Vatican a.k.a. Jesuit Order
46 videos
Updated 1 year ago
I have the rest of the videos in the "Agenda Reset" and "The Narrative" playlist...These folks need their own playlist...
⚫️Real Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade History
MrBlackPillWho really was responsible for the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade🤔697 views 6 comments -
Lin Wood Speaks On Millions Of Children Sacrificed
VeteransAgainstTreasonMy opinion after observation of President Trump is that he give his opponent and any wrong doer's many many many opportunities to repent of their wrong doing. I think grace is extended beyond belief. I also believe through my observations that after the opportunity to repent has been ignored time and time again that the only option left is to follow the letter of the law. Treason is punishable by death. Crimes against children are punishable by death. I pray for the ones who do not repent but if your heart is so hardened that you cannot repent of treason and crimes against children then your day of judgement quickly approaches. God is a God of grace and mercy and God is also a God of wrath and judgement. Trump is a man after God's heart and extends a huge amount of mercy hoping for repentance but do not take that mercy as weakness. Judgement is coming quickly to those that do not repent. The death penalty is only the beginning as that is the doorway to standing before our Creator. Continue to pray for the ones that traffic children and betray we the people as hell is not a place I would wish on anyone. # 4 Maui DEW Strike Massacre BREAKING NEWS 📰 Over 2000 Missing Children 👦 After Maui Massacre https://www.facebook.com/reel/601776832120217?fs=e&s=TIeQ9V&mibextid=3uyXbM Conflict of Interest? Maui Police Chief Who Oversaw Emergency Response at Vegas Mass Shooting Also Serves as Maui Coroner! 1.) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/08/how-convenient-hawaii-governor-reveals-state-plans-acquire/ 2.) ABC News https://youtu.be/empA8zBCX3E?si=cmwUtKEabEUf0Zsh Photo 4.) Footage : Chaos at the Sea Wall https://youtube.com/shorts/6_gSV9NlhVE?si=uXUBz6HofXyxbFDe 5.) https://youtu.be/Z4N8lzKNfy4?si=MK8kxnv5qYzOX48F 6.) https://youtu.be/YvB84424jJ4?si=yoVySDmP_mXuI35- 7.) https://youtu.be/CUsE-ZVPCfc?si=HbEaTgSphIHLlT91 8.) Disclosure Hub Archives Disclosure Hub Archives https://www.thedisclosurehub.com/archives 9.) Melted Car Found 2 Miles From Lahaina https://youtu.be/Q9L9WvlCli0?si=p8_KG5tfTvP6czGI 10.) ⚠️ Extreme Separate DEW Blasts Targeted And Melted Cars Way Outside Of Main KILL ZONE aka Mass Murder War Crimes Against Humanity. • This Awesome 😎 Realtor • [ ERIC WEST ] is doing a Great 👍 Job Cataloging, Interviewing and Analyzing Dozens of Bizarre Events as well as leading viewers to exact links to various residents and needy area families who are trying to use Apps like 👍 Go Fund Me to get money and aid directly to where it needs to go. Please 🙏 subscribe to his channel for unedited stories and seemingly endless proof that what happened here was undoubtedly a Direct Energy Attack on The United States 🇺🇸 Of America 🇺🇸. My point of view is that of researcher, human rights activist, Veterans Activist and Disabled Gulf War Veteran ( Anthrax Vaccine 💉 Injured 🤕) And I can clearly state that by all rights that this is as good of a declaration of war as there ever was upon our country since 9/11 or Pearl Harbor. In both cases the threat came from the sky. Do we are at war. Where is the Air Force ? On the other side of the fucking mountain at the AMOS ( ANUS ) AFB ? What kind of idiots do they take us for ? Short Answer ; We need to shoot the people that are shooting at us like fish 🐠 in a barrel. We do not have control of our own Air Space !!!! Either that or we do and a large section of The United States 🇺🇸 Air Force is absolutely corrupt and TREASONOUS!!!! ( I believe that the problem lies with those sacks if shit 🤦♂️ over at SAC - Strategic Air Command ).., you heard me right. I am a USAF Veteran calling out the Air Force “leadership” on not only Treason, but Murder and Crimes Against Humanity. As a member of Veterans For Trump I pledge to keep a big endless spotlight on this unquestionable Act Of War. Furthermore I will be urging all national VSO’s ( Veterans Service Organizations ) to demand justice for Hawaii 🌺 and Justice for our Nation of hostile acts perpetrated upon us with impunity up to this point in history. As I said, citizens on the ground are obviously 🙄 defenseless against high altitude threats such as Direct Energy Weapons, Chemtrails or other exotic Biological Agents being dumped upon us on a daily basis. Fuck The Deep State And The Horse 🐴 It Rode In On.. Tom Trefts, ( USAF)Veterans Against Treason & Ricky “ Doc “ Rogers ( USN ) 08/26/23 Remember this my Brother and Sister Christian Soldiers, if it can happen here it can happen anywhere. https://youtu.be/Lg2WV-B26pA?si=zwVU6m99AxEnX2cW https://rumble.com/v3cv9ri-8292023-hawaii-a-sovereign-kingdom-usa-inc-overthrow-attempt-on-republic-am.html The Color Blue Protects Against DEW Death ☠️ Ray ? https://rumble.com/v3ckdj6-u.n.-colors-blue-and-white-unaffected-by-dew-.html First Commentary on Lahaina Special sensitive revelations that cannot go on YT, about the Disclosure plan and the Lahaina attack, will be disclosed here: https://youtu.be/zenMj7qXb6s Fire 🔥 Hail ? https://youtube.com/shorts/yvJIHpehegI?si=SgBYb30DVX18WGQ9 Maui Casualty List News Flash • Maui County • CivicEngage Kill Cities 🌆- https://odysee.com/@StopTheCrime:d/KILL-CITIES----DEBORAH-TAVARES:0 Wikipedia Entry https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Hawaii_wildfires Maui DEW Strike Was 😟 An Act Of War https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8YQaaop/ California Weatherman leaks rain clouds ☁️ as not being rain but military exercises. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwXxbWotQFR/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== Electric Company - https://www.facebook.com/JeniSpring/videos/810405970870244/?mibextid=KPDiXm Traffic Blocked on Front Start https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT82PdYAp/1.64K views 5 comments -
Global World Pedophile Elite Old 960 Stories Underground 2 To 5 Miles Deep Sin City
What If Everything You Were Taught Was A Lie?What lies beneath the earth 10,000 tunnels for use by sex trafficking or just a lie about subterranean service ? Time to rescue these dark spaces from all the true conspiracists or is it really all true about everything today ? If you didn't think there was a bubble in the housing market already, here's are new and old 60 different development called the Pedophile's Blood Silo Residences (yes, this is sponsored by 60 different groups) that's 960 stories underground that will "protect you from the toxic and deadly world outside parasitic monsters" the 60 underground federal emergency management agency operated by deep underground military bases yes this is same diabolical pedophile global elite. There is no telling what these thousands underground tunnels are for, but there is no denying their existence. Many researchers believe that the New World Order governments are building intricate underground cities connected by networks of tunnels. I want a full, complete and transparent dissemination of information to the Earths general public population concerning the Secret Space Program, D.U.M.B.'s (Deep Underground Military Bases), Bases manned by both humans and extraterrestrials on various moons, planets, planetoids, as well as meteors and the extraterrestrial presence on Earth and in our solar system by the United States of America President and United States of America Military Industrial Complex, so that the general public population on Earth will be empowered to make an informed decision concerning these matters as we are always either directly or indirectly effected by our environment and must know the truth if we are to succeed in advancing our race toward a positive outcome. Implementing the 15-minute city concept requires a multi-disciplinary approach, involving transportation planning, urban design, and policymaking, to create well-designed public spaces, pedestrian-friendly streets, and mixed-use development. This change in lifestyle may include remote working which reduces daily commuting and is supported by the recent widespread availability of information and communications technology. United America Military Industrial Complex 1,000 Antiquitech Tartarian Empire Tunnels Found Running Atmospheric Etheric Energy. The CIA Papers and the Lost Empire Uncovering Tartaria's Enigmatic Past Intriguing and controversial, the history of Tartaria has become a subject of fascination for many researchers and conspiracy theorists alike. The rise and fall of this enigmatic civilization have sparked debates and speculation, with some claiming that Tartaria's existence was deliberately erased from history. This article delves into the intriguing notion of Tartaria's erasure, drawing insights from recently declassified CIA papers and exploring various aspects of the Tartarian civilization. What is Tartaria? Before we delve into the erasure of Tartaria, it is essential to understand what Tartaria represents. Tartaria refers to an ancient empire that supposedly flourished in Central Asia and Eastern Europe, dating back to the 14th century. While much of Tartaria's history remains shrouded in mystery, its alleged advanced civilization and architectural wonders have intrigued researchers and enthusiasts. The Mystery of Tartaria's Erasure The notion that Tartaria was intentionally erased from history stems from the observation that information about this ancient empire is scarce and fragmented. Many historical records, maps, and references that once mentioned Tartaria have seemingly vanished or been altered. This peculiar absence has fueled speculation about a deliberate cover-up to hide Tartaria's true significance and contributions to human history. The CIA Papers Recently declassified CIA papers have added fuel to the Tartaria conspiracy theories. These documents reveal intriguing snippets of information about Tartaria, including references to its existence, advanced technology, and global influence. While the authenticity and credibility of these papers are debated, they provide an additional layer of intrigue and speculation surrounding the erasure of Tartaria. Uncovering Tartaria's History Efforts to uncover Tartaria's history have led researchers on a fascinating journey. Archaeological excavations, linguistic analyses, and comparative studies have shed some light on Tartaria's civilization. By piecing together fragments of evidence, researchers have started to paint a clearer picture of this ancient empire, its culture, and its achievements. Tartaria's Advanced Civilization One of the remarkable aspects of Tartaria is its alleged advanced civilization. Researchers claim that Tartaria possessed sophisticated architectural techniques, intricate city planning, and advanced infrastructure that were far ahead of their time. The remnants of Tartarian architecture, such as the enigmatic "Tartarian ruins" found in various parts of the world, serve as tantalizing clues to the empire's once-thriving existence. The Great Tartarian Empire According to some theories, Tartaria was not just an isolated civilization but a vast empire that exerted its influence globally. Proponents of this idea suggest that Tartaria's reach extended far beyond its known territories, with connections to other ancient civilizations such as the Mayans, Egyptians, and Chinese. This proposition raises questions about Tartaria's role in shaping world history and its potential impact on various cultures. Tartarian Architecture and Infrastructure Tartarian architecture is a subject of great fascination. The alleged grandeur of Tartarian buildings, characterized by intricate designs, large-scale constructions, and unconventional building materials, has captivated researchers. Some even argue that famous landmarks like the Great Wall of China, the pyramids of Egypt, and Stonehenge could have Tartarian origins. Exploring the connections between Tartaria and these architectural wonders adds to the mystique surrounding the empire. The Tartarian Language The language spoken by the Tartarians remains another intriguing aspect. While there is limited information available, linguistic analysis suggests that the Tartarian language had unique characteristics and could have influenced other languages in the region. Unraveling the secrets of this ancient language could provide further insights into Tartaria's history and interactions with neighboring civilizations. The Alleged Cover-Up Conspiracy theories surrounding Tartaria's erasure propose various motivations for hiding its existence. Some theorists claim that Tartaria's advanced technology and knowledge posed a threat to established powers, leading to a deliberate suppression of its history. Others argue that it was a deliberate act to rewrite history and control the narrative. While these theories are captivating, skeptics assert that the absence of conclusive evidence undermines their credibility. Speculations and Theories The erasure of Tartaria has fueled a plethora of speculations and theories. Some suggest that Tartaria was connected to ancient extraterrestrial civilizations, while others propose hidden underground Tartarian cities. These theories, while intriguing, often lack substantial evidence and should be approached with caution. It is crucial to distinguish between informed research and unfounded speculation to gain a clearer understanding of Tartaria's true history. Debunking the Tartaria Conspiracy While the idea of Tartaria's erasure from history captures the imagination, it is essential to critically examine the available evidence. Skeptics argue that the gaps in Tartaria's historical record are not necessarily evidence of a cover-up but rather a result of natural historical processes such as loss of records, misinterpretations, and incomplete preservation. Applying Occam's razor, they suggest that the simplest explanation is often the most plausible. Conclusion The enigma of Tartaria continues to captivate minds and fuel debates. While the notion of Tartaria's erasure from history remains intriguing, the evidence supporting this claim is still largely circumstantial and speculative. Exploring Tartaria's alleged advanced civilization, architecture, and global influence offers a fascinating glimpse into an ancient empire that may have played a more significant role in human history than previously thought. The world has been reset several times, most recently in the late 1800s and early 1900s. The first world war is the event in which the Tartar civilization collapsed. Especially in the early 1900s, traces of reset are very common, even in the history we are told. The Russian Tsarism collapsed in 1917 and it was the Jewish Lenin and his team that destroyed it, the Jews and their supporters established the new order. Again, very recently, the Ottoman empire collapsed. During the First World War, many buildings were destroyed and mysteriously burned down in the Ottoman Empire. Of course, with many valuable works such as libraries in them. On the same dates, the Spanish flu The destructions in the cities of San Francisco and Chicago in the USA as fires and earthquakes. How many earthquakes could destroy the buildings we see in the picture. There are video footage taken after the demolitions in these cities, it is like a demolition with a weapon. The Tartar civilization was primarily a civilization where electricity was used free of charge. But after the first world war, it left its place to the oil age. There are trams without antenna, which have video footage on YouTube. There are many resources, especially in Russian and English, on YouTube and Instagram. Incredibly detailed architecture, not only building construction but also interior architecture. In the history we have been taught, for example, Moscow, Paris, London subways were built in the 1940s, etc. Whereas, researchers who talk about the Tartar civilization maintain that they actually existed and that they were only discovered later. In other words, those tunnels were actually built in the time of the Tartar civilization, but were later hidden after the reset, some researchers say. As a matter of fact, when we see these engineering marvels, these tunnels will require a very simple workmanship for those who build them. For Siberia, we are taught that the population there is low due to the climate. However, with the exception of a few cities, the climate is not colder than northern Europe or Canada in the winter. So what happened? The people here disappeared suddenly. If we say immigration due to the climate, it would be enough for a few hundred km to the south instead of going west on horseback for five or six thousand km for a slightly warmer weather. Unfortunately, the history taught to us is full of contradictions. Tartar civilization is a very interesting topic, a topic that can make you forget everything we know. You ask the wrong question because as important as its history may be i think the more relevant question is why is continued to be suppressed? The answer may lie in Tatary related historical claim and that be the suspected “ Mud Flood “ because you cannot bring up Tartary without its true suspected reason for its down fall, and what the mud flood reveals is a hidden world buried beneath ours and that world was technologically advanced way beyond our current technology and more eco-friendly, but including Tatary in history you admit to the world that as far as we think we have come in this world in technology, art, culture, religion, science, architecture and many other aspects in truth we went backwards, it also can be said If the mud flood is a reoccurring event then those who know the next when and where yield all the power, and shape everything to their designs. I must say I did find it the comment about not being able to hide history a bit bold and completely incorrect, you only need three generations to effectively re write history, and what is history after all anyhow? It is the victors or survivor telling His-Story. 7 Rules for Creating "15-Minute Neighborhoods" What is a 15-minute neighborhood? A 15-minute neighborhood is a neighborhood in which you can access all of your most basic, day-to-day needs within a 15-minute walk of your home. It is also sometimes called a complete neighborhood. How many of you live in one? When we posed that simple question on Facebook—"Can you get to a cafe, a grocery store, a park and a library in just a 15 minute walk from your home?"—we got an astonishing response from readers eager to tell us whether they could, or why they could or couldn't. The question was prompted by a CBC News story titled "Welcome to the 15-minute neighborhoods" about Ottawa's plan to manage growth by thickening up its existing neighborhoods instead of expanding outward into farther-flung suburbs. But a quick Google search turns up other examples of the concept: visions for 15-minute neighborhoods in Boulder and 20-minute neighborhoods from Portland to Detroit and beyond. In Ottawa, they're calling it "intensification," and the intent is to bring the necessities of life within easier reach of residents, both existing and new, without having to build a lot of costly new infrastructure. Ottawa is trying to do what Minneapolis planner Paul Mogush memorably describes as: “Put the stuff closer together so it's easier to get to the stuff.” And the time for this approach is long overdue. All across North America, we have bankrupted our cities and states by putting the “stuff” ever farther apart, and then building huge networks of roads and pipes to connect it. Our cities have ballooned in physical size far faster than they've grown in population, and face ever-mounting maintenance costs for all that pavement, at the same time as residents clamor for yet more roads to deal with congestion caused by all the driving we’ve forced ourselves to do. The intent of the 15-minute neighborhood movement is to break out of this mobility trap—the vicious cycle of driving ever longer distances to get to the same things—and get back to building places around the most ancient, versatile, guaranteed-to-always-be-relevant transportation method there is: two legs. (And for those with disabilities, let's be clear that building for two legs and building for two wheels can and should go hand in hand.) The massive response to our Facebook post makes it obvious to us that the 15-minute neighborhood principle has tons of appeal. But how do you get there? Especially if your city is already laid out in such a way that many existing places fall far short of that 15-minute ideal? We compiled this list of 7 rules for what a city of 15-minute neighborhoods needs, with links to some of our best articles over the years. And these aren't just for planners or developers—you'll see in here that there are things an average citizen can also do to bring their neighborhood a bit closer to being a 15-minute neighborhood. 1. Bring back the neighborhood school. One of the most unfortunate trends in North American cities has been the consolidation of neighborhood K-12 schools into massive, isolated campuses, often located on the suburban fringe of the community where there’s no choice but to drive or take a bus there. The share of kids walking to school has plummeted to unprecedented lows. A true neighborhood school is good for students’ health and independence (and that of their parents, who don’t have to act as chauffeurs!), helps anchor and nurture community bonds, and allows us to redirect scarce public resources from transportation into the classroom. 2. Make sure food and basic necessities are available locally. How many of us can obtain staple groceries or household supplies—the most common errand—within a short walk of home? The rise of big-box shopping has made the corner store or bodega an endangered species, yet there are examples of resurgent neighborhood retail meeting essential needs in both innovative and familiar ways. (And community gardens and other local food initiatives that aren’t retail stores have an important role to play too!) One essential but easily overlooked step in bringing food back to the neighborhood? Stop subsidizing expensive automobile infrastructure—the stroads and giant parking lots that give the big-box model an unfair advantage. 3. Third Places come in all shapes and sizes. A Third Place is a community gathering space where you can meet a friend, kill some time, or have a serendipitous encounter with a neighbor. It can be a private business, public park or plaza, or a civic space like a public library. Every 15-minute neighborhood needs a good Third Place or ten. The best news? Such places can be as simple as a pocket park carved out of a neglected bit of land, which anyone can create with a few tools and some elbow grease! 