SereneChristineFirst published at 23:21 UTC on March 12th, 2025. Greg Reese 12043 subscribers https://gregreese.substack.com/ https://reesereport.com/#donate95 views -
The Nephilim Crown: Anunnaki Influence, A.I. Endgame & the Bloodline Agenda w/ Dean Henderson
Rolling With YouBeyond the Forbidden TV Feb 13, 2025 The Nephilim Crown: Anunnaki Influence, A.I. Endgame & the Bloodline Agenda w/ Dean Henderson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nUDf0Yg2qk BECOME A MEMBER ON PATREON TO WATCH THE FULL LENGTH AD FREE VIDEO VERSION OF THIS INTERVIEW! / beyondtheforbidden Dean Henderson’s Substack: https://substack.com/@deanhenderson?r...1.17K views 4 comments -
🔲🔺 Mind Control: The MK Ultra Files 👀
Follow The White Rabbit™ 🐇⚫️🔺MUST WATCH❗️ Out of Shadows ▪️ Full Documentary on MK Ultra, Operation Mockingbird, & Creepy Hollywood 🐇 🔥: https://rumble.com/v3rxv2q--out-of-shadows-full-doc-on-mk-ultra-satanic-hollywood-and-operation-mockin.html -- ⚫️🔺 Must Watch ‘Enter The Pizzagate’ doc here: https://rumble.com/v3wmmxt--enter-the-pizzagate-expose-the-worlds-multi-billion-dollar-child-sex-traff.html -- ⚫️🔺MUST WATCH❗️ TITUS FROST: PIZZAGATE ▪️ DEMOCRAT PARTY CHILD-SEX RING ▪️ ADRENOCHROME: https://rumble.com/v5fudmy-titus-frost-pizzagate-democrat-party-child-sex-ring-adrenochrome.html -- ⚫️🔺 MUST WATCH: ‘The Secret Empire’ here 🔥: https://rumble.com/v3piurf-the-secret-empire-1.5-hour-full-documentary-satanic-hollywood-and-corruptio.html -- 🔲🔺👁 OPERATION AMBER ALERT (2024)▪️ OBIDEN CHILD-SEX TRAFFICKING RING: https://rumble.com/v5ui5c5--operation-amber-alert-2024.html -- 🔲🔺 Child Trafficking documentary Pt. 1 ▪️ MK Ultra: John Wayne Gacy❓ https://rumble.com/v5wqmu5--child-trafficking-documentary-pt.-1-mk-ultra-john-wayne-gacy.html -- ⬛️👁 WHAT IS TREASON❓(2024) ▪️ #TRAFFICKED: https://rumble.com/v5tg7zn--what-is-treason2024-trafficked.html -- ⚫️🔺 MUST WATCH❗️ ‘Santanic Hollywood Open Secret’: https://rumble.com/v3qmwu0--satanic-hollywood-an-open-secret-the-secret-hollywood-doesnt-want-you-to-k.html -- ⚫️🔺 Boys For Sale (1981) ▪️ Forgotten Documentary ▪️ An enlightening documentary broadcast before the onset of the so-called 'Satanic Panic' in the USA: https://rumble.com/v5wqp2z--boys-for-sale-1981.html -- ⚫️🔺🇺🇸 TRUTH ABOUT MK ULTRA, MK NAOMI ▪️ Full Documentary▪️ Trust Naomi, Trust Ultra: https://rumble.com/v3twn7i--the-truth-about-mk-ultra-mk-naomi-operation-mockingbird-full-documentary-.html -- ⚫️🔺👁TV MK-ULTRA PROOF: SUBLIMINAL 'OBEY GOVERNMENT' BRAINWASH❓ 👀▪️ 1960s-1980s CIA MOCKINGBIRD TV SIGN-OFF 📺 🐑: 🔗https://rumble.com/v47x3u6-obey-government-tv-mk-ultra-subliminal-msging-in-1960s-1980s-sign-off.html -- ⚫️🔺 Watch "Hollywood Exposed" here: https://rumble.com/v4qtp9t--hollywood-exposed-the-banned-documentary.html -- ⚫️🔺 MUST WATCH❗️ Pedogate Pt 1 - Pizzagate = Democrat Party Child Sex Ring: https://rumble.com/v40hldr-pedogate-2020-pt.-1-democrat-party-child-sex-ring-pizzagate-by-mouthy-buddh.html -- ⚫️🔺 Watch Pedogate Pt 2 - Tom Hanks & Epstein Island: https://rumble.com/v458am0-pedogate-2020-pt.-2-pedo-tom-hanks-and-epstein-island-pizzagate-by-mouthy-b.html -- ⚫️🔺 Watch Pedogate Pt 3 - Pizzagate 2.0 & Symbolism: https://rumble.com/v40hs4e-pedogate-2020-pt.-3-pizzagate-2.0-and-symbolism-by-mouthy-buddha-.html -- ⚫️🔺 MUST WATCH❗️ Cultural Decay: NWO 5th Generation Warfare (2023)▪️ WWIII Explained 👀: https://rumble.com/v3w06yw--cultural-decay-5th-generation-warfare-and-the-nwo-supervillain-scholars-20.html -- ⚫️💥 911: Nine Eleven in 20 (2019)▪️ 9/11 Documentary ▪️ Hibbeler ▪️ Banned from Youtube ✈️ 💣 👀: https://rumble.com/v43tuak--911-nine-eleven-2019-911-documentary-hibbeler-productions-censored-on-yout.html -- ⚫️🔺The BLM PsyOp: The Soros & George Floyd Conspiracy Video ▪️ All connected to the Covid PLANdemic PsyOp 👀: https://rumble.com/v3r40ki-the-george-floyd-soros-and-blm-conspiracy-video-all-connected-to-the-covid-.html -- ⚫️🔺 MUST WATCH❗️ JFK TO 911: EVERYTHING IS A RICH MAN'S TRICK❗️💰 🎩 🐇🔥: https://rumble.com/v3r1wek--jfk-to-911-everything-is-a-rich-mans-trick-full-documentary-.html -- ⚫️⚜️🔺 MUST WATCH❗️ FALL OF THE CABAL 1 ⚔️▪️ ALL PARTS 1-10 ▪️ 3-HR FULL 🔥: https://rumble.com/v3plhe2--fall-of-the-cabal-all-parts-1-10-3-hr-full-documentary-by-janet-ossebaard-.html -- ⚫️⚜️🔺 MUST WATCH❗️ Fall of the Cabal 2: The Sequel ▪️ Satanic History of Earth ▪️ All Parts, 12-Hours 👹 👀: https://rumble.com/v3rqp83--fall-of-the-cabal-2-the-sequel-satanic-history-of-earth-all-parts-12-hours.html -- ⚫️🔺MK Ultra Exposed: Unveiling CIA's Mind Control Secrets 👀 https://rumble.com/v51txzs-mk-ultra-exposed-unveiling-cias-mind-control-secrets-.html -- ⚫️🔺MK-ULTRA BACKGROUND & HISTORY ▪️ MR. TRUTHBOMB 💣✔️ Link to Watch & Share: https://rumble.com/v4e08vz-mk-ultra-background-and-history-mr.-truthbomb-.html -- ⚫️🔺MUST WATCH❗️ BIDEN CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING NETWORK EXPOSED❗️▪️ DHS WHISTLEBLOWER INTERVIEW🔥: https://rumble.com/v429pk1-biden-child-sex-trafficking-network-exposeddhs-whistleblower-interview.html -- ⚫️🐍 The Secrets about Reptilians: Truth or Fiction❓▪️ 1994 Alex Collier: https://rumble.com/v5ca5l9--the-secrets-about-reptilians-truth-or-fiction-1994-alex-collier.html -- 🌌🐍 MORE ON REPTILIANS IN THIS DOC: Elon Marx The Spot ▪️ Ep1: Maye Musk 🦋: https://rumble.com/v534q5f--elon-marx-the-spot-ep1-maye-musk-.html -- ⚫️🇺🇸 BOMBSHELL❗️ Secret Service Cover-Up of Trump Assassination Attempt❗️: https://rumble.com/v59ms2q--must-watch-bombshell-trump-assassination-proof-secret-service-head-commits.html -- ⚫️🇺🇸 MUST WATCH: Time Of Deceit (2024) ▪️ New, Full Documentary 🔥: https://rumble.com/v51m0mo-time-of-deceit-2024-full-documentary-.html -- ⚫️🇺🇸 MUST WATCH: A Thousand Pieces (2020) ▪️ Exposing CIA FBI top-down Corruption 🔥▪️ Banned off Youtube 👀: https://rumble.com/v55uc2d--a-thousand-pieces-exposing-cia-fbi-top-down-corruption-.html -- ⚫️🇺🇸 Third Eye Spies (2019) ▪️ CIA Psychic Program, Declassified Docs, ESP, Spy Secrets [CC enabled]: https://rumble.com/v59h8qp--third-eye-spies-2019cia-psychic-program-declassified-docs-esp-spy-secrets-.html -- ⚫️🔺 THIS IS WHAT MIND CONTROL LOOKS LIKE. ▪️ THIS IS OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD 🐦 : https://rumble.com/v3qps1n--this-is-what-mind-control-looks-like.