Can A Chicken Change The World! Viruses Dont Exist! They're Setting Up For No Escape! 🎯SEE DESC🎯
AetherMedia22 Tony PunchPLandemic 2 Incoming, A Bill Gates Quote! And Your Food Supply Will Belong To Them Or They Will Kill It Off 100% IT WILL ALL BE GMO! EVERYTHING 2030! 🎯NOTE🎯 Tony:⛔⛔Viruses DO NOT Exist As Described, And There Is No Such Thing As Herd Immunity! Virus - Contagion IS Just A Theory Taught As Fact, NOT REAL, There Is NOTHING Jumping From Human To Human! We Are MOSTLY Breathing (Explained Below) Also Swallowing Injecting & Getting It On Our Skin, Bacteria Is Something Else, Along With Parasites, Insects, Self Replicating Nanotech, Toxins, Chemicals In The Water Food Meds All Products & ESPECIALLY SPRAYED In The AIR - ChemTrails, 🔷WITH Frequencies From GWEN Towers, So-Called Cell Phone Towers, AirPlane Transmitters, Radio Antenas, Routers, Wifi, Cell Phones, Doppler NEXRAD Radar Microwaving Us Etc Etc Etc! 🔷Used In Tandem (All Together) All The Toxins, Chemicals, Bactiria, Etc, 5G - 6Gen And Beyond & NEXRAD Will CAUSE ALL Of The Respiratory Illnesses And All other Illnesses🔗The Dis-Ease!!! And "THEY" Will Claim PLandemic AGAIN & AGAIN Untill You Break And Submit, Unless You DONT! If You Comprehend The Causes Use other Methods To Detox! Do Your Own Research On Virus Conagion Myth V's Bacterial Or Chemical, Heavy Metal, & Toxins Along With Frequencies, IEEE 802.15.4&6, WBAN(Wireless Body Area Network), Bluetooth, Visible Light Communication, Biosensors, Optogenetics, Psinergy, IOT(Internet Of Things) Surveillance, GWEN & Cell Tower Scalar & Router & Cell Phone Tech, Etc, Etc, 🔷ALSO We know Climate Change Is A Hoax To get You To Comply! "THEY" Are Modifying The Weather Flooding Locations And Burning Everything With DEW's And Poisoning Us And Everything Else! "THEY ARE" Technology Is Waaaay More Advanced Than You Have Been Led To Believe! 🔷ALSO - Earth Is NOT A Spinning Ball, Satalites Are NOT In Fake Space, Its High Altitude Ballons Or Something Else, All Water(Oceans, Lakes, Rivers, Etc, ARE Completely LEVEL(Flat), We Can SEE Way To Far In The Right Conditions, The Atmos Is Contained By Something, Etc, Etc, Etc, Etc, That One IS A Really Long Long Long Long Study Before You Acually Comprehend & Accept It! 🔷Its ALL There If You Dare To "LOOK INTO IT"👀⛔⛔ 🔻Source: REBELCALL2024🔻 https://www.youtube.com/@REBELCALL2024 https://www.youtube.com/@EYEFORANEYE2023 https://www.youtube.com/@ENDOFTHEBEGINNING 🔹 New https://www.youtube.com/@HerdingHumanity 🔹 New https://www.youtube.com/@nationsconspire https://rumble.com/c/CallForAnUprising https://open.spotify.com/show/2y7a5t8bqaHYzBIH5WFAIq?si=2e3e4a0e75a04420 Help Support His Cause: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/Call4anUprising https://www.patreon.com/acallforanuprising Websites: https://www.uprisingrevival.com https://www.acallforanuprising.com https://www.uprisinglives.com 🔻🔻AetherMedia22 Tony Punch🔻🔻 Please Help Support This Channel If Able. If You Enjoy & Are Learning From These Videos Please Donate, Any Amount Is Greatly Appreciated! Thank You Very Much! 🙏🙏 💲https://paypal.me/TonyPunch22 💲https://venmo.com/TonyPunch22 💲https://cash.app/$TonyPunch22 Education, Knowledge, Wisdom, Experience, Intelligence, Intuition, In Search Of Truth & Reality! Keep Going, Keep Movin, Keep On Keepin On, Much Love!!! ❤ https://www.rumble.com/c/AetherMedia22TonyPunch https://www.youtube.com/@AetherMedia22TonyPunch 🎯Deleted & Banned😁 https://www.bitchute.com/channel/aethermedia22/ https://www.tiktok.com/@punchtony https://www.tiktok.com/@aethermedia22 🎯Deleted & Banned😁 https://twitter.com/TonyPunch504 https://t.me/AetherMedia22 NOTE: Discernment & Research IS Required To See The Truth In All Of It!846 views -
Recapping the Virus No Virus Debate- June 19th, 2024 - Dr. Tom Cowan
dbbddbOnce again: - The word virus means poison, toxic substance - There is no such thing as an invisible magical particle they call virus that gets into our bodies and makes us sick. - Virology is a fraud, it is not science, it's PSEUDO-science. - Hence, there is no "sars-cov", no "zika" no "HIV", no "Ebola", no "mers"... nothing. - There is only fungi, parasites and bacteria.98 views -
No Such Thing! It's All Lies...
