playlist thumnail

Joe and Charlie Tapes

5 videos
Updated 3 months ago
I have been around AA since I was a kid. My Mom frequented the halls throughout my younger years and later as an adult I attend meetings. After all of those years I never had a grasp of the depth of the Big Book.... Until I heard Joe and Charlie talk about it. Whether you're new or have been around for awhile, I believe this will be interesting to you too. Get your book, and enjoy. 1998 Laughlin, NV Joe McQ, Charlie P
  1. Joe and Charlie Tapes Number 05, The Doctor's Opinion Part 01
  2. Joe and Charlie Tapes, Tape 04, "AA History Part 04"
  3. Joe and Charlie Tapes, Tape 03, "AA History Part 03"
  4. Joe and Charlie Tapes, Tape 02, "AA History Part 02"
  5. Joe and Charlie Tapes, Tape 01, "AA History Part 01"