-this-is-operation-mockingbird-.html -- ⚫️🔺 CIA Operation Mockingbird Media ▪️ 6-min Report ▪️How long have we been manipulated⁉️🐦 👀 https://rumble.com/v4gn9uu--cia-operation-mockingbird-media-6-min-report-.html -- ⚫️🔺 👹📎 CIA: OPERATION PAPERCLIP ▪️ MK ULTRA, WALT DISNEY, & SATANIC HOLLYWOOD👁: https://rumble.com/v470y3f--cia-operation-paperclip-mk-ultra-walt-disney-and-satanic-hollywood-.html -- ⚫️🔺MUST WATCH❗️ Sandy Hook, Line & Sinker ▪️ A Nefarious Narrative❓: https://rumble.com/v5d5io5--sandy-hook-psyop-hook-line-and-sinker-a-nefarious-narrative.html -- ☑️ Satanic NWO / WEF / UN Agenda 2030 docs (free on Telegram - zero censorship there): https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/79684 -- ☑️ Examples of Satanism in US Government & Hollywood here (free on Telegram - zero censorship there): https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/81289 -- 🔴🔷🇺🇸 J6: A True Timeline (2024) ▪️ Expose the J6 PsyOp 📣: Share: https://rumble.com/v48f5q8--j6-a-true-timeline-the-true-timeline-of-january-6th-expose-the-j6-psyop-.html -- 🔴🇺🇸 TRUMP: DRAINING THE SWAMP (2020) ▪️ FULL DOC: https://rumble.com/v40xx2m--draining-the-swamp-worldwide-the-great-awakening-2020-documentary.html -- 🔴🇺🇸 TRUMP @ WAR (2022) ⚔️ (BY STEPHEN BANNON)🔥: 🔗https://rumble.com/v3pkr1r--trump-at-war-full-documentary-1-hr-16-min-by-stephen-bannon.html -- ✅ 🏙❄️ MUST WATCH: The Secret Of Water (2015) ▪️ Discover The Language of Life💧: https://rumble.com/v50oxvl--the-secret-of-water-2015-discover-the-language-of-life-.html -- ✅ 🎆⚜️ Old World Order (2024) ▪️ Lost History of Earth❓ https://rumble.com/v4yutec--old-world-order-2024-lost-history-of-earth.html -- ✅⚔️🔺MUST WATCH: WW3 Biblical Prophecy Documentary (Obama, Vatican, Rothschild): https://rumble.com/v430rhq--satanism-history-and-world-war-3-bible-prophecy-documentary-2022-.html -- ✅🔺Unmasking History: The Illuminati & New World Order's 6000-Year History 🔱: https://rumble.com/v4ymbac-unmasking-history-the-illuminati-and-new-world-orders-6000-year-history-.html -- ✅ Must Watch: Ewaranon's 'Lost History of Earth' here (its awesome❗️): https://rumble.com/v3plf6h--what-on-earth-happened-by-ewaranon-lost-history-of-earth-.html -- ✅ Next, must watch Ewaranon's "WHAT ON EARTH HAPPENED❓"🔥: https://rumble.com/v3plgpi--lost-history-of-earth-by-ewaranon-free-energy-frequency-vibration-.html -- ✅ 'Lost History of Earth Hub' free on the Telegram App here: https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/77500 -- ✅ Must Watch ‘Pizzagate’ doc here: https://rumble.com/v3wmmxt--enter-the-pizzagate-expose-the-worlds-multi-billion-dollar-child-sex-traff.html ✅ Must Watch ‘Santanic Hollywood Open Secret’: https://rumble.com/v3qmwu0--satanic-hollywood-an-open-secret-the-secret-hollywood-doesnt-want-you-to-k.html -- ✅ Watch Pedogate Pt 1 here: https://rumble.com/v40hldr-pedogate-2020-pt.-1-democrat-party-child-sex-ring-pizzagate-by-mouthy-buddh.html -- ✅ Watch Pedogate Pt 2 here: https://rumble.com/v458am0-pedogate-2020-pt.-2-pedo-tom-hanks-and-epstein-island-pizzagate-by-mouthy-b.html -- ✅ Watch Pedogate Pt 3 here: https://rumble.com/v40hs4e-pedogate-2020-pt.-3-pizzagate-2.0-and-symbolism-by-mouthy-buddha-.html ✅ Mouthy Buddha’s Pedogate 2020: https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/65023 -- ✅ Kappy vs. The Shadows Revisited: https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/62242 -- ✅ Clinton Child Trafficking Exposed: https://rumble.com/v4710sc-the-clintons-child-sex-trafficking-exposed-clinton-foundation-in-haiti-.html -- ✅ Pizzagate US Gov’t Child Trafficking docs🍕 (free on Telegram App -least-censored, whereas FB & IG censoring & shadow-banning truth❗️): t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/77098 -- ✅ Why you must hate Donald Trump (2022) (Connecting the Dots)🔥: https://rumble.com/v45ivi6--this-is-why-you-must-hate-donald-trump-7-mins-.html -- MAINSTREAM MEDIA LEGITIMIZING PIZZAGATE: 🍕FBI: Pizzagate is Real 👀🔗https://www.currentrevolt.com/p/fbi-confirms-pizzagate-in-college 🍕FBI Confirms Pizzagate Elite Pedophile Ring🔗 https://realrawnews.info/fbi-confirms-pizzagate-elite-pedophile-ring-exposed-in-ongoing-investigation/6214/ 🍕FBI Arrests Connected To Pedophile Ring #PIZZAGATE🔗https://www.planet-today.com/2023/11/fbi-begins-arresting-journalists.html -- ⚫️⚜️ MUST WATCH❗️ Ewaranon's 'Lost History of Earth' here (its awesome❗️): https://rumble.com/v3plf6h--what-on-earth-happened-by-ewaranon-lost-history-of-earth-.html -- ⚫️⚜️ MUST WATCH❗️ TARTARIA EXPLAINED❗️ ALL PARTS 1-10 ▪️ MIND UNVEILED ▪️ LOST HISTORY OF EARTH 🔥: https://rumble.com/v53dkxo--tartaria-explained-all-parts-1-10-mind-unveiled-.html -- ⚫️⚡️ MUST WATCH❗️ Ewaranon's "WHAT ON EARTH HAPPENED❓"🔥: https://rumble.com/v3plgpi--lost-history-of-earth-by-ewaranon-free-energy-frequency-vibration-.html -- ⚫️⚜️ MUST WATCH❗️ Old World Order (2024) ▪️ Shattering Fabricated History ▪️ Lost History of Earth ▪️ Hibbeler ⚡️ ✔️ Rumble Link: 🔗https://rumble.com/v4yutec--old-world-order-2024-lost-history-of-earth.html -- ⬛️⚡️ LOST HISTORY OF EARTH: VOL 2:1 ▪️ 🔗https://rumble.com/v4r0s6q--lost-history-of-earth-vol-21-ewaranon-is-back.html -- ⚫️⚜️ THE TARTARIAN MELTDOWN ▪️ LOST HISTORY OF EARTH ▪️WHAT ON EARTH HAPPENED❓🌐 ⚡️ 👀 ✔️ External Link to Share: https://rumble.com/v3wnds2--the-tartarian-meltdown-lost-history-of-earth-what-on-earth-happened-.html -- ⚫️⚜️ Dr. Emoto's Water Experiments ▪️ Proving Positive Energy vs. Negative Energy through Water❗️🔥 ✔️ Link on Rumble: https://rumble.com/v431czw--dr.-emotos-water-experiments-proving-positive-energy-vs.-negative-energy-i.html -- ⚫️⚜️⚡️Free Energy in Old World Architecture Explained (Lost History of Earth: Part 4)▪️ By Ewaranon 💠: https://rumble.com/v3wqumn-free-energy-in-old-world-architecture-explained-lost-history-of-earth-part-.html -- 🎴💠 Free Energy: Old World Star Forts & Water Frequency for Healing▪️Lost History of Earth: Part 5 🔥⚡️ ✔️ External Link to Share: https://rumble.com/v3zao8w-free-energy-old-world-star-forts-and-water-frequency-for-healinglost-histor.html -- ⚫️⚜️ Lost History of Earth—Part 6: Free Energy Biblical Symbolism & Demonization Of Mercury 💠 👀 ✔️ Link to Watch & Share: https://rumble.com/v49xjqr-free-energy-biblical-symbolism-and-demonization-of-mercury-lost-history-of-.html -- MORE WHITE RABBIT BASED LINKS - MAJORITY OF CONTENT HQ'd AT TELEGRAM LINKS HERE: ✅ MK Ultra Hub on Telegram: https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/78802 ✅ Find more Truth-based Content at my Telegram Channel - beefy Awakening playlist free here on Telegram: