Mental Disorders and Entity Possession
The Presence of Other Worlds in SchizophreniaMental Disorders and Entity Possession One of the major misconceptions standing in the way or a cure for schizophrenia is the dogmatic belief that schizophrenia has a physical cause. After studying the voices schizophrenics hear for more than four decades it became very clear that not only do these voices run consistent repeatable patterns among all schizophrenics which precludes them from being hallucinations but that is is the voices which drive schizophrenia. If the voices can be gotten rid of by any means all symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia disappear with them.512 views 3 comments -
The Voices Schizophrenics Hear ARE NOT Hallucinations
The Presence of Other Worlds in SchizophreniaPsychiatry's proclamation that schizophrenia is a life sentence and that the voices schizophrenics hear are merely hallucinations simply is not true. Nor is it true that schizophrenics have a broken brain, chemical imbalance or a genetic abnormality although these beliefs helps big pharma make a lot of money on drugs that cure nothing. The voices schizophrenics hear run fixed repeatable patterns which flies in the face of psychiatry's unfounded claim that they are hallucinations. Schizophrenics who realize their malady is a spiritual battle and do everything possible to distance themselves from their voices have the best chance of a full recovery as our Anon guest reveals after a four week psychiatric hospitalization. There is a cure for paranoid schizophrenia and the key to that cure lies in the revelation of the truth that schizophrenia is driven by the voices and if they can be gotten rid of by any means all symptoms of this dread disorder vanish with them.207 views 3 comments -
What the Psychiatric Mafia and Big Pharma don't want you to know about Paranoid Schizophrenia
jmarz1Paranoid Schizophrenia is not a life sentence nor is it caused by what establishment propaganda profess. They don't want a cure as they are making some 14.7 billion dollars a year selling their toxic anti-psychotic drugs. They don't make money providing a cure but only endless treatments that merely suppress symptoms and cure absolutely nothing.28 views -
Extreme Schizophrenia - Dr. Joel Wallach
InfoHealthNewsExtreme Schizophrenia - Dr. Joel Wallach Page Link: https://infohealthnews.com/2021/07/06/extreme-schizophrenia-dr-joel-wallach/ http://infohealthnews.com http://wallachslog.com http://docslog.com Call: +1 (800) 212-2613 Outside USA +1 (774) 322-1690 Dr. Joel Wallach's Books: http://www.drwallachsbooks.com Dr. Joel Wallach’s Products : http://drwallachyoungevity.com Dr. Joel Wallach’s Daily Radio Program : http://drwallachradio.com Compre los productos del Dr. Wallach : http://www.ygyespanol.com Australia: http://youngevityaustralia.com Europe: http://youngevityeurope.com New Zealand: http://youngevitynz.co.nz Dr. Wallach takes a call from Diane who's son has several health challenges including schizophrenia, pre-diabetes, fatty liver and is obese. Dr. Wallach recommends the following products available from http://90minerals.com Healthy Brain and Heart Pak Synaptiv Sweet Eze KETO Caramel bars You can order these products from http://90minerals.com #Schizophrenia #diabetes #obese Tap Into Your Health Find the right nutritional mix for your specific health goals with this simple assessment. Take the Health quiz: https://www.ygyhealthquiz.com Order Doc’s CBD Products : http://www.hempfx.net Comprehensive Joint Care : http://www.projointfx.com Supreme Cardio Support : http://procardiofx.com Give your body the nutritional support it needs to help improve cardiovascular endurance and performance with CardioBeets! Order Here: http://bit.ly/2uSUtP3 Order HEALTHY BODY START PAKS Click Here : http://bit.ly/2erR6bs AUDIO CREDIT Dead Doctors Don’t Lie Radio Show http://bit.ly/2ws7FML *Disclaimer: These statements have not been reviewed or approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. ** Dead Doctors Don't Lie Audio is not available for rebroadcast for commercial purposes without a license. Please contact our website for licensing Information.470 views -
There is no Chemical Imbalance behind Mental Illness - You've been Lied to!