4. House enough people, and all kinds of people. Time for some real talk. While many people might say they want a neighborhood where they can have a big house with a big yard, few neighbors, and great local businesses within walking distance, those goals are often at odds with each other. The reason is simple: businesses need customers. If the customers aren’t in walking distance, you won’t have a walkable neighborhood. Traditional American neighborhoods used to provide a diverse mix of housing options for homeowners, renters, people of different ages and walks of life. Over the 20th century, we made many of those options illegal, and that, more than anything else, has killed the walkability of many of our would-be 15-minute neighborhoods. Want to reverse it? Allow every neighborhood to incrementally fill in with housing options that meet people’s real needs. 5. Density isn't enough. It’s tempting to reduce walkability to a simple arithmetic problem—a matter of having sufficient density to support amenities like a grocery store. But density alone does not a 15-minute neighborhood make. If you take the Sim City approach and separate uses from each other—commercial cluster over here, residential high-rises over there—you may still fail to produce a place where people can functionally meet their needs without driving. A 15-minute neighborhood may be dense, but the more important thing is that it’s fine-grained and truly mixes homes, businesses, and public spaces seamlessly instead of segregating them into zones. This is why we need to let all our neighborhoods thicken up incrementally, instead of building clusters of high-rises to meet the demand for new housing. 6. Sweat the small stuff for true walkability. None of this proximity to stores, cafes, parks, or libraries is any good if you can't comfortably and safely "get to the stuff." Walkability is absolutely essential for a 15-minute neighborhood. And often, it’s the little things that matter most—and that show us the way to some of the highest-returning investments we can and should be making in our places. Our favorite example? Street trees, which provide shade and comfort and instinctively slow down traffic—no speed enforcement required. 7. Know when to get out of the way. This one's especially for you, local governments. The way we used to get 15-minute neighborhoods, for most of human history, was simple: we just let them happen. We didn’t plan and zone for them in elaborate ways. What’s more relevant is what we didn’t do: rigidly dictate what kind of activity can take place on what block or lot. Today, nearly all of our places can stand to lower the bar to entry to being a local entrepreneur, by getting out of the way of things like in-home businesses, food trucks, farmers’ markets, and pop-up shops, which in too many cities are heavily regulated or banned. For all that is different about the modern world from that of our ancestors, we still believe this: If you allow people to take steps to meet their own and their neighbors’ needs right in their neighborhoods, they will. And often in ingenious ways. Georgia Guidestones — mysterious instructions for the post-apocalypse Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite and Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave room for nature - Leave room for nature. There's a really powerful vibe in here. Update: unfortunately, the Georgia Guidestones have been blown up by vandals. It’s unclear who and why destroyed the stones, which were kept by locals as a piece of history. At least one of the slabs was destroyed in an explosion, and authorities flattened the entire structure for safety reasons. The monument, which was hated by some Christian groups, may be rebuilt or restored, but it’s unclear exactly if and when this will happen. The American Stonehenge On a barren field in Georgia, US, five granite slabs rise in a star pattern. Each of them weighs over 20 tons and on top of them, there is a capstone. Nobody knows who built it or why they were placed there, but one popular opinion that their purpose is to guide humanity after a predicted post-apocalyptic event that will come in the not so distant future. The huge blocks send a message out to the world in eight different current languages, as well as four extinct ones (ancient Greek and Egyptian hieroglyphs for example). The set of ten guidelines has baffled people around the world, with descriptions ranging from perfect and utopian to satanic or quirky. But no matter what the case, these ten commandments should definitely get you thinking: Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity. Unite humanity with a living new language. Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court. Avoid petty laws and useless officials. Balance personal rights with social duties. Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite. Be not a cancer on the earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature While some of them are clearly noble and laudable (like having fair laws and avoiding petty ones), some of them have stirred controversy — especially “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature”, and “Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity”. If we were to apply these now, we’d have to kill over 90% of the planet. However, this is a perfect example of a misinterpretation, because it has to be kept in mind that these “commandments” have to be applied after the alleged apocalyptic event. It’s not clear why “they” settled on 500 million, but the bottom line is that even though we hate to admit it — the world is overpopulated right now; it’s way overpopulated. We are indeed finding better and better ways to manage our resources and use sustainable or renewable forces, but in just the last 50 years, the population of the Earth has more than doubled, and if we keep this up, the prognosis is pretty dire indeed. But back to our Georgia Stones. The construction of a post-apocalyptic monument Whoever built them definitely knew what they were doing: the slabs stand proud and sturdy and will endure through the centuries with minimal damage. They also have a remarkable set of other features. For example, they feature a built-in channel that indicates the celestial pole, a horizontal slot that shows the annual travel of the sun as well as a system that marks noontime throughout the year. But why they have these features and lack others that would apparently be more useful for dazed survivors is still a mystery. It all started on a Friday in June 1979. An elegantly dressed gray-haired man showed up in Elbert County and introduced himself as R. C. Christian — a reference to Christian Rosenkreuz — or Christian Rose Cross in English, and said he represents a small group of loyal Americans. Rosenkreuz is a legendary character that founded the Order of the Rose Cross. He quickly became one of the most important and mysterious figures of the time, by blending Christianity with some teachings of Arab and Persian sages. R. C. Christian admitted this is not his real name, but refused to reveal anything about his identity. Joe Fendley, president of the company that specializes in granite construction, didn’t care too much about this — that is, until he found out what monument R. C. Christian had in mind. He explained that it would be a compass, calendar, and clock and also be engraved with a set of “guides” written in 8 of the world’s languages. Fendley believed he was dealing with a crazy man and wanted to get rid of him, so he explained that a large number of tools and machines would be required, but Christian just nodded. He then quoted a price several times greater than the real one, but again, Christian seemed indifferent, so Fendley sent him to Wyatt Martin, president of the Granite City Bank. Martin is probably one of the people who have seen and spoken to the mystery man the most. Ten guides, a clock, a calendar, and a compass The astrological specifications were incredibly complex, so the construction company had to employ the help of an astronomer from the University of Georgia. The complex indicates the day of the year, equinoxes, and solstices among others. But the main feature is the 10 guides engraved in the several languages. The mission statement raises the first few questions marks: let these be Guidestones to an age of reason. But controversy started even before the monument was finished — many claiming it to be the devil’s work. By 1980, when they started building the monument, Martin remembers that people started telling him to stop and accused him of being part of an occult movement. The main problem is that the commandments engraved on the stones are quite eccentric, to say the least. It didn’t take a lot to compare the first two commandments to the practices of Nazis, among others, but again, this doesn’t mean that a large part of mankind has to disappear – the guides apply in a post-apocalyptic event, where the population is undoubtedly very small; this can be very hard to digest, but seeing things from their point of view is quite interesting, and any comparison with the Nazis or far right ideology is unreasonable. I mean, if a horrendous tragedy happens, and somehow the world population is reduced to just a few hundred million then yes, it would be a good idea to have some care regarding the number of humans. Guide number 3 instructed people to use a common language — which would, of course, greatly reduce numerous difficulties throughout today’s world; achieving such a task is, however, impossible at the moment due to evident practical reasons. This is the part that bothered annoyed the Christians, who quoted the bible saying that a common tongue is the mark of the Antichrist — yeah, makes a lot of sense for me, too. Same thing with RULE PASSION—FAITH—TRADITION—AND ALL THINGS WITH TEMPERED REASON — for some, faith has to be the alpha and omega with nothing else in between. For others, yours truly included, finding a sustainable balance is a much nobler goal. The structure, sometimes referred to as an “American Stonehenge”, sure stirred a lot of controversies, but it got us thinking — which means that at least a part of its objective was achieved. Even ignoring the more controversial commandments, the final 6 should definitely be worth achieving. After all, what’s wrong with avoiding unnecessary officials and prizing truth? Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite and Be not a cancer on the earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature. It is well known that Freemasons certainly played a role in the construction of Washington D.C., and the city is full of persistent rumors that the street layout and other buildings are embedded with masonic code. It isn’t surprising that networks of underground tunnels (and even a subway just for those on Capitol Hill) were built beneath the city. More unique than the existence of the tunnels is how they’ve been hidden and if and how they are being used. In Washington D.C., they’re like underground cities, with all the things you would need from the outside world, moved underground. Streets become hallways lined by rows of earth and lights. All of the buildings in the United States Capitol Complex are connected by tunnels and underground walkways, which provide easy passage between legislative office buildings, the Capitol, the Capitol Visitor Center, and the Library of Congress, used in inclement weather. The tunnels connecting office buildings are open to the public, but those connecting to the Capitol require security clearance. Small electric tramways run from the Capitol building to the Russell, Dirksen, and Hart Senate Office Buildings and to the Rayburn House Office Building. The tunnel between the Capitol and the Cannon House Office Building displays winning pieces of artwork from the annual Congressional Art Competition for high school students. The complex logistics of evacuating key executive agencies located in our nation’s capital include a fleet of specialized vans and trucks which can be dispatched on a moment’s notice to secret campgrounds located within the Shenandoah Valley and in nearby federal park lands in Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania containing underground hardened facilities and emergency communication systems. THE SECRET METRO TUNNELS The Washington Metro is a subway system that serves the Washington DC area. It “officially” has 106 miles of track serving 86 stations in the District of Columbia, Virginia, and Maryland. Planning for the Metro system began in the 1950s during the height of the cold war. President Eisenhower created a secret rail planning commission that directed the development of a secondary secret underground rail system built alongside the public one. This secret tunnel system currently connects the White House to the Eisenhower Executive Office Building next door, the New Executive Office Building (NEOB), the bunker under the Blair House, the bunker under the VP Residence at the Naval Observatory, a hotel near the White House, the U.S. Capitol, Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling, the Pentagon, the State Department, and some other federal buildings in between. There is also a secret train that runs between DC’s Union Station and Mt. Weather and is under the protection of the TSA Federal Air Marshals. Long-term plans call for the expansion of the White House tunnel system to go south past the Pentagon, west past the CIA to Mount Weather, and north past Camp David up to Site R in Pennsylvania. The estimated completion date and exact route of this ambitious tunnel expansion plan remains classified. In the spirit of openness and transparency, the Obama Administration is shining a light onto this secret underground world by releasing 12 months worth of interesting U.S. Government internet searches to the American People. The data come from the Statcounter analytics program which was utilized to surreptitiously record the U.S. Government’s visits to this website. This information was provided by the United States Domestic Surveillance Directorate under the Obama Administration’s “Relax, it’s Just Metadata (RIJM)” program, which is also known in the Intelligence Community as “Who needs content when you have metadata? The Hopi Indians of northern Arizona flourished by simply growing corn, beans, and squash with very little rainfall and almost no irrigation. One of the most intriguing of the Hopi legends involves the ant people, an underground race of beings that was crucial to the survival of the Hopi not just once but twice. In the Hopi history the the first world was destroyed by fire, and the second was destroyed by ice. During these two global cataclysms, the most virtuous members of the Hopi tribe were guided by an oddly-shaped cloud during the day and a moving star at night that led them to the sky god Sotuknang, who finally took them underground to live amung Ant People—in Hopi, Anu Sinom . The Ant People then escorted the Hopi into subterranean caves where they found refuge and sustenance. While we may not all agree on the details of why the government is building these networks of underground bases and complex tunnels, and we might disagree on what the catastrophe will be that they are supposedly prepairing for, the information available on underground facilities, bug-out locations, whole cities and tunnel systems, not only in the US, but across the globe, makes it undeniable that the elite are preparing for an extinction level event, using food, money, gold and other necessities, all paid for by you…. the taxpayer. The facility was divided into a total of 22 areas, some of which were repurposed over the years, but in 1981 the complex was organised a little like this: Area 1: Air filtration plant (originally the General Post Office area including the telephone exchange) Area 2: Royal Air Force Operations Centre (originally offices and dormitory for the Board of Trade, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, Office of Minister for Science and Lord Chancellor's Department) Area 3: Royal Air Force offices and dormitory Area 4: Dormitory area Area 5: Dormitory and stores area Area 6: Kitchen and bakery Area 7: Canteen Area 8: Telephone exchange Area 9: Hospital and stores (originally a dormitory area) Area 10: Ministry of Transport offices Area 11: Water treatment and stores Area 12: Canteen and laundry Area 13: Ministry of Power and Ministry of Agriculture offices and dormitory Area 14: Prime Minister, War Cabinet, Cabinet Secretariat and Chiefs of Staff offices and dormitory Area 15: Camp Commandant, Establishment offices and Lamson room Area 16: Central Office of Information, Ministry of Health, Home Office, Ministry of Housing and Local Government and BBC studio Area 17: Ministry of Labour offices and "special accommodation" suites Area 18: Admiralty, British Army and Ministry of Defence offices Area 19: Workshops and power generation Area 20: Stores Area 21: Communications centre Area 22: Foreign Office offices and dormitory Yes 100s Of Maui Secret Hidden Tunnels Found 320 To 6,200' Feet Below Hawaii Always up for a adventure We take off into the depths of Maui in search of secret passageways. Hidden in the cane fields there is gate ways into the unknown. Underground bases, tunnels, cities, and entire infrastructure to support and sustain life – classified, high budget, runs for 1000s of miles across the entire U.S. What is Going on below our feet? The “conspiracy theory” of DUMBS or Deep Underground Military Bases, is pretty incredible. Most people have never even heard of DUMBS, and I suspect that even fewer believe that they are real. Even though there are many conflicting opinions on the existence of Deep Underground Military Bases, there seems to be a great deal of evidence that DUMBS do exist. Stranger than fiction news reveal what appear to be man-made structures beneath the ocean that are interconnected, as well as the D.U.M.B.S on the north American continent. Maui is a military base and linked to the mainland dumbs and bunkers 2000 km away running beneath the ocean like many other tunnels linked to different parts of the land masses. The Kingdom of Hawaii is still in place and the annexation of Hawaii was never ratified and this creates a problem with the land grab parasites. The elders had to be killed and some children as legal inheretors were abducted before the attack by sending them ‘home’ without the parents knowing. They will be re-educated and mind controlled as to signing off the inheretance once they are of age. They were taken to a secret place for this operation. They can also be used as negotiation assets as to force the title holders of the Kingdom, to sign away all rights of the kingdom in exchange for their freedom. A list of the missing children may give away some clues as to disclose their bloodlines. Those of no use will probably be part of the trade in organs and adrenachrome etc. As no clarifiaction will come from dod etc. any possible explanation for this evil situation can be proposed. Has anybody got any better explanations…? Maui Hawaii Has DUMBs Underground 8 to 10 Sex Trafficking Tunnels We Just Lasered Them Out! Underground bases, tunnels, cities, and entire infrastructure to support and sustain life – classified, high budget, runs for 1000s of miles across the entire U.S. What is Going on below our feet? The “conspiracy theory” of DUMBS or Deep Underground Military Bases, is pretty incredible. Most people have never even heard of DUMBS, and I suspect that even fewer believe that they are real. Even though there are many conflicting opinions on the existence of Deep Underground Military Bases, there seems to be a great deal of evidence that DUMBS do exist. Stranger than fiction news reveal what appear to be man-made structures beneath the ocean that are interconnected, as well as the D.U.M.B.S on the north American continent. Myths and Legends Behind Denver International Airport From lizard people and space aliens to secret underground bunkers and a cursed horse, Denver International Airport (DEN) has been a magnet for myths and legends since it opened in 1995. Secret societies One of the most pervasive legends about the airport is that it was built by members of a secret society. Which secret society? Well, that depends on who you ask, but believers variously point to the Freemasons (one of the world's oldest secular fraternal organizations, dating back to the stonemason lodges of the 14th century), the Illuminati (a short-lived Enlightenment-era secret society that some insist is still active) or the New World Order (an alleged cabal of global elites conspiring to overthrow existing governments and rule the world). Or perhaps all of the above, since the three groups are often said to be linked. The most persuasive piece of “evidence” for this theory is a dedication capstone at the airport’s south entrance dated March 19, 1994. Sealed beneath the stone is a time capsule containing “messages and memorabilia to the people of Colorado in 2094.” The granite marker depicts the Square and Compasses symbol of the Freemasons and the names of two grand lodges and their grandmasters. While some have made much of this, airport officials say it’s only evidence of the generosity of the local Masonic lodges that crafted and laid the stone. After all, that’s what stonemasons do. The capstone also makes mention of a group called the New World Airport Commission. Unlike the Freemasons, this group doesn’t actually exist, making its inclusion a little tougher to explain. And, as some like to point out, the name is suspiciously close to that of the so-called New World Order. But, according to a 2007 Westword article, the name is likely a reference to Czech composer Antonín Dvořák’s “New World Symphony,” and the New World Airport Commission was simply a temporary commission created to arrange the new airport’s opening festivities. And the time capsule? It’s supposedly filled with coins, a baseball from Coors Field , a pair of former Denver Mayor Wellington Webb’s sneakers (a nod to his famed "Sneaker Campaign," during which he campaigned door to door throughout the city), a few Black Hawk casino tokens, and other memorabilia. We’ll have to wait quite a few years to find out for sure — although some have already tried. One popular theory is that the braille tablet above the dedication stone is actually a keypad and that if you touch the raised dots in the correct sequence, you’ll be able to open the time capsule. Even some current Masons seem to buy into the myth — one airport employee says she’s heard reports of Masons visiting the capstone and trying to swipe their Masonic membership cards near the time capsule, just in case. Underground bunkers, endless tunnels and a visit from the lizard people Another related legend is that there are miles of underground tunnels and layer upon layer of secret buildings and bunkers beneath the airport, which the members of the aforementioned secret societies plan to use to ride out the coming apocalypse. Some claim there’s a tunnel that runs all the way from DEN to the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), which is located 100 miles away near Colorado Springs. Others suggest the underground lair may be home to something