https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/72749 ✅ Must Watch ‘Covid & Pharma Corruption’ docs on Telegram here💊 : https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/78976 ✅ Rockefeller Pharma Biz 🟰 💵 https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/79844 ✅ Why you must hate Donald Trump (2022) (Connecting the Dots)🔥: https://rumble.com/v45ivi6--this-is-why-you-must-hate-donald-trump-7-mins-.html ✅ Trump Truth Hub here (free on Telegram App which is least-censored, whereas FB & IG censoring & shadow-banning truth❗️): https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/81044 ✅ Find more Truth-based Content at my Telegram Channel - Telegram App is least-censored & free - you can begin by checking out my beefy Awakening playlist here: https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/72749 ✅ Follow my Rumble Channel here: https://rumble.com/c/FollowsTheWhiteRabbit ✅ Follow my new Twitter—X Account, here: https://twitter.com/realWhiteRa66it -- 🔲🔺🔳🔺🔺**MUST WATCH & SHARE ‼️ ✔️ 🌏🔥⬛️🔵🇺🇸 ⚫️🇺🇸❗️▪️💡🇺🇸☑️🔲👹 👀😵‼️❓❗️🔥 👀✔️🛑👁🛑📣👁🐸🐲🐡🦑🐙🦋🦄🐼👹👺💀👽🤡🚜👁🗨🔹🔷🔴🔴🔳🔲⬛️🔺📣🌀🔰🌐💠🏴🏳📍📌💊🛡💈🔮🔑🌏🛑🇺🇸🔴💣📣👁✈️💥🐑🐇🐍🐉🐲🦄🐞🎩🐃⚡️💥🔥☄️🌀⚜️🔱⚠️📛⛔️⭕️🆘☢️☣️🏴📌📍🌇☄️🏙☄️🌃☄️🌌🌉👁☄️💢♨️🅾️♻️🔱💰👀🐦📺💉☠️▪️🎆🌉🌄 💎⚡️▪️💎🎆⚡️🎆⚡️🔵🖲🦋❄️💦💧🌊✖️3.22K views 1 comment -
⬛️☢️ 5G Apocalypse: The Extinction Event (2024) ▪️ Film by Sacha Stone
Follow The White Rabbit™ 🐇⚫️🔺 MUST WATCH❗️ Five-G (2019) (22-mins): https://rumble.com/v41b4uw--five-g-2019-hibbeler-productions-5g-radiation-documentary-22-mins.html -- ⚫️🔺 MUST WATCH❗️ Cultural Decay: NWO 5th Generation Warfare (2023)▪️ WWIII Explained 👀: https://rumble.com/v3w06yw--cultural-decay-5th-generation-warfare-and-the-nwo-supervillain-scholars-20.html -- ⚫️🔺 MUST WATCH❗️ JFK TO 911: EVERYTHING IS A RICH MAN'S TRICK❗️💰 🎩 🐇🔥: https://rumble.com/v3r1wek--jfk-to-911-everything-is-a-rich-mans-trick-full-documentary-.html -- ⚫️💥 911: Nine Eleven in 20 (2019)▪️ 9/11 Documentary ▪️ Hibbeler ▪️ Banned from Youtube ✈️ 💣 👀: https://rumble.com/v43tuak--911-nine-eleven-2019-911-documentary-hibbeler-productions-censored-on-yout.html -- ⚫️🔺MUST WATCH❗️ Out of Shadows ▪️ Full Documentary on MK Ultra, Operation Mockingbird, & Creepy Hollywood 🐇 🔥: https://rumble.com/v3rxv2q--out-of-shadows-full-doc-on-mk-ultra-satanic-hollywood-and-operation-mockin.html -- ⚫️🔺The BLM PsyOp: The Soros & George Floyd Conspiracy Video ▪️ All connected to the Covid PLANdemic PsyOp 👀: https://rumble.com/v3r40ki-the-george-floyd-soros-and-blm-conspiracy-video-all-connected-to-the-covid-.html -- ⚫️⚜️🔺 MUST WATCH❗️ FALL OF THE CABAL 1 ⚔️▪️ ALL PARTS 1-10 ▪️ 3-HR FULL 🔥: https://rumble.com/v3plhe2--fall-of-the-cabal-all-parts-1-10-3-hr-full-documentary-by-janet-ossebaard-.html -- ⚫️⚜️🔺 MUST WATCH❗️ Fall of the Cabal 2: The Sequel ▪️ Satanic History of Earth ▪️ All Parts, 12-Hours 👹 👀: https://rumble.com/v3rqp83--fall-of-the-cabal-2-the-sequel-satanic-history-of-earth-all-parts-12-hours.html -- ⚫️🔺 MUST WATCH: ‘The Secret Empire’ here 🔥: https://rumble.com/v3piurf-the-secret-empire-1.5-hour-full-documentary-satanic-hollywood-and-corruptio.html -- ⚫️🔺MK Ultra Exposed: Unveiling CIA's Mind Control Secrets 👀 https://rumble.com/v51txzs-mk-ultra-exposed-unveiling-cias-mind-control-secrets-.html -- ⚫️🔺 Must Watch ‘Santanic Hollywood Open Secret’: https://rumble.com/v3qmwu0--satanic-hollywood-an-open-secret-the-secret-hollywood-doesnt-want-you-to-k.html -- ⚫️🔥 What is a Woman❓▪️ By: Matt Walsh: https://rumble.com/v50fi7b--what-is-a-woman-by-matt-walsh-.html -- ⚫️🔺 Must Watch ‘Enter The Pizzagate’ doc here: https://rumble.com/v3wmmxt--enter-the-pizzagate-expose-the-worlds-multi-billion-dollar-child-sex-traff.html -- ⚫️🔺MK-ULTRA BACKGROUND & HISTORY ▪️ MR. TRUTHBOMB 💣 ✔️ Link to Watch & Share: https://rumble.com/v4e08vz-mk-ultra-background-and-history-mr.-truthbomb-.html -- ⚫️🔺MUST WATCH❗️ BIDEN CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING NETWORK EXPOSED❗️▪️ DHS WHISTLEBLOWER INTERVIEW🔥: https://rumble.com/v429pk1-biden-child-sex-trafficking-network-exposeddhs-whistleblower-interview.html -- ⚫️🐍 The Secrets about Reptilians: Truth or Fiction❓▪️ 1994 Alex Collier: https://rumble.com/v5ca5l9--the-secrets-about-reptilians-truth-or-fiction-1994-alex-collier.html -- 🌌🐍 MORE ON REPTILIANS IN THIS DOC: Elon Marx The Spot ▪️ Ep1: Maye Musk 🦋: https://rumble.com/v534q5f--elon-marx-the-spot-ep1-maye-musk-.html -- ⚫️🇺🇸 BOMBSHELL❗️ Secret Service Cover-Up of Trump Assassination Attempt❗️: https://rumble.com/v59ms2q--must-watch-bombshell-trump-assassination-proof-secret-service-head-commits.html -- ⚫️🇺🇸 MUST WATCH: Time Of Deceit (2024) ▪️ New, Full Documentary 🔥: https://rumble.com/v51m0mo-time-of-deceit-2024-full-documentary-.html -- ⚫️🇺🇸 MUST WATCH: A Thousand Pieces (2020) ▪️ Exposing CIA FBI top-down Corruption 🔥▪️ Banned off Youtube 👀: https://rumble.com/v55uc2d--a-thousand-pieces-exposing-cia-fbi-top-down-corruption-.html -- ⚫️🇺🇸 Third Eye Spies (2019) ▪️ CIA Psychic Program, Declassified Docs, ESP, Spy Secrets [CC enabled]: https://rumble.com/v59h8qp--third-eye-spies-2019cia-psychic-program-declassified-docs-esp-spy-secrets-.html -- ⚫️🔺🇺🇸 TRUTH ABOUT MK ULTRA, MK NAOMI ▪️ Full Documentary▪️ Trust Naomi, Trust Ultra: https://rumble.com/v3twn7i--the-truth-about-mk-ultra-mk-naomi-operation-mockingbird-full-documentary-.html -- ⚫️🔺👁TV MK-ULTRA PROOF: SUBLIMINAL 'OBEY GOVERNMENT' BRAINWASH❓ 👀▪️ 1960s-1980s CIA MOCKINGBIRD TV SIGN-OFF 📺 🐑: 🔗https://rumble.com/v47x3u6-obey-government-tv-mk-ultra-subliminal-msging-in-1960s-1980s-sign-off.html -- ⚫️🔺 Watch "Hollywood Exposed" here: https://rumble.com/v4qtp9t--hollywood-exposed-the-banned-documentary.html -- ⚫️🔺 THIS IS WHAT MIND CONTROL LOOKS LIKE. ▪️ THIS IS OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD 🐦 : https://rumble.com/v3qps1n--this-is-what-mind-control-looks-like.-this-is-operation-mockingbird-.html -- ⚫️🔺 CIA Operation Mockingbird Media ▪️ 6-min Report ▪️How long have we been manipulated⁉️🐦 👀 https://rumble.com/v4gn9uu--cia-operation-mockingbird-media-6-min-report-.html -- ⚫️🔺 👹📎 CIA: OPERATION PAPERCLIP ▪️ MK ULTRA, WALT DISNEY, & SATANIC HOLLYWOOD👁: https://rumble.com/v470y3f--cia-operation-paperclip-mk-ultra-walt-disney-and-satanic-hollywood-.html -- ⚫️🔺MUST WATCH❗️ Sandy Hook, Line & Sinker ▪️ A Nefarious Narrative❓: https://rumble.com/v5d5io5--sandy-hook-psyop-hook-line-and-sinker-a-nefarious-narrative.html -- ⚫️🔺 Watch Pedogate Pt 1 here: https://rumble.com/v40hldr-pedogate-2020-pt.