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8 videos
Updated 16 days ago
I delved over 20 years into the wisdom of Kabbalah as a need to understand the purpose of creation. I participated daily with a group with the same purpose as me, and the desire to progress connected us. While a group is united to one goal, one desire to know the creator better and the ways to reach spirituality, is functioning as an amplifier and transmitting the request to the universe, which affects every part of the world. Like the "butterfly effect," every movement on one edge of the world can influence the other. The only law in reality is the law of equality of form. Form of what? There is an influence—of the Creator and receiving —on the creature. The degree of equality between them is the form in which the light will act in the creature and advance it. Man sees the Creator only according to the vessels that are inequality of form with Him, that is, to what extent there is within him a willingness to influence to become like the Creator. Only by the creature's arrival, according to quantity and quality, will an awakening from above arrive, and it will act in the creature—the lower one, to draw closer to the Creator—the upper one. Spirituality is hidden and sometimes even repels and distances man. The reason for this is simple: the inversion of form. The man was created with a desire to receive, while the Creator has the attribute of influencing. Only to do good. A man may also escape from spirituality, but if he invests his efforts above and beyond, he will be able to advance. In the group, he will be able to "arrange" the correct values for progress and use the collective power of all members on the path to spirituality. That is why it is called above human power. Indeed, "the law has been given and will not pass away," and creation and its development never stop! It is also written that "all shall know me from the least to the greatest" (Jeremiah 33). Still, the sages write that "a thousand shall enter the chamber, but only one shall receive instruction," meaning that only those "whose patience and fortitude shall stand in their way" will be granted the privilege of reaching the gates of divine attainments, namely the spiritual world. Wisdom students receive special protection from being on high, so they do not stop on the right spiritual path until the lick - completing the correction. This does not mean that those who engage in the wisdom of Kabbalah will indeed reach their destination and the lick, and the person will encounter many interruptions and challenging obstacles during study and work, to the point of disconnecting and replanning a new course. Some will find themselves in a different field of study, and some will return to study following such and such events. Some will find their way to places that are more suitable for them according to their degrees and stages of the soul. Spirituality has no compulsion; a person only studies where their heart desires. I hope you will take something from it. It’s a hugely beneficial tool for investigating your life and moving forward step by step. You're welcome to subscribe and leave a comment. Bless you all.
  1. The Law of Attraction: Harnessing Your Potential for Achieving Goals
  2. The Secrets of Kabbalah - Part 1
  3. Law gave and will not pass - moving forward
  4. Strings of the Ladder - Introduction
  5. The Secrets of Kabbalah - part 2
  6. The Best Ways to Study Kabbalah
  7. The Ten Sephirot
  8. What is Spirituality ?