supernatural — like extraterrestrials or lizard people. After Jordan Peele’s 2019 horror film “Us” premiered, some even posited that the tunnels beneath the airport could house a community of murderous doppelgangers, ready to rise out from under the earth and take over the surface. Although the airport acknowledges that there are several subterranean levels beneath the main terminal (including the trains that carry passengers to and from different concourses and a long-defunct automated baggage system), they say the tunnels only extend out to the perimeter of the airport, less than two miles. They also insist that you’re much more likely to meet mundane office workers than billionaires in ceremonial robes, since some of the underground levels host work and office spaces. And they’re adamant that any purported evidence of space aliens is just graffiti from mischievous employees, some of whom have been known to don lizard masks to prank unsuspecting coworkers and members of the media. Apocalyptic artwork While many of DEN’s supposed secrets are encased in granite or buried deep underground, others are right out in the open for all to see. Two pieces of art, in particular, have drawn plenty of interest: a pair of 28-foot-wide murals by artist Leo Tanguma. One section of "Children of the World Dream of Peace” shows scenes of war and death, anchored by a gas-masked soldier wielding both a sword and a machine gun, while the other depicts happy children from around the globe dressed in colorful traditional clothing and laying down their weapons beneath a rainbow of peace. Similarly, one section of "In Peace and Harmony with Nature" shows children mourning the death of three women and the extinction of numerous animals as the environment burns in the background, while the other section of the mural illustrates the children of the world coming together to rehabilitate and celebrate nature. The pieces purportedly express the artist's hopeful desire for the people of the world to live in peace with one another and in harmony with nature, but others have been more focused on the anti-themes of war, death, pollution and environmental destruction, even claiming that the artworks contain clues and messages about the apocalypse and the inevitable rise of a totalitarian world government. Another artwork that has raised eyebrows is part of Alex Sweetman’s "Art Chronicles," a photographic series documenting the construction of the airport. The premise sounds innocuous enough. And although many of the photo murals capture serene scenes — a bison standing in a snowy meadow, a field of vibrant yellow sunflowers reaching to the sky — one photo of a field of dead, browning sunflowers can leave some feeling a bit unsettled. Is it another coded message about the looming apocalypse hidden in the airport’s artwork, or just an ode to the changing seasons? Grinning gargoyles Compared to Tanguma’s giant, colorful murals and Sweetman’s large-scale photos, it might be easy to miss the two small gargoyles set atop columns in the east and west baggage claim areas. Historically, gargoyles were added to buildings to protect the people inside from evil spirits, and DEN’s pair, collectively titled “Notre Denver,” is no different. Grinning down on arriving passengers, they are there to help ensure the safe arrival of luggage. Although gargoyles have been part of religious architecture for centuries — most famously on the Cathedral of Notre-Dame in Paris, for which DEN’s gargoyles are named — some visitors have viewed the pair as harbingers of evil rather than noble protectors. A cursed horse No roundup of Denver International Airport legends would be complete without a mention of DEN’s most controversial and storied piece of art. The 32-foot-tall sculpture of a blue horse rearing up on its hind legs above Peña Boulevard is officially titled “Mustang,” but most Denverites know him by his demonic-sounding nickname: Blucifer. With his red, glowing eyes and a mane that looks more like Medusa’s snakes than any horse’s hair we’ve seen, Blucifer is already a frightening sight, but his history adds an extra layer of intrigue. Created by artist Luis Jiménez, “Mustang” was commissioned in the mid-'90s and inspired by the bright colors and themes of famed Mexican muralists like Diego Rivera and José Clemente Orozco. Jiménez grew up working in his father’s sign-making shop and went on to receive acclaim during his 30 years as an artist, primarily known for his large fiberglass sculptures. Unfortunately, “Mustang” was to be his last. After working on the piece for nearly a decade, Jiménez was killed in an accident in his New Mexico studio in June 2006, when a piece of the sculpture fell and severed an artery in his leg. The piece was eventually completed by Jimenez's children and unveiled in February 2008. Between his tragic backstory and menacing visage, Blucifer has been a target for myth makers since he was erected, with many insisting that he’s cursed. Some even claim that his glowing red eyes indicate that he represents one of the steeds that will be ridden by the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, although Jiménez himself said they were simply meant to honor the wild spirit of the West. Marketing Mythology There are countless other myths and legends connected to the airport. A mining cart carved into the tile of the Great Hall and adorned with the letters “Au” and “Ag” (the atomic symbols for gold and silver) is really an abbreviation for “Australian antigen,” a deadly chemical weapon that the Illuminati will use to secure power over humankind. The coordinates for the location of the airport were given to its architects by space aliens. Strange markings on the walls and buildings are codes from members of secret societies or snippets of an unknown extraterrestrial language. (They’re actually references to the Navajo language.) Other organizations might try to distance themselves from such tall tales, but the marketing team at Denver International Airport has leaned into the legends. A few years ago, DEN hosted a museum-style gallery exhibition called “Conspiracy Theories Uncovered,” celebrating some of the airport’s most notables. It included an “alien” skull that was made by employees and planted during construction of the Westin Denver International Airport Hotel . Most recently, DEN has capitalized on the mythical past with a series of ads. One shows Bluficer, red laser beams shooting out of his eyes, with the tagline: “Are we creating the world’s greatest airport? Or preparing for the end of the world?” Another one pictures one of the gargoyles in a Transportation Security Administration scanner and asks, “Streamlined security? Or more secrets?” Others depict space aliens, a lizard person, mysterious tunnels — even a cat in a tinfoil hat. All are hashtagged #DENFILES (a play on “The X-Files” TV show, for the uninitiated) and urge viewers to “Learn the truth at DENFiles.com.” The truth? It’s a marketing campaign for DEN’s Great Hall Project, a large-scale renovation of the area under the tents of the airport’s Jeppesen Terminal. Or is that just what they want us to believe? UN Invasion, Martial Law, Rex 84 Death Camps, Globalist Purge, Operation Cable Splicer https://rumble.com/v41h3zp-un-invasion-martial-law-rex-84-death-camps-globalist-purge-operation-cable-.html UN Invasion, Martial Law, Rex 84 Death Camps And Other Black Projects Sidestep the authority of Congress, which as we know is illegal. There is much hard evidence out there. Many will react with fear, terror and paranoia, but you must snap out of it and wake up from the brainwashing your media pumps into your heads all day long. Exposing the Black Budget And The Cold War is over. So why, new world order wanted to know, are major CIA, NSA, and Department of Defense programs still being kept secret from Congress and US Taxpayers 2023? These images mark the arrival of the news from past decades, like light from distant galaxies. To see spy-satellite photos from the once super secret Corona program, snapshots of the Cuban missile crisis, and close-ups of Russian airfields and ICBM pads makes clear how widely divergent are the time tracks of the black world and the real world. In a sense, the black budget is the last legacy of the old Soviet threat: a mirror in which a now vanished Medusa of nuclear holocaust becomes, we hope, forever fossilized. https://scholar.harvard.edu/files/briefingpapers/files/72_-_swab_-_black_budgets.pdf U.S. CONCENTRATION CAMPS FEMA AND THE REX 84 PROGRAM There over 600 prison camps in the United States, all fully operational and ready to receive prisoners. They are all staffed and even surrounded by full-time guards, but they are all empty. These camps are to be operated by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) should Martial Law need to be implemented in the United States. Lies, Lies, Lies Top CIA, FBI, DOJ Officials Grilled Abuse Section 702’s Mass Surveillance https://rumble.com/v2u1w5w-lies-lies-lies-top-cia-fbi-doj-officials-grilled-abuse-section-702s-mass-su.html Arrests Along U.S.-Mexico Border Top 2 million a year for the first time Federal authorities are on pace to make more than 2.3 million arrests during the 2022 fiscal year, which ends Sept. 30. That will far exceed last year’s record of more than 1.7 million arrests. The law, Section 1325 of Title 8 of the U.S. Code, makes entering the United States “at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers” a federal crime. Total U.S.-Mexico border for last 50 years is 46 million+ people and got-a-ways not counted Why the hell should we trust anything they say unless they do what’s right for Lies, Lies, Lies To The People Of American Again, I never would’ve thought my home would have to deal with so many corrupt people, dishonest, disgusting people should be removed from their posts, there is some small piece of mind knowing and seeing true American patriots fight this extremely hard fight. The Senate Judiciary Committee holds a hearing on Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Acts. Mass Surveillance, Privacy Invasions, Astroturfing, Marketing, Manipulation, Predictions. https://rumble.com/v2betqu-mass-surveillance-privacy-invasions-astroturfing-marketing-manipulation-pre.html The CIA has been conducting mass surveillance in the U.S. with minimal oversight and the program’s uncovering is bad news for Big Tech ? U.S. Supreme Court Declines to Hear New World Order Challenge to NSA Mass Surveillance. Call on Congress to Limit the NSA’s Surveillance of Internet Communications. Tyrannical Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Act and Propaganda Administration https://rumble.com/v2fpmoy-tyrannical-foreign-intelligence-surveillance-court-act-and-propaganda-admin.html The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, which approved the National Security Agency's collection of U.S. citizens' telephone records, is just one of history's many secret courts. You Are Welcome... Guide To Understanding Globalist Purge FEMA Quarantine Re-Education Death Camp And United Nations Martial Law And Wal-Mart Closings FEMA Camps & The FEMA Coffins. That are in 50 States of the country. In the near future, no matter how dire your situation is (due to pre-planned deliberate Globalist devastation) no matter what, Never Ever voluntarily go to a Guide To Understanding Globalist Purge FEMA Quarantine/Re-education Camp. This Is Part Two. Thanks ! https://rumble.com/v41deia-guide-to-understanding-globalist-purge-fema-quarantine-re-education-death-c.html You Are Welcome... Guide To Understanding Globalist Purge FEMA Quarantine Re-Education Death Camp And United Nations Martial Law And Wal-Mart Closings FEMA Camps & The FEMA Coffins. That are in 50 States of the country. In the near future, no matter how dire your situation is (due to pre-planned deliberate Globalist devastation) no matter what, Never Ever voluntarily go to a Quarantine/Re-education Camp. https://gn-journal.com/complete-list-of-800-fema-concentration-camps-2021-the-road-to-hell/ Welcome To The New World Order - The Year Zero - National Anthem of the United States of America and Confederate States of America and New World Order National Anthem "The Ostrich" Lyrics in 1968 A.C.E. Yes The Conspiracy to Rule Your Mind chronicles how the ruling elite have established global domination and the ability to effect the thoughts, decisions, and world view of human beings across the globe by systematically infiltrating the media, academia, industry, military and political factions under the guise of upholding democracy. Learn how this malevolent consortium has dedicated centuries to realize an oppressive and totalitarian rule through any means necessary, not limited to drug trafficking, money laundering, terror attacks and financial crisis within the world economy. Worldwide tyranny is already in full effect, the food we eat and the air we breathe are not off limits. Will we be able to stop this madness before we become an electronically monitored, cashless society wherein ever man, woman and child is micro chipped? We live in the world where sex is free and love costs, where losing a phone is scarier than losing morale, where it is fashionable to get drunk and using drugs, because if you don’t do that, you’re old and out, where men cheat on their wives with girls and if they don’t, it’s for fear of being caught, where girls are more afraid of being pregnant than getting AIDS, where pizza delivery is faster than an ambulance, where clothes decide a person’s value and money is more important than friends and family... This is not my world. Where has my true world gone? The New World Order is Upon Us - Preserve your liberty by being Prepared ! - We The People of the New World Order Thank You. Everything you want to know what could be more terrifying than being trafficked for sex? Being murdered in a ritual sacrifice. And even worse than that would be being murdered in a ritual sacrifice so wealthy elite cabalists can harvest your adrenal glands to get the compound Adrenochrome they need to prolong their decrepit lives! The New World Order Is Upon Us - Preserve Your liberty By Being Prepared ! We The People Of The New World Order Thank You. The Ostrich - Lyrics by Steppenwolf in 1968 A.C.E. Below We'll call you when you're six years old And drag you to the factory To train your brain for eighteen years With promise of security But then you're free And forty years you waste to chase the dollar sign So you may die in Florida At the pleasant age of sixty nine The water's getting hard to drink We've mangled up the country side The air will choke you when you breathe We're all committing suicide But it's alright It's progress folks keep pushin' till your body rots Will strip the earth of all it's green And then divide her into parking lots But there's nothing you and I can do You and I are only two What's right and wrong is hard to say Forget about it for today We'll stick our heads into the sand Just pretend that all is grand Then hope that everything turns out ok You're free to speak your mind my friend As long as you agree with me Don't criticize the father land Or those who shape your destiny 'Cause if you do You'll lose your job your mind and all the friends you knew We'll send out all our boys in blue They'll find a way to silence you But there's nothing you and I can do You and I are only two What's right and wrong is hard to say Forget about it for today We'll stick our heads into the sand Just pretend that all is grand Then hope that everything turns out ok https://rumble.com/v3yl8xx-new-world-order-national-anthem-the-ostrich-lyrics-by-steppenwolf-1968-a.c..html Welcome To Our Channel 2 Million+ Views In 2023 & 540 Video's So Far This Year Alone - Thanks To Everyone Who Like Us... Good Or Bad You Are All Welcome To Share Any Video's We Post To Your Friends And Other's... Thanks ! What If Everything You Were Taught Was A Lie? All Info. shared in this channel is for non-hate and non-race and historical purposes to educate, elevate, entertain, enlighten, and empower through old and new film and document allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use. Note: We Do Not Post Any False Video's Or Un-True Content On This Channel & All Origins Video's And All Scientific Conspiracy Theory All Content And All Text Our True Statement From The Video's Owner's Who Posted There Video's To This Free Speech Channel By Us In The First Place To Be True ! Welcome To The New World Order - The Year Zero - The Real Origin of the World - National Anthem of the United States of America and Confederate States of America National Anthem and New World Order National Anthem Is "The Ostrich" Lyrics by Steppenwolf from the album 'Rest In Peace' 1967-1972 A.C.E. The Conspiracy to Rule Your Mind chronicles how the ruling elite have established global domination and the ability to effect the thoughts, decisions, and world view of human beings across the globe by systematically infiltrating the media, academia, industry, military and political factions under the guise of upholding democracy. Learn how this malevolent consortium has dedicated centuries to realize an oppressive and totalitarian rule through any means necessary, not limited to drug trafficking, money laundering, terror attacks and financial crisis within the world economy. Worldwide tyranny is already in full effect, the food we eat and the air we breathe are not off limits. Will we be able to stop this madness before we become an electronically monitored, cashless society wherein ever man, woman and child is micro chipped? We live in the world where sex is free and love costs, where losing a phone is scarier than losing morale, where it is fashionable to get drunk and using drugs, because if you don’t do that, you’re old and out, where men cheat on their wives with girls and if they don’t, it’s for fear of being caught, where girls are more afraid of being pregnant than getting AIDS, where pizza delivery is faster than an ambulance, where clothes decide a person’s value and money is more important than friends and family... This is not my world. Where has my true world gone? The New World Order is Upon Us - Preserve your liberty by being Prepared ! - We The People of the New World Order Thank You. The Left/Right paradigm isn't only exposed by race and immigration issues. The Left and Right are in lockstep on every issue that really matters: The IRS. Income tax. Federal Reserve system. Endless wars. Endless expansion of tyranny and ever contracting liberty. Chronically wide-open borders. Suicidal immigration policies. Don't you see? The democrats and republicans exist only to provide the illusion of choice. A strong "us versus them" simulation in every election. It's ritualized tribalism. But the joke is, it doesn't matter which team wins, because both sides have the same agenda. God, guns and gays are phony "issues" to bolster the illusion of "difference" between the parties. The only thing that makes all this possible is that people aren't aware of the scam. Just knowing they are either "Team Red" or "Team Blue" liberates them from the responsibility of having to actually know or think anything. Then they feel righteous when their team wins, or despondent when they loose. It's no coincidence that the system works exactly like sports. There comes a point when ignorance and apathy become treason. We are past that point, people. Everything you want to know what could be more terrifying than being trafficked for sex? Being murdered in a ritual sacrifice. And even worse than that would be being murdered in a ritual sacrifice so wealthy elite cabalists can harvest your adrenal glands to get the compound Adrenochrome they need to prolong their decrepit lives! It's so easy to be overwhelmed and feel beaten by the amount of negative and discouraging information being spread by the mainstream (fake stream) media. There are truly awful people in WEF and WHO, who want to reduce us to the level of serfs or chattel, but we can resist, indeed, we must resist. Be calm, be objective and be positive. Right is Might. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing.” Nobody Is Safe From People's Republic Of The Tyrannical We The Sheeple People of The United States of America and A Real True Bill of State Rights Of Government July Forth 1776 The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution, which limit the power of the federal government and guarantee certain freedoms and rights to all colour of people and for the citizens of All America. Thanks For Calling and Remember the U.S. Government Leave No Witnesses Alive Behind Them. If You See Fraudulent or Criminal Activities by U.S. Government. Please Call Us (ASAP) So We Can Send Someone Out To Kill You! Thanks Again For Calling. The Presidential Hotline Pedophile and Secret Human Trafficking and Child Sex Ring Etc. Call 1-866-4-5455-968 ( 1-866-I-Kill-You ) should be used when all your attempts to get assistance from a government department, province, municipality or state agency have failed. It is not only a complaints line. You can call to share your views or provide solutions to the challenges in your community. We also list the help line numbers of non-governmental organization's working with government. You may call at 987-654-3210 ext. new world order! In 1984 Tried To Warn Us We The People About Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever. Thank You To Everyone From Us. Orwellian Dystopia Both Side's Are Wrong Answer To Extremism Isn’t More Extremism. https://rumble.com/v2bngfk-orwellian-dystopia-both-sides-are-wrong-answer-to-extremism-isnt-more-extre.html America’s left and right are radicalizing each other, and the precedents from overseas are deeply unsettling. It’s all politics. And it still is, for those who really listen close. It’s why we need to flip the script and tell the real story of what happened in 1948 and 1964. I also believe America needs to echo, once again, Martin Luther King, Jr.’s dream and “look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” That’s what made America great…and will make America great again. It’s known as “The Big Switch.” That’s when Southern Democrat politicians converted to Republicanism and refashioned the G.O.P. into a racist political party. Orwell's "1984" has been quoted left and right, for years, but the reality that we currently live in has never resembled the dystopia that the author describes in his best-known novel as much as it does today. We are voluntarily giving up our privacy. We are forced to use it as a currency. That has never been the case before, but today it is. It is almost impossible to function in today's world without giving up your privacy or rather having it invaded by a corporation or a government. The internet has, clearly, played a huge part in this. It may have brought us closer, but it has also brought governments and corporations closer to us, practically invited them into our homes and minds. "Both rely on the existence of a technological system.10.5K views 16 comments -
6,000,000 Jews Died In WW1 Or Never Existed? Started 18 Years Before Hitler WW2 ?