-1-democrat-party-child-sex-ring-pizzagate-by-mouthy-buddh.html -- ⚫️🔺 Watch Pedogate Pt 2 here: https://rumble.com/v458am0-pedogate-2020-pt.-2-pedo-tom-hanks-and-epstein-island-pizzagate-by-mouthy-b.html -- ⚫️🔺 Watch Pedogate Pt 3 here: https://rumble.com/v40hs4e-pedogate-2020-pt.-3-pizzagate-2.0-and-symbolism-by-mouthy-buddha-.html -- ☑️ Satanic NWO / WEF / UN Agenda 2030 docs (free on Telegram - zero censorship there): https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/79684 -- ☑️ Examples of Satanism in US Government & Hollywood here (free on Telegram - zero censorship there): https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/81289 -- 🔴🔷🇺🇸 J6: A True Timeline (2024) ▪️ Expose the J6 PsyOp 📣: Share: https://rumble.com/v48f5q8--j6-a-true-timeline-the-true-timeline-of-january-6th-expose-the-j6-psyop-.html -- 🔴🇺🇸 TRUMP: DRAINING THE SWAMP (2020) ▪️ FULL DOC: https://rumble.com/v40xx2m--draining-the-swamp-worldwide-the-great-awakening-2020-documentary.html -- 🔴🇺🇸 TRUMP @ WAR (2022) ⚔️ (BY STEPHEN BANNON)🔥: 🔗https://rumble.com/v3pkr1r--trump-at-war-full-documentary-1-hr-16-min-by-stephen-bannon.html -- ✅ 🏙❄️ MUST WATCH: The Secret Of Water (2015) ▪️ Discover The Language of Life💧: https://rumble.com/v50oxvl--the-secret-of-water-2015-discover-the-language-of-life-.html -- ✅ 🎆⚜️ Old World Order (2024) ▪️ Lost History of Earth❓ https://rumble.com/v4yutec--old-world-order-2024-lost-history-of-earth.html -- ✅⚔️🔺MUST WATCH: WW3 Biblical Prophecy Documentary (Obama, Vatican, Rothschild): https://rumble.com/v430rhq--satanism-history-and-world-war-3-bible-prophecy-documentary-2022-.html -- ✅🔺Unmasking History: The Illuminati & New World Order's 6000-Year History 🔱: https://rumble.com/v4ymbac-unmasking-history-the-illuminati-and-new-world-orders-6000-year-history-.html -- ✅ Must Watch: Ewaranon's 'Lost History of Earth' here (its awesome❗️): https://rumble.com/v3plf6h--what-on-earth-happened-by-ewaranon-lost-history-of-earth-.html -- ✅ Next, must watch Ewaranon's "WHAT ON EARTH HAPPENED❓"🔥: https://rumble.com/v3plgpi--lost-history-of-earth-by-ewaranon-free-energy-frequency-vibration-.html -- ✅ 'Lost History of Earth Hub' free on the Telegram App here: https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/77500 -- ✅ Must Watch ‘Pizzagate’ doc here: https://rumble.com/v3wmmxt--enter-the-pizzagate-expose-the-worlds-multi-billion-dollar-child-sex-traff.html ✅ Must Watch ‘Santanic Hollywood Open Secret’: https://rumble.com/v3qmwu0--satanic-hollywood-an-open-secret-the-secret-hollywood-doesnt-want-you-to-k.html -- ✅ Watch Pedogate Pt 1 here: https://rumble.com/v40hldr-pedogate-2020-pt.-1-democrat-party-child-sex-ring-pizzagate-by-mouthy-buddh.html -- ✅ Watch Pedogate Pt 2 here: https://rumble.com/v458am0-pedogate-2020-pt.-2-pedo-tom-hanks-and-epstein-island-pizzagate-by-mouthy-b.html -- ✅ Watch Pedogate Pt 3 here: https://rumble.com/v40hs4e-pedogate-2020-pt.-3-pizzagate-2.0-and-symbolism-by-mouthy-buddha-.html ✅ Mouthy Buddha’s Pedogate 2020: https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/65023 -- ✅ Kappy vs. The Shadows Revisited: https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/62242 -- ✅ Clinton Child Trafficking Exposed: https://rumble.com/v4710sc-the-clintons-child-sex-trafficking-exposed-clinton-foundation-in-haiti-.html -- ✅ Pizzagate US Gov’t Child Trafficking docs🍕 (free on Telegram App -least-censored, whereas FB & IG censoring & shadow-banning truth❗️): t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/77098 -- ✅ Why you must hate Donald Trump (2022) (Connecting the Dots)🔥: https://rumble.com/v45ivi6--this-is-why-you-must-hate-donald-trump-7-mins-.html MAINSTREAM MEDIA LEGITIMIZING PIZZAGATE: 🍕FBI: Pizzagate is Real 👀🔗https://www.currentrevolt.com/p/fbi-confirms-pizzagate-in-college 🍕FBI Confirms Pizzagate Elite Pedophile Ring🔗 https://realrawnews.info/fbi-confirms-pizzagate-elite-pedophile-ring-exposed-in-ongoing-investigation/6214/ 🍕FBI Arrests Connected To Pedophile Ring #PIZZAGATE🔗https://www.planet-today.com/2023/11/fbi-begins-arresting-journalists.html MORE WHITE RABBIT BASED LINKS - MAJORITY OF CONTENT HQ'd AT TELEGRAM LINKS HERE: ✅ MK Ultra Hub on Telegram: https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/78802 ✅ Find more Truth-based Content at my Telegram Channel - beefy Awakening playlist free here on Telegram: https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/72749 ✅ Must Watch ‘Covid & Pharma Corruption’ docs on Telegram here💊 : https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/78976 ✅ Rockefeller Pharma Biz 🟰 💵 https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/79844 ✅ Why you must hate Donald Trump (2022) (Connecting the Dots)🔥: https://rumble.com/v45ivi6--this-is-why-you-must-hate-donald-trump-7-mins-.html ✅ Trump Truth Hub here (free on Telegram App which is least-censored, whereas FB & IG censoring & shadow-banning truth❗️): https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/81044 ✅ Find more Truth-based Content at my Telegram Channel - Telegram App is least-censored & free - you can begin by checking out my beefy Awakening playlist here: https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/72749 ✅ Follow my Rumble Channel here: https://rumble.com/c/FollowsTheWhiteRabbit ✅ Follow my new Twitter—X Account, here: https://twitter.com/realWhiteRa66it -- 🔲🔺🔳🔺🔺**MUST WATCH & SHARE ‼️ ✔️ 🌏🔥⬛️🔵🇺🇸 ⚫️🇺🇸❗️▪️💡🇺🇸☑️🔲👹 👀😵‼️❓❗️🔥 👀✔️🛑👁🛑📣👁🐸🐲🐡🦑🐙🦋🦄🐼👹👺💀👽🤡🚜👁🗨🔹🔷🔴🔴🔳🔲⬛️🔺📣🌀🔰🌐💠🏴🏳📍📌💊🛡💈🔮🔑🌏🛑🇺🇸🔴💣📣👁✈️💥🐑🐇🐍🐉🐲🦄🐞🎩🐃⚡️💥🔥☄️🌀⚜️🔱⚠️📛⛔️⭕️🆘☢️☣️🏴📌📍🌇☄️🏙☄️🌃☄️🌌🌉👁☄️💢♨️🅾️♻️🔱💰👀🐦📺💉☠️▪️🎆🌉🌄 💎⚡️▪️💎🎆⚡️🎆⚡️🔵🖲🦋❄️💦💧🌊✖️4.32K views 3 comments -
