vaxxed deadly
17 videos
Updated 7 months ago
why they wanted us ALL VAXXED
Biological MedicineSMART METERS 🤮 | Hugo Talks Some More Support Hugo Talks on PATREON - https://www.patreon.com/hugotalks **NEW** Merch - https://my-store-11735281.creator-spring.com/ Mirrored https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFo40suQdfo Hugo Talks Some More #interactive #LiveBloodAnalysis CD easy explained and the Certified Training Live Blood Analysis #online #course bit.ly/schedule-a-phone-consultation http://bit.ly/live-blood-courses #Signature #Series #Healthy #Heart and #Muscle #Formula– The #Wellness https://www.twc.health/DrEddyClinic https://bit.ly/44m63V8 Strengthen your heart for a stronger life. Your heart is one of the most important muscles in your body. Are you doing enough to keep it strong? Our Healthy Heart & Muscle Formula helps you maintain your body’s cardiovascular health and may aid in the healing process following cardiac tissue damage. https://bit.ly/44m63V8 Here’s #howto #detox from the #COVID #spikeprotein – from the #jab or the #virus https://bit.ly/how-to-detox-from-the-covid-spike-protein Boost your immune system, because germs never take a day off! 🦠 Did you know that your immune system is like a superhero, protecting you from invaders? It's time to give it some love! Our Immune System Collection is here to unleash its powers against COVID, flu, and pesky colds. 💥 Join our 1Wellness community or subscribe to save 5% and arm yourself with a fortified immune system. Let's show those germs who's the boss! 💪🌟 https://www.twc.health/DrEddyClinic #ImmunityMatters #SuperchargedDefense The original immune-boosting vitamin blend. After years of independent clinical research by Dr. Zev Zelenko, this original Z-Stack is formulated to contain the top 4 most powerful immune support supplements – all in one small capsule. https://www.twc.health/discount/DrEddy... Z-Stack's science-backed formulation was underpinning of Dr. Zelenko's Z-Protocol, credited with saving tens of thousands of lives during the pandemic, and was first to market – all with the highest quality. Daily Z-Stack helps your immune system stay at optimal performance to fight off all common viruses. https://www.twc.health/DrEddyClinic335 views 1 comment -
Timothy McVeigh - FBI
TomTreftsUSAFTimothy McVeigh - FBI DO NOT DELETE # 1 List Of Geoengineering Patents : https://www.tiktok.com/@sandra.mutters/video/7360813580465343786?_t=8m6RA9p7Pj9&_r=1 Obama’s Third Term Explained - https://www.tiktok.com/@sandra.mutters/video/7355825646095830314?_t=8m6RJUcMe9j&_r=1 Population Control And Christian Discernment https://www.tiktok.com/@sandra.mutters/video/7358048456306380074?_t=8m6RWXKhePu&_r=1 Planet X Clouds https://www.tiktok.com/@amanda_huggnkisss/video/7365351080454278446?_t=8m6Rq9c89Qw&_r=1 Parasites In Coca-Cola https://www.tiktok.com/@jeromebrezel/video/7362082907395067169?_t=8m6S0hGgXHy&_r=1 She’s A Witch !!🧙♀️ Watch Before Deleted! Ariana Grande Made a Scary Confession! MinutesOfHorror Ariana Grande Confessing To Being A Witch. We will talk about Arianna Grande recent statements during an interview. We will talk about Ariana rise in the music industry. Ariana Grande confesses to a dark truth about music and witchcraft. A lot of Ariana Grandes music and songs carry witch spells that a lot of people sing along too, this is a disturbing look into #arianagrande In a shocking interview, Ariana Grande has CONFESSED to being a WITCH! 😱 Not only that, but she openly discusses her love for tarot cards, astrology, and witchcraft, revealing how she weaves these demonic practices into her music, casting SPELLS on her unsuspecting listeners. will this effect Ariana Grandes new song Saturn Returns Interlude and her album eternal sunshine? Does this show the evils in Ariana Grande`s music? https://youtu.be/XHtIhnkDfwc?si=WFVgGxTHcRrXlnyS 😮💩 Weird Shit https://t.me/WierdShit Navy Fires 🔥 Head Of Bioresearch https://www.navytimes.com/news/your-navy/2024/04/05/navy-fires-commander-of-biomedical-research-lab/ Best Of VAT Channel 2 - go to TomTreftsUSAF For Overflow Truther Markers and Drum 🥁 Shorts 🩳: Entertainment. 1.) Tom Trefts Editorial - Chinese Troops On Southern Border https://www.tiktok.com/@thomastrefts/video/7346625091171650859?_t=8m2aREChCyB&_r=1 2.) Is Real Raw 🗞️ 📰 News Legit ? https://www.tiktok.com/@thomastrefts/video/7346621349613407531?_t=8m2ajIP1oFy&_r=1 3.) Good 👍 News 📰 Cleveland Clinic Gets Worlds First Quantum Healthcare Computer 💻 https://www.tiktok.com/@thomastrefts/video/7361625438948527390?_t=8m2zUsA1pAR&_r=1 4.) PROJECT SHAD : Biological & Chemical Human Experimentation In The Navy & West Coast Of The United States 🇺🇸 https://www.tiktok.com/@thomastrefts/video/7346802534545165599?_t=8m2za8Gu1xW&_r=1 5.) Grandpa Tom’s Bad Attitude https://www.tiktok.com/@thomastrefts/video/7331234062897663274?_t=8m2zngQ7nV0&_r=1 6.) Proof Of Life - Michael Jackson https://www.tiktok.com/@thomastrefts/video/7329731537409461550?_t=8m2zwLSvfg3&_r=1 7.) Granpa Tom Message On Vaccine Hazards - https://www.tiktok.com/@thomastrefts/video/7328998828747640094?