What If Everything You Were Taught Was A Lie?So Yes I See The Numbers Do Not Add Up ? In 1900, the world Jewish population wasestimated to be 10,600,000, with the world who having the largest core Jewish population at 6,983,000, followed by the United States with 6,000,000. In Europe, approximately 9.5 million Jews lived in 1933, representing more than 60% of the world's Jewish population at that time, estimated at 15.3 million.The Jewish population grew to around 13 million by the 1970s, but recorded almost no growth until around 2005 due to low fertility rates and assimilation of Jews.The Jewish Encyclopedia article estimates only 314,000 Sephardic Jews at the end of the 19th century, but recent scholarship suggests that this estimate is low. As of 2022, the world's core Jewish population is estimated to be16.2 million, with Israel hosting the largest core Jewish population with 6.89 million, followed closely by the United States with approximately 5.7 million.The Jewish population is concentrated primarily in North America and the Middle East-North Africa region, with the remainder found in Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia and the Pacific, and sub-Saharan Africa. The Pew Forum's estimate of the "core" population of Jews around the world as of 2010 is slightly lower than the Pew Forum's figure of 14 million.The Jewish population is spread throughout many countries, with the highest population concentrations in Israel and the United States. Before the Nazis seized power in 1933, Europe had a richly diverse set of Jewish cultures. Many of these cultures were dynamic and highly developed. They drew from hundreds and, in some areas, a thousand or more years of Jewish life on the continent. So 6 Million Jews Killed By Russia In World War One And Now 6 Million More Jews Are Killed By Germany In World War Two ( P.S. So The Total Number Jews Killed Both War's WW 1 & WW 2 Is 12.2 Millions Killed In Total ) ? ? In 1933, approximately 9.5 million Jews lived in Europe, comprising 1.7% of the total European population. This number represented more than 60 percent of the world's Jewish population at that time, estimated at 15.3 million. Eastern Europe The majority of Jews in prewar Europe resided in eastern Europe. The largest Jewish communities in this area were in Poland, with about 3,000,000 Jews (9.5%); the European part of the Soviet Union, with 2,525,000 (3.4%); and Romania, with 756,000 (4.2%). The Jewish population in the three Baltic states totaled 255,000: 95,600 in Latvia, 155,000 in Lithuania, and 4,560 in Estonia. Here, Jews comprised 4.9%, 7.6%, and 0.4% of each country's population, respectively, and 5% of the region's total population. https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/jewish-population-of-europe-in-1933-population-data-by-country Central Europe In prewar central Europe, the largest Jewish community was inGermany, with about 525,000 members (0.75% of the total German population). This was followed by Hungary with 445,000 (5.1%), Czechoslovakia with 357,000 (2.4%), and Austria with 191,000, most of whom resided in the capital city of Vienna (2.8%). Western Europe In western Europe the largest Jewish communities were in Great Britain, with 300,000 Jews (0.65%); France, with 250,000 (0.6%); and the Netherlands, with 156,000 (1.8%). Additionally, 60,000 Jews (0.7%) lived in Belgium, 4,000 (0.02%) in Spain, and 1,200 (0.02%) in Portugal. Close to 16,000 Jews lived in Scandinavia, including 6,700 (0.11%) in Sweden, 5,700 (0.15%) in Denmark, 1,800 (0.05%) in Finland, and 1,400 (0.05%) in Norway. Southern Europe In southern Europe, Greece had the largest Jewish population, with about 73,000 Jews (1.2%). There were also significant Jewish communities in Yugoslavia (68,000, or 0.49%), Italy (48,000, or 0.11%), and Bulgaria (48,500, or 0.8%). 200 Jews (0.02%) lived in Albania. Jewish Communities before the Nazi Seizure of Power Before the Nazis seized power in 1933, Europe had a richly diverse set of Jewish cultures. Many of these cultures were dynamic and highly developed. They drewfrom hundreds and, in some areas, a thousand or more years of Jewish life on the continent. The diverse nature of individual Jewish communities in occupations, religious practices, involvement and integration in regional and national life, and other areas made for fruitful and varied Jewish life across Europe. In many countries, Jews stood as cultural and political luminaries, and had marched alongside non-Jews inWorld War I. In little more than a decade, most of Europe would be conquered, occupied, or annexed by Nazi Germany and its Axis partners, and the majority of European Jews—two out of every three—would be dead. Toward the end of the 19th century, estimates of the number of Jews in the world ranged fromabout 6,200,000 (Encyclopedia Britannica, 1881) to 10,932,777 (American Jewish Year Book, 1904–1905).This can be compared with estimates of about half that number a mere 60 years earlier, though for comparison estimates of the total population of Europe show it also to have doubled between 1800 and 1900. https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jewish-and-non-jewish-population-of-israel-palestine-1517-present Demography and the Palestine Question (I) 1850s-1948 Jews had settled in Palestine long before Theodor Herzl formulated his ideas on Zionism inThe State of the Jews(1896). A small core group of Palestinian Jews were descendants of Jews who had survived the destruction of the Second Temple during the first century, but most were descendants of deportees from the SpanishReconquistaduring the sixteenth century. In all, there were some 13,000 Palestinian Jews in 1852, representing about 4 percent of the population of Palestine, concentrated mostly in the districts ofJerusalem,Acre, andNablus. In the last quarter of the nineteenth century, however, there was a substantial immigration of enterprising Jews who bought Palestinian land, making it possible for the Jewish population there to grow substantially faster than the indigenous Muslim and Christian population Between 1850 and 1914, the demography of the Jewish community in Palestine was bolstered by the immigration of more than 84,000 Jews (though not all of them settled in Palestine permanently). Furthermore, their natural population growth (due to high birth and low mortality rates) reinforced their presence in Palestine. This demographic advantage is important even today, more than compensating for the decline in Jewish immigration to Israel at the turn of the twenty-first century. At the start of World War I , Palestine was home to 60,000 Jews, of which 39,000 had Ottoman citizenship, compared to more than 700,000 Ottomans who were Muslim or Christian https://www.palquest.org/en/highlight/294/demography-and-palestine-question-i The Jewish presence in Palestine was smaller than inIraqorYemenand a bit bigger than inSyriaandLebanon. While the war had a major impact on the demography of Palestinian Jews, this loss was much less than that suffered by other Muslim or Christian Palestinians. The Balfour Declaration (1917) was the founding act that made it possible for a population of 60,000 Jews in pre-Mandate, Ottoman Palestine to grow into a population of 700,000 Israelis in 1948. This tenfold increase was much less due to natural population growth than to immigration. In the 1930s, the Jews who had been persecuted in Nazi Germany and Europe, and for whom salvation through emigration to elsewhere in Europe or to the New World was refused, streamed into Palestine, which let in a quarter of a million refugees While there was no move to push out Palestinians at first, the massive arrival of the immigrants created extreme tension, which ultimately led to the expulsion/deportation of the Palestinians in 1948. Palestinian resistance to the confiscation of power by the British Mandate and the appropriation of land by Jews (even if they had bought it and sometimes at a high price) reached a peak during two periods:the riots of 1920–21 and especially during theal-Thawra al-filastiniyya al-kubraof 1936–39. However, neither the first nor the second uprisings could overthrow the British Mandate or halt Jewish immigration, which was an integral part of the mission given to the Mandate. The reaction of the Palestinian people thus took on a different form: at first political, it eventually became demographic. Thanks to an exceptional statistical system, the British Mandatory could collect year after year information about the number of births and deaths among the main religious groups in Palestine, which was very new for the region. These statistics reveal that the natural increase of the Palestinian population, regardless of religion and in spite of a high mortality rate, reached record high levels and surpassed that of the Jewish immigrants. The British statistics become particularly significant, however, when compared with those of neighboring Arab countries, less threatened by a foreign presence. These comparisons show that during the Mandate period, consciously or not, Palestinians resisted by creating large, extended families.Their birth rate surpassed and then remained almost constantly at the highest level in the world.It ranged from a low of 45 per 1,000 in 1942 to a high of 60 per 1,000 (in 1928 and 1930), with an average of 50 per 1,000, or about 9 children per woman. In comparison, the Egyptian birthrate was about 44 per 1,000 and that of Syria, 40. Since the Mandate period, the weapons used by the different parties involved in the conflict have become more and more sophisticated. But this “conventional” weapon of demographic growth, this “revenge of the cradles” so evident under the Mandate, has endured to this day. The impertinent demography of the Palestinian population was brutally obliterated in only a few weeks by the1948 War. The deportation of some 750,000 Palestinians reduced the number of remaining Palestinians, who were to become Israeli citizens, to only 156,000 in the new territorial entity, in which were living 700,000 Jews at that time. During World War I,around 8,500,000soldiers died as a result of wounds and/or disease.The greatest number of casualties and wounds were inflicted by artillery, followed by small arms, and then by poison gas. The bayonet, which was relied on by the prewar French Army as the decisive weapon, actually produced few casualties. War was increasingly mechanized from 1914 and produced casualties even when nothing important was happening. On even a quiet day on the Western Front, many hundreds of Allied and German soldiers died.The war raged for more than four years, from August 1914 to November 1918, and resulted in the deaths of more than nine million combatants. As many as seven million civilians also were killed in the war or died as a consequence of it. Number of military and civilian deaths per country in the First World War 1914-1918 The First World War saw the mobilization of more than 65 million soldiers, and the deaths of almost 15 million soldiers and civilians combined. Approximately 8.8 million of these deaths were of military personnel, while six million civilians or is it (6 million Jews?) Who died as a direct result of the war; mostly through hunger, disease and genocide. The German army suffered the highest number of military losses, totaling at more than two million men.Turkeyhad the highest civilian death count, largely due to the mass extermination of Armenians, as well as Greeks and Assyrians. Varying estimates suggest that Russia may have suffered the highest number of military and total fatalities in the First World War. However, this is complicated by the subsequent Russian Civil War and Russia's total specific to the First World War remains unclear to this day. Proportional deaths In 1914, Central and Eastern Europe was largely divided between the empires of Austria-Hungary, Germany and Russia, while the smaller Balkan states had only emerged in prior decades with the decline of the Ottoman Empire. For these reasons, the major powers in the east were able to mobilize millions of men from across their territories, asBritainand France did with their own overseas colonies, and were able to utilize their superior manpower to rotate and replace soldiers, whereas smaller nations did not have this luxury. For example, total military losses for Romania and Serbia are around 12 percent of Germany's total military losses; however, as a share of their total mobilized forces these countries lost roughly 33 percent of their armies, compared to Germany's 15 percent mortality rate. The average mortality rate of all deployed soldiers in the war was around 14 percent. Unclarity in the totals Despite ending over a century ago, the total number of deaths resulting from the First World War remains unclear. The impact of theInfluenza pandemic of 1918, as well as various classifications of when or why fatalities occurred, has resulted in varying totals with differences ranging in the millions. Parallel conflicts, particularly the Russian Civil War, have also made it extremely difficult to define which conflicts the fatalities should be attributed to. Since 2012, the totals given by Hirschfeld et al in Brill's Encyclopedia of the First World War have been viewed by many in the historical community as the most reliable figures on the subject. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1208625/first-world-war-fatalities-per-country/ The Holocaust was the systematic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of six million Jews by the Nazi regime and its allies and collaborators. It took place between 1933 and 1945. In 1933, more than 9 million Jews lived in Europe (1.7% of the total population). By 1945, the Germans and their allies and collaborators had killed nearly two out of every three European Jews. Nazi policies also led to the discrimination, persecution, and murder of millions of others. Explore a timeline of events that occurred before, during, and after the Holocaust. Influenza pandemic of 1918 killed more people then died in world war 1? Hard as it is to believe, the answer is true. World War I claimed an estimated 16 million lives. The influenza epidemic that swept the world in 1918 killed an estimated 50 million people. One fifth of the world's population was attacked by this deadly virus. Within months, it had killed more people than any other illness in recorded history. The plague emerged in two phases. In late spring of 1918, the first phase, known as the "three-day fever," appeared without warning. Few deaths were reported. Victims recovered after a few days. When the disease surfaced again that fall, it was far more severe. Scientists, doctors, and health officials could not identify this disease which was striking so fast and so viciously, eluding treatment and defying control. Some victims died within hours of their first symptoms. Others succumbed after a few days; their lungs filled with fluid and they suffocated to death. The plague did not discriminate. It was rampant in urban and rural areas, from the densely populated East coast to the remotest parts of Alaska. Young adults, usually unaffected by these types of infectious diseases, were among the hardest hit groups along with the elderly and young children. The flu afflicted over 25 percent of the U.S. population. In one year, the average life expectancy in the United States dropped by 12 years. It is an oddity of history that the influenza epidemic of 1918 has been overlooked in the teaching of American history. Documentation of the disease is ample, as shown in the records selected from the holdings of the National Archives regional archives. Exhibiting these documents helps the epidemic take its rightful place as a major disaster in world history. BEFORE 1933 WWI, its Aftermath, and the Growth of the Nazi Party Countries across Europe struggled to recover from the devastation caused by World War I after it ended in 1918. This was a time marked by massive social and political change, revolution, and the establishment of new states. In this postwar environment, extreme nationalism, racism, and antisemitism found fertile ground. The Nazi and the Italian Fascist political parties, along with many other similar groups across Europe, emerged from this chaos to become visible threats to new and fragile democracies, including Germany's Weimar Republic. 1933–1938 Prewar Nazi Germany and the Beginnings of the Holocaust Following Adolf Hitler’s appointment as German chancellor on January 30, 1933, the Nazis and their allies transformed Germany from a multi-party republic into a one-party dictatorship. The Nazi dictatorship implemented radical racial, political, and social policies. During the first six years of Hitler’s rule, German Jews felt the effects of legislation that transformed them from “citizens” to “outcasts.” In the 1930s, the regime also targeted a variety of alleged “enemies of the state” within German society. 1939–1941 World War II and the Mass Killing of Jews On September 1, 1939, Nazi Germany unleashed World War II by invading Poland. The war radicalized Nazi policies, leading to brutal occupations of conquered territory. German authorities in occupied Poland established ghettos for Jews. They also introduced harsh measures against non-Jewish Poles. Inside Germany and in occupied Polish territories, German physicians and SS staff used gas chambers to kill institutionalized persons with disabilities. In June 1941, German troops invaded the Soviet Union, unleashing a “racial war” that led to the mass murder of Soviet Jews and Soviet prisoners of war. In the weeks and months that followed, Nazi Germany’s leaders decided to carry out the systematic mass murder of Europe’s Jews. 1942–1945 Intensification of Mass Killings In early 1942, Nazi Germany stood at the height of its power. Germany and its allies controlled most of Europe and even parts of North Africa. The SS had established special killing centers with large gas chambers, expanding the “Final Solution,” the mass murder of European Jews. The perpetrators counted on the cooperation of government agencies, local collaborators, and the support or acquiescence of the general population. Even as the war turned against Germany, the Nazi leadership continued its murderous polices. By May 1945, when the war ended, the Nazis and their allies had killed about 6 million Jews. Millions more people had suffered grievous oppression or death under Nazi tyranny. AFTER 1945 End of WWII, Aftermath of the Holocaust, and Genocide after 1945 As Allied troops drove German troops towards defeat, they uncovered Nazi camps and massive evidence of Nazi crimes. The war had uprooted millions who were now “displaced persons” (DPs) waiting for repatriation to their home countries. For tens of thousands of Holocaust survivors, the choices were limited and daunting. Allied occupation forces faced enormous responsibilities: housing and feeding DPs, de-nazifying and democratizing Germany, and bringing those responsible for Nazi crimes to justice. This section also addresses genocides that have occurred since the Holocaust. Real Nazi Meaning and Origin of the Word The Nazi party was the political and military power headed by Adolf Hitler before and during World War II. But what does Nazi stand for in English, and why do people still use it today? Learn all about the meaning and history of the word Nazi, including important facts that are still relevant in modern politics. What Does Nazi Stand For? The word Nazi, meaning "a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party," is short for the German term for National Socialist (Nationalsozialist). The full German name for the party is Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterparte, or NSDAP. Along with Adolf Hitler, the Nazi party rose to power in the years leading up to World War II, committed war atrocities and attempted genocide during the war before being defeated by the Allied powers in 1945. Colloquially, the term can refer to someone who is extremely zealous about something, such as a "grammar nazi" or a "rules nazi." However, the word is typically lowercase in these instances. Historically and politically, Nazi with a capital "N" refers to a person who follows the principles of Nazism. Nazi Ideology Although the word socialist appears in the party title for Nazism, the Nazi ideology doesn't have much to do with far-left traditional socialism. Hitler's definition of National Socialism, a platform that serves one's country only, is closer to far-right fascism and authoritarianism on the ideological spectrum. Attributes of Nazi ideology include: Totalitarianism - The Nazi party sought sole control of the government and severe punishment of political enemies. The philosophy allowed no dissension among German citizens. Dictatorship - Adolf Hitler was the unquestioned leader of the Nazi party. As he ascended Germany's political ranks, the German government rapidly shifted from a constitutional monarchy to an absolute dictatorship. Limited civil liberties - Personal freedom was unimportant to the Nazis, who quickly took liberty from those it persecuted. These actions ranged from arresting people without cause to executing them in concentration camps. Xenophobia - Nazis wanted to preserve an Aryan race (Nordic heritage) and eliminate all who they deemed to be inferior, especially Jewish people. They put a stop to immigration into Germany and stripped rights from non-German residents. Nationalism - One of the main Nazi party platforms was the unification of Germany after World War I. Nazis believed in Aufbruch der Nation — "a new start for the nation" — to rebuild after suffering economic and infrastructural losses in the first World War. Loyalty - Nazis swore loyalty to Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany. Common Nazi mottos included Alles für Deutschland ("everything for Germany") and Deutschland über alles ("Germany above all"). Sovereign economy - The Nazi economy did not fall into traditional definitions of economic systems. It had characteristics of capitalism (German citizens of non-Jewish ancestry could own property) and a state-run economy (the labor and production market shifted to accommodate the government's war