Follow The White Rabbit™ 🐇⚫️🔺 MK Ultra & Manson Researcher Tom O'Neill ▪️ Full Rogan Interview (2020): https://rumble.com/v670sy1--mk-ultra-and-manson-researcher.html -- ⚫️🔺 Mind Control: The MK Ultra Files 👀: https://rumble.com/v65na7p--mind-control-the-mk-ultra-files-.html -- ⚫️🔺 MK Ultra 🧠 Documentary Hub (only on Telegram): https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/78802 -- ⚫️🔺MUST WATCH❗️ Out of Shadows ▪️ Full Documentary on MK Ultra, Operation Mockingbird, & Creepy Hollywood 🐇 🔥: https://rumble.com/v3rxv2q--out-of-shadows-full-doc-on-mk-ultra-satanic-hollywood-and-operation-mockin.html -- ⚫️🔺 Must Watch ‘Enter The Pizzagate’ doc here: https://rumble.com/v3wmmxt--enter-the-pizzagate-expose-the-worlds-multi-billion-dollar-child-sex-traff.html -- ⚫️🔺MUST WATCH❗️ TITUS FROST: PIZZAGATE ▪️ DEMOCRAT PARTY CHILD-SEX RING ▪️ ADRENOCHROME: https://rumble.com/v5fudmy-titus-frost-pizzagate-democrat-party-child-sex-ring-adrenochrome.html -- ⚫️🔺 MUST WATCH: ‘The Secret Empire’ here 🔥: https://rumble.com/v3piurf-the-secret-empire-1.5-hour-full-documentary-satanic-hollywood-and-corruptio.html -- 🔲🔺👁 OPERATION AMBER ALERT (2024)▪️ OBIDEN CHILD-SEX TRAFFICKING RING: https://rumble.com/v5ui5c5--operation-amber-alert-2024.html -- 🔲🔺 Child Trafficking documentary Pt. 1 ▪️ MK Ultra: John Wayne Gacy❓ https://rumble.com/v5wqmu5--child-trafficking-documentary-pt.-1-mk-ultra-john-wayne-gacy.html -- ⬛️👁 WHAT IS TREASON❓(2024) ▪️ #TRAFFICKED: https://rumble.com/v5tg7zn--what-is-treason2024-trafficked.html -- ⚫️🔺 MUST WATCH❗️ ‘Santanic Hollywood Open Secret’: https://rumble.com/v3qmwu0--satanic-hollywood-an-open-secret-the-secret-hollywood-doesnt-want-you-to-k.html -- ⚫️🔺 Boys For Sale (1981) ▪️ Forgotten Documentary ▪️ An enlightening documentary broadcast before the onset of the so-called 'Satanic Panic' in the USA: https://rumble.com/v5wqp2z--boys-for-sale-1981.html -- ⚫️🔺🇺🇸 TRUTH ABOUT MK ULTRA, MK NAOMI ▪️ Full Documentary▪️ Trust Naomi, Trust Ultra: https://rumble.com/v3twn7i--the-truth-about-mk-ultra-mk-naomi-operation-mockingbird-full-documentary-.html -- ⚫️🔺👁TV MK-ULTRA PROOF: SUBLIMINAL 'OBEY GOVERNMENT' BRAINWASH❓ 👀▪️ 1960s-1980s CIA MOCKINGBIRD TV SIGN-OFF 📺 🐑: 🔗https://rumble.com/v47x3u6-obey-government-tv-mk-ultra-subliminal-msging-in-1960s-1980s-sign-off.html -- ⚫️🔺 Watch "Hollywood Exposed" here: https://rumble.com/v4qtp9t--hollywood-exposed-the-banned-documentary.html -- ⚫️🔺 MUST WATCH❗️ Pedogate Pt 1 - Pizzagate = Democrat Party Child Sex Ring: https://rumble.com/v40hldr-pedogate-2020-pt.-1-democrat-party-child-sex-ring-pizzagate-by-mouthy-buddh.html -- ⚫️🔺 Watch Pedogate Pt 2 - Tom Hanks & Epstein Island: https://rumble.com/v458am0-pedogate-2020-pt.-2-pedo-tom-hanks-and-epstein-island-pizzagate-by-mouthy-b.html -- ⚫️🔺 Watch Pedogate Pt 3 - Pizzagate 2.0 & Symbolism: https://rumble.com/v40hs4e-pedogate-2020-pt.-3-pizzagate-2.0-and-symbolism-by-mouthy-buddha-.html -- ⚫️🔺 MUST WATCH❗️ Cultural Decay: NWO 5th Generation Warfare (2023)▪️ WWIII Explained 👀: https://rumble.com/v3w06yw--cultural-decay-5th-generation-warfare-and-the-nwo-supervillain-scholars-20.html -- ⚫️💥 911: Nine Eleven in 20 (2019)▪️ 9/11 Documentary ▪️ Hibbeler ▪️ Banned from Youtube ✈️ 💣 👀: https://rumble.com/v43tuak--911-nine-eleven-2019-911-documentary-hibbeler-productions-censored-on-yout.html -- ⚫️🔺The BLM PsyOp: The Soros & George Floyd Conspiracy Video ▪️ All connected to the Covid PLANdemic PsyOp 👀: https://rumble.com/v3r40ki-the-george-floyd-soros-and-blm-conspiracy-video-all-connected-to-the-covid-.html -- ⚫️🔺 MUST WATCH❗️ JFK TO 911: EVERYTHING IS A RICH MAN'S TRICK❗️💰 🎩 🐇🔥: https://rumble.com/v3r1wek--jfk-to-911-everything-is-a-rich-mans-trick-full-documentary-.html -- ⚫️⚜️🔺 MUST WATCH❗️ FALL OF THE CABAL 1 ⚔️▪️ ALL PARTS 1-10 ▪️ 3-HR FULL 🔥: https://rumble.com/v3plhe2--fall-of-the-cabal-all-parts-1-10-3-hr-full-documentary-by-janet-ossebaard-.html -- ⚫️⚜️🔺 MUST WATCH❗️ Fall of the Cabal 2: The Sequel ▪️ Satanic History of Earth ▪️ All Parts, 12-Hours 👹 👀: https://rumble.com/v3rqp83--fall-of-the-cabal-2-the-sequel-satanic-history-of-earth-all-parts-12-hours.html -- ⚫️🔺MK Ultra Exposed: Unveiling CIA's Mind Control Secrets 👀 https://rumble.com/v51txzs-mk-ultra-exposed-unveiling-cias-mind-control-secrets-.html -- ⚫️🔺MK-ULTRA BACKGROUND & HISTORY ▪️ MR. TRUTHBOMB 💣✔️ Link to Watch & Share: https://rumble.com/v4e08vz-mk-ultra-background-and-history-mr.-truthbomb-.html -- ⚫️🔺MUST WATCH❗️ BIDEN CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING NETWORK EXPOSED❗️▪️ DHS WHISTLEBLOWER INTERVIEW🔥: https://rumble.com/v429pk1-biden-child-sex-trafficking-network-exposeddhs-whistleblower-interview.html -- ⚫️🐍 The Secrets about Reptilians: Truth or Fiction❓▪️ 1994 Alex Collier: https://rumble.com/v5ca5l9--the-secrets-about-reptilians-truth-or-fiction-1994-alex-collier.html -- 🌌🐍 MORE ON REPTILIANS IN THIS DOC: Elon Marx The Spot ▪️ Ep1: Maye Musk 🦋: https://rumble.com/v534q5f--elon-marx-the-spot-ep1-maye-musk-.html -- ⚫️🇺🇸 BOMBSHELL❗️ Secret Service Cover-Up of Trump Assassination Attempt❗️: https://rumble.com/v59ms2q--must-watch-bombshell-trump-assassination-proof-secret-service-head-commits.html -- ⚫️🇺🇸 MUST WATCH: Time Of Deceit (2024) ▪️ New, Full Documentary 🔥: https://rumble.com/v51m0mo-time-of-deceit-2024-full-documentary-.html -- ⚫️🇺🇸 MUST WATCH: A Thousand Pieces (2020) ▪️ Exposing CIA FBI top-down Corruption 🔥▪️ Banned off Youtube 👀: https://rumble.com/v55uc2d--a-thousand-pieces-exposing-cia-fbi-top-down-corruption-.html -- ⚫️🇺🇸 Third Eye Spies (2019) ▪️ CIA Psychic Program, Declassified Docs, ESP, Spy Secrets [CC enabled]: https://rumble.com/v59h8qp--third-eye-spies-2019cia-psychic-program-declassified-docs-esp-spy-secrets-.html -- ⚫️🔺 THIS IS WHAT MIND CONTROL LOOKS LIKE. ▪️ THIS IS OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD 🐦 : https://rumble.com/v3qps1n--this-is-what-mind-control-looks-like.-this-is-operation-mockingbird-.html -- ⚫️🔺 CIA Operation Mockingbird Media ▪️ 6-min Report ▪️How long have we been manipulated⁉️🐦 👀 https://rumble.com/v4gn9uu--cia-operation-mockingbird-media-6-min-report-.html -- ⚫️🔺 👹📎 CIA: OPERATION PAPERCLIP ▪️ MK ULTRA, WALT DISNEY, & SATANIC HOLLYWOOD👁: https://rumble.com/v470y3f--cia-operation-paperclip-mk-ultra-walt-disney-and-satanic-hollywood-.html -- ⚫️🔺MUST WATCH❗️ Sandy Hook, Line & Sinker ▪️ A Nefarious Narrative❓: 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https://rumble.com/v3plf6h--what-on-earth-happened-by-ewaranon-lost-history-of-earth-.html -- ⚫️⚜️ MUST WATCH❗️ TARTARIA EXPLAINED❗️ ALL PARTS 1-10 ▪️ MIND UNVEILED ▪️ LOST HISTORY OF EARTH 🔥: https://rumble.com/v53dkxo--tartaria-explained-all-parts-1-10-mind-unveiled-.html -- ⚫️⚡️ MUST WATCH❗️ Ewaranon's "WHAT ON EARTH HAPPENED❓"🔥: https://rumble.com/v3plgpi--lost-history-of-earth-by-ewaranon-free-energy-frequency-vibration-.html -- ⚫️⚜️ MUST WATCH❗️ Old World Order (2024) ▪️ Shattering Fabricated History ▪️ Lost History of Earth ▪️ Hibbeler ⚡️ ✔️ Rumble Link: 🔗https://rumble.com/v4yutec--old-world-order-2024-lost-history-of-earth.html -- ⬛️⚡️ LOST HISTORY OF EARTH: VOL 2:1 ▪️ 🔗https://rumble.com/v4r0s6q--lost-history-of-earth-vol-21-ewaranon-is-back.html -- ⚫️⚜️ THE TARTARIAN MELTDOWN ▪️ LOST HISTORY OF EARTH ▪️WHAT ON EARTH HAPPENED❓🌐 ⚡️ 👀 ✔️ External Link to Share: https://rumble.com/v3wnds2--the-tartarian-meltdown-lost-history-of-earth-what-on-earth-happened-.html -- ⚫️⚜️ Dr. 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American Jesuits – A History of Jesuitism In The United States – Chris Pinto
