Covid Intentionally MUTATED From Common Cold? Covid-19 Timeline Reveals BIOENGINEERING From 1960s
Stew Peters NetworkThe model of the pathogen that would become Covid-19 was first described all the way back in 1965. Dr. David Martin is here to talk about his lecture at the Third Annual European Parliament International Covid Summit. The Virus that eventually became Covid-19 has a long history of being modified and made more deadly with each new generation. In 2005, the U.S. government introduced a technology platform for biological weapons. In 1967 the United States began collaborating with Great Britain to take pathogens across the Atlantic to infect British citizens. In 1992, while at UNC Chapel Hill, Ralph Baric figured out how to modify viruses to target different kinds of tissue. This eventually led to injections that would be advertised as vaccines but in truth would be used for genetic modification. Experimental gene therapies are not authorized under the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act and the PREP Act. Covid-19 was an influenza like illness, wasn’t new, and has been known for decades. Between 2016 and 2018 every study that was done by Ralph Baric on the Corona virus said vaccines were not effective at stopping the disease. The World Economic Forum has a transhumanist agenda but they will ultimately fail because they are not God. Eventually the truth will be revealed and we will find that the University of North Carolina’s “infectious replication defective clone” patent, which they filed in 2002, was nothing more than a fear tactic to get the public to accept a gene therapy. Watch this new segment NOW at https://StewPeters.com! Keep us FREE and ON THE AIR! SUPPORT THE SPONSORS Below! Gun Holsters BIG SALE! Just go to https://www.vnsh.com/stew and get $50 OFF! Get High Quality Prepper Food, NOW with $100 Buckets! Use Promocode STEW for Big Discounts at https://HeavensHarvest.com Taxation is THEFT! Never again voluntarily pay the Washington D.C. Swamp, legally and safely, GUARANTEED when you attend Freedom Law School! Visit: https://FreedomLawSchool.org Protect your retirement, Visit our friends at Goldco! Call 855-706-GOLD or visit https://goldco.com/stew Clean up your AIR with these high quality air filtration systems, and protect yourself from shedding: https://thetriadaer.com/ Support anti-vax activism, free clinic care, and MANLY products like IGF1 visit:https://Vaccine-Police.com Check out https://nootopia.com/StewPeters for help increasing your mental & physical strength to battle the deep-state's KRYPTONITE plot against Americans! Magnesium is VITAL for sleep and stress, Get high quality magnesium and support the show with using Promocode STEWPETERS10: https://magbreakthrough.com/stewpeters Check out: https://kuribl.com/ STEW20 for 20% off your order or premium CBD! BURN FAT, Lose Weight FAST: http://www.vshred.com/stew Can Trump really end the war in Ukraine in 24hrs?!? This is the REAL enemy according to POTUS https://darkagedefense.com/stewpeters exposes the truth!! Eat Carbs, Lose Weight? Go to https://TheHealthyfat.com/stew for MCT products Go Ad-Free, Get Exclusive Content, Become a Premium user: https://www.stewpeters.com/subscribe/ Follow Stew on Gab: https://gab.com/RealStewPeters See all of Stew's content at https://StewPeters.com Check out Stew's store: https://stewmerch.com https://www.givesendgo.com/defendlauren34.7K views 99 comments