Erich Von Daniken + Billy Carson on the Enigmatic Nan Madol and the Tomb of Jesus in Kashmir.
4biddenknowledge🚀 Discover the untold stories of ancient civilizations and extraterrestrial encounters with Eric Von Daniken on the Forbidden Knowledge podcast. Hosted by Billy Carson, this video features Eric's expert analysis of humanity's ancient past, drawing from his influential book, 'Chariots of the Gods.' As a visionary in the field of ancient astronaut theory, Eric has sparked worldwide interest and debate with his bold ideas and compelling evidence. Travel to the mysterious ruins of Nan Madol, the debated tomb of Jesus in Kashmir, and the immense stone structures of Bara in Colombia. Explore the underground cities of Turkey, considering their potential use as shelters from celestial threats. Eric's fearless exploration of ancient texts and archaeological marvels invites viewers to rethink traditional narratives and embrace the possibility of extraterrestrial influence on human history. #LegendaryExplorationPioneer, #SrinagarKashmirTombJesus, #NanMadolMysteryIsland, #HistoryChannelGuest, #AncientTextsInsights, #MegalithicStructuresMystery, #HumanCivilizationOrigins, #AncientAliensShow, #ExtraterrestrialInfluences, #ChariotsOfTheGods, #AncientAstronautTheory, #EricVonDaniken, #ForbiddenKnowledgePodcast, #PassionExhausted, #QuittingNeverOption, #StopItStopIt, #BoxesBoxes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ⏱️⏱️VIDEO CHAPTERS⏱️⏱️: 00:00:00 - Introduction to Eric Von Daniken's Work 00:04:46 - Exploring the Mysteries of Nan Madol 00:07:27 - The Enigma of Nan Madol's Construction 00:10:26 - Jesus' Alleged Tomb in Kashmir 00:13:20 - Implications of Finding Jesus' Tomb 00:16:07 - Lost Civilizations and Ancient Libraries 00:18:52 - King Solomon's Flying Machines 00:21:29 - Underground Cities and Their Purposes 00:24:24 - Advanced Engineering of Neolithic Structures 00:26:58 - Eric Von Daniken's Legacy and Influence447 views 2 comments -
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Jon Levi and San Francisco- Key Video
FlatEarther46This is an important video. A big find. This research got inspired by the recent video by John Levi (link below) where he thought a small areas of the Muybridge 1878 SF panorama might show buildings of the 1915 World Fair. With help with my community at Locals we managed to find what the location is likely. More importantly was the find of ANOTHER PANORAMA done supposedly in 1873, and when comparing the two has some very strange revelations. This is to get those who might be interested in this to dig into the two panoramas and see what you can spot. John opened up a detective search with this, I hope I have added my part, please carry on the investigating on this. JON LEVI's VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfHyhvybA58 1878 Panorama https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1a/Panorama_of_San_Francisco_by_Eadweard_Muybridge%2C_1878.jpg 1873 Panorama https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/56/Panorama_of_San_Francisco_from_California_Street_-_Hill_-_Muybridge%2C_photo.%2C_Morse%27s_Gallery%2C_San_Francisco._LCCN2007663628.jpg My Website https://howdiemickoski.com/ My author page if you would like to order my books. https://www.amazon.com/s?i=stripbooks&rh=p_27%3AHowdie+Mickoski&s=relevancerank&text=Howdie+Mickoski&ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1 Locals community https://howdiemickoski.locals.com/ https://rumble.com/v3hd59k-jon-levi-and-san-francisco-key-video.html1.66K views 3 comments