WWaking the World up***MUST SEE → This is Good → The Jesuits are behind almost everything going on today. The Jesuit US Headquarters is Georgetown University and Fordham is right up there also. The Jesuit Order, known as the “Society of Jesus” was approved by Pope Paul III and created by Ignatius of Loyala in 1540. The Jesuit Purpose – to remove the Protestant Reformation. When Martin Luther burned the Papal Bull and declared the Pope to be the Antichrist. Many left the Catholic Church, all around Europe and extended abroad. The Jesuits want to take control of all lands in the name of the Pope. May 26, 1647, Massachusetts Bay Bans all Jesuits and if they return the punishment is death because they knew that the Jesuit Priests were there to try to take the land. In 1773, Pope Clement XIV abolished the Jesuits. John Adams wrote a letter to John Taylor on December 17, 1814: “We curse the Inquisition and the Jesuits, and yet the inquisition and the Jesuits are restored.” John Adams wrote to Thomas Jefferson on August 9, 1816: “My history of the Jesuits is not elegantly written, but it is supported by unquestionable authorities...is very particular and very horrible. Their restoration is indeed a step toward darkness, cruelty, perfidy, despotism, death and …!” “I wish we were out of danger of bigotry and Jesuitism.” Ignatius Loyola (1491 - 1556), comes from the family of Loyola. He was a nobleman. He was a Roman Catholic. He was a great soldier. He was so good that when he was hit by a one in million shot, a cannon ball hitting and breaking his leg, the enemies took care of him and then sent him back to his family. Loyola studied the Domincans – the order that ran the inquisition, he was influenced by their zeal for Rome and their devotion to Mary. During his recovery, he began having visions of Mary, visions of the trinity in the form of harp, visions of a serpent with eyes all over it, pretty crazy stuff. The Jesuits consider Mary to be the Mother of the order. In Ignatius Loyola’s recovery, he spent a year in a cave and these spiritual experiences and he wrote them down. He began teaching others and they felt enlightened. Some say that these visions were Demonic. Shortly after the Jesuit Order was formed, Pope Paul III called upon them to play a key role in the Council of Trent. The first major event of the Counter Reformation. The Council of Trent denounced the protestant reformation, in particular that it was the Faith in Jesus Christ alone that led to salvation. Council of Trent – Seventh Session Decree on Sacraments, Canon VIII – “If anyone saith … that faith alone in the divine promise suffices for the obtaining of grace; let him be anathema.” The Protestant view is based in part on the teachings of the Apostle Paul – “For by Grace are ye saved through Faith.” The Roman Catholic Church taught that salvation was only possible through the sacraments. Council of Trent – Seventh Session Decree on Sacraments, Canon IV – “If anyone saith, that the sacraments of the New Law are not necessary for salvation … let him be anathema.” Martin Luther wanted to return to the scriptures and said the Bible is the only true word of God. Catholics believe that even though you went through the sacraments, you have to go to purgatory to be cleaned up of your sins. That is going against the belief that Jesus Christ cleansed our sins. Protestants believe Jesus is the Savior. Ignatius Loyola wrote Spiritual Exercises on how his followers were to think. Excerpt from Source the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola: 13th Rule of Jesuits – the white that I see if black if Pope says it is. “Thirteenth Rule. To be right in everything, we ought always to hold that the white which I see, is black, if the Hierarchical Church so decides it, believing that between Christ our Lord, the Bridegroom, and the Church, His Bride, there is the same Spirit which governs and directs us for the salvation of our souls. Because by the same Spirit and our Lord Who gave the ten Commandments, our holy Mother the Church is directed and governed.3” This is their pledge to the Church – they will OBEY the Black Pope. The first black pope was Ignatius of Loyola. Sources: 1. Chuck D Truth -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erItbeIlkD4 2. The Secret History of the Jesuits – Edmond Paris -- https://annas-archive.org/md5/bbf4873b9b88ca75bd0f3ff4e662b751 3. “The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola : Ignatius, of Loyola, Saint, 1491-1556 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive.” Internet Archive, 1914, archive.org/details/spiritualexercis00ignauoft. **Note: Thirteenth Rule – The White which I see is Black if the Hierarchial Church so decides. ________________________________________________________________ Healthy Food Affordable Price! **Where Can You Buy HEALTHY Organic Non-GMO Groceries without the “Added” Toxins? **Food that is actually good for your body? • certified organic • non-GMO • no refined sugar • no artificial colors • no artificial flavors • no artificial preservatives • no artificial sweeteners • no bleached flour • no fluoride • no MSG • no artificial nitrites/nitrates • no pork This store is a one-stop shop for so many things... and you get to shop from the comfort of your own home! ✅ Organic ✅ Affordable ✅ Farm Direct ✅ Non GMO ✅ Earth Friendly ✅ Delicious https://www.azurestandard.com/shop/category?a_aid=99da6b866f HAPPY SHOPPING!!! ________________________________________________________________________________ PROTECT YOURSELF: Protect yourself, your children and loved ones from the harmful EMF from the newly installed 5G Towers. 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The Creepy Line - Exposing the stunning degree to which society is manipulated by big tech