The Presence of Other Worlds in SchizophreniaThe psychiatric mafia and their big pharma handlers have been pushing a chemical imbalance as the cause of mental illness now for decades to sell more of their toxic drugs which merely mask symptoms and cure absolutely nothing. Their lie is finally catching up with them. Jerry Marzinsky BA M.Ed.— Jerry is a retired licensed psychotherapist with over 35 years of experience working with and studying the thought processes of psychotic and criminally insane patients in some of the most volatile psychiatric institutions in the nation. He has held the positions of 2nd Lt. Arizona Civil Air Patrol and Assistant Scout Master. His formal academic training comprises a B.A. in Psychology from Temple University, a Master’s Degree in Counseling from the University of Georgia, and two years of study in a Ph.D. Psychology program. He is the co-author of An Amazing Journey Into The Psychotic Mind - Breaking The Spell Of the Ivory Tower. ✅ Visit Jerry's website https://www.jerrymarzinsky.com/ ✅ Read Jerry and Sherry's book https://www.amazon.com/AMAZING-JOURNEY-INTO-PSYCHOTIC-MIND/dp/0359783368 ✅ Learn about Sherry's "That's a Lie" program https://keyholejourney.wordpress.com/2016/07/21/the-thats-a-lie-program/ ✅ Help us get this information out by donating to the following link: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?cmd=_donations&business=DPL2K2533M5WY¤cy_code=USD&source=url&Z3JncnB0= Your contributions are greatly appreciated. ✅ Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/EngineeringSanity/ #ThePressenceofOtherWorlds #JerryMarzinsky #Schizophrenia638 views 6 comments -
Finally a psychotherapy that cures many psychological problems - The Mace Energy Method
The Presence of Other Worlds in SchizophreniaAfter four years of undergraduate psychology, a masters degree in counseling two years in a psychology Ph.D. program and 45 years on the front lines of mental health in virtually every kind of mental health setting in the U.S. there is only one psycho-therapeutic/spiritual therapy that I've seen actually work to provide real results in curing psychological problems and that is the Mace Energy Method. It is an energetic therapy that takes into account that we are energy. Thoughts are energy, feelings are energy, memory is energy. The results of trauma are energetic. You can't cure the results of trauma with drugs that merely dope up the problem. This video talks about the Mace energy method along with other energetic causes for psychological problems.468 views 5 comments -
How Jesus Healed Me From Schizophrenia
Almost FalseRyan details his testimony of how he developed schizophrenia, and how he got cured from the mental illness by giving his life to Jesus. #schizophrenia #psychosis #jesustestimony Watch Full Interview ► https://rumble.com/v41b5y1-man-takes-mystery-substance-and-gets-his-soul-pulled-into-hell.html Website ► https://almostfalse.net/ Share Your Testimony Free Course ► https://almostfalse.thinkific.com/courses/howtoshareyourtestimony Submit Your Story ► https://almostfalse.net/#business Support Us Donate ► https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=DV5T22MHM4YWQ Shop Our Merch ► https://unashamed.ca/ Join Our Community Locals ► https://almostfalse.locals.com/ Discord ► https://discord.gg/h4eeEt57Jk DISCLAIMER: Almost False is a podcast dedicated to telling the stories of people who might not have the platform to do so. We do our best to ensure that the stories being told on the podcast are true but it is ultimately your responsibility to judge whether or not that is the case. Any views or opinions expressed by our guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or beliefs of the Almost False Podcast. Some of the stories presented might be graphic or contain adult content. Viewers' discretion is advised.227 views -
B3 (Niacin) in the Recovery from Schizophrenia (theory updated)
Schizophrenia HelpUpdating the Adrenochrome Theory of Schizophrenia by Abram Hoffer with 21st century methods for reducing adrenochrome by increasing NAD. Note: Keto, reduced inflammation, calorie restriction and low level laser therapy all increase NAD and they may increase it a lot, unfortunately i just couldnt find any effect sizes for them in any science papers as of yet. Mistakes: 1. Abram Hoffer died in 2009 not in the 1990s (mark 0:55) 2. Dopamine is increased by stress along with adrenaline which go onto increase adrenochrome (7:25 mark) References: https://schizoprevent.blogspot.com/2021/03/strategies-for-improving-schizophrenia.html The PowerPoints are now in the google drive link189 views -