_t=8m305RvgN6x&_r=1 8.) Special Phone ☎️ Call From Vietnam Activist Kilroy https://www.tiktok.com/@thomastrefts/video/7328998828747640094?_t=8m305RvgN6x&_r=1 9.) My Year In Review https://www.tiktok.com/@thomastrefts/video/7308938222602702122?_t=8m30MwhBjWY&_r=1 10.) Grandpa Tom For President 2024 https://www.tiktok.com/@thomastrefts/video/7306595548646165806?_t=8m30PtHFAP0&_r=1 11.) VAT Initial Report On Israeli / Hamas War - https://www.tiktok.com/@thomastrefts/video/7298567354433424686?_t=8m30osP4zOt&_r=1 12.) Tom Trefts Casual Rant - The Animals Owe Us Rent -https://www.tiktok.com/@thomastrefts/video/7295011459170307370?_t=8m30xVLtKtH&_r=1 13.) Drummer Tips - My Wildly Inaccurate Drumset & Techniques Explained https://www.tiktok.com/@thomastrefts/video/7290561498513034527?_t=8m3134uFcBW&_r=1 14.) Granpa Tom Trefts - American 🇺🇸 Kamikaze At The Martini 🍸 Bar In Youngstown, Ohio - https://www.tiktok.com/@thomastrefts/video/7287227911499959598?_t=8m31Fghkvne&_r=1 15.) Grandpa Tom’s Memorial Day Message https://www.tiktok.com/@thomastrefts/video/7286989170814373151?_t=8m31LHXcPHf&_r=1 16.) Granpa Tom - Cranky Thoughts 💭 At The Grocery Store 🏬 https://www.tiktok.com/@thomastrefts/video/7280288123307773227?_t=8m31PnZjRHv&_r=1 17.) In Defence Of Bobby Kennedy - June 2023 https://www.tiktok.com/@thomastrefts/video/7280288123307773227?_t=8m31PnZjRHv&_r=1 18.) Chemtrails = Air Force Treason- https://www.tiktok.com/@thomastrefts/video/7279258739629182254?_t=8m31dpgomQl&_r=1 19.) Complaint At Donald Trump About DEW Sneak Attack on Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii 🌺- Pearl Harbor 2.0 https://www.tiktok.com/@thomastrefts/video/7278430930249813291?_t=8m31g5rGoPa&_r=1 20.) How They Lie With Statistics https://www.tiktok.com/@thomastrefts/video/7273634799355677998?_t=8m31n8ARbP1&_r=1 21.) Maui DEW Attack Was An Act Of War - Special Report While On Vacation https://www.tiktok.com/@thomastrefts/video/7273300330731949355?_t=8m31sOSysIQ&_r=1 22.) Grandpa Tom’s Truth Bombs 💣 https://www.tiktok.com/@thomastrefts/video/7273199094913453355?_t=8m31zBmRAhH&_r=1 23.) Galactic Federation : All Roads Lead To Elena Danaan https://www.tiktok.com/@thomastrefts/video/7272178374687132971?_t=8m328CxxOh8&_r=1 24.) Granada Tom’s Activist Message To Maui https://www.tiktok.com/@thomastrefts/video/7269787514691407150?_t=8m33YEqmPRz&_r=1 25.) Operation Barbarossa- NAZI Invasion Of Ukraine 🇺🇦 Explains Permanent NAZI Ideology There - https://www.tiktok.com/@thomastrefts/video/7268778710432648494?_t=8m33t5qBjOV&_r=1 26.) Music 🎶 Overflow Links Sampler - Drum 🥁 Covers. 1.) Stick Around - AC/DC Short TIK TOK Segment - https://www.tiktok.com/@thomastrefts/video/7356808024482139434?_t=8m2uJtZrCIw&_r=1 2.) Little Lover - AC/DC Segment https://www.tiktok.com/@thomastrefts/video/7356807535447395627?_t=8m2uTH7w8Hj&_r=1 3.) ( Psychedelic ) Bad Boy Boogie / AC/DC https://www.tiktok.com/@thomastrefts/video/7363510581640416542?_t=8m2zOz4FXvq&_r=1 4.) It’s Not About What I Want, It’s What You Got - https://www.tiktok.com/@thomastrefts/video/7301544525745376554?_t=8m30TTAjQas&_r=1 5.) Call Me The Breeze - Lynyrd Skynyrd https://www.tiktok.com/@thomastrefts/video/7301539610839092523?_t=8m30Y1MJEJn&_r=1 6.) Hey Baby - Jimi Hendrix https://www.tiktok.com/@thomastrefts/video/7272782837089078574?_t=8m321aOKPwR&_r=1 7.) E’nuff Z’Nuff Medley - https://www.tiktok.com/@thomastrefts/video/7272178374687132971?_t=8m328CxxOh8&_r=1 8.) Tired Of This Shit 🤦♂️- Morlocks Medley - https://www.tiktok.com/@thomastrefts/video/7271084499042077994?_t=8m32JuborOA&_r=1 9.) Come As You Are - Nirvana https://www.tiktok.com/@thomastrefts/video/7269403233444039978?_t=8m33lX1hyQM&_r=1 10.) Lowrider by WAR https://www.tiktok.com/@thomastrefts/video/7269404760044866862?_t=8m33hyLOOAE&_r=1 11.)411 views -
Alien Dragons: Mysteries of Reptilian ET, History of Draconian Aliens & Galactic Dominion Of Earth
REPTOS, SHAPESHIFTERS, VRIL, GRAYS - ALIEN DOMINION - Secret Space Program SSP11.06.2024 Video Credit #AstralLegends - The Draconian Reptilians, are described as inter-dimensional extraterrestrial humanoid beings, who are believed to be the most ancient race in the universe next to the lyrans and were apart of the annunaki civilization and even the annunaki group known as the Igigi. In this episode, we will take you into the the culture and every day life of Reptilian-Draconians with information prompted by recent discoveries, and close encounters. Reptilians are purported to be extraterrestrial entities capable of shape-shifting into humanoid reptilian forms. Often characterized as possessing advanced intelligence and technology, they are said to exert influence over human affairs, including manipulating governments and impacting global events throughout the entire cosmos. Source http://tiny.cc/AstralLegends - 💫 Various extraterrestrial species that we know exist| Episode 1 --->>> https://rumble.com/v4em593-various-extraterrestrial-species-that-we-know-exist-episode-1-astral-legend.html - 🔥 OVERVIEW OF THOSE ALIENS WE KNOW OF.. --->>> https://rumble.com/v367owh-overview-of-those-aliens-we-know-of...html ———————————————— 🔥 MISSION STATEMENT: EVEN ATTACKS BY