24 videos
Updated 5 months ago
It’s all lies and propaganda!
Communists far worse, even the brittish and americans where far worse!
All lies!
Redemption for Germany after almost 100 years!
Jews are the criminals!
95-year old Ursula Havenbeck sentenced AGAIN for being a Holocaust Denier!
Free HumanityNazi grandma" convicted again of Holocaust denial in Germany Ursula Haverbeck sentenced to 16 months in prison, but it is unclear whether she will actually serve out her term- By AFP 26 June 2024, https://www.timesofisrael.com/nazi-grandma-convicted-again-of-holocaust-denial-in-germany/ Germany, National Socialism, Holohoax, WW1, WW2, Austrian Painter, Adolf 95-year old Ursula Havenbeck sentenced AGAIN for being a Holocaust Denier! ,Hitler, communism , bolshevism, holocaust is a lie, history, conspiracy, soviet propaganda , wall street, city of london, jews, zionists, Russia, Brittain, Amerika, Germany, Europa, the great war, Truth does not fear investigation, truth will prevail God is with us, Omar Samson, Free Humanity304 views 3 comments -
Breaking the Spell: the Holocaust is a lie
Free HumanityBreaking the Spell, the Holocaust is a lie, WW2, jew, zionist, communist, bolshevik, 1919, weimar republic, national socialist, working camps, tyfus, famine induced by allied bombing, numbers, hoax, holohoax, ww1, bankers, belfour declaration, wall street, city of london, rotchild, rockefeller, united states of judea, omar samson, free humanity530 views 2 comments -
rabbi arye friedman the Holocaust is a myth
Free HumanityWw2, holocaust, truth, holohoax, jews, zionists, satanists, decievers, lies, propaganda, khazar, fake jews, rev 3:9, rev 2:9, false flag, history revised, Redemption for Germany, 1933,1945, Europa occupied, America occupied, jews,jews,jews, Omar Samson,Free Humanity168 views -
Free HumanityTHE IRREFUTABLE HARD FACTS OF THE HOLOCAUST, Germany, National Socialism, Holohoax, WW1, WW2, Austrian Painter, Adolf Hitler, communism , bolshevism, holocaust is a lie, history, conspiracy, soviet propaganda , wall street, city of london, jews, zionists, Russia, Brittain, Amerika, Germany, Europa, the great war, Truth does not fear investigation, truth will prevail God is with us, Omar Samson, Free Humanity434 views 4 comments -
Free Humanity : part 5 المحرقة مكشوفة
Free HumanityFree Humanity : part 5 المحرقة مكشوفة105 views 2 comments -
Faith in a better Humanity!
Free HumanityFaith in a better Humanity! Disclaimer: Say no to rasism!105 views -
History is nothing but lies agreed upon, Germany never wanted and never started ,WW2
Free HumanityHistory is nothing but lies agreed upon, Germany never wanted and never started ,WW2, Hitler,Churchill, WW2 , zionists, bolsheviks, bankers, jews, europa,Deutchland. Omar Samson,Free Humanity467 views -
How to change history, how to make the villain the hero and the hero the villain
Free HumanityAdolfus hitler, ww2 , David Irving , Omar Samsom , Free Humanity, Truth , History revision, holohoax , real butchers of world war 2284 views