needs). Although Nazi Germany only existed for 12 years (1933-1945), it made an enormous impact on twentieth-century geopolitical relations. Even the threat of a far-right government's approach to Nazism warrants attention from democratic countries around the world. Who Coined the Word Nazi? While it's difficult to know who exactly coined the word "Nazi" as a nickname for Hitler's party, historians generally agree that it wasn't Hitler. In fact, Hitler disliked the term because it was used as an insult by his enemies. As Mark Forsyth writes in The Etymologicon, Nazi had long been a derogatory nickname for the Bavarian peasant name Ignatius, which referred to a stereotypically unintelligent and clumsy person. It transferred well to the German pronunciation of Nationalsozialist. As anti-Hitler Germans fled the country in the 1930s and 1940s, the teasing nickname for Hitler's party became part of international vocabulary. Party members attempted to reclaim the nickname for their own purposes. Joseph Goebbels, a Nazi propagandist, wrote a pamphlet called Der Nazi-Sozi in 1926 to reclaim the nickname. Leopold von Mildenstein did the same in Ein Nazi fährt nach Palästina in 1934. Some members of the party used the colloquial term, but for the most part, they referred to each other as Nationalsozialisten (National Socialists). What Does SS Stand For? When you see the letters SS in reference to Nazis or World War II, it stands for Schutzstaffel ("protective squad" or "protective eschelon"). The SS was a paramilitary group originally tasked with protecting Hitler and the higher-ranking Nazi officers. It evolved from Hitler's private army, the SA (Sturmabteilung or "assault division"), also known as "brownshirts" or "stormtroopers." One of the most prominent SS members was Heinrich Himmler, who commanded the SS and was responsible for splitting the SS from the SA. As World War II progressed, the SS grew to over 250,000 members and split into subdivisions, including SS Verfügungstruppen ("Dispositional troops"), Totenkopfverbande ("Death's Head Unit") and Waffen SS ("Armed SS"). It worked with Germany's secret state police (Geheime Staatspolizei or "Gestapo") to carry out mass executions, arrest political enemies and operate concentration camps. During the Nuremberg Trials after World War II, the SS was found to be a criminal organization guilty of committing war crimes during the Holocaust. What Does Neo-Nazi Stand For? The prefix neo- means "new." Neo-Nazi is a term that describes "new Nazis" — modern political activists who share the core beliefs of World War II-era Nazism. Another common term for a neo-Nazi is "white supremacist," which indicates that a person values members of the white race above all other races. Unlike traditional Nazis, neo-Nazis value personal freedom and the free market, and they are not a global political force. However, similar to Nazis from the 1930s, neo-Nazi groups are found to be vocal and violent against non-white and non-Christian groups, which is why many neo-Nazi organizations are considered to be domestic terrorists. The Legacy of Nazism While it would be convenient to leave the memories of Nazism in history, the party's beliefs live on. In the decades since the fall of Nazi Germany, individuals, small groups and even major governments have veered toward the same nationalist and xenophobic philosophies as those held by Nazis. Learning more about other fascist governments in history can round out our knowledge on how these forces take power — and how concerned parties can take it back. Thanks for writing us. Untold Story of Swastikas' - A film about the true history of Swastikas' in Hinduism https://rumble.com/v28zb42-untold-story-of-swastikas-a-film-about-the-true-history-of-swastikas-in-hin.html What's is the meaning of Swastikas'? Where did it originate from? Is it that many civilizations used Swastikas' as part of their culture? Answers to all these questions. What's is the meaning of Swastikas'? Where did it originate from? Is it that many civilizations used Swastikas' as part of their culture? Answers to all these questions. Nazi - Swastika The Swastika is a sacred symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. It is also a sign of spiritual purity. I Pledge Of Allegiance To The Flag Was A Marketing Ploy Designed To Sell Flags https://rumble.com/v2987kq-i-pledge-of-allegiance-to-the-flag-was-a-marketing-ploy-designed-to-sell-fl.html Americans know the Pledge of Allegiance very well – the great majority of US states require school children to recite it every single morning. But not many of us know the true history of the Pledge of Allegiance. While it's true that the Pledge of Allegiance was created as a way to instill patriotism in American kids, it's also so much more than that. The Pledge has gone through several transformations, each of which provides a really interesting insight into the fears and desires of the United States at a particular point in history. Americans know the Pledge of Allegiance very well – the great majority of US states require school children to recite it every single morning. While it's true that the Pledge of Allegiance was created as a way to instill patriotism in American kids, it's also so much more than that. The Pledge of Allegiance has also stirred up controversy over the years, with its original salute (too close to the Nazi salute for comfort) and the addition of "under God." But most people aren't even aware of one of its hidden controversies – that it was written to sell flags for a magazine. Wow. There's documentary on Rumble that shows not only is the Swastika from eastern culture, it's very much in European culture for centuries. Ancient potteries, frescos, carvings, metal casting and much more. I'd say the Swastika meant to Hitler and Germany was prosperity. 99% of the people do not know the details of treaties of Versailles and Belfour, the worst was the land grab, and the reparations to Jews not even living in Europe at the time. Germany was Handcuffed. After WW1,Admiral of Fleet for HMS was Winston Churchill, he blocked all enter trees of ships delivering food to Germany, almost 1 million German civilians starved to death. Heil Arnold Schwarzenegger Don’t Become A Nazi Loser Like My Dad Covid-19 Shot https://rumble.com/v3sa29u-heil-arnold-schwarzenegger-dont-become-a-nazi-loser-like-my-dad-covid-19-sh.html Arnold Schwarzenegger Say Don’t Become A Nazi Loser Like My Dad And Get Your Covid-19 Death Shots Today Or You're A Schmuck Too. The Weight of what Arnold Schwarzenegger Experienced during a visit to the Nazi Death Camp at Auschwitz was “heavier than any squat I’ve done before,” the actor and retired professional bodybuilder said in a video released Tuesday directed at the rising tide of antisemitism seen heralded by the likes of Kanye West and NBA star Kyrie Irving. In the 12-minute video, Schwarzenegger talks directly to those “who might have already stumbled into the wrong direction,” urging them to dismiss conspiracies surrounding Jewish people, along with race, gender and sexual orientation. “I’ve seen enough people throw away their future for hateful beliefs,” Schwarzenegger says, before referencing his Nazi father, Gustav Schwarzenegger, who he watched “broken” as a child growing up in Austria after the Second World War. “They felt like losers... they fell for a horrible, loser ideology,” Schwarzenegger said of the men he was surrounded by as a kid. “They were lied to and misled into a path that ended in misery… they bought into the idea that the only way to make their lives better was to make other lives worse... It breaks you… it is the path of the weak… there has never been a successful movement based on hate.” Schwarzenegger echoed comments about his father in March 2022 in a video plea to Russians to end the war in Ukraine, revealing Gustav was a German soldier during the siege of Leningrad. You Will Never Trust Another Celebrity After Watching This Corrupt U.S.A. Governments. https://rumble.com/v2kq5mw-you-will-never-trust-another-celebrity-after-watching-this-corrupt-u.s.a.-g.html Once you see this you'll have no faith in these people again! The system-serving airheads that should be tried and imprisoned for crimes against humanity like most politicians, oligarchs, globalists and most medias. Come on Arnold look at the body he made for you, you are Daddy's little squirt, you should be thankful for that, you could have had parents that were 3 foot tall and overweight, hard to make a race horse from an ass, right. You should be pushing everyone out of your way and remind them your father was in the most powerful army ever. I would rather get the gas than stepping on a land mine that blows all three legs off, dead is dead, doesn't matter if from the gun or the knife, the Jews were lucky they only lost 6 Million out of 100 Million others which leaves 94 Million, you never hear those folks bellyaching the same story over and over for 80 years or so. Everybody knows war is hell, for everyone not only Jews.. Israel Surprise Attack On United States Navy Ship USS Liberty 34 Dead 171 Wounded https://rumble.com/v3op5v1-israel-surprise-attack-on-united-states-navy-ship-uss-liberty-43-dead-171-w.html Israel Surprise Attack On United States Navy Ship USS Liberty incident was an attack on a United States Navy technical research ship (spy ship), USS Liberty, by Israeli Air Force jet fighter aircraft and Israeli Navy motor torpedo boats, on 8 June 1967, during the Six-Day War. The combined air and sea attack killed 34 crew members (naval officers, seamen, two marines, and one civilian NSA employee), wounded 171 crew members, and severely damaged the ship. At the time, the ship was in international waters north of the Sinai Peninsula, about 25.5 nmi (29.3 mi; 47.2 km) northwest from the Egyptian city of Arish. The documents also suggest that the U.S. government, anxious to spare Israel's reputation and preserve its alliance with the U.S., closed the case with what even some of its participants now say was a hasty and seriously flawed investigation. In declassifying the most recent and largest batch of materials last June 8, the 40th anniversary of the attack, the NSA, this country's chief U.S. electronic-intelligence-gatherer and code-breaker, acknowledged that the attack had "become the center of considerable controversy and debate." It was not the agency's intention, it said, "to prove or disprove any one set of conclusions, many of which can be drawn from a thorough review of this material," An Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman, Mark Regev, called the attack on the Liberty "a tragic and terrible accident, a case of mistaken identity, for which Israel has officially apologized." Israel also paid reparations of $6.7 million to the injured survivors and the families of those killed in the attack, and another $6 million for the loss of the Liberty itself. The Israeli Air Force had gained control of the skies on the first day of the war by destroying the Egyptian air force on the ground. America was Israel's ally, and the Israelis knew the Americans were there. The ship's mission was to monitor the communications of Israel's Arab enemies and their Soviet advisers, but not Israeli communications. The Liberty felt safe. Then the jets started shooting at the officers and enlisted men stretched out on the deck for a lunch-hour sun bath. I remembered watching a Jewish officer cry when he saw the blue Star of David on the planes' fuselages. At first, crew members below decks had no idea whose planes were shooting at their ship. Thirty-four died that day, including Blue, the only civilian casualty. An additional 171 were wounded in the air and sea assault by Israel. https://www.chicagotribune.com/chi-liberty_tuesoct02-story.html Prior to the Holocaust, there were thriving Jewish communities across the world. The largest Jewish populations were located in Eastern Europe, with communities numbering 3,000,000 in Poland, 2,525,000 in Russia, and 980,000 in Romania. In many large Eastern European cities and towns, such as Warsaw in Poland, Jews fully embraced their country’s culture while also observing traditional Jewish customs. In Western Europe, there were also many sizeable Jewish communities, with 300,000 Jews living in Britain, and 565,000 living in Germany, for example. Here, most Jews were assimilated into the culture of the country in which they lived. However, not all of Europe was as assimilated, or partially assimilated, as Western Europe and the larger towns and cities of Eastern Europe. Cultural separation was more apparent in rural areas of Eastern Europe, such as Poland and Russia. Here, small towns or villages called ‘Shtetls’ were comprised mainly of Jews. In Shtetls, people aimed to live a simple, traditional, life focused around religion, community, and family. After the Nazis came to power and antisemitism intensified, Jewish life in Europe changed forever. This section uses case studies to demonstrate the diversity of pre-war Jewish life. NY rabbi: ‘Not even 1 million’ Jews killed in Holocaust Yosef Mizrachi claims high assimilation rates inflated estimates; ‘he doesn’t know what he’s talking about,’ historian says A controversial ultra-Orthodox rabbi based in New York has said that fewer that one million Jews were killed in the Holocaust, claiming most of those counted among the usually cited figure of six million were not Jewish according to rabbinical law. In a video posted online, Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi can be seen saying that high assimilation rates in pre-war Europe and broad Nazi definitions have exaggerated the numbers of Jews recorded as killed by the Nazis during the Holocaust. At least five million of the six million were “total goyim,” Mizrachi told the crowd, adopting a Hebrew word for non-Jews that many consider pejorative. “The truth, I am telling you, is that not even one million Jews were murdered,” Mizrachi said, trashing accepted historical accounts. “A lot of non-Jews were meshed into the count, but in truth, how many Jews really were killed?” Originally from Israel, Mizrachi moved to the United States in his twenties and received rabbinic ordination there. In the past decade he has been teaching at the Ohr Yeshiva in Monsey, New York, and producing kiruv or Jewish outreach, videos. According to his website, DivineInformation.com, Mizrachi “has spoken in over 5,000 lectures worldwide as well participated in many weekend seminars, radio shows and other Hebrew and English events in which he enriched the knowledge and awareness of Judaism among thousands of Jews who once were lacking Jewish awareness whatsoever.” In the video, one of thousands on his YouTube page — which has amassed over a million views — Mizrachi says it is “very simple” to explain his estimates for the actual number of Jewish victims in the Holocaust. “If you look at the percent of assimilation that there was in Europe, which already reached 80 percent, it’s reasonable to assume that 80 percent of the 6 million were not-Jews,” Mizrachi said. “If your grandfather from your father’s side was Jewish, and the rest were non-Jews, [you went] to the gas chambers. They also put in the wives of Jews that were entirely non Jewish. If she hid him, or they were hidden by non-Jews, if they caught them, they killed them also,” he said in an apparent reference to the Nazis’ definition of Jewishness, which sufficed with a single Jewish grandparent. While historians differ on the exact number of Jews killed at the hands of the Nazis, the most commonly cited figure for the total number has been six million with near-universal agreement among Holocaust scholars. According to British historian Martin Gilbert, the total number of victims is just under six million—around 78% of the 7.3 million Jews in Nazi-occupied Europe at the time. Efraim Zuroff, director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Israel office and a Holocaust historian and Nazi hunter, said there was “absolutely no basis” to Mizrachi’s comments. There is “no historical truth” to the claims made in the video, both regarding the number of Jews killed and the Nazi definitions of who is considered Jewish, Zuroff told The Times of Israel Thursday. “The most populous Jewish communities were in Eastern Europe, and there, intermarriage wasn’t even an issue. Yes, there was some intermarriage in Germany and other places but it is a tiny percentage,” he said. Regarding the claim that many of those included in the tally were not Jewish according to halachic law, Zurroff said: “Half-Jews, as the Nazis called them, were only persecuted as Jews if they were connected to the Jewish community. He doesn’t know what he is talking about.” Zurroff, who has played a key role in bringing indicted Nazi and fascist war criminals to justice, said the use of false facts served a sinister goal. “He is doing two despicable things: He’s warning Jews that lack of observance could cause another Holocaust. He is also mocking Jews who are not religious,” he said. No stranger to controversy, Mizrachi has faced criticism before over comments relating to the Holocaust. In a lecture posted in 2013 titled “Why Did The Holocaust Happen? Torah Codes, Having Faith in God No Matter What,” Mizrachi suggested the behavior of non-religious Jews as a cause for Nazi atrocities and warned that slack observance could bring about “further tragedy.” Conversely, he said, in Arab countries, where he claims Jews were largely religious, there had been “no Hitler, no Holocaust.” In other videos he claimed that Down’s Syndrome and autism are “punishments for sins committed in a previous life.” History Gulag And Russia Jews Holocaust And U.S.A. Concentration Sex Slave Camps https://rumble.com/v40ehwk-history-gulag-and-russia-jews-holocaust-and-u.s.a.-concentration-sex-slave-.html U.S.A. History China Gulag And Russia Jews Goulag Creation of a system of concentration and correctional labor camps began in the Soviet Union in 1919 but “blossomed” during Stalin’s reign of terror. The word Gulag or Goulag is actually an acronym (used from 1930) for (Glavnoye Upravleniye LAGerey), or Main Camp Administration, which was a special division of the secret police and the Soviet Ministry of the Interior overseeing the use of the physical labor of prisoners. Alongside criminals and recidivists, the majority of Goulag prisoners were completely innocent people locked up for a broad variety of political reasons – on the basis of trumped up charges or ethnicity, or even without apparent cause. Nazi-Japanese-U.S.A. Concentration Camps Discipline, Punish, Exploit And Murder https://rumble.com/v358rlm-nazi-japanese-u.s.a.-concentration-camps-discipline-punish-exploit-and-murd.html Nazi Germany was a land of camps. The Nazis set up many different types of camps: camps to discipline, punish, exploit and murder. Concentration camps stood at the center. They helped to establish Nazi rule, led the brutal assault on outsiders and opponents, and engaged in the murderous war against Jews. More than 6 to 7 million men, women and children died in concentration camps between 1933 and 1945. This page lists the main camp complexes under the SS Inspectorate of Concentration Camps and the WVHA-D (with the exception of the special camp Hinzert and the training camp Debica). Other Nazi camps, including death camps like Treblinka, Sobibor, Belzec and Chelmno, are not included. Please note that prisoner and mortality figures are often rough estimates. Also, as many prisoners went through several camps, they were often counted more than once. Six million Jews died in the Holocaust. Jewish communities across Europe were shattered. Many of those who survived were determined to leave Europe and start new lives in Israel or the United States. The population shifts brought on by the Holocaust and by Jewish emigration were astounding. According to the American Jewish Yearbook, the Jewish population of Europe was about 9.5 million in 1933. In 1950, the Jewish population of Europe was about 3.5 million. In 1933, 60 percent of all Jews lived in Europe. In 1950, most Jews (51 percent) lived in the Americas (North and South combined), while only a third of the world's Jewish population lived in Europe. The Jewish communities of eastern Europe were devastated. In 1933, Poland had the largest Jewish population in Europe, numbering over three million. By 1950, the Jewish population of Poland was reduced to about 45,000. The Soviet Union had the largest remaining Jewish population, with some two million Jews. Romania's Jewish population was nearly 757,000 in 1930 and fell to approximately 280,000 (1950). Most of these demographic losses were due to the Holocaust, the rest to postwar emigration from Europe. The Jewish population of central Europe was also devastated. Germany had a Jewish population of 525,000 in 1933 and just 37,000 in 1950. Hungary had 445,000 in 1933 and 190,000 in 1950. Czechoslovakia's Jewish population was reduced from about 357,000 in 1933 to 17,000 in 1950 and Austria's from about 191,000 to just 18,000. In western Europe, the largest Jewish communities remained in Great Britain, with approximately 450,000 Jews (300,000 in 1933) and France, with 235,000 (250,000 in 1933). In southern Europe, the Jewish population fell dramatically: in Greece from about 73,000 in 1933 to just 7,000 in 1950; in Yugoslavia from about 70,000 to 3,500; in Italy from about 48,000 to 35,000; and in Bulgaria from 50,000 in 1933 to just 6,500 in 1950 (the reduction in the Bulgarian Jewish population resulted from postwar emigration). The demographic focus of European Jewry thus shifted from eastern to western Europe. Before the Nazi takeover of power in 1933, Europe had a vibrant and mature Jewish culture. By 1945, most European Jews—two out of every three—had been killed. Most of the surviving remnant of European Jewry decided to leave Europe. Hundreds of thousands established new lives in Israel, the United States, Canada, Australia, Great Britain, South America, and South Africa.5.74K views 18 comments -
Silent War Ep. 6352: Cities are lost, towns overran. Narrative Collapse. (Fallen)Star-Links(Neura)