MEANS OF NEGATIVE REVIEWS CANNOT STOP THE TRUTH TO BE EXPOSED - To bring the secrets from the UNDERGROUND into the light to INCREASE AWARENESS and SaveOurChildren is OUR MAIN MISSION ———————————————— CHANNEL DISCLAIMER ©️ COPYRIGHT / LICENSING ———————————————— we invite every content owner and video producer to contact us by email (DUMBSandUNDERGROUND@proton.me) #StongerTogether - WWG1WGA ———————————————— Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purpose such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use. IF YOU HAVE ANY LICENSE ISSUES, PLEASE CONTACT US BY EMAIL(DUMBSandUNDERGROUND@proton.me) to RESOLVE THE PROBLEM and discuss a COOPERATION ———————————————— JOIN US and our Partners ON TELEGRAM and RUMBLE --->>>> https://t.me/DUMBSandUNDERGROUND https://t.me/DUMBSandCLONING topic connected with CLONING https://rumble.com/c/CLONING ReptoTV https://rumble.com/c/ReptoTV PEDO CABAL https://t.me/EXPOSEthePEDOSendOfTheCABAL https://rumble.com/c/EXPOSEthePEDOSendOfTheCabal ———————————————— ☕️🔥 if our work is useful for you, we appreciate your support by buying us a coffee ☕️ Big Thank you for your support - WWG1WGA --->>> ☕️🔥 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/FCKtheNWO ————————————————8.26K views 17 comments -
Alex Collier Revelations: Andromedan's Warning about the Orion Group & Alpha Draconians
REPTOS, SHAPESHIFTERS, VRIL, GRAYS - ALIEN DOMINION - Secret Space Program SSPTed Loman's UFO AZ Talks Series (Archived Show) features an interview with Alex Collier, who claims to be a contactee with the extraterrestrial race known as the Andromedans, originating from the Andromeda star system. Conducted in 1994 by Ted Loman (1951-2023), the interview delves into Alex's fascinating account of his contact experiences. He shares detailed insights about the Andromedans, Pleiadians, and reveals the alleged agendas for Earth by Draconian Reptilians and extraterrestrial beings from Zeta Reticuli. Video Source YT@UAMNTV - CONNECT THE DOTS >>>> 🔥 Watch The Water 🔥 2022 - PART 1 Snake Venom CORONA EXPOSED - REPTOS / LIZARDS want us to be THEIR DNA HARVESTING SLAVES --->>>> https://rumble.com/v2o4rcc--watch-the-water-part-1-snake-venom-corona-exposed-reptos-lizards-want-us-t.html - PREMIERE: 🔥 Watch The Water - 2023 - PART 2 🔥Closing Chapter --->>> https://rumble.com/v2o3dew-premiere-watch-the-water-2-closing-chapter.html - 🔥THE HYDRA VULGARIS 🔥 IS A LIVING CREATURE INSIDE THE VACCINE - IT'S IMMORTAL --->>> https://rumble.com/v1uzug8-the-hydra-vulgaris-is-a-living-creature-inside-the-vaccine-its-immortal.html - 🔥 DUMBS & TUNNELS IN USA DESIGNED AS A MIRROW OF ORION www.TheOrionLines.com --->>> https://rumble.com/vr2ug1-why-humanity-was-lied-to-about-aliens-the-2-times-lines-and-the-ww2-adrenoc.html - 🔥 NAZCA LINES 💀 THE ORION LINES --->>> https://rumble.com/v29vtas-nazca-lines-the-orion-lines.html - The Orion Group - THE ALPHA DRACONIANS ---->>>> https://rumble.com/v2294os-what-you-need-to-know-about-the-reptilian-alien-race.html - 🔥 THE ORION WARS --->>>> https://rumble.com/v1mnbaa-the-orion-wars.html - ORION LINES - DRACO STAR-SYSTEM www.TheOrionLines.com ———————————————— 🔥 MISSION STATEMENT: EVEN ATTACKS BY MEANS OF NEGATIVE REVIEWS CANNOT STOP THE TRUTH TO BE EXPOSED - To bring the secrets from the UNDERGROUND into the light to INCREASE AWARENESS and SaveOurChildren is OUR MAIN MISSION ———————————————— CHANNEL DISCLAIMER ©️ COPYRIGHT / LICENSING ———————————————— we invite every content owner and video producer to contact us by email (DUMBSandUNDERGROUND@proton.me) #StongerTogether - WWG1WGA ———————————————— Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purpose such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use. IF YOU HAVE ANY LICENSE ISSUES, PLEASE CONTACT US BY EMAIL(DUMBSandUNDERGROUND@proton.me) to RESOLVE THE PROBLEM and discuss a COOPERATION ———————————————— JOIN US and our Partners ON TELEGRAM and RUMBLE --->>>> https://t.me/DUMBSandUNDERGROUND https://t.me/DUMBSandCLONING topic connected with CLONING https://rumble.com/c/CLONING ReptoTV https://rumble.com/c/ReptoTV PEDO CABAL https://t.me/EXPOSEthePEDOSendOfTheCABAL https://rumble.com/c/EXPOSEthePEDOSendOfTheCabal ———————————————— ☕️🔥 if our work is useful for you, we appreciate your support by buying us a coffee ☕️ Big Thank you for your support - WWG1WGA --->>> ☕️🔥 https://www.buymeacoffee.com/FCKtheNWO ———————————————— > SECURE SURFING in the INTERNET > YOU CANT ACCESS RUMBLE? e.g in FRANCE or somewhere else? - >>>> WE RECOMMEND OUR 🔥 VPN PARTNER >>> http://tiny.cc/VPN 🔥 PRIVATE INTERNET ACCESS >>> http://tiny.cc/privateinternetaccess ———————————————— 🔥 if our work is useful for you, we appreciate your support in from of a donation - this helps us as a NON-PROFIT to CONTINUING OUR WORK to bring LIGHT INTO THE DARK 🔥 >>> http://tiny.cc/YourDonationIsSupport4Us ————————————————41.1K views 87 comments -
The Great COVID Cover-Up EXPOSED by Senator Rand Paul, "Fauci should be arrested" | Redacted News