Free Your Mind Videos----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. Also for entertainment and educational purposes. All rights to the original works go to those that hold them, no copyright infringement intended. All material used falls under fair use of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (1998) for commentary, criticism, education and satire. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . Description/Info Box: --------------------- . Title: The Creepy Line - Exposing the stunning degree to which society is manipulated by big tech . Link to "Can you guess who created Google and for what purpose?" https://old.bitchute.com/video/Sb7tCcxIw6rw/ . . . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . . Source: "Connecting The Dot$" https://old.bitchute.com/video/tZUkVxZlzpxG . . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . . This channel is not paid by any third party to promote anything You can always donate to me or my channel. All help is very much appreciated. https://paypal.me/kbenweg Or you can give a cup of coffee/sandwich to someone in need... (This would bring me even more joy) . Thank you for watching, God bless, and I love you all!!! 🙏 . . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . . Subscribe to other channels: . Free Your Mind Videos https://rumble.com/c/FYMVideos Only if Rumble is down (or deletes) videos, those will be posted on the Backup Channels! Backup Channel on Odysee: https://odysee.com/@Tim:ab74 Backup Channel on Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ThkAWbd3XR2T/ . Christian Teachings And Documentaries https://rumble.com/c/c-1328393 . Sound The Trumpet Ministries: https://rumble.com/c/c-1123613 . Praise & Worship Music: https://rumble.com/c/c-3348236 . Telegram Channel: "Blocked & Banned" https://t.me/BlockedAndBanned => Group chat added where everyone can comment! https://t.me/BlockedAndBanned1 . . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . NOTE: These are not necessarily the beliefs of the uploader. Discernment is required to see the Truth in all of it. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus Christ is the Light that came into the world. There is NO other name by which you can be saved! Repent, be baptized and Born Again! . COMMENT ✅ THUMBSUP 👍🏻 SUBSCRIBE ⚠️ AND BE NOTIFIED 🙋🏼 . COMMENT POLICY: Thanks for watching 👍 Please keep comments on topic and value-add. Comments, where it is obvious the person did not watch the video, will be deleted. Comments containing arrested-developed behavior (nastiness, belligerence, stupidity, trolling, spam, links, etc.) will also be deleted (without notice) and banned from the channel. No self-promotion/advertising! . If my posts ruffled your feathers. Don't be a chicken! Take it before God and make the changes you need to better your life. God bless you 🙏 . Making tantrums about why you're unsubscribing: If i notice your cry for help i will do anything possible (mute/block/ban) To make sure you don't get back here by mistake, for your safety. Opposing views will be posted and feelings will get hurt. So this channel is NOT a safe space for you!! Hope you find better pasture somewhere else . -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.5K views 1 comment -
Jews & Usury
Free Your Mind Videos----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. Also for entertainment and educational purposes. All rights to the original works go to those that hold them, no copyright infringement intended. All material used falls under fair use of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (1998) for commentary, criticism, education and satire. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . Description/Info Box: --------------------- . Title: Jews & Usury . Short but true . . . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . . Source: "BeyondTheCurtain" https://old.bitchute.com/video/EdmlWyJQ5JRD/ . . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . . This channel is not paid by any third party to promote anything You can always donate to me or my channel. All help is very much appreciated. https://paypal.me/kbenweg Or you can give a cup of coffee/sandwich to someone in need... (This would bring me even more joy) . Thank you for watching, God bless, and I love you all!!! 🙏 . . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . . Subscribe to other channels: . Free Your Mind Videos https://rumble.com/c/FYMVideos Only if Rumble is down (or deletes) videos, those will be posted on the Backup Channels! Backup Channel on Odysee: https://odysee.com/@Tim:ab74 Backup Channel on Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ThkAWbd3XR2T/ . Christian Teachings And Documentaries https://rumble.com/c/c-1328393 . Sound The Trumpet Ministries: https://rumble.com/c/c-1123613 . Praise & Worship Music: https://rumble.com/c/c-3348236 . Telegram Channel: "Blocked & Banned" https://t.me/BlockedAndBanned => Group chat added where everyone can comment! https://t.me/BlockedAndBanned1 . . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . NOTE: These are not necessarily the beliefs of the uploader. Discernment is required to see the Truth in all of it. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus Christ is the Light that came into the world. There is NO other name by which you can be saved! Repent, be baptized and Born Again! . COMMENT ✅ THUMBSUP 👍🏻 SUBSCRIBE ⚠️ AND BE NOTIFIED 🙋🏼 . COMMENT POLICY: Thanks for watching 👍 Please keep comments on topic and value-add. Comments, where it is obvious the person did not watch the video, will be deleted. Comments containing arrested-developed behavior (nastiness, belligerence, stupidity, trolling, spam, links, etc.) will also be deleted (without notice) and banned from the channel. No self-promotion/advertising! . If my posts ruffled your feathers. Don't be a chicken! Take it before God and make the changes you need to better your life. God bless you 🙏 . Making tantrums about why you're unsubscribing: If i notice your cry for help i will do anything possible (mute/block/ban) To make sure you don't get back here by mistake, for your safety. Opposing views will be posted and feelings will get hurt. So this channel is NOT a safe space for you!! Hope you find better pasture somewhere else . -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4.16K views 10 comments -
Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) - KILLUMINATI13420