The Reality of HealthQuestioning the Status Quo: My Take on Established Scientific Concepts In this episode of the 'Reality of Health' podcast, I, Erik, challenge widely accepted scientific theories concerning human biology and medicine. I dispute the existence of several foundational concepts such as the sodium-potassium pump, cell receptors, the immune system, the notion of synapses and neurotransmitters, genetics, and DNA as the fundamental structure of life. I question the validity of major scientific discoveries and theories, including the existence of viruses and the effectiveness of vaccines, particularly addressing the misunderstood nature of malaria, the inaccuracies surrounding the germ theory, and conventional explanations of cell biology. By arguing against the physical and molecular explanations of biological functions and diseases, I suggest that energies, rather than tangible microscopic entities, play a crucial role in human health and the nature of life itself. This episode is my controversial take that encourages listeners to reconsider established scientific beliefs and invites them to explore alternative perspectives on health, biology, and the very essence of life. 00:00 Welcome to the Reality of Health: A Journey Beyond Conventional Beliefs 00:57 Challenging the Status Quo: Unveiling the Myths of Modern Science 01:58 Debunking Medical and Scientific Myths: From Cell Biology to Malaria 06:20 Exploring the Mysteries of Energy and Life Beyond the Physical 11:06 Rethinking DNA and the Foundations of Our Biological Understanding 20:21 Debunking DNA and Science Myths 21:46 The Mystery of Ribosomes and Cellular Structures 25:44 Exploring the Real Structure of Cells 28:06 The Power of Energy, Light, and Health 36:00 Challenging the Existence of Viruses and Bacteria 40:03 Concluding Thoughts on Health and Energy28 views -
No such thing as a VIRUS...
🇺🇸GET2IT!⚔️excerpt 1 from a 40 minute video https://rumble.com/v2z757a-what-really-happened-during-covid-1st-year.html21 views -
TTheUltimateIllusionDr Tom Cowan and Mike Wallach talking about how modern mainstream virology is incorrectly claiming that there's such a thing as contagious viruses that leap from person to person and making people sick. There isn't! If people would only learn about and spread the word about terrain theory, the global manipulators and their puppets could never get away with claiming that there's another pandemic ever again. Here's a page that has several interviews in relation to terrain theory: https://terraintheory.buzzsprout.com/189 views -
Prof. dr. Stefan Homburg: There was NEVER a killer virus
frankploegmanNOVEMBER 11, 2023, GERMAN BUNDESTAG. Prof. dr. Stefan Homburg of the University of Hannover explains that clinically, in terms of real illnesses and deaths (which is the ONLY thing that should matter), ‘COVID’ was a nothing-burger. All the relevant official statistics prove this: 1. Hospital occupancy in Germany fell to an all-time in 2020. 2. There were no more severe respiratory illnesses than usual in 2020 and 2021. ‘Corona’ came, but ‘influenza’ disappeared. 3. Age-standardized mortality was not higher in 2020 than usual. Mortality has only increased AFTER the mass roll-out of the jabs in early 2021. 4. People who died with or of ‘COVID’ were on average 83 years old. 5. Sweden, which avoided mask mandates and lockdowns (and has similar climate, effective population density and demography as Germany), fared better than Germany. In other words, people who refer to the prevention paradox ― that the lack of extraordinary severe disease and death was due to the measures ― are WRONG. There was never a pandemic. The ‘pandemic’ was an ILLUSION created with clinically meaningless hyper-oversensitive PCR tests. This illusion has also become known as a PCR-demic, scamdemic, convid-1984, among many other terms. Instead of treating ‘COVID’ as the nothing-burger it is, the government tyrannized their populations, framed people as plague rats, smeared dissenters and skeptics. This language has not been used since the Holocaust 75 years ago. The tyrannical measures forced onto the population were way in excess of the government’s authority (legal term: ultra vires). However, all fail-safes were suddenly gone. Courts ONLY listened to the Robert Koch Institute and Paul Ehrlich Institute (German equivalents of CDC and FDA). In this way, governments could self-certify the ‘legality’ of their tyranny, because they fully controlled the Ministry of Truth which was used as the ONLY source of ‘truth’. Doctors who followed their Hippocratic Oath to first do no harm (primum non nocere), were sent to prison. Almost every known critic of the measures was criminalized, suspended, dismissed, arrested or subjected to a house search. The Chief Justice cynically declared that citizens’ fundamental rights had not been removed, but could no longer be exercised. Media read irrelevant test statistics ad nauseam without mentioning that the clinical situation was normal. World class experts such as pathologist prof. Püschel and epidemiologist prof. Bhakdi were smeared as racists and anti-Semites respectively. Literally everyone who questioned the measures was deemed a conspiracy theorist and enemy of the state. You would expect that especially epidemiologists and public health doctors would get a prominent role, but instead they were pushed aside in favor of others who kept spouting fear porn with ever new false forecasts and horror science fiction models which had no relation whatsoever to reality. REFERENCES Related fact sheet: https://twitter.com/SHomburg/status/1735013349585306109 Prof. Dr. Stefan Homburg (University of Hannover) https://twitter.com/SHomburg SOURCE Segment from: https://twitter.com/JoshWalkos/status/17346845867253146901.16K views 6 comments -
Dr. Tom Cowan, “There is no such thing as a Virus.” (Project Whistleblower link below)
MoonPalaceDJHow Big Pharma sells their snake oil. Fraud from the start. Documentary: Project Whistleblower on The Michelle Moore Show -March 8, 2024: https://rumble.com/v4i1jh0-documentary-project-whistleblower.html Visit Covid-19 Exchange research channel on Minds: https://www.minds.com/group/1156627581123850240/latest #covid19 #vaccinedeaths #vaccineinjury #pfizer #projectwhistleblower #drtomconway #democide #populationcontrol120 views -
Dr.Tom Cowan Dissects a Virus... Unfortunately He Couldn't Find One to Dissect!
dbbddbNo such thing as "a virus" has ever been found, isolated, purified and shown to exist.149 views