Gem Mystique
3 videos
Updated 6 months ago
Eileen Nauman, is GIA Colored Stones graduate from the Gemological Institute of America, a family lineage 12th generation shaman, a mystic, and a global speaker and lecturer on topics of Energy 101, and brings her decades of knowledge and experience with gemstones for everyday use to this in-depth new video series. A new gemstone will be featured each month covering the history, science, physics, and mysticism of each gem.
Ruby, part of the Gem Mystique series by Eileen Nauman
Eileen NaumanIn ancient times, Ruby was considered “King of the gemstones.” Every ruler on every continent who wanted bejeweled crowns, scepters, and regalia always wanted Ruby in them. It is a powerhouse “master” stone from a metaphysical standpoint. Made from Corundum, the second hardest stone on Earth (Diamond being the strongest), its energy is something to consider. Come find out about this master stone and the power that comes with its energy! For my free handout to accompany this lesson, please visit: https://walkingtheland.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Gemstones-Healing-Ruby-by-Eileen-Nauman.pdf For a downloadable transcript of this video, please visit: https://walkingtheland.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Gem-Mystique-Ruby-Transcript-by-Eileen-Nauman.pdf21 views -
Black Tourmaline, part of the Gem Mystique series by Eileen Nauman
Eileen NaumanGEM MYSTIQUE, a program by Eileen Nauman, GIA Colored Stones graduate of the Gemological Institute of America, brings in the history of Black Tourmaline and discusses the science, physics, and metaphysics of this famous gem. Each month, Eileen will bring you fascinating and little-known information about some of the most beloved gemstones throughout history and how they have influenced the ancient and present-day world. This month, I talk about Black Tourmaline, a premier Guard Dog Stone. There is a group of gems/rocks that protect us and Black Tourmaline is queen among all of them. It can protect you from stress of any kind. An intuitive feeling of being in danger (perceived or otherwise), panic attacks, anxiety attacks, nightmares, and PTSD flashbacks are minimized. It can aid you when you are being bullied, feeling alone and vulnerable, experiencing abuse by another toward you such as spousal abuse, child abuse, sexual/incest abuse, during any kind of verbal/nonverbal attack toward you, when you are feeling vulnerable (no skin to protect you from the world), frightened, anxious, feeling alone and helpless, and from remnants of childhood abuse as you grew up or coming out of a war-torn situation (in your family or the country you live or lived in). For my free handout to accompany this lesson, please visit: https://walkingtheland.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Black-Tourmaline-by-Eileen-Nauman.pdf For the handout on Grounding Techniques mentioned in the video, please visit: https://walkingtheland.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Grounding-Technique-by-Eileen-Nauman.pdf And for the blog post series on PTSD, please visit: https://walkingtheland.net/how-ptsd-and-high-cortisol-affect-us-part-1/ CLEANSING YOUR TUMBLED STONES EVERY NIGHT: I carry two tumbled Black Tourmaline stones, one in my left pocket and one in my right pocket as I get dressed for the day. I remove them when I get home at night. I put them into a ‘salt bath’ (sea salt is best, but any salt will do) made with 1/2 teaspoon salt in an 8-ounce glass of tepid, room-temperature water. Stir until the salt crystals dissolve. Let the two tumbled stones sit in this “bath” as it cleanses them of positive ions overnight, and then they are ready to perform at 100% for you the next morning. Just pat them dry after you have removed them from the glass. Don’t be surprised if the water looks cloudy, this is the salt pulling the energy off your two friends so they can fully protect you for the coming day.33 views -
Emerald, part of the Gem Mystique series by Eileen Nauman
Eileen NaumanGEM MYSTIQUE, a new program by Eileen Nauman, GIA Colored Stones graduate of the Gemological Institute of America, brings in the history of Emerald and discusses the science, physics, and metaphysics of this famous gem. Each month, she will bring you fascinating and little-known information about some of the most beloved gemstones throughout history and how they have influenced the ancient and present-day world. In ancient times, Emerald was considered an every day "must-have" for those rich enough to buy it. Energy was something the ancients understood well, and how it could help them problem solve and support them in becoming a better human being in the process. It was also utilized for physical health issues and the wearer someone of power and influence who could afford such a stone. Those drawn to the gemstone Emerald, and who want to test the gemstone's energy, will be shown how it can be worn and how it has been utilized by people around the world. The psychology behind Emerald will be discussed and people who want to become more 'self-aware' and work on their own betterment as a human being will be shown how this amazing gemstone's energy can help them in the process. Energy-wise, Emerald's invisible qualities, which have been known since ancient times and have been carried through to today, will be discussed in detail. The photos of emerald, from "mine run" to an exquisite Inca (Peru) necklace with transparent dark green emeralds --each the size of a golf ball!!!-- will be shown from the speaker's own travels to track down information on this amazing gemstone. Not to be missed! For my free handout to accompany this lesson, please visit: https://walkingtheland.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Gemstones-Healing-Emeralds-by-Eileen-Nauman.pdf27 views