BioWeaponLabs ☣️ Biological Warfare ☣️ CrimesAgainstHumanity ☣️ FCKtheJAB10.04.24 - Video Credit #REDACTED - thank you Clyton and Rand Paul - Senator Rand Paul joins Redacted to talk about the great Covid cover-up and the details of his new investigation proving Dr. Fauci lied before Congress. Will he be brought up on criminal charges? SOURCE REDACTED - The Bill Gates & Anthony Fauci connection - FOLLOW THE MONEY L, THE BIOWEAPONS & EUGENIC PROGRAMS --->>> https://rumble.com/v4ow1d0-the-bill-gates-and-anthony-fauci-connection-follow-the-money-l-the-bioweapo.html - RFKjr EXPOSING FAUCI - How Fauci off-shored US bioweapon production to Ukraine and Wuhan in 2014 --->>> https://rumble.com/v2hyqns-rfkjr-exposing-fauci-how-fauci-off-shored-us-bioweapon-production-to-ukrain.html - THE BLACK AWAKENING🔥 & JAB BIOWEAPON NWO AGENDA (DARPA, CRISPR) --->>> https://rumble.com/v1oaej9-the-black-awakening-and-jab-bioweapon-nwo-agenda.html - Source >>> http://tiny.cc/DeNazification - Part 1🚨- 🇺🇸☣️ 🇺🇦BIOWEAPON LABS BREAKDOWN 🇺🇸 ☣️🇺🇦 every listed individual and entity exposed ---->>> https://rumble.com/v4g5x6x-must-watch-bioweapon-labs-breakdown-every-listed-individual-and-entity-expo.html - Part 2🚨 - 🇺🇸☣️ 🇺🇦Biolab Breakdown 🚨 biolabs in Mariupol, Ukraine --->>> https://rumble.com/v3ba45y-bioweapons-breakdown-part-2proving-obama-biden-and-zelenskys-involvement-in.html - Part 3🚨 - 🇺🇸☣️ 🇺🇦Biolab Breakdown biolabs in Mariupol, Ukraine --->>> https://rumble.com/v3ba2p2-biolab-breakdown-part-3-biolabs-in-mariupol-ukraine.html - 🇺🇸☣️ 🇺🇦 Ukraine's biolabs are "collecting Russian DNA" to create "ethnically targeted bioweapons." --->>> https://rumble.com/v30dji6-ukraines-biolabs-are-collecting-russian-dna-to-create-ethnically-targeted-b.html - Connect the DOTS >>> ⚠️🇺🇸☣️ 🇺🇦 US Military LT Scott Bennet drops bombshell on Ukrainian bioweapons labs --->>> https://rumble.com/v314d5c--us-military-lt-scott-bennet-drops-bombshell-on-ukrainian-bioweapons-labs.html - ⚠️🇺🇸🇺🇦 US Military LT Scott Bennet drops bombshell on Ukrainian bioweapons labs --->>> https://rumble.com/v314d5c--us-military-lt-scott-bennet-drops-bombshell-on-ukrainian-bioweapons-labs.html - ☣️ Pentagon confirms Ukraine's role in ☣️ biodefense" with 46 biolabs --->>> https://rumble.com/v1qzlcu-pentagon-confirms-ukraines-role-in-biodefense-with-46-biolabs.html - 🇺🇸 U.S. ☣️ BIO LABS ☣️ IN UKRAINE 🇺🇦 - ALL INVOLVED BUSTED & EXPOSED -->>> https://rumble.com/v28lav2-bioweapon-labs-in-ukraine-all-involved-busted-and-exposed.html - 💥💥COVID-19 IS A BIOWEAPON CREATED💥💥 GENOCIDE - Putin: Coronavirus was part of the biological weapons program in Ukraine >>>> PFIZER & AUSTRALIAN DOTHERY INSTITUTE EXPOSED -->>> https://rumble.com/v2dpj5u--u.s.-biolabs-russian-general-reveals-pfizer-and-australian-doherty-institu.html - ALL REPORTS OF U.S FUNDED 🇺🇸☣️ 🇺🇦BIOWEAPON LABS🇺🇸 ☣️🇺🇦 in UKRAINE - ☣PART 1 (2022) --->>>> https://t.me/EXPOSEthePEDOSendOfTheCABAL/15876 - ☣PART 2 (2023) --->>> https://t.me/deNAZIficationMilitaryQperationZ/2520 ———————————————— https://t.me/deNAZIficationMilitaryQperationZ - THE VIPER... IVERMECTIN KILLS ALL PARASITES.. 🔥 THE HYDRA VULGARIS IS A LIVING CREATURE INSIDE THE VACCINE - IT'S IMMORTAL --->>> https://rumble.com/v1uzug8-the-hydra-vulgaris-is-a-living-creature-inside-the-vaccine-its-immortal.html - ☣️💥BUSTED💥☣️ It’s a story about the Biolabs in Ukraine! --->>> https://rumble.com/v1rjj40-busted-its-a-story-about-the-biolabs-in-ukraine.html - "Pentagon is treating Covid as an act of war" COVID IS A BIOWEAPON - THIS WILL LEAD TO TRIBUNALS ---->>>> https://rumble.com/v254xu3-pentagon-is-treating-covid-as-an-act-of-war-covid-is-a-bioweapon-this-will-.html - CrimesAgainstHumanity 🧪 chemical weapons by Ukrainian forces in the Donetsk People’s Republic --->>> https://rumble.com/v2hvtf0-crimesagainsthumanity-chemical-weapons-by-ukrainian-forces-in-the-donetsk-p.html - 💥💥SMOKING GUN💥💥 Russia submits new documents about US-run Ukraine bioweapon labs ----->>>>> https://rumble.com/v25efhm-smoking-gun-russia-submits-new-documents-about-us-run-ukraine-bioweapon-lab.html - THE BLACK AWAKENING & JAB BIOWEAPON NWO AGENDA ---->>>> https://rumble.com/v1oaej9-the-black-awakening-and-jab-bioweapon-nwo-agenda.html - VICTORIA FU€#K THE EU NULAND - Deepstate CIA responsible for BIOWEAPON LABS and COUPS --->>> https://rumble.com/v24mxk8-victoria-fuk-the-eu-nuland-deepstate-cia-responsible-for-bioweapon-labs-and.html - ROCKEFELLER 🔥 PROJECT LOCKSTEP 2010 --->>>> https://rumble.com/v1zznnk-rockefeller-project-lockstep-2010.html - DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE - YOUR IGNORANCE IS THEIR POWER! - WE ARE AT WAR GOOD vs EVIL - For all those who are still not aware that we are at war - There are white hat militaries (EarthAlliance + GalacticAlliance) (=Military = Q, +ANONS = Digital Soldiers -> GREAT AWAKENING) >> 💫⚔WWG1WGA GOOD vs 👹🏳️🌈 EVIL PEDOS, LGTBQ, SATANISTS, TRANNIES etc >> BLACK HATS MILITARIES (DARK FORCES, REPTOS, ARCHONS, SATAN) (= DEEPSTATE, NWO, NAZIS, ZIONISTS, KHAZARS >> GREAT RESET) - 🔥THE LAST BATTLE FOR MANKIND 🔥 - GOOD vs EVIL - IF RUSSIA FALLS, HUMANITY FALLS --->>> https://rumble.com/v3exuoi-down-the-rabbit-hole.html853 views 1 comment -
🇺🇸 ☣️ 🇺🇦U.S BIO LABS IN UKRAINE -biological activity of the U.S on the territory of Ukraine
