel (10:23) https://rumble.com/v3ofqnj-what-the-media-wont-tell-you-about-israel.html Zionism Christianity Unholy Alliance (1:35:41) https://rumble.com/v27ombg-zionism-and-christianity-unholy-alliance.html Israel/Jew/Zion Odysee https://odysee.com/ISRAEL-JEW-ZION:c Israel/Jew/Zion Rumble https://rumble.com/playlists/e6OldYgG6_k Israel/Jew/Zion YouTube https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLx2BamAwbS6wHujzFOnNu6HHXcQUrfMaf Omar Samson, Free Humanity, Christian Zionism, The Tragedy & The Turning, jew, zionist, zionism , communism, bolshevism, jews, khazars, fake jews, synagoge of satan, israel, Palestine, christians, islam, jews, jews, jews, demons, demon spawn, satanic, evil , pure darkness and dispair, hell, is real hell, idf, terrorism, 2024, bible, end times, truth, changing the bible, balfour , syces picot, war, conspiracy, mystery , history, Free Palestina465 views 1 comment -
Sunday Sermon , 07/21/2024 , Not Peace but a Sword 🗡️
Free HumanityMathew 10, Ephesians 6, John 2, Bible , Sermon , Omar Samson, 21/07/2024, Free Humanity, Jesus son of the holy mother Mary, pbuh, ### Our Duty to Fight Evil When the Messiah speaks of bringing a sword, He is calling us to a spiritual battle. Ephesians 6:12 reminds us, "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." We are called to take up the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, and to stand against the forces of evil. This includes confronting falsehoods, injustices, and any form of evil that seeks to undermine God's truth. It is our duty, as people of the Book, to actively engage in this spiritual warfare, to protect the integrity of the Gospel, and to fight for the souls of those who are led astray. The Call to Action So, how do we apply this in our lives today? 1. **Know the Word**: Immerse yourself in the Scriptures. Study the teachings of the Messiah and the Apostles. Know the truth so deeply that you can recognize and refute falsehoods when you encounter them. 2. **Live the Truth**: Let your life be a testimony to the Gospel. Be a beacon of light in a world that often prefers darkness. Your actions, as much as your words, should reflect the love, justice, and righteousness of the Son of the Holy Mother Mary. 3. **Speak Out**: Do not be afraid to speak the truth, even if it causes division. Stand up against injustice, oppression, and false teachings. Engage in respectful dialogue, but do not shy away from defending your faith. 4. **Pray for Strength**: Engage in constant prayer, asking God for the strength and wisdom to fight the good fight. Pray for discernment to know when and how to act. 5. **Unity in the Messiah**: While we may face division, we must strive for unity among believers. Support and encourage one another in the faith. Together, we are stronger and more effective in our mission.90 views -
Sunday Sermon 14/7/2024
Free HumanityEphesians 6:10-20 New International Version The Armor of God 10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. 19 Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.59 views -
Sunday sermon 07/07/2024 Jesus pbuh and Mary Magdalene pbuh
Free HumanityJohn 18:36,Luke 23:13-25,Matthew 25-55,Mary magdelene,Paul ,Peter, i wanted to change the back ground of the video , but somehow it did not want to work, the roman corrupted bible only tells you 1/3 of the story of Jesus/Isa ﷺ, i have done a lot of study, and the character that was Jesus/Isa ﷺ, was much closer to Mohammed ﷺ than you think, he was a prophet and a king, he led his people in battle and in revolt, Jesus ﷺ wielded a sword, had a wife and children, but because Jesus/Isa ﷺ, declared that his mistress Mary Magdalene ﷺ was to continue his gospel after his death, his companions betrayed him, after his death , Paul betrayed Jesus/Isa ﷺ, and began re writting the messege, because he declared Jesus/isa ﷺ would never chose a woman!, It is hard to understand but we do actually have real physical and archeological evidence for this, there was a man named Isa or Yeshua , which rebelled against Rome, he was a priest, king And performed miracles. And preached the oneness of God, and the wrongdoing of the jews, back to the original word of God, after jewish corrupters had changed thorah and judaism. In real fact John the baptistﷺ , was Jesus/Isa ﷺ his mentor, he tought Jesus ﷺ these are teaching and knowledge some secret societies keep for themselfs, i am higher than a 33rd degree, i know it all. Never joined a group, my father in heaven was a grandmaster , I was tought about all this all my life. the romans try and change the real christianity into more of a pagan eastern religion of mithras, creating the Christus/Krishna/Mithras figure, that was more like buddha than the actual Isa/Jesus ﷺ every single modern demonination of christians is wrong, all others have been genocided, the scriptures burnt and removed from history!, Some survived by going underground…..and the knowledge is save106 views