Dustin Nemos💵 Please support our sponsors ATTN: RedPill Living Autumn sale. The sale is running until Sunday, October 15 at 11:59 PM Pacific Time! 15% OFF Everything. Doors are open now! Use this code at checkout: Autumn15 Go to >> https://RedPillLiving.com Desperate for Weapons of Mass Distraction - Elon Musk, controlled asset hero, unbans Alex Jones, limited hangout "neverjew" shill - "When the people need a hero, we shall provide him" - Albert Pike, 33rd Freemason/Satanist. Offend the Jews? Harvard's under investigation... people will get fired. Demand calls for white genocide? That's ok! Who REALLY has all the power? We all can see it now. An American Youtuber has been imprisoned for 5 years, and allegedly tortured by the jewish Ukrainian Regime for producing videos. Narrative Power Collapsing: 1-In-5 Young Americans Say Holocaust Was A Myth, Twice As Many Democrats As Republicans. Starlinks fallen star symbolism. What kinda "stars" are we talking about here, exactly?! Mob of 15 black teens beat white teen and fracture his skull on pavement in Florida. Claim: Israelis Killed Palestinian Women, Kids, Babies ‘Execution-Style’ VanMan's Miracle Tooth Powder www.RedPillLiving.com/VanMans CarbonShield60 Oil Infusions 15%OFF! Go to >> https://www.redpillliving.com/Nemos Coupon Code: NEMOS ✅ https://NemosNewsNetwork.com/sponsors If you wish to support our work by donating - Bitcoin Accepted. ✅ https://NemosNewsNetwork.com/Donate ——————————————————————— FALL ASLEEP FAST - Stay Asleep Longer... Without Negative Side Effects. ✅ https://redpillliving.com/sleep ——————————————————————— For breaking news from one of the most over the target and censored names in the world join our 100% Free newsletter at https://NemosNewsNetwork.com/news ——————————————————————— Follow on Truth Social https://truthsocial.com/@REALDUSTINNEMOS Also follow us at Gab https://gab.com/nemosnewsnetwork Join our Telegram chat: https://NemosNewsNetwork.com/chat ——————————————————————— 💵 Please support our sponsors: Protect yourself by buying gold; Nemosnewsnetwork.com/gold Nemos News is 100% listener funded. Thank you for your support in our mission to Break the Cycle of Fake News. If you value our work please consider supporting us with our vetted patriot sponsors! ✅ https://NemosNewsNetwork.com/sponsors Shop Patriot & Detox the Deep State with www.RedPillLiving.com, Home of Sleepy Joe - the world's most powerful all natural sleep formula & The Great Awakening Gourmet Coffee for Patriots. "Our Specialty, is Waking People Up." ——————————————————————— Other Links Learn the Hidden History of Man, Myth, & Mystery Babylon. Learn His Story, as we take you on a guided tour of the greatest conspiracies of all time, and how they all connect together! From Adam & Eve to Fauci the Freemason, and the New World Order. Learn your history, where you fit in creation, and your purpose. Find the Deep States deepest secrets, and prepare to unlearn everything you thought you knew. https:// TheSerapeum.com/hisstory https://TheSerapeum.com - Your Archive of The Hidden History of Mankind, and The Mystery Babylon Religion of The Deep State. https://nemosnewsnetwork.com/category/news/documentaries/ https://theserapeum.com/sinwar-the-origins-of-assault-trannies/11.5K views 15 comments -
United Nations of the World #555 - Bill Cooper
Bill Cooper's Mystery BabylonBill Cooper's Mystery Babylon 24/7 LIVE is now available on Twitch & Kick. Each stream will be hosting separate episodes from the Hour of The Time. Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/billcoopermyste... Kick - https://kick.com/mysterybabylon Website - https://antimasonic.org/342 views -
The Truth About the Rothschild Zionist Coup of Ivy League Universities. The Red Elephants 12-21-2023
TheWarAgainstYouThe Truth About the Rothschild Zionist Coup of Ivy League Universities. The Red Elephants 12-21-2023 - Zionist Dissent Used to Highjack Universities & Replace Leadership With Jews - December 21st, 2023 The Red Elephants - Vincent James - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES - Mirrored From: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/the-red-elephants/6.59K views 34 comments -
Rothschild Croney Bankruptcy King - Parasite Wilbur Ross Secret Influence Over D. J. Trump
TheWarAgainstYouRothschild Croney Bankruptcy King - Parasite Wilbur Ross Secret Influence Over D. J. Trump - TRUMP + WILBUR ROSS - September 27th, 2018 Posted by sowhat? *** The Free Trade Policies of Wilbur Ross and Lighthizer only benefit the Globalist Cabal, the Rithschild Banksters and the Cabal Mega Corporations. Free Trade has been a Worldwide Weapon of Britain from the very beginning. - Wilbur Ross and Council on Foreign Relations President Lighthizer Masterminds behind USMCA. This was one of Trump's biggest concession to the Rothschild Globalist Cabal. The true secret Intention of the USMCA was to make North America equivalent to the European Union. One of the U.N. 5 Global Regions. I denounced USMCA from the beginning, but none of the Trump Loyalists would even listen. There was a time when Trump could do no wrong. We know after the fact, That Was Not True At All. - I have long heard the rumors that Wilbur Ross was President Trump's Handler, but have not investigated him yet. This is my first look into Ross. And it looks pretty Incriminating. How much Secret control did Wilbur Ross and the Rothschild's really have? And, do they STILL have that Control? *** About CFR President. Michael Froman. Council on Foreign Relations. David M. Rubenstein. Chairman. David M. Rubenstein. Cofounder and Co-chairman, The Carlyle https://www.cfr.org/about - Ambassador Lighthizer Issues Statement on House Passage of the ... Dec 19, 2019—The USMCA is expected to create between 176,000 and 589,000 new American jobs and substantially increase economic growth. The https://ustr.gov/about-us/policy-offices/press-office/press-releases/2019/december/ambassador-lighthizer-issues-statement-house-passage-usmca - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES - Mirrored From: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/sowhat/8.16K views 15 comments -
David Rockefeller Was An Asshole
VeteransAgainstTreasonHanging Around At Guantanamo Bay For The Holidays, Compiled by Tom Trefts , Veterans Against Treason Join Free : As Long As The Wind Blows https://vetsagainsttreason.createaforum.com/index.php All Articles Rightfully Attributed To The Tireless & Phenomenal Reporting Work Of Michael Baxter. I find his reports to be completely believable and cohesive. Having been in the military, his writings are indicative of how certain military actions of this kind might unfold and resolve in real time. God Bless The United States Navy. God Bless The United States Marine Corps. Everybody else take 3 steps back. ( And this is coming from an Air Force Veteran ) USAF gets minus 1,000,000,000 points for allowing Chemtrails - which 🟰 Treason !!!!! Courtesy of The United States 🇺🇸 Navy Admiral Darse “ Del “ Crandall . ( The Hangman Of Havanna * ) 1.) The Hanging Of General Mark Milley- https://realrawnews.com/2023/10/mark-milley-hanged-at-gitmo/ 2.) The Hanging Of Hillary Clinton took place in 2018. https://rumble.com/v2v9csk-the-hanging-of-hillary-clinton-dark-outpost.html 3.) The Hanging Of Hunter Biden https://rumble.com/v33p7dw-the-hanging-of-hunter-biden-gitmo-cuba-10-15-21.html 4.) The Hanging Of Janet Yellen - https://realrawnews.com/2023/10/janet-yellen-hanged-at-gitmo/ 5.) The Hanging Of Mellisa J. Moore - “ Queen 🫅 of mRNA “ https://realrawnews.com/2023/09/mrna-queen-hanged-at-gitmo/ 6.) Douchebag Of The Day - Secretary Of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas https://rumble.com/v3n6z58-douchebag-of-the-day-alejandro-mayorkas-secretary-of-homeland-security-.html 7.) JAG Hangs 250 In October https://realrawnews.com/2023/11/jag-hangs-250-in-october/ 8.) Army Major David Dunbar https://realrawnews.com/2023/10/hang-him-adm-stephens-says-of-corrupt-army-major-david-dunbar-but-without-tribunal/ 9.) JAG Hangs 5 COVID-19 😷 QUACKS https://realrawnews.com/2023/09/jag-hangs-five/ 10.) JAG Hangs 10 COVID-19 😷 QUACKS https://realrawnews.com/2023/08/jag-sentences-10-clot-shot-loving-physicians-to-hang/ 11.) The Hanging Of IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig https://realrawnews.com/2023/08/charles-rettig-hanged-at-gitmo/ 12.) !!!!! General Flynn Denied Access To Trump In Florida 07/24/23 !!!! https://realrawnews.com/2023/07/general-flynn-denied-access-to-mar-a-lago/ 13.) The Hanging Of Eric Holder https://realrawnews.com/2023/07/eric-holder-hanged-at-gitmo/ 14.) 19,000 COVID-19 😷 Doctors Indicted https://realrawnews.com/2023/07/19000-doctors-indicted-for-covid-crimes/ 16.) Former FEMA Director Brock Long Hanging https://realrawnews.com/2023/07/brock-long-executed/ 17.) The Hanging Of Gretchen. Whitmer https://realrawnews.com/2023/06/gretchen-whitmer-hanged-at-gitmo/ 18.) Anthony Blinken Executed During Secret Trip To China 06/06/23 🇨🇳 https://realrawnews.com/2023/06/a-antony-blinken-execute-during-secret-visit-to-china/ 19.) Rochelle Walensky Hanged https://realrawnews.com/2023/06/rochelle-walensky-hanged/ 20.) The Hanging Of Liz Cheney https://realrawnews.com/2023/04/liz-cheney-hanged-at-gitmo/ 21.) The Hanging Of Lori Lightfoot https://realrawnews.com/2023/04/lori-lightfoot-executed-at-gitmo/ 22.) WARP Speed Official Hanging - https://realrawnews.com/2023/03/radical-muslim-operation-warp-speed-architect-hanged-at-gitmo/ 23.) Fetterman / Feinstein Died At Hospitals 🏥 https://realrawnews.com/2023/03/fetterman-feinstein-died-at-hospitals/ 24.) https://realrawnews.com/2023/03/vaccine-scientist-hanged-at-gitmo/ 25.) Marines Kill 2 Hillary Clinton Clones - March 5, 2023 https://realrawnews.com/2023/03/marines-unalive-clinton-clones-in-new-york-and-san-diego/ Tom Trefts VA Whistleblower Taped Conversation With My Veterans Attorneys ( Highly Recommended ) over at Hill And Ponton ) https://www.hillandponton.com/ Conversation Link Below 👇 https://rumble.com/v419za2-va-fantasy-math-exposed-conversation-with-my-va-attorney-.html2.68K views 6 comments -
The Power of the Rockefeller Family: A Look at One of America's Most Influential Dynasties
The Memory HoleThe dark side of history: https://thememoryhole.substack.com/ The Rockefeller family is one of the most prominent and powerful families in American history. Founded by John D. Rockefeller Sr., who made his fortune in the oil industry, the family has had a profound impact on American business, philanthropy, and politics. John D. Rockefeller Sr. founded the Standard Oil Company in 1870, which grew to become the largest oil refining company in the world. By the turn of the 20th century, Rockefeller had become one of the richest men in the world, and his family's wealth only continued to grow over the years. In addition to their business success, the Rockefellers have been known for their philanthropy. John D. Rockefeller Sr. was a major supporter of education, funding the establishment of the University of Chicago and the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (now Rockefeller University). The family has also made significant contributions to the arts, sciences, and social causes. The power structure of the Rockefeller family is complex and multifaceted. While the family has no official leadership or governing body, its members have wielded significant influence in many different areas of American society. One of the ways that the Rockefellers have exerted their power is through their philanthropic endeavors. The family's charitable foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, has been involved in a wide range of initiatives, from public health to environmental conservation to economic development. In addition to their philanthropic efforts, the Rockefellers have also been involved in politics. John D. Rockefeller Jr. served as the chairman of the Rockefeller Foundation and was a major proponent of urban renewal in New York City. Nelson Rockefeller, John D. Rockefeller Jr.'s son, was the governor of New York from 1959 to 1973 and served as the Vice President of the United States under President Gerald Ford from 1974 to 1977. The Rockefeller family's influence extends beyond their own philanthropic and political endeavors. The family's investments in various industries, including finance, energy, and real estate, have given them significant economic power and influence. Despite their wealth and power, the Rockefeller family has faced criticism over the years. Some have accused them of monopolistic business practices and using their wealth to influence politics and public policy. However, the family's philanthropic efforts have also earned them praise and admiration for their commitment to social causes and improving the world. The Rockefeller family (/ˈrɒkəfɛlər/) is an American industrial, political, and banking family that owns one of the world's largest fortunes. The fortune was made in the American petroleum industry during the late 19th and early 20th centuries by brothers John D. Rockefeller and William A. Rockefeller Jr., primarily through Standard Oil (the predecessor of ExxonMobil and Chevron Corporation).[1] The family had a long association with, and control of, Chase Manhattan Bank.[2] By 1977, the Rockefellers were considered one of the most powerful families in American history.[3] The Rockefeller family originated in Rhineland in Germany and family members moved to the Americas in the early 18th century, while through Eliza Davison, with family roots in Middlesex County, New Jersey, John D. Rockefeller and William A. Rockefeller Jr. and their descendants are also of Scotch-Irish ancestry.[4] Background The Rockefeller family originated in the Rhineland region in Germany and can be traced to the town Neuwied in the early 17th century. The American family branch is descended from Johann Peter Rockefeller, who migrated from the Rhineland to Philadelphia in the Province of Pennsylvania around 1723. In the US, he became a plantation owner and landholder in Somerville, and Amwell, New Jersey.[5][6][7] One of the first members of the Rockefeller family in New York was businessman William A. Rockefeller Sr., who was born to a Protestant family in Granger, New York. He had six children with his first wife Eliza Davison, a daughter of a Scots-Irish farmer,[4] the most prominent of which were oil tycoons John D. Rockefeller and William A. Rockefeller Jr., the co-founders of Standard Oil. John D. Rockefeller (known as "Senior", as opposed to his son John D. Rockefeller Jr., known as "Junior") was a devout Northern Baptist, and he supported many church-based institutions.[8][9][10] While the Rockefeller family are mostly Baptists,[11][12] some of the Rockefellers were Episcopalians.[13] Wealth The Rockefeller brothers John D. Rockefeller Sr. William A. Rockefeller Jr. The combined wealth of the family—their total assets and investments plus the individual wealth of its members—has never been known with any precision. The records of the family archives relating to both the family and individual members' net worth are closed to researchers.[14] From the outset, the family's wealth has been under the complete control of the male members of the dynasty, through the family office. Despite strong-willed wives who had influence over their husbands' decisions—such as the pivotal female figure Abby Aldrich Rockefeller, wife of John D. Rockefeller Jr.—in all cases they received allowances only and were never given even partial responsibility for the family fortune.[15] Much of the wealth has been locked up in the family trust of 1934 (which holds the bulk of the fortune and matures on the death of the fourth generation) and the trust of 1952, both administered by Chase Bank, the corporate successor to Chase Manhattan Bank. These trusts have consisted of shares in the successor companies to Standard Oil and other diversified investments, as well as the family's considerable real estate holdings. They are administered by a trust committee that oversees the fortune. Management of this fortune today also rests with professional money managers who oversee the principal holding company, Rockefeller Financial Services, which controls all the family's investments, now that Rockefeller Center is no longer owned by the family. The present chairman is David Rockefeller Jr. In 1992, it had five main arms: Rockefeller & Co. (Money management: Universities have invested some of their endowments in this company); Venrock Associates (Venture Capital: an early investment in Apple Computer was one of many it made in Silicon Valley entrepreneurial start-ups); Rockefeller Trust Company (Manages hundreds of family trusts); Rockefeller Insurance Company (Manages liability insurance for family members); Acadia Risk Management (Insurance Broker: Contracts out policies for the family's vast art collections, real estate and private planes.)[16] Real estate and institutions Rockefeller Center at night, December 1934 John D. Rockefeller Jr., the first president of the Rockefeller Foundation The family was heavily involved in numerous real estate construction projects in the U.S. during the 20th century.[17] Chief among them: Rockefeller Center, a multi-building complex built at the start of the Depression in Midtown Manhattan. The construction of Rockefeller Center was financed solely by the family International House of New York, New York City, 1924 (John Jr.) {Involvement: John III, Abby Aldrich, David & Peggy, David Jr., Abby O'Neill} Wren Building, College of William and Mary, Virginia, from 1927 (Renovation funded by Junior) Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia, from 1927 onwards (Junior), Abby Aldrich, John III and Winthrop, historical restoration Colonial Williamsburg Museum of Modern Art, New York City, from 1929 (Abby Aldrich, John Jr., Blanchette, Nelson, David, David Jr., Sharon Percy Rockefeller) Riverside Church, New York City, 1930 (John Jr.) The Cloisters, New York City, from 1934 (John Jr.) Rockefeller Apartments, New York City, 1936 (John Jr., Nelson)[18]: 333–334 The Interchurch Center, New York City, 1948 (John Jr.) Asia Society (Asia House), New York City, 1956 (John III) One Chase Manhattan Plaza, New York City, 1961 (David) Nelson A. Rockefeller Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York, 1962 (Nelson) Lincoln Center, New York City, 1962 (John III) World Trade Center Twin Towers, New York City, 1973–2001 (David and Nelson) Embarcadero Center, San Francisco, 1974 (David) Council of the Americas/Americas Society, New York City, 1985 (David) In addition to this is Senior and Junior's involvement in seven major housing developments: Forest Hill Estates, Cleveland, Ohio City Housing Corporation's efforts, Sunnyside Gardens, Queens, New York City Thomas Garden Apartments, The Bronx, New York City Paul Laurence Dunbar Housing, Harlem, New York City Lavoisier Apartments, Manhattan, New York City Van Tassel Apartments, Sleepy Hollow, New York (formerly North Tarrytown) A development in Radburn, New Jersey[19][20] A further project involved David Rockefeller in a major middle-income housing development when he was elected in 1947 as chairman of Morningside Heights, Inc., in Manhattan by fourteen major institutions that were based in the area, including Columbia University. The result, in 1951, was the six-building apartment complex known as Morningside Gardens.[21] Senior's donations led to the formation of the University of Chicago in 1889; the Central Philippine University in the Philippines (The first Baptist university and second American university in Asia); and the Chicago School of Economics.[22] This was one instance of a long family and Rockefeller Foundation tradition of financially supporting Ivy League and other major colleges and universities over the generations—seventy-five in total. These include: Harvard University Dartmouth College Princeton University University of California, Berkeley Stanford University Yale University Massachusetts Institute of Technology Brown University Tufts University Columbia University Cornell University University of Pennsylvania Case Western Reserve University Institutions overseas such as London School of Economics and University College London, among many others.[23] Rockefeller University Senior (and Junior) also created Rockefeller University in 1901 General Education Board in 1902, which later (1923) evolved into the International Education Board Rockefeller Sanitary Commission in 1910 Bureau of Social Hygiene in 1913 (Junior) International Health Division in 1913 China Medical Board in 1915. Rockefeller Museum, British Mandate of Palestine, 1925–30 In the 1920s, the International Education Board granted important fellowships to pathbreakers in modern mathematics, such as Stefan Banach, Bartel Leendert van der Waerden, and André Weil, which was a formative part of the gradual shift of world mathematics to the US over this period. To help promote cooperation between physics and mathematics Rockefeller funds also supported the erection of the new Mathematical Institute at the University of Göttingen between 1926 and 1929 The rise of probability and mathematical statistics owes much to the creation of the Institut Henri Poincaré in Paris, partly by the Rockefellers' finances, also around this time.[24] John D Jr. established International House at Berkeley. Junior was responsible for the creation and endowment of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, which operates the restored historical town at Williamsburg, Virginia, one of the most extensive historic restorations ever undertaken. Residences Over the generations, the family members have resided in some historic homes. A total of 81 Rockefeller residences are on the National Register of Historic Places.[25] Not including all homes owned by the five brothers, some of the more prominent of these residences are: One Beekman Place - The residence of Laurance in New York City. 10 West 54th Street - A nine-story single-family home, the former residence of Junior before he shifted to 740 Park Avenue, and the largest residence in New York City at the time, it was the home for the five young brothers; it was later given by Junior to the Museum of Modern Art.[26] 13 West 54th Street - A four-story townhouse used by Junior and Abby between 1901[27] and 1913.