BioWeaponLabs ☣️ Biological Warfare ☣️ CrimesAgainstHumanity ☣️ FCKtheJAB19.07.23 - The Pentagon is trying to promote the interests of major US pharmaceutical manufacturers, which are the main sponsors of the Democratic Party's election campaign. The official representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Igor Kirillov, spoke about the military-biological activities of the United States on the territory of Ukraine. Source RussianNews http://tiny.cc/RussianNews Source >>> http://tiny.cc/DeNazification - Part 1🚨- 🇺🇸☣️ 🇺🇦BIOWEAPON LABS BREAKDOWN 🇺🇸 ☣️🇺🇦 every listed individual and entity exposed ---->>> https://rumble.com/v4g5x6x-must-watch-bioweapon-labs-breakdown-every-listed-individual-and-entity-expo.html - Part 2🚨 - 🇺🇸☣️ 🇺🇦Biolab Breakdown 🚨 biolabs in Mariupol, Ukraine --->>> https://rumble.com/v3ba45y-bioweapons-breakdown-part-2proving-obama-biden-and-zelenskys-involvement-in.html - Part 3🚨 - 🇺🇸☣️ 🇺🇦Biolab Breakdown biolabs in Mariupol, Ukraine --->>> https://rumble.com/v3ba2p2-biolab-breakdown-part-3-biolabs-in-mariupol-ukraine.html - 🇺🇸☣️ 🇺🇦 Ukraine's biolabs are "collecting Russian DNA" to create "ethnically targeted bioweapons." --->>> https://rumble.com/v30dji6-ukraines-biolabs-are-collecting-russian-dna-to-create-ethnically-targeted-b.html - Connect the DOTS >>> ⚠️🇺🇸☣️ 🇺🇦 US Military LT Scott Bennet drops bombshell on Ukrainian bioweapons labs --->>> https://rumble.com/v314d5c--us-military-lt-scott-bennet-drops-bombshell-on-ukrainian-bioweapons-labs.html - ⚠️🇺🇸🇺🇦 US Military LT Scott Bennet drops bombshell on Ukrainian bioweapons labs --->>> https://rumble.com/v314d5c--us-military-lt-scott-bennet-drops-bombshell-on-ukrainian-bioweapons-labs.html - ☣️ Pentagon confirms Ukraine's role in ☣️ biodefense" with 46 biolabs --->>> https://rumble.com/v1qzlcu-pentagon-confirms-ukraines-role-in-biodefense-with-46-biolabs.html - 🇺🇸 U.S. ☣️ BIO LABS ☣️ IN UKRAINE 🇺🇦 - ALL INVOLVED BUSTED & EXPOSED -->>> https://rumble.com/v28lav2-bioweapon-labs-in-ukraine-all-involved-busted-and-exposed.html - 💥💥COVID-19 IS A BIOWEAPON CREATED💥💥 GENOCIDE - Putin: Coronavirus was part of the biological weapons program in Ukraine >>>> PFIZER & AUSTRALIAN DOTHERY INSTITUTE EXPOSED -->>> https://rumble.com/v2dpj5u--u.s.-biolabs-russian-general-reveals-pfizer-and-australian-doherty-institu.html - ALL REPORTS OF U.S FUNDED 🇺🇸☣️ 🇺🇦BIOWEAPON LABS🇺🇸 ☣️🇺🇦 in UKRAINE - ☣PART 1 (2022) --->>>> https://t.me/EXPOSEthePEDOSendOfTheCABAL/15876 - ☣PART 2 (2023) --->>> https://t.me/deNAZIficationMilitaryQperationZ/2520 ———————————————— https://t.me/deNAZIficationMilitaryQperationZ - THE VIPER... IVERMECTIN KILLS ALL PARASITES.. 🔥 THE HYDRA VULGARIS IS A LIVING CREATURE INSIDE THE VACCINE - IT'S IMMORTAL --->>> https://rumble.com/v1uzug8-the-hydra-vulgaris-is-a-living-creature-inside-the-vaccine-its-immortal.html - - ☣️💥BUSTED💥☣️ It’s a story about the Biolabs in Ukraine! --->>> https://rumble.com/v1rjj40-busted-its-a-story-about-the-biolabs-in-ukraine.html - "Pentagon is treating Covid as an act of war" COVID IS A BIOWEAPON - THIS WILL LEAD TO TRIBUNALS ---->>>> https://rumble.com/v254xu3-pentagon-is-treating-covid-as-an-act-of-war-covid-is-a-bioweapon-this-will-.html - CrimesAgainstHumanity 🧪 chemical weapons by Ukrainian forces in the Donetsk People’s Republic --->>> https://rumble.com/v2hvtf0-crimesagainsthumanity-chemical-weapons-by-ukrainian-forces-in-the-donetsk-p.html - 💥💥SMOKING GUN💥💥 Russia submits new documents about US-run Ukraine bioweapon labs ----->>>>> https://rumble.com/v25efhm-smoking-gun-russia-submits-new-documents-about-us-run-ukraine-bioweapon-lab.html - THE BLACK AWAKENING & JAB BIOWEAPON NWO AGENDA ---->>>> https://rumble.com/v1oaej9-the-black-awakening-and-jab-bioweapon-nwo-agenda.html - VICTORIA FU€#K THE EU NULAND - Deepstate CIA responsible for BIOWEAPON LABS and COUPS --->>> https://rumble.com/v24mxk8-victoria-fuk-the-eu-nuland-deepstate-cia-responsible-for-bioweapon-labs-and.html - ROCKEFELLER 🔥 PROJECT LOCKSTEP 2010 --->>>> https://rumble.com/v1zznnk-rockefeller-project-lockstep-2010.html - THE PLAN - 🔥 WHO plans for 10 years of pandemics, from 2020 to 2030 ---->>>> https://rumble.com/v1my4lc-october-7-2022.html Also watch DIGITAL ID = NAZI ID NWO AGENDA >>> ⚠️ 🔥BUILD BACK BETTER 🔥 THE GREAT RESET - EXPOSED! 🔥 -->> https://rumble.com/v1l8ne9-build-back-better-the-great-reset-exposed-.html - 🔥 Blockchain technology is the globalists NWO method for rolling out the Social Credit System ---->>>> https://rumble.com/v21c2n0-blockchain-technology-is-the-globalists-nwo-method-for-rolling-out-the-soci.html 🔥 Young aglobal Leader & New GB PRIME MINISTERS Rishi Sunak - OWNER OF Infosys, who runs the largest digital ID/ social credit system in the world --->> https://rumble.com/v1ptvib-rishi-sunak-owner-of-infosys-who-runs-the-largest-digital-id-social-credit-.html - 🔥 THE BLACK AWAKENING & JAB BIOWEAPON NWO AGENDA ---->>>> https://rumble.com/v1oaej9-the-black-awakening-and-jab-bioweapon-nwo-agenda.html927 views 2 comments -
REINER FÜLLMICH & DR WORDARG: Vaccinations are Russian roulette #FUCKtheJAB
