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Second Congo War (1998-2003)

2 videos
Updated 10 months ago
The Second Congo War began in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in August 1998, little more than a year after the First Congo War, and involved some of the same issues. Eventually involving belligerents from across the African continent, the war officially ended in July 2003 when the Transitional Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo took power. Although a peace agreement was signed in 2002, violence has continued in many regions of the country, especially in the east. In 2008, the International Rescue Committee estimated that the war and its aftermath had caused 5.4 million deaths, principally through disease and malnutrition, making the Second Congo War the deadliest conflict worldwide since World War II.
  1. Het verhaal van Jean-Pierre Bemba en de Tweede Congolese Burgeroorlog
  2. Battle for fhe Congo - Documentary about the Second Congo War