[26] 740 Park Avenue - Junior and Abby's famed 40-room triplex apartment in the luxury New York City apartment building, which was later sold for a record price. Bassett Hall - The house at Colonial Williamsburg bought by Junior in 1927 and renovated by 1936, it was the favourite residence of both Junior and Abby and is now a house museum at the family-restored Colonial Revival town. The Casements - A three-story house at Ormond Beach in Florida, where Senior spent his last winters, from 1919 until his death. The Eyrie - A sprawling 100-room summer holiday home on Mount Desert Island in Maine, demolished by family members in 1962. Forest Hill - The family's country estate and a summer home in Cleveland, Ohio, for four decades; built and occupied by Senior, it burned down in 1917. Golf House at Lakewood, New Jersey - The former three-story clubhouse for the elite Ocean County Hunt and Country Club, which Senior bought in 1902 to play golf on its golf course. Kykuit, also known as the John D. Rockefeller Estate - The landmark six-story, 40-room home on the vast Westchester County family estate, home to four generations of the family. The JY Ranch - The landmark ranch in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, the holiday resort home built by Junior and later owned by Laurance, which was used by all members of the family and had many prominent visitors, including presidents until Laurance donated it to the federal government in 2001. The Rocks - 1940 Shepard Street NW and 2121 Park Road NW, Washington, DC - The 12,000 square foot house sits on 15.9 acres bordering Rock Creek Park; and is the largest residential property in the District of Columbia. Built by Daisy Blodgett for her daughter Mona in 1927, the name refers to its location, not the current owner. The property was purchased by Jay Rockefeller in 1984 when he became US Senator for West Virginia. He and his wife, Sharon Percy Rockefeller continue to live there.[28] Rockwood Hall - The former home of William Rockefeller Jr. (demolished in the 1940s). Rockefeller Guest House - The guest house of Blanchette Ferry Rockefeller.[18] Kykuit, the landmark family home in Sleepy Hollow, New York Kykuit, the landmark family home in Sleepy Hollow, New York The Casements, the family's former winter residence in Florida The Casements, the family's former winter residence in Florida Rockwood Hall, Mount Pleasant, New York Rockwood Hall, Mount Pleasant, New York Rockefeller Guest House, New York City Rockefeller Guest House, New York City Politics Prominent banker and philanthropist David Rockefeller Sr. was the family patriarch until his death in 2017. In 1960, when his brother Nelson Rockefeller was governor of New York, David Sr. successfully pressed for a repeal of a New York state law that restricted Chase Manhattan Bank from operating outside the city. David Sr. was twice offered the post of Treasury secretary by President Richard M. Nixon, but declined on both occasions. In 1979, he used his high-level contacts to bring Mohammad Reza Shah of Iran, who had been overthrown in the Iranian Revolution and was in poor health, for medical treatment in the United States. In 1998, he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Bill Clinton for his work on International Executive Service Corps.[29] Political offices held Vice President Nelson Rockefeller Governor Winthrop Rockefeller Senator John D. Rockefeller IV Nelson Rockefeller (1908–1979) 1st Assistant Secretary of State for American Republic Affairs, 1944–1945 1st Under Secretary Health, Education and Welfare, 1953–1954 Governor of New York, 1959–1973 U.S. Vice President, 1974–1977 Winthrop Rockefeller (1912–1973) Governor of Arkansas, 1967–1971 John Davison Rockefeller IV (b. 1937) Member of West Virginia House of Delegates, 1966–1968 Secretary of State of West Virginia, 1969–1973 Governor of West Virginia, 1977–1985 U.S. Senator from West Virginia, 1985–2015 Winthrop Paul Rockefeller (1948–2006) Lieutenant Governor of Arkansas, 1996–2006 Legacy A trademark of the dynasty over its 140-plus years has been the remarkable unity it has maintained, despite major divisions that developed in the late 1970s, and unlike other wealthy families such as the Du Ponts and the Mellons. A primary reason has been the lifelong efforts of "Junior" to not only cleanse the name from the opprobrium stemming from the ruthless practices of Standard Oil but his tireless efforts to forge family unity even as he allowed his five sons to operate independently. This was partly achieved by regular brothers and family meetings, but it was also because of the high value placed on family unity by first Nelson and John III, and later especially with David.[30] Regarding achievements, in 1972, on the 100th anniversary of the founding of Andrew Carnegie's philanthropy, the Carnegie Corporation, which has had a long association with the family and its institutions, released a public statement on the influence of the family on not just philanthropy but encompassing a much wider field. Summing up a predominant view among the international philanthropic world, albeit one poorly grasped by the public, one sentence of this statement read: "The contributions of the Rockefeller family are staggering in their extraordinary range and in the scope of their contribution to humankind."[31] John D. Rockefeller gave away US$540 million over his lifetime (in dollar terms of that time), and became the greatest lay benefactor of medicine in history.[32] His son, Junior, also gave away over $537 million over his lifetime, bringing the total philanthropy of just two generations of the family to over $1 billion from 1860 to 1960.[33] Added to this, The New York Times declared in a report in November 2006 that David Rockefeller's total charitable benefactions amount to about $900 million over his lifetime.[34] The combined personal and social connections of the various family members are vast, both in the United States and throughout the world, including the most powerful politicians, royalty, public figures, and chief businessmen. Figures through Standard Oil alone have included Henry Flagler and Henry H. Rogers. Contemporary figures include Henry Kissinger, Richard Parsons (Chairman and CEO of Time Warner), C. Fred Bergsten, Peter G. Peterson (Senior Chairman of the Blackstone Group), and Paul Volcker. In 1991, the family was presented with the Honor Award from the National Building Museum for four generations worth of preserving and creating some of the U.S.'s most important buildings and places. David accepted the award on the family's behalf.[35] The ceremony coincided with an exhibition on the family's contributions to the built environment, including John Sr.'s preservation efforts for the Hudson River Palisades, the restoration of Williamsburg, Virginia, construction of Rockefeller Center, and Governor Nelson's efforts to construct low- and middle-income housing in New York state.[36] The Rockefeller name is imprinted in numerous places throughout the United States, including within New York City, but also in Cleveland, where the family originates: Rockefeller Center - A landmark 19-building 22-acre (89,000 m2) complex in Midtown Manhattan established by Junior: Older section constructed from 1930–1939; Newer section constructed during the 1960s-1970s; Rockefeller Apartments - An apartment building in Midtown Manhattan Rockefeller University - Renamed in 1965, this is the distinguished Nobel prize-winning graduate/postgraduate medical school (formerly the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, established by Senior in 1901); Rockefeller Foundation - Founded in 1913, this is the famous philanthropic organization set up by Senior and Junior; Rockefeller Brothers Fund - Founded in 1940 by the third-generation's five sons and one daughter of Junior; Rockefeller Family Fund - Founded in 1967 by members of the family's fourth-generation; Rockefeller Group - A private family-run real estate development company based in New York that originally owned, constructed and managed Rockefeller Center, it is now wholly owned by Mitsubishi Estate Co. Ltd; Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors - is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that advises donors in their philanthropic endeavours throughout the world; Rockefeller Research Laboratories Building - A major research centre into cancer that was established in 1986 and named after Laurance, this is located at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center; Rockefeller Center - Home of the International Student Services office and department of philosophy, politics and law at the State University of New York at Binghamton; Rockefeller Chapel - Completed in 1928, this is the tallest building on the campus of the University of Chicago, established by Senior in 1889; Rockefeller Hall - Established by Senior in 1906, this building houses the Case Western Reserve University Physics Department; Rockefeller Hall - Established by Senior and completed in 1906, this building houses the Cornell University Physics Department;[37] Rockefeller Hall - Established by Senior in 1887, who granted Vassar College a $100,000 ($2.34 million in 2006 dollars) allowance to build additional, much needed lecture space. The final cost of the facility was $99,998.75. It now houses multi-purpose classrooms and departmental offices for political science, philosophy and math; Rockefeller Hall - Established by Senior and completed in 1886, this is the oldest building on the campus of Spelman College; Rockefeller College - Named after John D. Rockefeller III, this is a residential college at Princeton University; Michael C. Rockefeller Arts Center - Completed in 1969 in memory of Nelson Rockefeller's son, this is a cultural centre at the State University of New York at Fredonia; The Michael C. Rockefeller Collection and the Department of Primitive Art - Completed in 1982 after being initiated by Nelson, this is a wing of the Metropolitan Museum of Art; David and Peggy Rockefeller Building - A tribute to David's wife, Peggy Rockefeller, this is a new (completed in 2004) six-story building housing the main collection and temporary exhibition galleries of the family's Museum of Modern Art; Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Sculpture Garden - Completed in 1949 by David, this is a major outdoor feature of the Museum of Modern Art; Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Museum - Opened in 1957 by Junior, this is a leading folk art museum just outside the historic district of Junior's Colonial Williamsburg; Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Hall - The freshman residence hall on the campus of Spelman College; Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial Building - Completed in 1918, it is among other things a student residence hall at Spelman College, after the wife of Senior and after whom the College was named; Rockefeller State Park Preserve - Part of the 3,400-acre (14 km2) family estate in Westchester County, this 1,233-acre (5 km2) preserve was officially handed over to New York State in 1983, although it had previously always been open to the public; Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park - Established as a historical museum of conservation by Laurance during the 1990s. John D. Rockefeller Jr. Memorial Parkway - Established in 1972 through Congressional authorization, connecting Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks; Rockefeller Forest - Funded by Junior, this is located within Humboldt Redwoods State Park, California's largest redwood state park; Either of two US congressional committees {in 1972 - John D. III and 1975 - Nelson dubbed the Rockefeller Commission}. Rockefeller Park, a scenic park featuring gardens dedicated to several world nations along Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. between University Circle and Lake Erie in Cleveland. Winthrop Rockefeller Institute of the University of Arkansas System was established in 2005 with a grant from the Winthrop Rockefeller Charitable Trust. The educational center with conference and lodging facilities is located on Petit Jean Mountain near Morrilton, Arkansas, on the original grounds of Gov. Winthrop Rockefeller's model cattle farm. David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies at Harvard University. Rockefeller Quad at the Loomis Chaffee School Rockefeller Complex library at Niels Bohr Institute, Nørrebro, Copenhagen Municipality in Denmark John Jr., through his son Nelson, purchased and then donated the land upon which sits the United Nations headquarters, in New York, in 1946. Earlier, in the 1920s, he had also donated a substantial amount towards the restoration and rehabilitation of major buildings in France after World War I, such as the Rheims Cathedral, the Fontainebleau Palace and the Palace of Versailles, for which he was later (1936) awarded France's highest decoration, the Grand Croix of the Legion d'Honneur (subsequently also awarded decades later to his son, David Rockefeller). He also funded the excavations at Luxor in Egypt, as well as establishing a Classical Studies School in Athens. In addition, he provided the funding for the construction of the Palestine Archaeological Museum in East Jerusalem - the Rockefeller Museum.[38] Conservation Beginning with John D. Rockefeller Sr., the family has been a major force in land conservation.[39] Over the generations, it has created more than 20 national parks and open spaces, including the Cloisters, Acadia National Park, Forest Hill Park, the Nature Conservancy, the Rockefeller Forest in California's Humboldt Redwoods State Park (the largest stand of old-growth redwoods), and Grand Teton National Park, among many others. John Jr., and his son Laurance (and his son Laurance Jr. aka Larry) were particularly prominent in this area. The family was honoured for its conservation efforts in November 2005, by the National Audubon Society, one of the United States' largest and oldest conservation organizations, at which over 30 family members attended. At the event, the society's president, John Flicker, stated: "Cumulatively, no other family in America has made the contribution to conservation that the Rockefeller family has made".[39] In 2016 fifth-generation descendants of John Sr. criticized ExxonMobil, one of the successors to his company Standard Oil, for their record on climate change. The Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the Rockefeller Family Fund both backed reports suggesting that ExxonMobil knew more about the threat of global warming than it had disclosed. David Kaiser, grandson of David Rockefeller Sr. and president of the Rockefeller Family Fund, said that the "...company seems to be morally bankrupt." Valerie Rockefeller Wayne, daughter of former Senator Jay Rockefeller, said, "Because the source of the family wealth is fossil fuels, we feel an enormous moral responsibility for our children, for everyone -- to move forward."[40] The Rockefeller Brothers Fund announced it was divesting from fossil fuels in September 2014, the Rockefeller Family Fund announced plans to divest in March 2016, and the Rockefeller Foundation pledged to dump their fossil fuel holdings in December 2020.[41][42][43] With a $5 billion endowment, the Rockefeller Foundation was "the largest US foundation to embrace the rapidly growing divestment movement." CNN writer Matt Egan noted, "This divestment is especially symbolic because the Rockefeller Foundation was founded by oil money."[43] In May 2021 Rockefeller descendants Rebecca Rockefeller Lambert and Peter Gill Case announced a ten-year funding initiative, the Equation Campaign, to fight new fossil fuel development.[44] The archives The Rockefeller family archives are held at the Rockefeller Archive Center in Pocantico Hills, North Tarrytown, New York.[45] At present, the archives of John D. Rockefeller Sr. William Rockefeller, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Abby Aldrich Rockefeller, Abby Rockefeller Mauzé, John D. Rockefeller III, Blanchette Rockefeller, and Nelson Rockefeller are processed and open by appointment to readers in the Archive Center's reading room. Processed portions of the papers of Laurance Rockefeller are also open. In addition, the Archive Center has a microfilm copy of the Winthrop Rockefeller papers, the originals of which are held at the University of Arkansas, Little Rock. The papers of the family office, known as the Office of the Messrs. Rockefeller, are also open for research, although those portions that relate to living family members are closed.[46] Members Ancestors Godfrey Lewis Rockefeller (1783–1857) (m. 1806) Lucy Avery (1786–1867) (ten children) William Avery Rockefeller Sr.[47] (1810–1906) (m. 1837) Eliza Davison (1813–1889) (eight children) Lucy Rockefeller (1838–1878) (m. 1856) Pierson D. Briggs Clorinda Rockefeller (c. 1838–?, died young) (daughter from Nancy Brown) John Davison Rockefeller Sr. (1839–1937) (m. 1864) Laura Celestia "Cettie" Spelman (1839–1915) Cornelia Rockefeller (c. 1840–?) (daughter from Nancy Brown) William Avery Rockefeller Jr. (1841–1922) (m. 1864) Almira Geraldine Goodsell Mary Ann Rockefeller (1843–1925) (m. 1872) William Cullen Rudd Franklin "Frank" Rockefeller (1845–1917) (m. 1870) Helen Elizabeth Scofield Frances Rockefeller (1845–1847) William W. Rockefeller (1788–1851) (m. early 19th century) Eleanor Kisselbrack (1784–1859) Descendants of John Davison Rockefeller Sr. The total number of blood relative descendants as of 2006 was about 150.[citation needed] Elizabeth "Bessie" Rockefeller (1866–1906) (m.1889) Charles Augustus Strong (1862–1940) Margaret Rockefeller Strong (1897–1985) (m.1st.1927) George de Cuevas (1885–1961), (m. 2nd 1977) Raimundo de Larrain Alice Rockefeller (1869–1870) Alta Rockefeller (1871–1962) (m.1901) Ezra Parmelee Prentice (1863–1955) John Rockefeller Prentice (1902–1972) (m.1941) Abra Cantrill (1912–1972) Abra Prentice Wilkin (born 1942) Mary Adeline Prentice Gilbert (1907–1981) (m.1937) Benjamin Davis Gilbert (1907–1992) Spelman Prentice (1911–2000) (m.3rd.1972) Mimi Walters (four children) Peter Spelman Prentice (born 1940) Alexandra Sartell Prentice (born 1962) Michael Andrew Prentice (born 1964) Edith Rockefeller (1872–1932) (m. 1895) Harold Fowler McCormick John Rockefeller McCormick (1896–1901) Editha McCormick (1897–1898) Harold Fowler McCormick Jr. (1898–1973) (m.1931) Anne "Fifi" Potter (1879–1969) Muriel McCormick (1902–1959) (m.1931) Elisha Dyer Hubbard (1906) Mathilde McCormick (1905–1947) (m.1923) Max Oser (1877–1942) (one child) John Davison Rockefeller Jr. (1874–1960) (m. 1st 1901) Abigail Greene "Abby" Aldrich (1874–1948) Abigail Aldrich "Babs" Rockefeller (1903–1976) (m. 1st 1925, div. 1954) David M. Milton (1900–1976) (m. 2nd 1946, d. 1949) Irving H. Pardee (1892–1949) (m. 3rd 1953, d. 1974) Jean Mauzé (1903–1974) (two children) Abigail Rockefeller "Abby" "Mitzi" Milton O'Neill (1928-2017) m. George Dorr O'Neill Sr. (six children; eighteen grandchildren) Marilyn Ellen Milton (1931–1980) (two children) John Davison Rockefeller III (1906–1978) (m.1932) Blanchette Ferry Hooker (four children) John Davison "Jay" Rockefeller IV (born 1937) (m. 1967) Sharon Percy (four children) John Davidson Rockefeller V (born 1969) m. Emily Tagliabue John Davidson Rockefeller VI (born 2007) Justin Aldrich Rockefeller (born 1979) m. Indré Vengris Valerie Rockefeller Wayne Hope Aldrich Rockefeller (born 1938) (three children) Alida Ferry Rockefeller Messinger (born 1949) (m. 1st 1978–1986) Mark Dayton (m. 2nd) William Messinger (three children) Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller (1908–1979) (m. 1st 1930–1962) Mary Todhunter Clark (m. 2nd 1963) Margaretta Large "Happy" Fitler (1926–2015) (seven children) Rodman Clark Rockefeller (1932–2000) (m. 1st 1953–1979) Barbara Ann Olsen (m. 2nd 1980) Alexandra von Metzler (four children) Meile Rockefeller (born 1955) Peter C. Rockefeller (m. 1987) Allison Whipple Rockefeller[48] Steven Clark Rockefeller (born 1936) Mary Clark Rockefeller (born 1938) m.1st (1961-1974) William J. Strawbridge (three children) Michael Clark Rockefeller (1938–1961) Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller Jr. (born 1964) Mark Fitler Rockefeller (born 1967) Laurance Spelman Rockefeller (1910–2004) (m.1934) Mary French Laura Spelman Rockefeller Chasin (1936–2015) Marion French Rockefeller (born 1938) Dr. Lucy Rockefeller Waletzky (born 1941) Laurance Rockefeller Jr. (born 1944) (m. 1982) Wendy Gordon (two children)[49] Winthrop Rockefeller (1912–1973) (m. 1st 1948, div. 1954) Jievute "Bobo" Paulekiute (1916–2008) (m. 2nd 1956, div. 1971) Jeannette Edris (1918–1997) Winthrop Paul Rockefeller (1948–2006) (m. 1st 1971, div. 1979) Deborah Cluett Sage (m. 2nd 1983) Lisenne Dudderar (seven children) Andrea Davidson Rockefeller (b. 1972) Katherine Cluett Rockefeller (b. 1974) Winthrop Paul Rockefeller Jr. (b. 1976) William Gordon Rockefeller Colin Kendrick Rockefeller (b. 1990) John Alexander Camp Rockefeller Louis Henry Rockefeller David Rockefeller (1915–2017) (m. 1940) Margaret McGrath (1915–1996) David Rockefeller Jr. (born 1941) (m. 1st divorced) Diana Newell-Rowan (m. 2nd 2008) Susan Cohn (two children) Ariana Rockefeller (born 1982) (m. 1st 2010, div. 2019) Matthew Bucklin[50][51] Camilla Rockefeller (born 1984)[52][53] Abigail Rockefeller (born 1943) Neva Goodwin Rockefeller (born 1944) (m. 1st divorced) Walter J. Kaiser[54] (m.2nd) Bruce Mazlish (1923-2016)[55] David Kaiser (1969–2020)[56] Margaret Dulany "Peggy" Rockefeller[57] (born 1947) Richard Gilder Rockefeller (1949–2014);[58][59] married to Nancy King[57] (two children, two step-children)[57][58] Clayton Rockefeller Rebecca Rockefeller Eileen Rockefeller[57] (born 1952) m. Paul Growald (two children) Descendants of William Avery Rockefeller Jr. An article in The New York Times in 1937 stated that William Rockefeller had, at that time, 28 great-grandchildren.