FCKtheJAB - JabRoulette - TRANSHUMANISM for the NWOGLASHBACK 2022 - As assumed, the Vaccinations are Russian roulette. Some charges are toxic, some are not. So some are killing people and some not. - The Bill Gates & Anthony Fauci connection - FOLLOW THE MONEY L, THE BIOWEAPONS & EUGENIC PROGRAMS --->>> https://rumble.com/v4ow1d0-the-bill-gates-and-anthony-fauci-connection-follow-the-money-l-the-bioweapo.html - RFKjr EXPOSING FAUCI - How Fauci off-shored US bioweapon production to Ukraine and Wuhan in 2014 --->>> https://rumble.com/v2hyqns-rfkjr-exposing-fauci-how-fauci-off-shored-us-bioweapon-production-to-ukrain.html - THE BLACK AWAKENING🔥 & JAB BIOWEAPON NWO AGENDA (DARPA, CRISPR) --->>> https://rumble.com/v1oaej9-the-black-awakening-and-jab-bioweapon-nwo-agenda.html - Source >>> http://tiny.cc/DeNazification - Part 1🚨- 🇺🇸☣️ 🇺🇦BIOWEAPON LABS BREAKDOWN 🇺🇸 ☣️🇺🇦 every listed individual and entity exposed ---->>> https://rumble.com/v4g5x6x-must-watch-bioweapon-labs-breakdown-every-listed-individual-and-entity-expo.html - Part 2🚨 - 🇺🇸☣️ 🇺🇦Biolab Breakdown 🚨 biolabs in Mariupol, Ukraine --->>> https://rumble.com/v3ba45y-bioweapons-breakdown-part-2proving-obama-biden-and-zelenskys-involvement-in.html - Part 3🚨 - 🇺🇸☣️ 🇺🇦Biolab Breakdown biolabs in Mariupol, Ukraine --->>> https://rumble.com/v3ba2p2-biolab-breakdown-part-3-biolabs-in-mariupol-ukraine.html - 🇺🇸☣️ 🇺🇦 Ukraine's biolabs are "collecting Russian DNA" to create "ethnically targeted bioweapons." --->>> https://rumble.com/v30dji6-ukraines-biolabs-are-collecting-russian-dna-to-create-ethnically-targeted-b.html - Connect the DOTS >>> ⚠️🇺🇸☣️ 🇺🇦 US Military LT Scott Bennet drops bombshell on Ukrainian bioweapons labs --->>> https://rumble.com/v314d5c--us-military-lt-scott-bennet-drops-bombshell-on-ukrainian-bioweapons-labs.html - ⚠️🇺🇸🇺🇦 US Military LT Scott Bennet drops bombshell on Ukrainian bioweapons labs --->>> https://rumble.com/v314d5c--us-military-lt-scott-bennet-drops-bombshell-on-ukrainian-bioweapons-labs.html - ☣️ Pentagon confirms Ukraine's role in ☣️ biodefense" with 46 biolabs --->>> https://rumble.com/v1qzlcu-pentagon-confirms-ukraines-role-in-biodefense-with-46-biolabs.html - 🇺🇸 U.S. ☣️ BIO LABS ☣️ IN UKRAINE 🇺🇦 - ALL INVOLVED BUSTED & EXPOSED -->>> https://rumble.com/v28lav2-bioweapon-labs-in-ukraine-all-involved-busted-and-exposed.html - 💥💥COVID-19 IS A BIOWEAPON CREATED💥💥 GENOCIDE - Putin: Coronavirus was part of the biological weapons program in Ukraine >>>> PFIZER & AUSTRALIAN DOTHERY INSTITUTE EXPOSED -->>> https://rumble.com/v2dpj5u--u.s.-biolabs-russian-general-reveals-pfizer-and-australian-doherty-institu.html - ALL REPORTS OF U.S FUNDED 🇺🇸☣️ 🇺🇦BIOWEAPON LABS🇺🇸 ☣️🇺🇦 in UKRAINE - ☣PART 1 (2022) --->>>> https://t.me/EXPOSEthePEDOSendOfTheCABAL/15876 - ☣PART 2 (2023) --->>> https://t.me/deNAZIficationMilitaryQperationZ/2520 ———————————————— https://t.me/deNAZIficationMilitaryQperationZ - THE VIPER... IVERMECTIN KILLS ALL PARASITES.. 🔥 THE HYDRA VULGARIS IS A LIVING CREATURE INSIDE THE VACCINE - IT'S IMMORTAL --->>> https://rumble.com/v1uzug8-the-hydra-vulgaris-is-a-living-creature-inside-the-vaccine-its-immortal.html - ☣️💥BUSTED💥☣️ It’s a story about the Biolabs in Ukraine! --->>> https://rumble.com/v1rjj40-busted-its-a-story-about-the-biolabs-in-ukraine.html - "Pentagon is treating Covid as an act of war" COVID IS A BIOWEAPON - THIS WILL LEAD TO TRIBUNALS ---->>>> https://rumble.com/v254xu3-pentagon-is-treating-covid-as-an-act-of-war-covid-is-a-bioweapon-this-will-.html - CrimesAgainstHumanity 🧪 chemical weapons by Ukrainian forces in the Donetsk People’s Republic --->>> https://rumble.com/v2hvtf0-crimesagainsthumanity-chemical-weapons-by-ukrainian-forces-in-the-donetsk-p.html - 💥💥SMOKING GUN💥💥 Russia submits new documents about US-run Ukraine bioweapon labs ----->>>>> https://rumble.com/v25efhm-smoking-gun-russia-submits-new-documents-about-us-run-ukraine-bioweapon-lab.html - THE BLACK AWAKENING & JAB BIOWEAPON NWO AGENDA ---->>>> https://rumble.com/v1oaej9-the-black-awakening-and-jab-bioweapon-nwo-agenda.html - VICTORIA FU€#K THE EU NULAND - Deepstate CIA responsible for BIOWEAPON LABS and COUPS --->>> https://rumble.com/v24mxk8-victoria-fuk-the-eu-nuland-deepstate-cia-responsible-for-bioweapon-labs-and.html - ROCKEFELLER 🔥 PROJECT LOCKSTEP 2010 --->>>> https://rumble.com/v1zznnk-rockefeller-project-lockstep-2010.html - DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE - YOUR IGNORANCE IS THEIR POWER! - WE ARE AT WAR GOOD vs EVIL - For all those who are still not aware that we are at war - There are white hat militaries (EarthAlliance + GalacticAlliance) (=Military = Q, +ANONS = Digital Soldiers -> GREAT AWAKENING) >> 💫⚔WWG1WGA GOOD vs 👹🏳️🌈 EVIL PEDOS, LGTBQ, SATANISTS, TRANNIES etc >> BLACK HATS MILITARIES (DARK FORCES, REPTOS, ARCHONS, SATAN) (= DEEPSTATE, NWO, NAZIS, ZIONISTS, KHAZARS >> GREAT RESET) - 🔥THE LAST BATTLE FOR MANKIND 🔥 - GOOD vs EVIL - IF RUSSIA FALLS, HUMANITY FALLS --->>> https://rumble.com/v3exuoi-down-the-rabbit-hole.html - 🔥NUREMBERG CODE EXPLAINED —->>> https://t.me/GitmoTV/7792 >> HIGH CRIMES, TREASON & CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY CAUSES EXECUTION1.06K views 2 comments -
PBS Special on the Imortal Hydra. It Isn't A Fairytale.
