DR's that were censored, fired, publicly humiliated, during covid for telling the truth
30 videos
Updated 1 year ago
the deception and risks were always in your face during COVID and currently, the information was always there for everyone to see the truth. Willfull ignorance and cowardliness to face the truth prevented the proliferation of true information at an individual level. NOT the government
TAKEACTIONKAMLOOPSthere is nothing left but to act email us on www.takeactionkamloops.com with how you can volunteer your time money equipment241 views 1 comment -
I started to see patients being harmed:' Canadian doctor reverses support for COVID restrictions
TAKEACTIONKAMLOOPSwww.takeactionkamloops.com25 views -
Dr Hodkinson
TAKEACTIONKAMLOOPSwww.takeactionkamloops.com only when you take personal responsibility and take action yourself will this stop untill then it gets worse and worse next they will be injection 5 to 11 year olds WHAT WILL IT TAKE FOR YOU TO TAKE ACTION323 views -
Dr. Richard M. Fleming
TAKEACTIONKAMLOOPSwww.takeactionkamloops.com more of the same long video long story short take action now!!!10 views -
Massive Vaccine Damage and Unnatural Contaminants In Vaccines
TAKEACTIONKAMLOOPSGerman Scientists Show Magnified Images Of Massive Vaccine Damage and Unnatural Contaminants In Vaccines11 views -
what would informed consent look like for covid vax
TAKEACTIONKAMLOOPStakeactiokamloops.com its been in your face for a year and now its in your face 10x65 views -
Doctor Talks Challenge Issued Dr Byram Bridle
TAKEACTIONKAMLOOPSall covid vax cause blood clots data is in been in for a while I have been saying this for a year no one listens. people vaccinating their children kids are totally immune are committing child abuse reckless endangerment. all these deaths are just the start give it 10 years. not to mention the fertility issues coming out and the massive amount of spontaneous miss carriages when pregnant women get the vax.15 views -
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi | May 2021 first mask study
TAKEACTIONKAMLOOPStakeactiokamloops.com masks are raising your co levels and destroying your child health duhhh...770 views 6 comments -
saving the old and sick by kill the young and healthy with vax
TAKEACTIONKAMLOOPSI have been fighting this for 1.5 years all the info has always been there and you let this happen. but how is the guy tossing a ball or hitting a puck around way more important to the average person.8 views