[60] Lewis Edward Rockefeller (1865–1866) Emma Rockefeller McAlpin (1868–1934) William Goodsell Rockefeller (1870–1922) (five children) William Avery Rockefeller III (1896–1973) (three children) Elsie Rockefeller m. William Proxmire Godfrey Stillman Rockefeller (1899–1983) (seven children) Godfrey Anderson Rockefeller (1924–2010) James Stillman Rockefeller (1902–2004) (four children) Georgia Rockefeller Rose Andrew Carnegie Rose Louisa d'Andelot du Pont Rose John Davison Rockefeller II (1872–1877) Percy Avery Rockefeller (1878–1934) m. Isabel Goodrich Stillman (five children) Isabel Stillman Rockefeller (1902–1980) m. Frederic Walker Lincoln IV Isabel Lincoln (1927-2016) m. Basil Beebe (Stephen Basil) Elmer Jr. (1924-2007) David Basil Elmer Lucy Lincoln Elmer Monica Elmer Veronica Hoyt Elmer m. Clinton Richard Kanaga Anthony Kanaga Joshua Kanaga Lindsey Kanaga Calista Lincoln (1930-2012) m. Henry Upham Harder (1925-2004) Frederic Walker Lincoln Harder (b. 1953) m. Karin J. E. Bolang (b. 1954) Frederic Harder Calista Harder Gertrude Upham Lincoln Harder (b. 1955) m. James Briggs Alexander Briggs George Briggs Holly Briggs Katherine Briggs Calista Harder (b. 1957) m. Jan Hollyer Elsa Hollyer Ian Hollyer Holly Harris Harder (b. 1961) m. Bruce Kenneth Catlin (b. 1956) Augustus Attilio Catlin (b. 1997) Nickolas Charles Catlin (b. 2000) Caroline Catlin Henry Upham Harder Jr. (b. 1965) m. Natalie Rae Borrok (b. 1965) Haley Rae Harder (b. 1997) Henry Rolston Harder (b. 1999) Charles Lincoln Harder (b. 2003) Percilla Avery Lincoln (1937-2019) m. William Blackstone Chappell Jr. (1935-2017) Richard Blackstone Chappell (1964-2014) Avery Lincoln Chappell (1966-2005) m. J. Kevin Smith Ellery Smith Emeline Smith Stillman Smith Florence Philena Lincoln (b. 1940) m. Thomas Lloyd Short Avery Rockefeller (1903–1986) m. 1923 Anna Griffith Mark (three children) Faith Rockefeller Model (1909–1960) Robert Model (born 1942) Geraldine Rockefeller Dodge (1882–1973) m. Marcellus Hartley Dodge Sr. Marcellus Hartley Dodge Jr. (1908–1930) Spouses Laura Celestia "Cettie" Spelman (1839–1915) – John D. Rockefeller Sr. Abby Greene Aldrich (1874–1948) – John D. Rockefeller Jr. Martha Baird Allen (1895–1971) – John D. Rockefeller Jr. Mary Todhunter Clark "Tod" (1907–1999) – Nelson Rockefeller Margaretta "Happy" Fitler (1926–2015) – Nelson Rockefeller Anne Marie Rasmussen – Steven Clark Rockefeller Blanchette Ferry Hooker (1909–1992) – John D. Rockefeller III Sharon Lee Percy – John D. Rockefeller IV Mary French (1910–1997) – Laurance Rockefeller Wendy Gordon – Laurance "Larry" Rockefeller Jr. Jievute "Bobo" Paulekiute (1916–2008) – Winthrop Rockefeller Jeannette Edris (1918–1997) – Winthrop Rockefeller Deborah Cluett Sage – Winthrop Paul Rockefeller Lisenne Dudderar – Winthrop Paul Rockefeller Margaret "Peggy" McGrath (1915–1996) – David Rockefeller Diana Newell Rowan – David Rockefeller Jr. Nancy King – Richard Gilder Rockefeller. Sarah Elizabeth "Elsie" Stillman (1872–1935) – William Goodsell Rockefeller Isabel Goodrich Stillman (1876–1935) – Percy Avery Rockefeller Family tree Network Associates Gianni Agnelli[61] Aldrich family John Dustin Archbold Jabez A. Bostwick Zbigniew Brzezinski Samuel P. Bush Duncan Candler C. Douglas Dillon J. Richardson Dilworth Samuel Calvin Tate Dodd Henry Morrison Flagler Simon Flexner Henry Clay Folger Raymond B. Fosdick Frederick Taylor Gates George Jay Gould Jerome Davis Greene Harkness family Mark Hanna[62] William Rainey Harper E.H. Harriman[63] Wallace Harrison Oliver Burr Jennings William Lyon Mackenzie King Henry Kissinger Ivy Lee John J. McCloy McCormick family James Smith McDonnell Charles Edward Merriam William S. Paley Richard Parsons Oliver H. Payne Charles H. Percy Peter G. Peterson Pratt family Eddie Rickenbacker[64][65] Henry H. Rogers Beardsley Ruml[66] Dean Rusk John D. Ryan Jacob Schiff James Stillman Feargus B. Squire Henry Morgan Tilford Cyrus Vance Paul Volcker John C. Whitehead Businesses Allegheny Transportation Company Amoco Anaconda Copper Atlantic Petroleum Baltimore & Ohio Railroad[67] Buckeye Steel Castings Chase Manhattan Bank Chesebrough Manufacturing Company Chevron Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad[68] Chrysler Corporation[69] Clivus Multrum, Inc.[70] Colorado, Fuel & Iron Co. Conoco Consolidation Coal Company[71] Cranston Print Works [72] Eastern Air Lines[73] Exxon International Basic Economy Corporation [74] Kyso Marathon Oil Marquardt Corporation McDonnell Aircraft Corporation[75][76] Mobil National City Bank of New York Piasecki Helicopter Rockefeller Apartments Rockefeller Capital Management Rockefeller Group RockResorts Santa Fe Reporter[77] Schroder, Rockefeller & Co. [78] Sohio Standard Oil Union Sulphur Company Venrock Associates Charities, colleges, and nonprofit organizations Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Museum Asia Society Central Philippine University China Medical Board Council of the Americas Council on Foreign Relations David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies General Education Board Great Smoky Mountains National Park Group of 30 Industrial Relations Counselors, Inc. Historic Hudson Valley Institute for Pacific Relations International House of New York Jackson Hole Preserve, Inc. John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology, Human Heredity & Eugenics Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Michael Rockefeller Wing of the Met Museum of Automobiles Museum of Modern Art National Institute of Social Sciences[79] Nelson A. Rockefeller College of Public Affairs & Policy New York Cancer Hospital Population Council Rockefeller Archeological Museum Rockefeller Archive Center Rockefeller Brothers Fund Rockefeller College Rockefeller Foundation Rockefeller Institute of Government Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors Rockefeller University Social Science Research Council Spelman College Trilateral Commission United Nations Association[citation needed] University of Chicago Winrock International Winthrop Rockefeller Institute Buildings, estates and historic sites Bassett Hall Colonial Williamsburg The Casements The Cloisters Eliza Davison House Elm Tree House[80] Embarcadero Center The Eyrie Summer Home First Baptist Church of Tarrytown Forest Hill Park (Ohio) Giralda Farms Grand Teton National Park Greenacre Park Headquarters of the United Nations The Interchurch Center JY Ranch Kykuit Lincoln Center Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park Mount Hope Farm [81] Ocean County Park One Chase Manhattan Plaza Overhills [82] Riverside Church Rockefeller Center Rockefeller Golf House Rockefeller Guest House Rockefeller State Park Preserve The Rocks [83] Rockwood Hall Strong House (Vassar College) Standard Oil Building Villa Le Balze Virgin Islands National Park William Murray Residences World Trade Center (1973–2001) References Citations World's largest private fortune - see Ron Chernow, Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller Sr., London: Warner Books, 1998. (p.370) The Political Economy of Third World Intervention: Mines, Money, and U.S. Policy in the Congo Crisis, David N. Gibbs, University of Chicago Press 1991, page 113 The Rockefeller inheritance, Alvin Moscow, Doubleday 1977, page 418 Chernow, Ron (1998). Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller. New York: Vintage Books. p. 7. ISBN 978-1-4000-7730-4. "[William Rockefeller Sr.] met his future wife, Eliza Davison, at her father's farmhouse.... A prudent, straitlaced Baptist of Scottish-Irish descent, deeply attached to his daughter, John Davison must have sensed the world of trouble that awaited Eliza..." Ron Chernow, Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr. (p. 3). 2007 John Thomas Flynn, God's Gold: The Story of Rockefeller and His Times (p. 9). 1933 Henry Oscar Rockefeller, Benjamin Franklin Rockefeller. The Transactions of the Rockefeller Family Association for 1905. Knickerbocker Press, 1915 Martin, Albro (1999), "John D. Rockefeller", Encyclopedia Americana, vol. 23 Chernow 1998, p. 52 "The 9 most amazing facts about John D. Rockefeller". Oil Patch Asia. Archived from the original on January 2, 2014. Alsop, Stewart (2016). Nixon & Rockefeller: A Double Portrait. Open Road Media. ISBN 9781480446007. "Although the Nixon family was Quaker and the Rockefeller family Baptist" Schmiesing, Kevin (2016). Merchants and Ministers: A History of Businesspeople and Clergy in the United States. Lexington Books. p. 115. ISBN 9781498539258. W. Williams, Peter (2016). Religion, Art, and Money: Episcopalians and American Culture from the Civil War to the Great Depression. University of North Carolina Press. p. 176. ISBN 9781469626987. "The names of fashionable families who were already Episcopalian, like the Morgans, or those, like the Fricks, who now became so, goes on interminably: Aldrich, Astor, Biddle, Booth, Brown, Du Pont, Firestone, Ford, Gardner, Mellon, Morgan, Procter, the Vanderbilt, Whitney. Episcopalians branches of the Baptist Rockefellers and Jewish Guggenheims even appeared on these family trees." "Rockefeller Archive Center "Family, JDR"". Rockarch.org. Retrieved February 19, 2013. Women in the family with no control over the family fortune—see Bernice Kert, Abby Aldrich Rockefeller: The Woman in the Family. New York: Random House, 1993. (p.100) Managing the family wealth, 1992 New York Times article Rockefeller Family Tries to Keep A Vast Fortune From Dissipating (see External Links). (Note: The names and nature of these departments may have changed since 1992.) The Edifice Complex: The Architecture of Power, By Deyan Sudjic, Penguin, April 7, 2011, page 245–255 White, Norval; Willensky, Elliot; Leadon, Fran (2010). AIA Guide to New York City (5th ed.). New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19538-386-7. "Rockefeller Archive Center "Family, OMR"". Rockarch.org. Retrieved February 19, 2013. "John D. Rockefeller Jr. and the Van Tassel Apartments, Rockefeller Archive Newsletter, Fall 1997" (PDF). Retrieved February 19, 2013. The Morningside Heights housing project - see David Rockefeller, Memoirs, New York: Random House, 2002. (pp.385-87). "UChicago.edu, "News, Nobel"". News.uchicago.edu. Retrieved February 19, 2013. Funded colleges and Ivy League universities - see Robert Shaplen, Toward the Well-Being of Mankind: Fifty Years of the Rockefeller Foundation, New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1964. (passim) Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard (April 1, 2003). Google Books: Rockefeller and the Internationalization of Mathematics. ISBN 9783764364687. Retrieved February 19, 2013. Gregor, Sharon (2006). Amazon Books: Forest Hill. ISBN 0738540943. Gray, Christopher (May 22, 1994). "Streetscapes/The Rockefeller City House; Pied-a-Terre Off Fifth for a Parsimonious Billionaire". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved May 25, 2021. "New Home for John D. Rockefeller Jr". The New York Times. September 26, 1901. p. 16. Retrieved May 24, 2021. Elliot Carter (October 16, 2016). "Check Out The Rockefeller Mansion in Rock Creek Park". Architect of the Capital.org. Smith, Timothy R. "David Rockefeller Sr., steward of family fortune and Chase Manhattan Bank, dies at 101". The Washington Post. Retrieved November 6, 2017. Family unity maintained over the decades - see John Ensor Harr and Peter J. Johnson, The Rockefeller Century: Three Generations of America's Greatest Family, New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1988. (pp.370-71, passim); David's unifying influence - see Memoirs (pp.346-7) Carnegie.Org "Rockefellers" Archived August 31, 2006, at the Wayback Machine Greatest benefactor of medicine in history - see Ron Chernow, Titan: op.cit. (p.570) "Rockefeller Archive Center "JDR Jr"". Rockarch.org. Retrieved February 19, 2013. New York Times, November 21, 2006 Barbara Gamarekian (March 15, 1991). "Museum Honors All Rockefellers and Gifts". The New York Times. Jene Stonesifer (March 14, 1991). "Rockefellers and Design". The Washington Post. Cornell.Edu "Infobase" Retrieved January 30, 2007. Restorations and constructions in France, Egypt, Greece and Jerusalem - see Memoirs, (pp.44-48). Depalma, Anthony (November 15, 2005). "They Saved Land Like Rockefellers". The New York Times. Retrieved March 23, 2008. "Rockefeller descendants speak out against company to which they owe their prosperity". CBS News. December 2, 2016. Retrieved February 7, 2018. Schwartz, John (September 21, 2014). "Rockefellers, Heirs to an Oil Fortune, Will Divest Charity of Fossil Fuels". The New York Times. Retrieved September 23, 2014. Wade, Terry; Driver, Anna (March 24, 2016). "Rockefeller Family Fund hits Exxon, divests from fossil fuels". Reuters. Retrieved March 18, 2018. Egan, Matt (December 18, 2020). "Exclusive: A $5 billion foundation literally founded on oil money is saying goodbye to fossil fuels". CNN.com. Retrieved December 20, 2020. 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Else he could not have seized and rebuilt so quickly the Union Pacific; nor added to this Colis Huntington's huge Southern Pacific…To carry these enterprises, Harriman's biographer tells us, the men of the Standard Oil family ' gave Harriman financial support when he needed tens of millions of dollars, in credit or cash'." Daly Bednarek, Janet Rose; Launius, Roger D. (2003). Reconsidering a Century of Flight. UNC Press Books. p. 120. ISBN 978-0-8078-5488-4. Retrieved August 1, 2014. Chernow 1999, pp. 658–659. Domhoff, G.William (1996). State Autonomy or Class Dominance?: Case Studies on Policy Making In America. Hawthorne, NY: Aldine de Gruyter. pp. 60–61. ISBN 0-202-30512-0. Chernow 1999, p. 373. "Who Built the Roads? A Modern Parable". The Railroad Telegrapher: Volume 39, Part 2. Order of Railroad Telegraphers. 1922. pp. 937–938. Retrieved March 4, 2023. "William Rockefeller, brother of John D., died a few weeks ago in his palatial home on the Hudson." “Nomination of Nelson A. 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"ROCKEFELLER KIN IN BANKING FIELD; Avery, Grandson of William Rockefeller, a Founder of New Investment Concern. A PRINCIPAL STOCKHOLDER Schroder, Rockefeller & Co., Inc., Will Do Underwriting and Securities Business". The New York Times. July 9, 1936. Retrieved February 16, 2023. "Gold Medal Honorees". "Mrs. E. Parmalee Prentice Dies; Daughter of J.D. Rockefeller Sr" (PDF). The New York Times. June 22, 1962. Retrieved May 3, 2019. "J. R. Prentice Dies; Cattle Breeder, 69". The New York Times. June 16, 1972. Retrieved May 3, 2019. Irwin, Jeffrey D.; O'Shea, Kaitlin (2008). Overhills. Arcadia Publishing. pp. 8–9. ISBN 978-0-7385-5433-4. Elliot Carter (October 16, 2016). "Check Out The Rockefeller Mansion in Rock Creek Park". Architect of the Capital.org. Other sources Chernow, Ron (1999). Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller Sr. New York City, United States: Vintage Books; Random House, Inc. ISBN 0-679-75703-1. Rose, Kenneth W., Select Rockefeller Philanthropies, Booklet (pdf, 23 pages) of the Rockefeller Archive Center, 2004. Origin of Rockenfeld, in German Descendants of Goddard Rockenfeller Listing of University of Chicago Nobel Laureates, News Office, University of Chicago website, undated. Depalma, Anthony, They Saved Land Like Rockefellers, The New York Times Archive, November 15, 2005. Carnegie Corporation of New York, Celebrating 100 years of Andrew Carnegie's Philanthropy - awarding the inaugural Andrew Carnegie Medal of Philanthropy to David and Laurance Rockefeller, 2001. The Rockefeller Archive Center, John D. Rockefeller, Junior, 1874–1960, Overview of his life and philanthropy, 1997. Strom, Stephanie, Manhattan: A Rockefeller Plans a Huge Bequest, The New York Times Archive, November 21, 2006. O'Connell, Dennis, Top 10 Richest Men Of All Time, AskMen.com, undated. Further reading Abels, Jules. The Rockefeller Billions: The Story of the World's Most Stupendous Fortune. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1965. Aldrich, Nelson W. Jr. Old Money: The Mythology of America's Upper Class. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1988. Allen, Gary. The Rockefeller File. Seal Beach, California: 1976 Press, 1976. Boorstin, Daniel J. The Americans: The Democratic Experience. New York: Vintage Books, 1974. Brown, E. Richard. Rockefeller Medicine Men: Medicine and Capitalism in America. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1979. Caro, Robert (1974). The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York. New York: Knopf. ISBN 978-0-394-48076-3. OCLC 834874. Chernow, Ron. Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr. London: Warner Books, 1998. Collier, Peter, and David Horowitz. The Rockefellers: An American Dynasty. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1976. Elmer, Isabel Lincoln. Cinderella Rockefeller: A Life of Wealth Beyond All-Knowing. New York: Freundlich Books, 1987. Ernst, Joseph W., editor. "Dear Father"/"Dear Son:" Correspondence of John D. Rockefeller and John D. Rockefeller Jr. New York: Fordham University Press, with the Rockefeller Archive Center, 1994. Flynn, John T. God's Gold: The Story of Rockefeller and His Times. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1932. Fosdick, Raymond B. John D. Rockefeller Jr.: A Portrait. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1956. Fosdick, Raymond B. The Story of the Rockefeller Foundation. New York: Transaction Publishers, Reprint, 1989. Gates, Frederick Taylor. Chapters in My Life. New York: The Free Press, 1977. Gitelman, Howard M. Legacy of the Ludlow Massacre: A Chapter in American Industrial Relations. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1988. Gonzales, Donald J., Chronicled by. The Rockefellers at Williamsburg: Backstage with the Founders, Restorers and World-Renowned Guests. McLean, Virginia: EPM Publications, Inc., 1991. Hanson, Elizabeth. The Rockefeller University Achievements: A Century of Science for the Benefit of Humankind, 1901-2001. New York: The Rockefeller University Press, 2000. Harr, John Ensor, and Peter J. Johnson. The Rockefeller Century: Three Generations of America's Greatest Family. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1988. Harr, John Ensor, and Peter J. Johnson. The Rockefeller Conscience: An American Family in Public and in Private. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1991. Hawke, David Freeman. John D.: The Founding Father of the Rockefellers. New York: Harper & Row, 1980. Hidy, Ralph W. and Muriel E. Hidy. Pioneering in Big Business: History of Standard Oil Company (New Jersey), 1882-1911. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1955. Jonas, Gerald. The Circuit Riders: Rockefeller Money and the Rise of Modern Science. New York: W.W.Norton and Co., 1989. Josephson, Emanuel M. The Federal Reserve Conspiracy and the Rockefellers: Their Gold Corner. New York: Chedney Press, 1968. Josephson, Matthew. The Robber Barons. London: Harcourt, 1962. Kert, Bernice. Abby Aldrich Rockefeller: The Woman in the Family. New York: Random House, 2003. Klein, Henry H. Dynastic America and Those Who Own It. New York: Kessinger Publishing, [1921] Reprint, 2003. Kutz, Myer. Rockefeller Power: America's Chosen Family. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1974. Lundberg, Ferdinand. America's Sixty Families. New York: Vanguard Press, 1937. Lundberg, Ferdinand. The Rich and the Super-Rich: A Study in the Power of Money Today. New York: Lyle Stuart, 1968. Lundberg, Ferdinand. The Rockefeller Syndrome. Secaucus, New Jersey: Lyle Stuart, Inc., 1975. Manchester, William R. A Rockefeller Family Portrait: From John D. to Nelson. Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1959. Moscow, Alvin. The Rockefeller Inheritance. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Co., 1977. Nevins, Allan. John D. Rockefeller: The Heroic Age of American Enterprise. 2 vols. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1940. Nevins, Allan. Study In Power: John D. Rockefeller, Industrialist and Philanthropist. 2 vols. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1953. Okrent, Daniel. Great Fortune: The Epic of Rockefeller Center. New York: Viking Press, 2003. Ratto, Pietro. Rockefeller e Warburg. Le famiglie più potenti della terra. Bologna: Arianna Editrice [it], 2019. ISBN 978-88-6588-209-2. Reich, Cary. The Life of Nelson A. Rockefeller: Worlds to Conquer 1908-1958. New York: Doubleday, 1996. Roberts, Ann Rockefeller. The Rockefeller Family Home: Kykuit. New York: Abbeville Publishing Group, 1998. Rockefeller, David. Memoirs. New York: Random House, 2002. Rockefeller, Henry Oscar, ed. Rockefeller Genealogy. 4 vols. 1910 - ca.1950. Rockefeller, John D. Random Reminiscences of Men and Events. New York: Doubleday, 1908; London: W. Heinemann. 1909; Sleepy Hollow Press and Rockefeller Archive Center, (Reprint) 1984. Roussel, Christine. The Art of Rockefeller Center. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 2006. Scheiffarth, Engelbert. Der New Yorker Gouverneur Nelson A. Rockefeller und die Rockenfeller im Neuwieder Raum Genealogisches Jahrbuch, Vol 9, 1969, p16-41. Sealander, Judith. Private Wealth and Public Life: Foundation Philanthropy and the Reshaping of American Social Policy, from the Progressive Era to the New Deal. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997. Siegmund-Schultze, Reinhard. Rockefeller and the Internationalization of Mathematics Between the Two World Wars: Documents and Studies for the Social History of Mathematics in the 20th Century. Boston: Birkhauser Verlag, 2001. Stasz, Clarice. The Rockefeller Women: Dynasty of Piety, Privacy, and Service. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1995. Tarbell, Ida M. The History of the Standard Oil Company. New York: Phillips & Company, 1904. Winks, Robin W. Laurance S. Rockefeller: Catalyst for Conservation, Washington, D.C.: Island Press, 1997. Yergin, Daniel. The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money, and Power. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1991. Young, Edgar B. Lincoln Center: The Building of an Institution. New York: New York University Press, 1980. See also Gilded Age External links Wikimedia Commons has media related to Rockefeller family. Rockefeller Financial The Rockefeller Group The Rockefeller Foundation The Rockefellers – An American Experience Documentary Newspaper clippings about Rockefeller family in the 20th Century Press Archives of the ZBW vte Rockefeller family vte Banking families vte Rockefeller Center Aut16K views 10 comments