THE ENDGAME - SAY NO TO SLAVERYyou took the vax or know someone who did…this could possibly be inside you now. A living creature was found inside vials of 'covid vaccines'. It is immortal. Hydra vulgaris, the fresh-water polyp, is a small animal freshwater hydroid with length from 10mm to 30mm and width about 1 mm. The hydra have four to twelve tentacles that protrude from just outside the mouth. They feed by extending their tentacles and waiting for food to touch the tentacles. They then bring the food to their mouth, ingest and digest the organism. Anything that cannot be digested is egested. Ingestion and egestion occur through the mouth. Like other hydras, Hydra vulgaris cling to a base object with a “foot” pad, shaped like a disk. The Hydra moves by releasing its grip on its base and is carried away by the current. H. vulgaris can also move by bending over, grabbing a surface with its tentacles, releasing its grip with its “foot” and flipping over itself. H. vulgaris is often used, like many hydra, as a model organism for morphallactic regeneration because they are easy to care for, requiring minimal direct care, and reproduce relatively quickly. It is reported that they do not undergo senescence, making them biologically immortal. This species can reproduce in three ways: sexual reproduction, budding, and indirectly through regeneration. The evidence of intelligent self-assembly of nanotechnology and intelligent filament-movement is an indicator of synthetic biology and nanobioelectronics, as per several scientific papers published in various journals, and points to the stealth inclusion of Graphene Oxide in the Moderna vaccine for electromagnetic manipulation of cells and neurons via the creation of synthetic neural networks in the human body and brain. This is a clear sign of malfeasance and intended transhumanizing and cyborgizing of the human body through the COVID vaccines. It must be remembered that both Pfizer and Moderna developed the Transhumanist mRNA vaccines for DARPA, on DARPA contracts from 2013. Pfizer and Moderna’s military connections as well as the mRNA connections with DARPA’s Regina Dugan now directing the Wellcome LEAP ventures and DARPA’s Dan Wattendorf now at the Gates Foundation were discussed here earlier. DARPA’s “Pandemic Prevention Platforms” and ADEPT diagnostic and monitoring platforms are based on bioengineering, gene manipulation, and synthetic biology. These human-takeover programs envision an infinite future of mRNA vaccines and external control of the human body and brain, which Graphene Oxide would permit. More Revelations From Dr Carrie Majed About 'Hydra Vulgaris' Found In V A X Vials https://rumble.com/vnfvxt-more-revelations-from-dr-carrie-majed-about-hydra-vulgaris-found-in-vax-via.html499 views -
hankswank68FREAK OUT ALERT !! DR. RECORDS HYDRA VULGARIS SWIMMING IN THE EYE OF AN 11YR OLD VAXXED PATIENT !! https://www.bitchute.com/video/J3CEKeeC9sZ8/ There is a living creature inside the vaccine. It is immortal. The "Hydra Vulgaris" Hydra vulgaris, the fresh-water polyp, is a small animal freshwater hydroid with length from 10mm to 30mm and width about 1 mm. The hydra have four to twelve tentacles that protrude from just outside the mouth. They feed by extending their tentacles and waiting for food to touch the tentacles. They then bring the food to their mouth, ingest and digest the organism. Anything that cannot be digested is egested. Ingestion and egestion occur through the mouth. Like other hydras, Hydra vulgaris cling to a base object with a "foot" pad, shaped like a disk. The Hydra moves by releasing its grip on its base and is carried away by the current. H. vulgaris can also move by bending over, grabbing a surface with its tentacles, releasing its grip with its "foot" and flipping over itself. H. vulgaris is often used, like many hydra, as a model organism for morphallactic regeneration because they are easy to care for, requiring minimal direct care, and reproduce relatively quickly. It is reported that they do not undergo senescence, making them biologically immortal. This species can reproduce in three ways: sexual reproduction, budding, and indirectly through regeneration. The evidence of intelligent self-assembly of nanotechnology and intelligent filament-movement is an indicator of synthetic biology and nanobioelectronics, as per several scientific papers published in various journals, and points to the stealth inclusion of Graphene Oxide in the Moderna vaccine for electromagnetic manipulation of cells and neurons via the creation of synthetic neural networks in the human body and brain. This is a clear sign of malfeasance and intended transhumanizing and cyborgizing of the human body through the COVID vaccines. It must be remembered that both Pfizer and Moderna developed the Transhumanist mRNA vaccines for DARPA, on DARPA contracts from 2013. Pfizer and Moderna’s military connections as well as the mRNA connections with DARPA’s Regina Dugan now directing the Wellcome LEAP ventures and DARPA’s Dan Wattendorf now at the Gates Foundation were discussed here earlier. DARPA’s “Pandemic Prevention Platforms” and ADEPT diagnostic and monitoring platforms are based on bioengineering, gene manipulation, and synthetic biology. These human-takeover programs envision an infinite future of mRNA vaccines and external control of the human body and brain, which Graphene Oxide would permit.1.66K views 12 comments -
VeteransAgainstTreasonMEDBED TECHNOLOGY LINKS : 1.) https://amg-news.com/new-way-of-healing-med-bed-quantum-anti-gravity-concealed-technologies-replicators-perpetual-fountain-of-youth/ 2.) https://amg-news.com/med-beds-full-healing-with-quantum-healing-technologies-video/ 3.) https://amg-news.com/the-benefits-of-med-beds-med-beds-work-with-ones-intentions-consciousness/ 4.) https://amg-news.com/med-beds-high-tech-medical-bed-technology-suppressed-by-deep-state-and-released-by-nesara-gesara-must-see-video/ 5.) https://rumble.com/v2c99vq-med-beds-high-tech-medical-bed-technology-suppressed-by-deep-state-and-rele.html?mref=jqf7z&mc=7s8cc 6.) Are suppressed healing technologies being mass produced on the Moon for public release? https://exopolitics.org/are-suppressed-healing-technologies-being-mass-produced-on-the-moon-for-public-release/ 7.) NEW MEDBED VIDEO ON VETERANS AGAINST TREASON ~ our RUMBLE CHANNEL. https://rumble.com/v2mr68u-med-bed-ssp-technology.html WE ARE GENETIC ROYALTY WE ARE GENETIC 🤴 ROYALTY https://youtu.be/VJjHwEaPr38 WATCH LATER LIST !!! https://rumble.com/v24gcri-5d-chess-at-its-best-how-to-expose-rinos-and-democrats-as-traitors-by-andwe.html https://rumble.com/v25m8hd--the-secret-story-of-the-khazarian-mafia-how-zionists-infiltrated-the-world.html https://rumble.com/v1nb5rk-mitt-romney-exposed-just-another-zionist-satanic-pedo-bastard...html ASCENSION/ MOON CONNECTION https://thegalacticfederation.com/09-18aa Flat Earth Baby Steps This is an introduction as to why people are questioning the legitimacy of the Heliocentric theory Return to Flat Earth Info Page https://t.me/PhoilHATS/105 1. Flat