Free Your Mind Videos----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. Also for entertainment and educational purposes. All rights to the original works go to those that hold them, no copyright infringement intended. All material used falls under fair use of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (1998) for commentary, criticism, education and satire. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . Description/Info Box: --------------------- . Title: Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) . THNX FOR WATCHING . ~LIKE~SHARE~SUBSCRIBE~ . ***LINKS*** https://d.tube/#!/c/joeysievert https://www.bitchute.com/channel/t0RAZBM0rVGQ/ http://www.freedomtube.social/cmpgm-killuminati1342021# https://truutube.com/channel/3649704358/KILLUMINATI1342 https://odysee.com/$/invite/@KILLUMINATI13420:9 . . . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . . Source: "KILLUMINATI13420" https://old.bitchute.com/video/fr8mrXYvdK1Q . . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . . This channel is not paid by any third party to promote anything You can always donate to me or my channel. All help is very much appreciated. https://paypal.me/kbenweg Or you can give a cup of coffee/sandwich to someone in need... (This would bring me even more joy) . Thank you for watching, God bless, and I love you all!!! 🙏 . . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . . Subscribe to other channels: . Free Your Mind Videos https://rumble.com/c/FYMVideos Only if Rumble is down (or deletes) videos, those will be posted on the Backup Channels! Backup Channel on Odysee: https://odysee.com/@Tim:ab74 Backup Channel on Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ThkAWbd3XR2T/ . Christian Teachings And Documentaries https://rumble.com/c/c-1328393 . Sound The Trumpet Ministries: https://rumble.com/c/c-1123613 . Praise & Worship Music: https://rumble.com/c/c-3348236 . Telegram Channel: "Blocked & Banned" https://t.me/BlockedAndBanned => Group chat added where everyone can comment! https://t.me/BlockedAndBanned1 . . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . NOTE: These are not necessarily the beliefs of the uploader. Discernment is required to see the Truth in all of it. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus Christ is the Light that came into the world. There is NO other name by which you can be saved! Repent, be baptized and Born Again! . COMMENT ✅ THUMBSUP 👍🏻 SUBSCRIBE ⚠️ AND BE NOTIFIED 🙋🏼 . COMMENT POLICY: Thanks for watching 👍 Please keep comments on topic and value-add. Comments, where it is obvious the person did not watch the video, will be deleted. Comments containing arrested-developed behavior (nastiness, belligerence, stupidity, trolling, spam, links, etc.) will also be deleted (without notice) and banned from the channel. No self-promotion/advertising! . If my posts ruffled your feathers. Don't be a chicken! Take it before God and make the changes you need to better your life. God bless you 🙏 . Making tantrums about why you're unsubscribing: If i notice your cry for help i will do anything possible (mute/block/ban) To make sure you don't get back here by mistake, for your safety. Opposing views will be posted and feelings will get hurt. So this channel is NOT a safe space for you!! Hope you find better pasture somewhere else . -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.82K views 3 comments -
Free Your Mind Videos----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. Also for entertainment and educational purposes. All rights to the original works go to those that hold them, no copyright infringement intended. All material used falls under fair use of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (1998) for commentary, criticism, education and satire. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . Description/Info Box: --------------------- . Title: THEY CONTROL YOUR MIND THROUGH YOUR VERY OWN VIRTUAL AVATAR IN A DIGITAL MIRROR WORLD . We are paying for our own enslavement . . . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . . Source: "Shadow Works" https://old.bitchute.com/video/n5d7gqDtW6bd . . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . . This channel is not paid by any third party to promote anything You can always donate to me or my channel. All help is very much appreciated. https://paypal.me/kbenweg Or you can give a cup of coffee/sandwich to someone in need... (This would bring me even more joy) . Thank you for watching, God bless, and I love you all!!! 🙏 . . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . . Subscribe to other channels: . Free Your Mind Videos https://rumble.com/c/FYMVideos Only if Rumble is down (or deletes) videos, those will be posted on the Backup Channels! Backup Channel on Odysee: https://odysee.com/@Tim:ab74 Backup Channel on Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ThkAWbd3XR2T/ . Christian Teachings And Documentaries https://rumble.com/c/c-1328393 . Sound The Trumpet Ministries: https://rumble.com/c/c-1123613 . Praise & Worship Music: https://rumble.com/c/c-3348236 . Telegram Channel: "Blocked & Banned" https://t.me/BlockedAndBanned => Group chat added where everyone can comment! https://t.me/BlockedAndBanned1 . . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . NOTE: These are not necessarily the beliefs of the uploader. Discernment is required to see the Truth in all of it. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus Christ is the Light that came into the world. There is NO other name by which you can be saved! Repent, be baptized and Born Again! . COMMENT ✅ THUMBSUP 👍🏻 SUBSCRIBE ⚠️ AND BE NOTIFIED 🙋🏼 . COMMENT POLICY: Thanks for watching 👍 Please keep comments on topic and value-add. Comments, where it is obvious the person did not watch the video, will be deleted. Comments containing arrested-developed behavior (nastiness, belligerence, stupidity, trolling, spam, links, etc.) will also be deleted (without notice) and banned from the channel. No self-promotion/advertising! . If my posts ruffled your feathers. Don't be a chicken! Take it before God and make the changes you need to better your life. God bless you 🙏 . Making tantrums about why you're unsubscribing: If i notice your cry for help i will do anything possible (mute/block/ban) To make sure you don't get back here by mistake, for your safety. Opposing views will be posted and feelings will get hurt. So this channel is NOT a safe space for you!! Hope you find better pasture somewhere else . -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.68K views 1 comment