5 More Supplements for Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia HelpList of constantly updated tips: https://schizoprevent.blogspot.com/2021/03/strategies-for-improving-schizophrenia.html 1)Brain Directed Multivitamin (EMPowerPlus) Creates energy Helps with pyroluria (Zinc, B6, Manganese, Vitamin C, and Magnesium help this and 50% of schizophrenics may have it) Cures bipolar (in many studies), helps schizophrenics in one study (7 patients) People are not getting enough nutrients in their diet Naturopaths often recommend this TrueHope offers a 45% discount for those on disability They make supplement councillors available to adjust dosages This helped me sleep less and be more active 2)Yokukansan (aka Yi Gan San) doesn't help in one (double blind placebo controlled) but does help in others: 25% improvement positive symptoms, 45% in negative and general symptoms in the PANSS test, severity of schizophrenia down by 60%, stops tardive dyskinesia (87% average reduction). 2.5g powder 3 times a day before meals (7.5g total) or 1.5g extract 3 times a day duration 12 weeks https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4411464/ Google drive No adverse reaction reported Doesn't interact negatively with antipsychotic Haven't researched supplement interactions with other recommended supplements yet. 3)Lion’s Mane Mushroom Encourages nerve growth, helps fatigue, builds myelin sheaths, protects against neuron death from oxidative or endoplasmic stress (antioxidant activity is however 4x lower than vit C and can be combined with other antioxidants) 25 to 30% improvement to positive negative and cognitive symptoms (though some is placebo, and it was tested in refractory schizophrenics only) Slows glucose absorption in the gut 27% lower triglyceride levels and 42% less weight gain after 28 days (in mice) 1000mg to 3000mg (2000mg average dose) Amyloban 3399 was used Other brands work fine, but strengths can be different. I suggest you follow the recommended dosing from your provider 2 studies (small trials (case studies only)) Some of the benefit of Lion's Mane might be similar to the KETO/carnivore diet due to lower triglycerides and lower blood glucose https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/lions-mane-mushroom#TOC_TITLE_HDR_9 Those who experienced the greatest improvement in cognition, mood, and sense of well-being were not on any prescription medication such as statins, hypertensive drugs, or blood thinners. Overall, the results of the study showed that Amyloban3399 improved mood, memory, and sense of well-being in 100% of those who were free of any medication. (Google drive link) Effect size is not retained (continuous treatment necessary (for above cognition study at least) Side Effects: testing in rats @ high doses with no ill effects Possible allergic reaction to the mushroom in some humans Lions Mane has long been consumed as food in Asia Precaution: Lowers blood sugar Lowers blood clotting (careful when having surgery, or if prone to bleeding (though no reports of this happening in humans) blood test (for schizo diagnosis) (seems fairly accurate in young people only, High CRMP2 also causes dendrites to be smaller, potentially fixed by Lion's Mane) 4)Betaine Makes neurons look less sick (healthier non-hyperbranching) in mice Zinc and B6 also help with this 2 studies in mice, 1 friend who it helped Thought you should use trimethylglycine (betaine anhydrous) but my friend recommended betaine hydrochloride(?) Stops working when discontinued Toru Mizoguchiuses Betaine (Famous Japanese Ortho Psychiatrist) 5)CoQ10 Many people believe energy systems in the body are effected by schizophrenia. Including the main source of cell energy the mitochondria. Therefore taking some supplements for energy may provide a large benefit. I'd recommend magnesium, b vitamins including b12, CoQ10, NAD boosters such as nicotinamide riboside (NR) acetyl l carnitine, french oak extract, two people had benefit from alpha lipoic acid (strong antioxidant so perhaps don't mix with cod liver oil), PQQ has be known to provide energy benefits also (though it is a strong antioxidant so perhaps don't take cod liver oil and PQQ at the same time (switch to regular fish oil for a period) (acts similar in some ways as lions mane), exercise also helps energy (see above), fisetin, brahmi, https://www.lifeextension.com/magazine/2020/10/constantly-tired-oak-wood-fights-fatigue? https://wholefoodsmagazine.com/columns/vitamin-connection/increased-energy-and-performance-as-well-as-detoxification-with-bioflavonoids-from-robuvit-french-oak-extract/ 0:00 Intro 0:23 EMP+ 4:31 Yi Gan San 7:19 Lion's Mane Mushroom 10:26 Betaine 13:35 CoQ10 15:03 Summery687 views 2 comments -
The Orthomolecular Treatment of Schizophrenia
Brian Brown - Journeyman HealerThe Orthomolecular Treatment of Schizophrenia http://doctoryourself.com/hoffer_psychosis.html https://www.amazon.com/Niacin-Andrew-W-Saul-PhD/dp/1684429021/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3N8F39GQZRHM7&keywords=niacin+the+real+story&qid=1692549592&sprefix=niacin+the+real+story%2Caps%2C526&sr=8-1 https://rumble.com/v39plfn-the-orthomolecular-treatment-of-alcoholism.html ahttps://rumble.com/vfrqmx-orthomolecular-treatment-of-alcoholism-depression-and-schizophrenia-using-v.html https://www.amazon.com/Orthomolecular-Treatment-Schizophrenia-Abram-Hoffer/dp/0879839104/ref=sr_1_1?crid=38O2LT4KV9KA&keywords=the+orthomolecular+cure+for+schizophrenia&qid=1692551400&sprefix=the+orthomolecular+cure+for+schizophrenia%2Caps%2C149&sr=8-1#customerReviews https://rumble.com/v30f2gu-pandeficiency-disease-the-orthomolecular-treatment.html https://rumble.com/v30f9c6-covid-19-lockdown-p.o.w.-syndrome-and-its-treatment.html Brian Brown - Journeyman Healer - www.brian-brown.org Brian is a catalyst for healing by bringing people, places, and things into balance using timeless methods.633 views