Earth Facts 1-3 4:56 Eight Inches Per Mile https://t.me/PhoilHATS/432 2. Flat Earth Facts 4-6 11:17 Impossible Space Vacuum https://t.me/PhoilHATS/433 3. Flat Earth Facts 7-9 7:09 Witnesses To Our Flat Realm https://t.me/PhoilHATS/435 4. Flat Earth Facts 9-12 11:06 Doppler Radar on A Flat Earth https://t.me/PhoilHATS/436 5. Flat Earth Facts 13-15 11:22 https://t.me/PhoilHATS/437 6. Enlightenment From Lighthouses - Eric Dubay 15:28 https://t.me/PhoilHATS/595 7. Deep Sea Sonar only works on the Flat Earth 10:20 https://t.me/PhoilHATS/89 8. The Sun Sets Just Fine on a Flat Earth - How Perspective Works - p-brane 8:04 https://t.me/PhoilHATS/755 9. Flat Earth Proves The Failure of Government, Speech by Daniel Pratt 10:04 https://t.me/PhoilHATS/5 10. Using a Tesla Coil to Excite The Noble Gases 0:52 https://t.me/PhoilHATS/771 11. Flat Earth: The Air Up There - Why Is The Sky Blue? - Don't Sphere The Truth 16:43 https://t.me/PhoilHATS/772 12. Flat earth Explained, why it matters 12:17 https://t.me/PhoilHATS/72 13. Indoctrination In Public Schools - Gender Neutral Globe Earth - MrE Histoy 16:17 https://t.me/PhoilHATS/692 14. Why would they Lie? 5:06 https://t.me/PhoilHATS/73 15. Force The Line, The Ultimate Flat Earth Experiment 21:45 https://t.me/PhoilHATS/99 16. Flat Earth Emergency Landings and Flight Paths - Eddie Alencar 33:22 https://t.me/PhoilHATS/640 17. Flat Earth Mentioned in Government Documents 21:32 https://t.me/PhoilHATS/90 18. Antarctica - Sorry, We're Closed Taboo Conspiracy 30:05 https://t.me/PhoilHATS/538 19. ☀️The sun is plasma - The moon is plasma🌙 1:30 https://t.me/PhoilHATS/741 20. Anti Crepuscular Rays are Key to Southern Stars - p-brane 19:39 https://t.me/PhoilHATS/715 21. Flat Earth Angular Resolution and The Law of Perspective 0:59 https://t.me/PhoilHATS/691 HITLERS GOLD https://rumble.com/v2d3dbw-hitlers-gold-the-real-story-swiss-banks-the-bis-dulles-and-the-aftermath.html PRESIDENT TRUMP: “I will immediately sign a new executive order to cut federal funding to any school that promotes critical race theory, transgender lunacy, and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on our children. They are children!” Also watch >>> 🔥 THE WAR IS ON! TRUMP VS THE PEDOS --->>>> https://rumble.com/v1jdgdg-the-war-is-on-trump-vs-the-pedos-part-2-..html 🔥 THE WAR IS ON! TRUMP vs THE CHILD TRAFFICKERS -->> https://rumble.com/v1w6x0s-the-war-is-on-trump-vs-the-child-traffickers.html 🔥THE WAR IS ON! APPENDIX 9: THE FINAL BATTLE --->>> https://rumble.com/v2c81kq-the-war-is-on-appendix-9-the-final-battle.html WE ARE GENETIC ROYALTY!!! WE ARE GENETIC 🤴 ROYALTY https://youtu.be/VJjHwEaPr38 CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY CRIMINAL COMPLAINT AGAINST SWISS PRESIDENT ALAIN BERSET - ICIC: IMPORTANT UPDATE CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY MASS MURDER HighCrimes and TREASON ----->>>> EXECUTION @GitmoTV https://rumble.com/v2c3k9i-criminal-complaint-against-swiss-president-alain-berset-icic-important-upda.html https://amg-news.com/breaking-news-emergency-injunction-and-tribunal-order-was-served-to-who-and-all-criminal-defendants-video/ MIND CONTROL PATENTS https://rense.com/general3/patent.htm HYDRA VULGARIS IN VACCINES https://rumble.com/v1uzug8-the-hydra-vulgaris-is-a-living-creature-inside-the-vaccine-its-immortal.html ANNOUNCING THOMAS W. TREFTS FOR SENATE IN OHIO 2024 Here are my qualifications. TOM TREFTS FOR OHIO SENATE 2024 AGAINST : SHARROD “ EAGLE SCOUT” BROWN - Thomas W. Trefts Born : July 3, 1961 Lorain, Ohio Honor Graduate Avon Lake High School - Class of 1979 West Side of Cleveland. Loving Husband of Caren Trefts, Writer ✍️, Researcher, Disabled USAF Gulf War Veteran, Father of 5, Grandfather of 2, Evangelical Christian Conservative,… Veterans Activist, Human Rights Activist, Environmental Activist,Vaccine 💉 Safety Activist B.S. Degree In Business Administration, Ashland University, Ohio 1984. Minor in Marketing. Associates Degree In Applied Science in Jet Engine Technology , United States 🇺🇸 Air Force, 1991. • Great Grandfather : Albert “Bud” Sharp : Yale Graduate, help organize the game of “football” in America 🇺🇸- U.S. Army WWI • Great Grandfather : George M. Trefts “ Farrah & Trefts” Industries ~ Engines / Industry ~ Buffalo 🦬 New York • Grandfather : George Trefts , U.S. Army Air Force WWII - Tunisia ( North Africa ), Sicily, Italy under General George S. Patton 👍 • Grandfather : Charles P. Walter , Attorney, U.S. Army WWI • Uncle : Chuck Walter. U.S. Army European Theatre WWII - Battle Of The Bulge • Uncle : Albert Trefts, United States 🇺🇸 Navy Destroyer Captain . Post WWII-Cold War. • Father : Thomas S. Trefts , USAF A1C, Korean War , Elmendorf AFB, ALASKA. USAF Football 🏈 Team ~ Cornerback. • Father-In-Law : Steve Rehlinger : Sgt. 1st Army Division : Tank Commander ; Vietnam Veteran…. • Thomas W. Trefts, USAF - GULF WAR VETERAN A1C A-10 Jet Engine 👨🔧 Mechanic, Flight Line Marshaling & Hot Pit Refueling, Engine Test Cell. RAF ALCONBURY , UK 🇬🇧 1989-1991, - During Operation Desert Storm ~ NATIONAL DEFENCE MEDAL : Received Experimental Anthrax Vaccine 💉 without informed consent. We Current Chairman For Veterans Health of The National Vietnam and Gulf War Veterans Coalition.  Serving under John Molloy Decorated U.S. Army Veteran, Banker, and Survivor of both WTC ~ 9/11 Attacks, Retired USAF General Tom ( USAF Fighter Pilot - Vietnam War +++ as well as close oversight with General Michael Flynn. OTHER FAMILY HISTORY : On the Trefts side I am told that we can trace our family lineage back on one ☝️ of the many Barrons at Runnymede who forced King 👑 John to sign the Magna Carta which many view as the first real human rights documented agreement. The Magna Carta is also cited by many as a template for The Constitution of The United States 🇺🇸 of America. I have also done paid VACCINE HAZARD RESEARCH FOR ROBERT F.KENNEDY JR.and remain on to this day as a Volunteer Researcher / Human Rights Activist for CHILDREN’S HEALTH DEFENSE. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/ Any advice or assistance anyone can offer to help me with my campaign for election would be most welcome. I can be researched below: Thomas & Caren Trefts 44 West 2nd Street Girard, Ohio 44420 ( 330 ) 881-7580 -- Thomas W. Trefts Airmen First Class (E-3) 501st Combat Support Wing 423rd Air Base Group 10th Component Repair Squadron RAF Alconbury England 1989-1991 A-10 Jet Engine Mechanic, Flight Line Marshalling, Refueling. Top Secret Clearance. National Defense Medal. Bachelor's degree in Business Administration Ashland University, Ohio Class of 1984 Associates Degree in Applied Jet Engine Science 1991. United States Air Force College. Founder of The Unified Veterans Coalition [ aka ] VETERANS AGAINST TREASON 2003-Present. https://unified-veterans.freeforums.net Veterans Health Chairman - The National Vietnam and Gulf War Veterans Coalition http://www.veterans-coalition.org Vaccine 💉 Safety Researcher for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. / Children’s Health Defense https://childrenshealthdefense.org/1.39K views